Hi all,
Excited to say is now live. Main focus has been performance improvements via multi-threading. Early testers are seeing extremely significant improvements in frame rate (50% to 100%). The other focus has been on tidying up the main menu, in game menu and tutorial system. The breadboard system has seen a lot of improvements and a number of quite serious bugs have been addressed, including fixes and improvements to Drills and Repair bots.
v2.4.6 [Add] : ACB can now stop a sound block playing a sound
v2.4.6 [Add] : Mannequin block added. Options to automatically set pose still to come
v2.4.6 [Add] : A video block has been added (in Decoration)
v2.4.6 [Add] : Added input with information about the flagship of the fleet
v2.4.6 [Add] : Added input with information about the point the AI tries to steer towards
v2.4.6 [Add] : Added optional grid to the breadboards. Modules will snap to it if enabled
v2.4.6 [Add] : Breadboards now evaluate off the main thread
v2.4.6 [Add] : Scroll wheel now zooms in and out on the breadboard
v2.4.6 [Add] : The 'del' key can now also be used to delete in- and output
v2.4.6 [Add] : You can now zoom in and out in the breadboard
v2.4.6 [Add] : Drill bit/extension armour class is improved when drill is spinning
v2.4.6 [Add] : Seagulls now circle vehicles and avatars (as well as the camera) when the opportunity arises
v2.4.6 [Add] : You can now change the number of seagulls, or turn them off altogether
v2.4.6 [Add] : Added a cinematic block-by-block spawn option for vehicles in designer
v2.4.6 [Change] : Changed the maximum for the adjuster disable range setting of the charge behaviour to 2000m
v2.4.6 [Change] : Autoloaders save the shell they have chambered- this removes extra ammo usage on vehicle spawn
v2.4.6 [Change] : You can now command an AI to attack a specific target (using E interface) regardless of if it has a target prioritisation card on
v2.4.6 [Change] : FTD no longer changes 'unity scenes' between different modes- it just cleans out rubbish from the old mode and loads in the new stuff. It's faster and more stable this way- but if any rubbish is left over, let us know.
v2.4.6 [Change] : Item thumbnails in the inventory now load asyncronosly so they do not pause the main thread when you change inventory page.
v2.4.6 [Change] : Main menu and in game menus restyled
v2.4.6 [Change] : CW Laser sound now diminishes over time to to make it less annoying when constantly firing
v2.4.6 [Change] : Steam engine crank parts have been moved to a different rendering system.
v2.4.6 [Change] : All projectiles are calculated off the main thread now
v2.4.6 [Change] : Connection of block subsystems is now done off the main thread
v2.4.6 [Change] : Creation of chunked meshes is now done off the main thread
v2.4.6 [Change] : Pathfinding now allocates much less temporary memory
v2.4.6 [Change] : Power creation, usage and controllable blocks all processed off the main thread now
v2.4.6 [Change] : Rams are more efficiently processed now
v2.4.6 [Change] : Some repair logic and all detection logic calculations calculated off the main thread
v2.4.6 [Change] : Terrain generation now runs much faster and with smaller memory allocations
v2.4.6 [Change] : Game supports the use of 'gifs' in interactive tutorial scenes to help guide player- we've added one so far.
v2.4.6 [Change] : On completion of a tutorial segment you are prompted to pick another one to complete (three options provided).
v2.4.6 [Change] : Quizes have been removed from the tutorial content
v2.4.6 [Change] : Tutorial content interface updated
v2.4.6 [Fix] : ACB can now control the new GP-PIDs properly [BUGS-725]
v2.4.6 [Fix] : Fixed [FTDSCRUM-288] ACB list of blocks to execute not updated properly with blocks added/removed to/from spinblocks
v2.4.6 [Fix] : Multiple bugs fixed for adventure mode. Moving through warp gates no longer needs to physically reposition everything in the world, which is nice.
v2.4.6 [Fix] : Fixed A, B, C, D and E drives of the propulsion module all affecting the A drive
v2.4.6 [Fix] : [BUGS-887] Fixed a bug regarding the spawning of a vehicle with coloured particle cannon in campaign
v2.4.6 [Fix] : Fixed a number of bugs with drills and made them more dangerous
v2.4.6 [Fix] : [BUGS-322] out of play drones (of a mothership force) no longer have fuel costs associated with their movement
v2.4.6 [Fix] : [BUGS-322] out of play fuel consumption of forces now correctly stops when the force is not moving, and is proportional to the movement speed of the force
v2.4.6 [Fix] : Lua errors are now logged in the Lua box again [BUGS-769]
v2.4.6 [Fix]
From the Depths - Steel Striders Anime Girls character pack
From the Depths - Gone to Sea DLC
In From the Depths you can build and take first-person command of battleships, planes, submarines, space ships, hot air balloons and more! The game is currently in alpha and contains a wide range of single player content including:
A creative mode allowing you to push your designs to the limit and ensure the total annihilation of your opponents.
A campaign waged over hundreds of islands against eight unique factions.
A Story Mode where you can (eventually!) play 15 missions as each of the eight factions - a fantastic mixture of strategy, design and wild battles! Defend your fleet against waves of enemy forces in a series of extremely tough challenges that unlock new components.
An expansive multiplayer and co-op element is planned for the coming months!
Key Features
Design and build your fleet, fortresses and structures however you want. The alpha currently has over 400 unique components blocks, not including 29 different components for making missiles, torpedoes, depth charges and bombs.
The sky's the limit, you can equip your vehicle with - cannons, lasers, mines, bombs, missiles, torpedoes, propellers, rudders, jet engines, wings, hydrofoils, hot air balloons, anchors, fire control computers, blueprint spawners, repair bots, air pumps, automated control blocks and many, many more!
Realistic physics - every block destroyed or added affects the vehicle's functionality, physics and control. Drag, inertia tensors, buoyancy and sealed compartments are all updated based on the design of your vehicle and the damage sustained.
Be part of a fantastic community (http://www.fromthedepthsgame.com/forum), with new releases made on average once a week. Community organised challenges and blueprint sharing make it an extremely friendly place to hang out!
Customisable Components
The customisable components in From the Depths allow a unique level of engineering customisation:
Design custom missiles, bombs, depth charges and torpedoes by combining various warheads types, fuse types, IR seekers, laser beam riders, laser designators, thrusters, navigation algorithms, fuel pods, sonar seekers, buoyancy compartments and propellers, to deliver a truly bespoke weapon.
Design custom cannons by combining four different barrel types and lengths with autoloaders, warhead types, ammo boxes and auxiliary components to create everything from AA cannons to howitzers.
Design custom AI by combing an AI mainframe with 'AI cards' slotted into motherboard blocks. Add radar detection, laser detection and tracking and local weapon controllers to give partial or full control to AI. Create anything from a fully AI controlled aircraft carrier to a battery powered drone.
Design custom engines using crank shafts, cylinders, carburetors, super chargers, exhausts and fuel injectors. Electric engines, generators and chargers are also available for backup power supplies and drones.
Similar systems exist for the creation of anti-vehicle and anti-missile lasers, as well as drills that can cut even the largest of battleships in half.
Memory: 4 GB RAMStorage: 3 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Steam connection required to play the game
Storage: 3 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Steam connection required to play the game
Memory: 8 GB RAMStorage: 3 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Steam connection required to play the game
Storage: 3 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Steam connection required to play the game