2017-03-16: 2.44
- New shrine: Boss Shrine
- New shrine: Shrine of Pain
- New shrine: Shrine of Uncertainty
- Change hard mode sarcophagi to die only to explosions (bombs)
- Allow shrine of peace in shriner
- Allow modding character starting equipment in necrodancer.xml
- Update diamond art
- Add diamond bestiary splash image
- Add achievement for completing Zone 5
- Bomb charm: instead of bomb immunity, your bombs don't hurt players; damage is only 4 still (not infinite); higher cost in shop
- Hard mode: give slow sarco spawns a longer delay before moving (same as fortissimole spawns)
- Make daggers always enchant into special daggers
- Allow Diamond to discover invisible chests diagonally
- Fix hard mode skull sarcophagus skeleton spawns to not drop gold after the first skull
- Fix bug where a stackable dropped by replacing a backpack with a holster will vanish when re-acquired
- Fix enemies moving away from player under certain conditions involving multi-tile movement (typically leaping boots)
- Fix melody/aria to unlock by beating cadence/melody final boss (status quo was beating z4)
- Hard mode: don't spawn gorgons from sarcophagi (because the statues clog up the level)
- Hard mode: make sarcos avoid walls in z4 (to hopefully avoid blocking shops)
- Hard mode: shrines avoid having tough sarcophagi in the spawn area
- Fix Diamond having guns appear in vaults
- Diamond: fix losing multiplier when activating a shrine diagonally
- Diamond: fix confusion not working for diagonal movement
- Diamond: fix minotaur charging strange direction when dodging him with diagonal movement
- Diamond: don't drop bag of holding when the conjurer dies
- Fix Fortissimole being unhittable on stage by dagger of phasing
- Fix shrine of sacrifice's miniboss item spawns for weaponless characters
- Fix barrel monkeys being immediately knocked back by the bomb blast that opened the barrel
- Fix cutlass not enchanting when not unlocked (by making cutlass unlocked by default)
- Fix zone 2 armadillo animation when rolling diagonally; also allow them to roll diagonally after hitting diagonal bounce trap