NecroDancer SYNCHRONY DLC Available Now! - Update v3.1.0
The Crypt has been silent for 5 years, but now the NecroDancer is back from the dead with a huge new DLC! SYNCHRONY adds online multiplayer (co-op and vs), three new characters, full mod support (& built-in mod portal), new items, enemies, & more! Let's take a look! [previewyoutube=MX9JlggiCHo;full][/previewyoutube] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2094810/Crypt_of_the_NecroDancer_SYNCHRONY/
Play with up to 8 players at once in online co-op and versus modes!
The Crypt has been silent for 5 years, but now the NecroDancer is back from the dead with a huge new DLC! SYNCHRONY adds online multiplayer (co-op and vs), three new characters, full mod support (& built-in mod portal), new items, enemies, & more! Let's take a look! [previewyoutube=MX9JlggiCHo;full][/previewyoutube] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2094810/Crypt_of_the_NecroDancer_SYNCHRONY/
New DLC - Crypt of the NecroDancer: SYNCHRONY!
New Characters
- Wields the Zweihnder, a heavy sword that occupies a tile diagonally adjacent to her.
- The Zweihnder follows Klarinetta's movement, striking any enemies in its way.
- Diagonal movement buttons swing the Zweihnder around in a quarter-circle or half-circle, attacking enemies on several tiles at once.
- Rotating the sword takes a full beat and causes Klarinetta to stand still momentarily.
- When held in place, the Zweihnder acts as a barrier against enemies, preventing them from walking into the tile it occupies.
- A frail, ghostly being who with only half a heart, which cannot be increased by any means.
- Wields the Lantern, which has the range of a dagger and provides a small amount of light.
- Striking enemies with the Lantern gradually takes over their soul, allowing Chaunter to possess them after dealing enough damage!
- Possessing an enemy lets Chaunter take full control, copying their health, damage and abilities
- All enemy abilities are mapped to the action and spell slots.
- For example, a possessed Red Dragon breathes fire using the two spell buttons.
- Slow enemies such as Skeletons or Golems can move quickly while possessed.
- Unlike fast enemies or Chaunter itself, slow enemies are allowed to wield weapons, overriding their usual attack!
- Attacking, digging or using items forces them to stand still for a few beats.
- When losing all hearts while transformed into an enemy, Chaunter reverts back to its usual form.
- Control of an enemy cannot be kept indefinitely - a countdown of 24 beats starts ticking as soon as Chaunter takes possession.
- Once the timer runs out, the possessed enemy starts taking damage, eventually forcing Chaunter back into its base form.
- This can also be done manually by performing the 'Eject' action (Left+Right).
- Wields the Lance of Courage, a melee weapon that unleashes a rapid, powerful dash when killing an enemy!
- All enemies in a straight line are killed instantly as Suzu dashes through them.
- The dash attack is only stopped by walls and shielded enemies, letting Suzu travel many tiles in an instant.
- Bounce traps redirect her dash, altering her attack trajectory and final position!
- Suzu is fully invincible during her dash, protecting her from any enemies waiting at her destiation.
Online Multiplayer
Play with up to 8 players at once in online co-op and versus modes!
Rollback Multiplayer Architecture
- Play with friends from around the world without perceptible input/audio/visual lag!
- High-latency support: two-player sessions are playable up to 300 milliseconds of latency.
In-game lobby browser and lobby visibility settings
- Includes public, friends-only, and private lobbies
- Steam multiplayer integration for creating and joining lobbies - no port forwarding needed.
- Optional support for direct IP connections and LAN play.
- Headless dedicated server to allow hosting persistent lobbies and tournament matches.
Spectator Mode
- Spectate any individual player, changing targets at any time.
- 'Spectate everyone' mode, splitting the HUD and zooming out the game view to see all players at once.
- Automatic spectator view upon death or after entering stairs while waiting for other players to finish the level.
- Ability to return to the level after entering the stairs to rejoin players instead of waiting.
Late joining and rejoining support for online sessions
- Disconnecting automatically enters spectator mode, allowing the player to jump back into the game after reconnecting.
- Health bars and name plates for other players in online sessions and spectator mode.
- In-game text chat with various scaling and visibility options.
- Seamless hosting: an ongoing run can be opened up into a multiplayer session at any time via the 'Host online game' menu option.
- Multiplayer save & quit restored sessions can be re-opened to the network, allowing other players to rejoin.
- Replays and cutscenes can be watched together online, with the host player having access to the playback controls.
- Per-player resource packs (Workshop mods):
- Each player can load their own individual set of resource packs, independently of the host or other players.
- The player character's appearance can be customized freely by choosing skins from any installed mod.
- Support for custom beatmaps can be enabled by the host player, allowing players to move at different speeds.
Hybrid online and local co-op support
- Up to 4 local players can play together, including in online sessions.
DLC Cross-Play Support
- DLC-only modes, characters, items, enemies and Zone 5 are disabled while the DLC is inactive.
- Players without the AMPLIFIED DLC can connect to lobbies hosted in non-AMPLIFIED mode.
- AMPLIFIED players can join non-AMPLIFIED lobbies, automatically turning off DLC content in the process.
- Online multiplayer is available to all owners of the Synchrony DLC, even if the new gameplay content is disabled.
- Cross-platform multiplayer between Windows, macOS and Linux.
- Networking performance features:
- Desync detection, automatically resynchronizing players in case of a game state difference.
- Dynamic input reprioritization, limiting the impact of any one player's lag spikes on other players in the session.
- Hybrid peer-to-peer and server-client network code, reducing latency in cross-region multiplayer sessions.
- Noise control system to gradually lower the volume of any repetitive player-made sounds.
New Items
Shield Slot
- Faces in the wielder's movement direction and protects them against damage from that direction.
- Wooden Shield: Protects against one hit before breaking.
- Titanium Shield: Protects against two hits before breaking.
- Heavy Shield: Protects against three hits before breaking, and also grants knockback immunity while active.
- Obsidian Shield: Shields 1, 2 or 3 hits depending on the wielder's coin multiplier.
- Shield of Strength: Protects against one hit before breaking. Grants +1 damage while unbroken!
- Reflective Shield: Protects against one hit before breaking, deflecting damage back to the enemy in the process.
- Shield of Shove: Protects against one hit before breaking, and allows the wielder to shove adjacent enemies.
Onyx Weapons
- Deals greatly increased damage on consecutive hits, but loses the damage bonus upon moving.
- Most effective on weapons that hit a broad range of tiles, less so on weapons with dash attacks
- Attacks like a broadsword at a higher range, hitting a row of three tiles, or like a dagger at close range.
- Comes in all common weapon flavors: Basic, Blood, Gold, Titanium, Glass, Obsidian and Onyx!
- Throwable! When thrown, three lanes are hit at once instead of just one, clearing out a much wider area!
Throwing Charm
- Allows any weapon to be thrown like a Dagger!
- Once per level: throwing a weapon causes it to return to the wielder, dealing damage on the way back.
- Stepping sideways after throwing slants the return trajectory, allowing different tiles to be hit!
Berserk Spell
- Starts a berserking charge on the next move, killing any enemies unfortunate enough to stand in the way!
- Stops upon colliding with a wall or any other obstacle.
- The Berserk state grants immunity to incoming attacks, but removes the ability to change directions until it ends.
- Greater Berserk fills the caster with even more blind rage, additionally killing enemies on adjacent tiles!
Dash Spell
- Turns the next move into a long-range dashing attack, dealing 4 hearts of damage to any enemies along its path!
- If an enemy is killed by the dash, the caster will pass right through.
- Greater Dash increases the range and damage of the dashing attack!
Charm Spell
- Charm nearby monsters to turn them into temporary allies!
- Allied monsters will seek out and attack other enemies until the effect wears off.
- Bumping into an allied monster pushes it out of the way, dealing damage when squished against an obstacle.
- Greater Charm's effect does not wear off, turning monsters into allies for the entire duration of the floor!
Scroll of Duplication
- Drops from an activated Shrine of Duplication.
- Duplicates all items, enemies, crates and chests in 3x3 range around the user.
- Enemies, crates and chests are only duplicated if there is space behind them.
- Shop items retain their price tags when duplicated.
- The Scroll of Duplication itself cannot be duplicated.
New Enemies
- Runs towards the player and tries to steal their items! Weapons and items in locked slots are not stolen.
- In co-op mode, the Thief takes turns trying to rob different players, and will dodge attacks from any player other than its target.
- When two items are stolen successfully, the Thief laughs at their victims and quickly disappears.
- When killed, it drops a random uncommon item, along with any potentially stolen goods.
- The Thief has a low chance of spawning on any level but is slightly more common in co-op mode
- Created by the Shrine of Duplication - copies all equipment of the player who activates the shrine.
- Mirrors the actions the player closest to it - movement, attacks, digging and even using items and spells!
- Can pick up items and gold from the ground, which are dropped upon death.
Shock Monkey
- While grabbed, deals half a heart of damage to its struggling victim per hit!
- Each hit also starts an electric arc that damages nearby enemies.
- Stay away from water!
New Traps
Dice Trap
- When stepped on, the Dice Trap spawns a number of completely random enemies from any zone, then disappears.
Automatic Spike Trap
- Alternates between extending and retracting each beat. Inflicts damage only while extended.
Floor Crack
- Guaranteed to spawn exactly once per zone, somewhere on a random level.
- Creates a trapdoor upon being destroyed by a bomb.
Spiked Wall
- Inflicts damage to the player when dug with a shovel.
- Spikes are only visible if the corresponding side of the wall is adjacent to a floor tile.
- Revealed enemies take damage when moving into spiked wall tiles.
New Shrines
Shrine of Duplication
- Spawns a Mannequin wielding copies of all items worn by the player who triggered the shrine.
- The Mannequin mirrors all actions of the closest player!
- Defeating the Mannequin will drop its items on the ground, granting a duplicate set of items for other players to pick up.
- Can only be found in co-op mode.
Shrine of Binding
- When touched by two players at once, their souls are linked together for the rest of the run.
- Linked players share one and the same inventory, health bar and coin multiplier.
- If one player takes damage or dies, both players are affected!
- In online multiplayer, linked players can always see each other, with the view expanding as needed to fit both players.
- Can only be found in co-op mode.
Shrine of the Feast
- Activates upon eating two food items adjacent to the shrine, granting a choice between three items.
- Cannot be interacted with directly.
Shrine of Fire
- Activates upon inflicting fire-type damage to the shrine, granting a choice between three items.
- Cannot be interacted with directly.
Other Gameplay Features
Pawnbroker Rework
- After two items have been sold to him, the Pawnbroker will present a selection of his finest wares at great prices!
- He offers a choice between three items at a discount, of which only one can be chosen.
- Selling more items causes him to re-roll his shop's contents, presenting a different choice of three items.
- After purchasing an item, selling more equipment will not cause the shop items to reappear.
- Selling enough items causes the Pawnbroker to present his Special Offer!
Equipment Sprites
- Displays all held and equipped items on the player character's sprite.
- The visibility of equipment sprites can be controlled in the 'Change Skin' menu.
- By default, equipment sprites are only visible on the default skin, and hidden when selecting a custom skin.
New Game Modes
Versus Modes
- Engage in combat with other players in Player versus Player modes!
- Instead of going through the floors of the crypt together, use various items and strategies to defeat your opponents!
- Arenas are procedurally generated, combining 2 zones into 1 floor!
- As the game progresses, various events can happen on the arena. This includes shop travel runes spawning, everyone becoming confused, and... telemonkeys?!
Versus mode: Deathmatch (default)
- In this mode, the winner is the player who manages to get the most points, which are earned by defeating others.
- Getting defeated by taking damage from enemies or floor hazards results is penalized by losing one point.
- However, if the above happens shortly after taking damage from a player, that player will be considered the killer. In this case, there's no penalty and the other player gains a point normally.
- Players respawn shortly after being defeated, so you can get back to the action quickly!
- To view the list of players and their points, use the 'Toggle player list' hotkey ('Tab' by default, configurable in menu controls).
- By default, a deathmatch consists of 3 rounds on different floors. However, this (and many other things) can be changed in the 'Custom rules' menu after entering Versus Mode!
Versus mode: Last One Dancing
- The winner is simply the player who manages to survive the longest - no complicated rules here!
- To enable this mode, change the game mode in the 'Custom rules' menu.
Team Up With Other Players
- The modes above can also be played in teams, which can be enabled within 'Custom rules'!
- Players can either be assigned to teams automatically or choose their teams manually.
Use never-before-seen items, which appear exclusively in Versus
- Wind Tomes: push away nearby enemies and players! It may also be used to surprise your opponents with bombs...
- Goblin Bomber Charm: makes you drop a lit bomb when defeated.
- Ring of Gluttony: makes food heal you a bit more.
- Ring of Whirlwind: casts a greater wind spell which pushes enemies away when you get hit and also prevents the damage, then shatters.
- Essences: these mysterious items allow you to enchant your weapon to a specific material!
- Electricity Tomes: temporarily grants electric attack powers (note: this item will only appear if the AMPLIFIED DLC is enabled)
Versus-Specific Item Tweaks
- Certain changes have been made to some items to make them work better in PvP. These changes are only applied when in versus mode, and the items function as normal outside of it.
- Cookies: to prevent excessive invincibility frames, their base quantity has been lowered to 3.
- Fireball Spell/Tome/Scroll: limited the range to 3 tiles and reduced damage to 2 and 4 for normal fireball and greater fireball respectively. However, the 2-damage version can still be used to open crates.
- Pulse Spell/Tome/Scroll: reduced damage to 2 and 4 for normal pulse and greater pulse respectively, and similar to fireball, the 2-damage version can still open crates. Pulse now also bypasses shields and armor.
- Freeze Spell/Tome/Scroll: duration of freezes has been halved.
- Shield Spell/Tome/Scroll: duration of shields has been halved.
- Various Spells also received adjustments to their cooldowns and blood cast costs.
- Grenade Charm: the damage buff has been removed, making grenades deal the same damage as regular bombs.
- Ring of Regeneration: heals 0.5 hearts every 50 beats.
- Ring of Peace: makes you invisible to enemies (but not other players).
- Arc Dagger: replaced the infinite damage when standing on a wire with a +2 damage boost.
- Rifle/Blunderbuss: piercing effect has been removed, Rifle's range is now limited to 4 tiles.
- Rapiers: when lunging, damage is increased by 1 instead of being doubled.
- Battle Shovel: replaced the infinite damage after digging with a +2 damage boost.
- Crown of Thorns: heals every 5 kills, removed damage on pickup.
- Throwing Charm: the effect of making thrown weapons return is restored after 50 beats.
New Weapon Material: Jade
- Use jade weapons to apply poison to the target of your attack!
- After becoming poisoned, characters will take damage after 3 beats. This damage cannot be avoided by normal means.
- However, poison can be healed by consuming food, preventing the damage from happening entirely.
- Use Jade Essence to enchant your weapon to a jade version.
New Weapon Material: Crimson
:- Crimson weapons heal the user every 5 kills. However, unlike blood weapons, they do not grant a damage boost when on low health.
- They are also piercing by default, bypassing any armor and shields your opponents may have!
- Use Crimson Essence to enchant your weapon to a crimson version.
Other Mechanics
- When multiple players perform actions on the same beat, they are resolved in the following order:
- item/spell usage
- weapon attacks
- movement
- This means that you are always able to use a defensive item before getting hit. However, when you are in someone's range, they will be able to hit you even if you try to move away!
- When transmogrifying a weapon in Versus, it will keep its current material.
Balance Tweaks
Alongside a few quality-of-life changes, many of these tweaks are aimed at improving the game's balance for speedrun and races, while not affecting casual runs too significantly. All of these changes take effect when the Synchrony DLC is enabled:- Removed Boots of Lunging, Magic Cookies and Charm of Strength from crates.
- Removed food items from Shrine of Pain's reward item pool.
- Removed Blood Dagger from Shrine of Blood's item pool.
- Removed Scrolls from boss reward chests.
- Reduced the number of doorway-blocking Green Slimes on Monk/Coda.
- Reduced chance of crates containing Boots of Leaping and Ring of Pain.
- Reduced the number of enemies removed by Ring of Peace from 8 to 5.
- Changed Shrine of Darkness to increase the tracking distance of enemies from 3 to 5 tiles.
- Changed Mary's Curse to no longer bypass the Potion.
- Increased the base price of the Map from 25 to 75.
- Increased the base price of the Compass from 6 to 25.
- Increased the base price of the Torch of Walls from 20 to 50.
- Increased minimum spawning distance for enemies summoned by Nocturna's final boss from 2 to 3 tiles.
- Increased the minimum distance for Skeletons summoned by Death Metal 1 and 2 from 2 to 2.5 tiles.
- Changed Shrine of Glass to convert Heavy Plate Armor into Heavy Glass Armor.
- Changed Shrine of Glass to no longer grant Glass Jaw to Melody, Eli or Tempo.
- Reduced the number of trapdoors appearing in levels, particularly near the spawn point.
- Reduced the maximum number of Skeletons summoned by Death Metal 1 from 3 to 2.
- Reduced the number of upgraded Tentacles in Coral Riff by 2 per zone.
- Reduced the spawn limit of Nocturna's final boss from 24 to 16 in single-player (unchanged in co-op).
- Reduced the health of the batteries in phase 2 of Nocturna's final boss fight from 8 to 6.
- Changed the batteries of Nocturna's final boss to be immune to the player's bombs.
- Reduced the priority of Electric Orbs to be slightly above barrels, but below all other enemies.
- Changed players to no longer collide with each other or block thrown weapons in co-op mode.
- Changed co-op mode to require all players to finish the level to proceed to the next floor (with at least one player making it to the exit alive).
Modding Features
Full mod support via an extensive Lua modding API
- Event-driven game code, allowing most gameplay events to be intercepted and handled by mods.
- Full live-reloading: mods can be edited and the changes seen in real-time.
- Mods can be loaded and unloaded in the middle of a run.
- Ability to load multiple Lua mods at the same time.
- Automatic multiplayer compatibility for most (deterministic) gameplay mods.
- Flexible Entity-Component-System architecture, allowing for the extension and modification of all entities in the game.
- Customization points for tiles, level generation and other gameplay systems.
- Procedural weapon system to define new weapon materials and shapes and have their combinations generated automatically.
- Customizable item pools for shops, secret rooms, chests and crates.
- API reference webpage, listing functions, components, events and classes with descriptions where available.
Mod Portal for sharing and discovering community-made mods, powered by mod.io!
- In-game menu to manage, browse and download gameplay mods.
- Auto-download mods (after a confirmation prompt) when joining a server with mods that are not locally installed.
- Auto-update system for mods, informing the user on the main menu when a new version of an installed mod is available.
- Options for mod categorization (favorite/hidden, local/downloaded, active/inactive) and filtering.
- mod.io upload integration: publish mods directly via the in-game mod menu!
- mod.io account creation is not required to browse, download and play mods.
- A log-in via Steam or an e-mail code is only prompted when publishing a mod.
Other Changes
- Added leaderboards for No-Beat Mode, tracked separately from the Custom Music leaderboards
- Added leaderboards for Bolt Double Tempo Mode
- Added separate highscore leaderboards for the Gold Duplication exploit
The following Quirks that were retained for compatibility with previous versions are now fixed when the Synchrony DLC is enabled:- Fixed Aria and Coda encountering empty barrels in Zone 4 when a barrel would have contained a monkey
- Fixed Armadillo shields being bypassed by double attacks in co-op mode or via 'Pain' items
- Fixed players not dash-attacking into Electric Orbs unless wielding a Rapier
- Fixed Backpacks containing one item sometimes requiring the secondary key combination to be pressed to activate the item
- Fixed explosions causing enemies to act one beat sooner
- Fixed boss fights being skippable by using Earth Spell just below the main arena
- Fixed Pack of Holding not dropping its contents when switching to a regular Backpack
- Fixed gold coins being duplicated if picked up while merging with another gold pile (can be re-enabled to submit to "Duping" leaderboards)
- Fixed Skeleton Knights sometimes taking double knockback when dismounted
- Fixed Waterballs not causing the player to sink into the water if they had previously unsunken themselves on the same tile
- Fixed Earth Spell not creating walls on final story bosses
- Fixed Exploding Mushroom and Pixies being able to damage unrevealed enemies
- Fixed Familiars becoming displaced from the player character when a Warlock is killed via Boots of Pain
- Fixed Nocturna's penultimate boss being able to telefrag himself, sometimes skipping a phase of the boss fight
- Fixed Heavy Glass Armor being stackable past 3 stacks
- Fixed Boots of Leaping and Boots of Lunging sharing the same toggle state when switching between them
- Fixed Boots of Leaping not stopping in front of walls in Phasing Mode
- Fixed Boots of Lunging allowing Shopkeepers and story boss props to be knocked back
- Fixed Aria's final boss being taking damage from non-weapon sources while confused
- Fixed Shovemonsters and Gorgons not moving past Mary's lamb
- Fixed Metrognomes teleporting to the exit stairs instead of the their spawn point
- Fixed Mystery Mode not obscuring the player's shovel swipe
- Fixed healing not granting invincibility frames on Cadence's final boss fight
- Fixed Melody's final boss sometimes standing still near walls
- Fixed Nightmare shadows causing enemies to act one beat sooner after being revealed
- Fixed Eli's hand not starting an electric arc when attacking a Skull on a wire
- Fixed Nocturna's minimap continuing to display the locations of enemies after transforming back into human form
- Fixed Nocturna being able to transmogrify her weapon and head slots infinitely while in Bat Form
- Fixed walls interrupting ice slides in Phasing Mode
- Fixed Dagger of Phasing being stopped by chests and shrines when thrown
- Fixed Pixie explosions not destroying items, wires, ice, water or metal doors
- Fixed Vaults containing gold when playing Monk and Coda
- Fixed the player's previous position not resetting when using a War Drum or other action items, affecting enemy movement
- Fixed the Conjurer's and Transmogrifier's price resetting to the minimum after generating enough items using Ring of Shadows
- Fixed Headless Skeletons, Cutlass parries, Ring of Pain, Boots of Lunging, Golden Lute and crate knockback treating diagonal damage as orthogonal
- Fixed Pixies not retaliating against players lunging into them with an Axe
- Fixed exploding Pixies damaging distant players wielding a Rapier
- Fixed some enemies moving immediately after taking knockback in Randomizer Mode, even if they were randomized to be slower
- Fixed Skeletons getting stuck in place when walking into a Rat Familiar
- Fixed Slimes being biased towards bumping into walls
- Fixed spellcasts being treated as movements in some cases, causing the player to start sliding on ice and Clones to move again
- Fixed Ghasts and Ghouls idling for one beat after moving into a Rat Familiar
- Fixed War Drum, Blood Drum, Boots of Leaping and Boots of Lunging causing level transitions to be delayed when used on a staircase
- Fixed unaffordable chests resetting Tempo's death timer
General Changes for All Versions
New Features and Additions
- Enemy silhouettes now have a faint outline, making them easier to see against dark floor tiles.
- The intensity of this effect can be changed in the graphical options.
- Enemies standing in total darkness or within a Nightmare's shadow do not have outlines.
- In co-op mode, enemies now indicate which player they are currently following via a small arrow pointing at the player.
- Whenever an enemy's target player changes, this arrow appears for a few seconds before fading out.
- The visibility of these indicators can be configured in the gameplay options.
- Local co-op players now share their coin multipliers, gold counters and spell inventories.
- This also applies to Cadence and Dorian in Cadence's final boss fight in single-player.
- Local co-op players always teleport together when entering or exiting a secret shop, while online co-op players can enter and leave separately.
- Crypt of the NecroDancer now uses the Silver pixel font to display international characters.
- The original vector font from previous versions can be enabled in the language options.
- The contents of resource packs downloaded from the Steam Workshop can now be explored by using the 'open directory' option in the mod browser.
- In order to use the modified resource pack, it must be copied from the
. - The enemy types spawned by Sarcophagi can now be customized
- The item dropped by Shopkeepers can now be customized
- Boss levels can now be resized freely
- Added a confirmation when trying to leave the level editor when there are unsaved changes
- Added a setting to mute the music in the level editor (enabled by default)
- Changed the Ghost Shopkeeper to no longer sing his soothing song while in the level editor
- Changed Vertical Sync to be controlled by a separate checkbox in the Display Options menu
- Changed the game window to open at the appropriate resolution immediately, instead of resizing shortly after launch
Enemy outlines
Co-op target indicators
Local co-op adjustments
New International Font
Workshop mod extraction
Level Editor Improvements
Game Window Improvements
[ 2022-08-04 17:13:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Crypt of the NecroDancer
Brace Yourself Games
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The Game includes VR Support
Public Linux Depots:
- NecroDancer linux content [1.6 G]
- NecroDancer -- Launch Build Access for Press -- LINUX [0 B]
- Crypt of the NecroDancer: AMPLIFIED -- LINUX [1.5 G]
- Crypt of the NecroDancer Experimental Client Linux [40.1 M]
Available DLCs:
- Crypt of the NecroDancer Extras
- Crypt of the NecroDancer: AMPLIFIED
- Crypt of the NecroDancer: Synchrony
- Crypt of the NecroDancer: Hatsune Miku Character DLC
- OS: Steam OS and Ubuntu 12.04 are the only supported Linux OSes
- Processor: 2GHzMemory: 1000 MB RAM
- Memory: 1000 MB RAM
- Graphics: 512MB VRAM
- Storage: 1600 MB available space
- Memory: 1500 MB RAM
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