Hello Runners,
As most in the Chinese online RWR community probably figured out, we've had some ongoing issues with our former server provider in China which has locked the RWR servers for unclear reasons. After trying to keep an open discussion with the provider on how to remedy the situation to no avail, we currently have no other choice than to accept it and retire the servers in Mainland China to avoid such issues in the future. We are simply put not welcome anymore to continue hosting servers there.
While the exact cause is still unclear, we got enough clues to guess but won't go into details at this point.
RWR is just a game which connects people around the world to have fun and politics have no place in RWR!. We've said that often enough in the past and also our in-game moderators are applying consequences but will, in the future, be even more sensitive on that subject to avoid any kind of political discussions on delicate topics. This applies to everyone, no matter where the players comes from.
On the more pleasant side of things, the new ASIA servers have a premium line to Mainland China, hence benefiting from a low latency and no need to use network accelerators of any kind!
To ensure this, we have to restart the servers on a daily basis at 8AM Beijing time.
We have tested and tried so many different options and hope to have find the best solution for every Asia located Runner to enjoy!
Yours sincerely,
Osumia Games
Your Osumia Games
Change log 1.96.1:
maps: few fixes here and there
maps: fixed missing stash at the junkyard on "reversed" Rattlesnake Crescent
ai: new soldier class - the "Bomber". Equipped with a shield and a claymore attached to it. He is rushing the enemy and triggers the explosion when at close range (only in the online invasion map "Dry Enclave" so far)
throwables: fixed and issue where some soldier groups had a 25% chance to not spawn with throwables instead of 0% (Vanilla+Man vs. Zombies)
vehicles: missile launcher turret respawn time increased to 80 seconds
RUNNING WITH RIFLES: The Pacific (616850) Depot [294.29 M]
Available DLCs:
RUNNING WITH RIFLES is a top-down tactical shooter with open-world RPG elements.
In RWR, you join the ranks of an army as a common soldier, just like the thousands around you.
The open world approach lets you define your own path and story in the campaign. Push back the enemy with your comrades or go deep behind enemy lines to sabotage their efforts and loot valuable items.
As you gain experience, you are promoted with higher command over soldiers and equipment. Call in artillery fire missions or paratrooper reinforcements when the situation gets tight! Use your squad to man armed boats, tanks and APC's, or, become the expert lone wolf you always aspired to be - it's up to you!
hundreds of locations to explore from trenches to towns, deserts to snowy valleys
emergent AI that will question if you're as smart as you think you are
realistic cover system
dozens of different weapons, support and cover items, radio calls, vehicles
side objectives to keep you busy: destroy radio towers and other assets, steal cargo trucks, rescue prisoners
deaths and fails, a lot of them, including your own!
...and of course, mods!
Processor: 1.6 GHz Dual CoreMemory: 2 GB RAM
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: NVidia Geforce 6800. ATI x800. Intel HD3000 or equivalent with 256MB VRAM - please note that the game is not playable with ATI/AMD proprietary drivers!
Storage: 2 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Try out the latest demo to see if the game will run fine for you.