2017-01-27: 2.35
New content:
- Localizations: Russian, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, French, Brazilian Portuguese
- Item: Shopkeep Familiar
- Item: Ring of Piercing
- Subtitles for opening cutscene
- Give rat familiar piercing
- Ice spirit: don't hit enemies that require phasing damage (burrowed moles & fmole, unactivated mimics)
- Blood shrine also grants blood shovel (in addition to the blood weapon) on the ground
- Blood shrine only damages your red hearts, not your cursed hearts
- Reduce frequency of electric zombies in single zone mode
- Zone 5 overlay skip certain categories of enemy: sarcophagi, closets, wraiths
- Nocturna exit bat form also grant 2 ibeats
- Change Zone 5 overlay enemy selection to force more variety of types (reduces excessive skull swarms)
- Monk/Coda: don't spawn wall gold
- Minor updates to Korean localization
- Fix these to not work in bat form: flail knockback, ring of frost, gold weapon gold bonus
- Fix: in bat form, never show weapon glows (for blood & gold weapons)
- Fortissimole: at boss end, enemies don't drop gold except for monk & gold weapons; late spawns don't drop gold even for monk & gold weapons to prevent infinite gold
- Fix kc5/fm5 always being last by generating floor seeds using a better algorithm
- Bat form fixes: new armor shouldn't protect; new torches shouldn't illuminate
- Fix crash when double-tapping beats after boss song has looped
- Fix base game crashes from dlc save data: deprecate diamond dealer attributes, pending spawn attributes
- Fix crash on unexpected default character entry in save xml
- Bump version of default character attribute to fix base game forwards compatibility crash
- Fix gameplay options menu crash when save data default character is invalid
- War shrine don't make tar balls, since tar balls are intentionally disabled
- Fix bug where if Nocturna is default character, player would gain Transform spell when starting ND1 boss
- Fix crash when accessing gameplay options menu while in bat form
- Dorian FM4: replace the blademasters with harpies (as is done in KC4)
- Removed Earth Dragon for now due to a bug; it will return soon!