SYNCHRONY Update v3.7.0
[ 2023-05-08 18:19:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey NecroDancers, we've got a big SYNCHRONY update for you this time around featuring a brand new game mode (Ensemble Mode!), new achievements, a Friendly Fire option, and lots of various changes and fixes!! Check out the full details below: Crypt of the NecroDancer v3.7.0 is now available!
New features
- Added Ensemble Mode to SYNCHRONY:
- Complete all zones in one run, but play a different character each floor!
- Pick a character for each floor before starting the run.
- Items and extra heart containers are carried over across levels!
- Added new achievements to SYNCHRONY:
- Polyphonic: Complete an "Ensemble Mode" run in single-player or co-op mode
- Family Trip: Complete "All Zones Mode" as Cadence, Melody, Aria and Dorian in co-op mode
- Tachyarrhythmia: Complete Zone 1 in "Double Tempo Mode" with solo Bolt
- Fool's Mate: Checkmate Deep Blues without harming another piece
- Destructive Interference: Kill Dead Ringer with his own attack
- Fully Loaded: Equip an item in every possible slot
- Ghost in the Pot: Take control of Teh Urn
- Sunk Cost: Sell everything you have to the Pawnbroker
- Added character previews to Character Select room
- Added Reflective and Prismatic Mirrors to the level editor
- Added accented characters to the game's primary font
- Added an option to import all unlocked characters, items, NPCs and modes from previous versions of the game
- This option can be found in the Gameplay options menu, under Manage save data
- Using the option does not overwrite any existing unlocked content - the old and new unlocks are merged together
- Save data is copied from versions 1.27, 2.59 and 3.6.1
- Added support for pressing 'Ctrl+C' to copy the seed in the run summary menu
Balance changes
- Reflective Shield: Now reflects Fireball Spells, Gorgon's Gaze and Electric Orbs back at the caster
- Shrine of Duplication: Now drops Reflective Shield when destroyed before activation
- Ring of Luck: Now allows chests to appear in multiple locations, making them easier to find
- After a chest was observed at any of its possible locations, the superposition collapses and the chest stays in place
- Wearing a Monocle causes all chests to be observed immediately, cancelling out the effect
- Trident: Throw attack now always deals damage along three lanes, even after passing through narrow corridors
- Throwing Charm: Now allows Melody to perform one full returning throw per floor, instead of a one-off ranged attack
- Shrine of Sacrifice: Now drops copies of items held by sacrificed players
- Shrine of Binding: Now drops items across multiple tiles
- Shrine of Binding: Now averages the health of fused players (rounded up) instead of adding it
Charm spell rework
- Charmed monsters are now permanently converted into Pets
- Pets follow their owner across floors
- Pets target the closest visible enemy near their owner
- Pets that are not currently targeting an enemy now follow their owner instead of idling
- Kills made by Pets now contribute to their owner's Coin Multiplier and spell cooldowns
- Minibosses can now be charmed, causing the exit stairs to be unlocked
- Shopkeepers can now be charmed after being provoked, causing all future shops to be empty
- Pets can be healed by re-casting Charm Spell near them
- Now spawns a Green Slime if no charmable enemies are nearby
- Greater Charm now affects monsters within a larger radius
- Cast cooldown decreases every beat once all Pets are dead
- Pets no longer take damage when shoved into an obstacle
- Multiple Pets in a row can be shoved at once
- Shoving a submerged Pet clears the liquid
- Shoving a Pet against a door opens the door
- Shoving a Pet against a solid obstacle now swaps positions with the owner or pushes the Pet aside
Item pool changes
- Ice Spirit Familiar: Added to Melody's item pool
- Shopkeeper Familiar: Added to Melody's item pool
- Grenades: Added to Diamond's item pool
- Throwing Stars: Added to Diamond's item pool
- Reflective Shield: Added to Flawless Victory boss reward chests
- Heavy Shield: Removed from Flawless Victory boss reward chests
- Courage Shovel: Removed from Coda's item pool
Item price changes
- Shovel of Courage: Reduced price from 300 to 200 gold
- Dash Spell: Reduced price from 313 to 188 gold
- Berserk Spell: Reduced price from 250 to 188 gold
- Onyx Broadsword: Reduced price from 188 to 125 gold
- Onyx Spear: Reduced price from 250 to 125 gold
- Onyx Cutlass: Reduced price from 375 to 250 gold
- Onyx Weapons: Reduced prices from 300 to 200 gold (Onyx Longsword, Flail, Harp, Staff, Cat o' Nine Tails, Rapier and Axe)
- Reflective Shield: Increased price from 75 to 150 gold
- Torch of Foresight: Increased price from 50 to 75 gold
Other changes
- Changed "Friendly Fire" extra mode to also apply to weapon attacks, allowing players to hit each other directly
- The 5x5 region around the spawn room is a safe zone in which players cannot attack each other
- Changed Chaunter to collect heart containers as "shattered hearts", which are retained across possession
- Changed equipment sprites for Rapier, Warhammer and Whip
- Changed sprite for Shrine of Duplication
- Changed Dove to be able to "defeat" bosses by tickling them with her Flower
- Changed Throwing Charm to visually indicate when its returning throw recharges
Modding features
- Added "Did you mean?" suggestions for fixing various errors
- Added function [noparse]characterSwitch.perform()[/noparse] and for changing player characters mid-game
- Added events [noparse]event.objectCharacterSwitchInit[/noparse]/[noparse]SwitchFrom[/noparse]/[noparse]SwitchTo[/noparse] for handling player character changes
- Added function [noparse]objectPreview.draw()[/noparse] and rendering entity previews, such as in the character selection room
- Added function [noparse]object.die()[/noparse] for passing additional parameters to [noparse]event.objectDeath[/noparse]
- Added event [noparse]event.objectPreview[/noparse] for customizing how an entity should be drawn in its preview
- Added event [noparse]event.spellRedirect[/noparse] for handling spell redirections
- Added event [noparse]event.objectUpdateTargetability[/noparse]
- Added event [noparse]event.itemBanCheckType[/noparse] for cross-character item ban checks
- Added component [noparse]spellcastRedirectable[/noparse], [noparse]spellRedirector[/noparse] and others for spell reflection
- Added component [noparse]projectileReflectable[/noparse], [noparse]itemReflectProjectileOnKill[/noparse] and others for projectile reflection
- Added component [noparse]itemInitial[/noparse] for tracking items given as part of the starting loadout
- Added component [noparse]inventoryBannedItemSlots[/noparse] for specifying individual item ban flags per item slot
- Added component [noparse]soundInteractFocus[/noparse] for sounds only audible to the interactor
- Added component [noparse]worldLabelCharacterStats[/noparse] for displaying stats as in-world text
- Added component [noparse]wiredDamageTypeModifier[/noparse] for adding damage flags to attacks performed while standing on a wire
- Added component [noparse]Sync_charmablePriority[/noparse] for increasing the move order of charmed pets
- Added component [noparse]targetableOffByDefault[/noparse] for marking entities as conditionally targetable
- Added component [noparse]dropTombstoneOnDeath[/noparse] to control lingering enemy hitboxes
- Added field [noparse]initialInventory.pending[/noparse] for controlling whether starting items are given out
- Added field [noparse]initialInventoryUnlockReceiver.pending[/noparse] for controlling whether Single Zone items are given out
- Added field [noparse]initialInventoryTrainingWeaponReceiver.pending[/noparse] for controlling whether training weapons are given out
- Added field [noparse]castOnCollision.attackFlags[/noparse] for controlling the targeting flags for deployed Familiars
- Added field [noparse]grabRowOrder.offsetZ[/noparse] for controlling the render order adjustment when a Monkey grabs another entity
- Added field [noparse]cameraMode[/noparse] to level table for overriding which camera mode is used in a level
- Added fields [noparse]cameraLockToHomeArea.offsetW[/noparse] and [noparse].offsetH[/noparse] for adjusting the view range in some boss fights
- Added module [noparse]PersonalStats[/noparse] for tracking character progress
- Added module [noparse]SequenceUtilities[/noparse] for generating lazy-initialized lists of tile coordinate pairs
- Added function [noparse]fileIO.isSubstituted()[/noparse] for checking if a resource pack replaces a specific file
- Added function [noparse]settingsPresets.loadFromTable()[/noparse] for loading settings presets in-memory
- Added function [noparse]menu.suppressKeyControlForTick()[/noparse] for preventing misinputs from in-game-triggered menus
- Added function [noparse]commonEnemy.ignoreLiquids()[/noparse] for making enemies immune to liquids in entity schema events
- Added function [noparse]targeting.updateTargetability()[/noparse] for recomputing the targetability flags of entities
- Added event parameter [noparse]ev.weapon[/noparse] to [noparse]event.objectDealDamage[/noparse]/[noparse]TakeDamage[/noparse]/[noparse]Death[/noparse]
- Added event parameter [noparse]ev.attacker[/noparse] to [noparse]event.objectDeath[/noparse], storing the original attacker for forwarded kill credit
- Added event parameter [noparse]ev.context[/noparse] to [noparse]event.pingCheckTile[/noparse] and [noparse]event.pingCheckEntity[/noparse]
- Added parameter [noparse]closeDelay[/noparse] to confirmation menu
- Added support for attribute [noparse]ignoreLiquids[/noparse] in legacy XML mods
- Changed stack traces to include a larger number of stack frames
Gameplay bugfixes
- Fixed Throwing Charm not causing Blood Weapons to inflict infinite damage during the returning attack
- Fixed Throwing Charm not auto-returning thrown weapons to their holders upon exiting the level
- Fixed Throwing Charm not auto-returning thrown weapons when the holder dies
- Fixed Throwing Charm not auto-returning thrown weapons when the charm is stolen by a Thief
- Fixed Throwing Charm allowing weapons to be thrown from inside walls
- Fixed Throwing Charm allowing weapons to pass through Dorian in Cadence's final boss fight
- Fixed some maps being impassable for Coda without spending a bomb or using items
- Fixed Training Sarcophagus losing its spawn cooldown when cloned by Scroll of Duplication
- Fixed Training Sarcophagus being targeted by charmed monsters
- Fixed friendly Electric Orbs being targeted by enemies
- Fixed shields not consistently blocking Electric Orbs
- Fixed Electric Zombies not inflicting electric damage while standing on a wire
- Fixed Coral Riff's Tentacles sometimes attacking while submerged
- Fixed Charm Spell not unlocking exit stairs, trapdoor ambushes or arena fights
- Fixed Red Dragon sometimes breathing fire immediately after unfreezing
- Fixed secret shop entrance walls sometimes spawning in unreachable locations
- Fixed barrels getting stuck in place when rolling through a Rat Familiar
- Fixed Aria's final boss not taking damage when attacked via the Golden Lute
- Fixed Aria's final boss immediately counter-attacking when taking damage from Ring of Pain
- Fixed Shrine of War not applying to all enemies on Aria and Tempo
- Fixed minibosses being downgraded by Ring of Peace in Training Mode
- Fixed Blood weapons sometimes taking an extra beat to become active after being picked up when at low health
- Fixed invincibility frames not preventing the Leprechaun from stealing gold
- Fixed Armadillos not rolling when the player jumps past them via a bounce trap
- Fixed Rat Familiar, Ice Spirit Familiar and Dove Familiar not becoming inactive while inside a wall
- Fixed Dove being able to encounter Shock Monkeys
- Fixed Skeletons spawned by Skulls not dropping gold is the Skull was previously tickled by Dove
- Fixed confused enemies becoming passive when their confusion wears off while the player is wearing a Ring of Shadows
- Fixed confused Bats sometimes standing still
- Fixed Chaunter being ejected from Gorgons when turning into a statue
- Fixed Shrine of Binding creating three-way or four-way links if local co-op players are involved
- Fixed charmed Shopkeepers running away from enemies
- Fixed charmed Nightmares casting a shadow
- Fixed Shrine of War not applying to arena secret rooms
- Fixed Heart Transplant and Shrine of Rhythm appearing in No Beat mode
- Fixed Zone 4 floors sometimes lacking a treasure wall
- Fixed Tempo's clock not resetting when activating Shrine of Fire
- Fixed Chaunter half-dying when killed by retaliation damage
- Fixed Monkeys being able to grab Chaunter immediately after unpossessing
Modding bugfixes
- Fixed error when a modded entity has [noparse]wiredAnimation[/noparse] component without also having [noparse]wired[/noparse]
- Fixed errors when opening the "Change Skin" menu if a mod adds a character without a head sprite
- Fixed [noparse]object.clone()[/noparse] not resetting the state of equipped items cloned without their holder
- Fixed uncommon errors when using [noparse]objectEvent.fire()[/noparse] with prototype entities
- Fixed rollback deferral settings being marked as cheats
- Fixed Rat Familiars being able to deal damage to their owner after switching teams
- Fixed "Song ended!" trapdoor appearing in lobby if the song is removed
- Fixed [noparse]deleteOnBossFightStart[/noparse]/[noparse]deleteOnBossFightEnd[/noparse] despawning persistent entities
- Fixed [noparse]targeting.getAlignedHostileEntity()[/noparse] sometimes returning a friendly entity
- Fixed duplicate images being uploaded when publishing mod updates
- Fixed mod publishing indicator not displaying upload progress percentage
- Fixed color-specific item pool components being aliased to [noparse]itemPoolChest[/noparse]
- Fixed custom tiles turning into the void after the mod adding the tile is unloaded
- Fixed custom characters inheriting their template character's unlock condition
- Fixed custom characters not inheriting Synchrony balance changes
Level editor bugfixes
- Fixed Chaunter and Klarinetta being unable to pick up their own starting weapons in 'No items' custom levels
- Fixed Pawnbroker not offering his wares when placed outside of the secret shop in a custom level
- Fixed level editor being able to delete local co-op link entity
- Fixed dungeon upload menu not handling screenshot preview mouse input correctly
- Fixed Dove's health exceeding her heart containers if the "No Items" setting is enabled in a custom dungeon
Input bugfixes
- Fixed Pause and Run Summary menus sometimes opening without a selection cursor
- Fixed Ping Tool being activated when clicking during a cutscene
Multiplayer bugfixes
- Fixed desync when multiple players reveal a co-op enemy simultaneously
- Fixed Cadence's penultimate boss causing significant rollback in multiplayer during phase 2
- Fixed Cadence's penultimate boss ceasing to move after being knocked back repeatedly in multiplayer
- Fixed some co-op enemies being assigned unfair combinations of health and movement speed in Randomizer Mode
- Fixed own shrine activation sounds being attenuated in multiplayer
- Fixed possible desync when a backpack is equipped/unequipped during a level transition
- Fixed multiple Throwing Charms not working correctly when thrown simultaneously in multiplayer
- Fixed player kills not increasing the coin multiplier or reducing spell cooldowns
- Fixed Chaunter being able to take weapons from the Blood Shop in co-op low%
- Fixed visual stutters when two players open a chest simultaneously
Engine bugfixes
- Fixed performance issues when generating large numbers of items at once
- Fixed item generation rarely leading to different results across processor architectures
- Fixed non-existent Daily Challenge leaderboards appearing in the lobby
Visual bugfixes
- Fixed long subtitles being cut off in some languages
- Fixed alternate player skins being displayed at incorrect offsets when applied to characters with larger sprites
- Fixed incorrect texture offsets when applying skins designed for Mary to Klarinetta
- Fixed dig particle colors not matching their corresponding tiles
- Fixed Clones appearing unobscured in Mystery Mode
- Fixed ability icons sometimes not appearing in the HUD
- Fixed Tar Monster creating tar particles while submerged
- Fixed Tar Monster sometimes appearing above the entity being grabbed
- Fixed pixel scaling artifacts on Aria's final boss
- Fixed overlapping elements in the mod menu when using a high view multiplier
- Fixed menus with extremely long captions extending past the screen borders
[ 2023-05-08 18:19:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Crypt of the NecroDancer
Brace Yourself Games
Brace Yourself Games
Game News Posts:
🎹🖱️Keyboard + Mouse
🎮 Full Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
Overwhelmingly Positive
(21975 reviews)
The Game includes VR Support
Public Linux Depots:
- NecroDancer linux content [1.6 G]
- NecroDancer -- Launch Build Access for Press -- LINUX [0 B]
- Crypt of the NecroDancer: AMPLIFIED -- LINUX [1.5 G]
- Crypt of the NecroDancer Experimental Client Linux [40.1 M]
Available DLCs:
- Crypt of the NecroDancer Extras
- Crypt of the NecroDancer: AMPLIFIED
- Crypt of the NecroDancer: Synchrony
- Crypt of the NecroDancer: Hatsune Miku Character DLC
- OS: Steam OS and Ubuntu 12.04 are the only supported Linux OSes
- Processor: 2GHzMemory: 1000 MB RAM
- Memory: 1000 MB RAM
- Graphics: 512MB VRAM
- Storage: 1600 MB available space
- Memory: 1500 MB RAM
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