As usual, please opt into the "Future" branch if you're brave enough to test out what we're working on (see HERE for how to opt-in). This update tweaks the challenges, adds a lot of new story, a whole lot of fixes and a few features that players have asked for (even a sortof soft reset for those that hate permadeath). Full list below. If you do find bugs that you believe might be specific to this version please post them in the Support/Issues/Bugs Sub-forum with "[v0.33]" at the beginning of the title. (WARNING: Many changes may act odd if you're in the middle of a run. If you are in the middle of a run and aren't willing to start a new one you may want to wait till your run is ended, or see THIS post) Please let us know your thoughts/feedback on any of these things below! V0.33
- Special Add: As we wrap up v1.0, we’re still having some issues with Slots - particularly after commandeering another ship. Sometimes a slot is empty, but won’t allow upgrades to be installed. As we work to fix that, we’ve added some auto-data-validation logic on the main menu that specifically checks for slot errors. If you are in a game and cannot install into a slot, exit to the main menu. The auto-validate/fix is silent. Simply exit to the main menu, then back in game. We’d love to hear if that fixes most/all the issues, and we can make it better so you don’t have to go to the main menu to fix :)
- Major Add: New Game Over print out. Compare with run with your last 5 best runs. Only those runs played AFTER this update will be tracked and on the list.
- Major Add: More scrap on the Daily Challenge!
- Add: New rare DV color
- Major Change: Weekly challenge is now scored as you play! There’s a bonus for reaching the end (Stargate). You can tell if another player has not yet completed the Challenge if their score is dim. We hope this change encourages more play on the Weekly!
- Add: a whole lot more story
- Fix: [spoiler]Swarm sounds can be heard through walls once again![/spoiler] Add: Scroll around in Console using SHIFT + arrow keys. PgUp/PgDown still work to do the same.
- Add: CTRL + A moves to beginning of line in Console, CTRL + E moves to end of line in Console
- Add: CTRL+BACKSPACE to delete the previous word in the Console Change: CTRL + U now only deletes the text before the cursor (as opposed to the entire line)
- Add: Show Auto-show the help manual on the start of a player’s 4th run, open to the Strategy section
- Add: Message the first time the Weekly Challenge is played to tell the player what the goal is :D
- Add: “Game Over” detection on Weekly Challenge when out of fuel and can’t play further. Similar, but less binding message being tested on a regular Universe. In that case the message will tell you you are out of fuel, but allows you to say in game, if you so desire.
- Add: A “Soft Reset”. OK, so we know some of you “cheat” and kill the game when it looks like you will lose so you can get your equipment back. Sigh. We’ve now enshrined that in a feature called “Soft Reset”. You must enable it under Options, and can then access it from the pause menu in-game and if you die. It’s like an airbag for Duskers. Again, I say, sigh :)
- Add: Mod text to help manual
- Add: Pressing the HOME key will return you to your ship (ex: if viewing another system/galaxy)
- Add: Yet more sounds!
- Minor Add: Refer player to help manual if upgrade can have mods when using ‘help UPGRADE’ in console
- Minor Add: Sound when SV is panned all the way to the edge of the viewable area
- Minor Add: Show player’s ship name on Ship UI window
- Minor Add: A couple Strategy notes to the Help Manual
- Minor Add: More credits :D
- Major Change: The moment you start the Daily Challenge a 0 will be posted to Steam! It is a temporary score until you complete the challenge (and other players will see your entry as DIM so they know you are playing). This is to protect against players playing the Challenge, then killing the game before a score is posted, then playing again for a better score :)
- Change: Pulse Shield overlay when active
- Change: Flicker SV off/on a short time before the SV visual goes offline as a warning
- Minor Change: Made the selection lines more faint on the Universe view because they were conflicting with the travel lines.
- Minor Change: When showing new Galaxy (during a jump) now flashing the shortcut key IN ADDITION to the line/node
- Minor Change: Play Interface connect/disconnect sound in both views (was just SV before)
- Minor Change: Place Reset option at the top of the menu after the Game Over printout
- Fix: Change internal graphic settings so that (hopefully) the various DVs look the same on all computers.
- Fix: Sometimes doors were not showing powered color state in DV if they were discovered (and blinking) at the same time the power was turned on
- Fix: Ship upgrades on Modification UI were showing wrong color states
- Fix: Commandeering a ship with less P-Fuel than player currently had would give player more P-Fuel than their ship could hold.
- Fix: (MAYBE!) Took a good shot at keeping disabled/dead drones from showing shields, if they have that upgrade. This issue has been elusive over the last year, but I hope this is the final solution :)
- Fix: If player tried to jump to a NEW galaxy, jut then changed their mind and instead jumped to an EXISTING one, the data was flagging the new galaxy as visited, though it never had been.
- Fix: Prevent the docked airlock from failing (door no longer responding event)
- Fix: Noise setting wasn’t applying correctly in-game (was always on, no matter what value it was set to)
- Fix: Using the Swap UI between drones with different number of slots could cause the cursor to be “lost” on the drone with fewer slots until it was moved into view
- Fix: Adjust internal Hint position if game toggled between FS/Windowed so next Hint would be properly placed
- Fix: Additional fixes where turret sound kept playing when player died in battle
- Fix: Ignore case when specifying a ship upgrade to tow. Also allow partial names to be used.
- Fix: When using ‘sonic’ right after moving, it would be detected as moving and cancel the upgrade right-away
- Fix: Hide Turret overlay in SV when redocking ship
- Minor Fix: Show ‘min’ when console maximized
- Minor Fix: Moving the cursor through the command line causes the selected character to look weird
- Minor Fix: Auto-close Swap UI if opening the Steam overlay. Was causing conflicts with the game pausing when in the state.
- Minor Fix: ‘R1’ text wasn’t reorienting when moving the docking bay
- Minor Fix: Pause motion sound when Pause Menu open
- Minor Fix: “Blind Hint” (hint when scan results inconclusive) was showing between two rooms that were BOTH inconclusive
- Minor Fix: Name on System/Galaxy view was showing the wrong values (the one on the main screen area). Was also showing on the Universe screen, but wasn’t supposed to be there at all.
- Minor Fix: When setting Stealth while in DV, then switching to SV and back to DV, the stealth would be brighter. More going for a roe subtle look to the stealth overlay
- Minor Fix: When towing a ship upgrade while on the SV, it wasn’t stuttering like the rest of the moving UI elements
- Minor Fix: Help Manual didn’t show help for all known drone upgrades when game first opened. Needed to enter the galaxy (Play Game) for them to be correctly updated
- Minor Fix: The game could crash in rare cases on certain boarding logs
- Minor Fix: Airlock vacuum sound playing when opening the airlock attached to the docking ship
- Minor Fix: When drone ‘navigate’ing and ‘tow’ing, was playing the sound incorrectly
- Minor Fix: If a patrol bot was firing at a sensor when it was vented, there would be weird “streaks” in the room
- Minor Fix: The lootable drones (non-fleet drones) still had an old model we used during early development. In some cases, that model would be left behind when the drone was vented out of an airlock
[ 2016-05-06 06:52:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Duskers Linux [262.26 M]
You are a drone operator, surrounded by old gritty tech that acts as your only eyes and ears to the outside world. What you hear comes through a remote microphone. What you see is how each drone sees the world. Motion sensors tell you something's out there, but not what. And when you issue commands, you do it through a command line interface.Adapt
You have to earn everything in Duskers, scavenging drone upgrades, drones, and even ship upgrades. But dangerous creatures lurk in these derelict ships, and weapons are rare, so you may need to think of a clever way to explore a military outpost using only a motion sensor and a lure.But even if you find a way, the sensor that you rely on may break down, or you may run out of lures, even your drone's camera feed can start to fail. A favorite strategy can't be exploited for long, so you'll have to continually adapt.
Duskers is set in a procedurally generated Universe, and when you die you lose everything. You not only need to worry about what hazards lay waiting for you in the derelicts, but also running out of fuel, or parts to modify your drones and ship.You are alone, isolated in the dark reaches of space. Only by sifting through what ship logs remain un-corrupted can you piece together what happened.
- Use a Command Line Interface to control drones & ship systems
- Explore procedurally generated derelict ships and universe
- Upgrade and modify drones with the salvage you find
- Discover ship logs and piece together what happened
About Us
We previously made A Virus Named TOM and then were fortunate enough to get Indie Fund to help us fund Duskers. More about us HERE- OS: Ubuntu 12.04+. SteamOS+
- Processor: SSE2 instruction set supportStorage: 200 MB available space
- Storage: 200 MB available space
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