





Nem me dei conta que j se faziam 10 anos desde que lancei o Porradaria original em 2009, apenas por hobby na poca e sem nenhuma pretenso comercial. Como o tempo passa. Foram 10 longos anos de trabalho duro, esforo e dedicao. Abaixo segue uma pequena reflexo no meu blog pessoal sobre esses meus 10 anos trabalhando na srie. http://alyssonlneto.blogspot.com/2019/09/serie-porradaria-10-anos.html Obrigado pelo apoio de sempre, meu trabalho para vocs! Atenciosamente, O Desenvolvedor
[ 2019-09-09 22:14:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Porradaria Legacy, que inclui os 2 primeiros jogos da srie e seus DLCs em breve estar disponvel na loja itch.io, mas desde j vocs j podem ir jogando de a campanha completa do Ninja, totalmente de graa com a demonstrao. https://cleanwatersoft.itch.io/porradaria-legacy Quem tiver conta na loja, por favor, no esquea de deixar uma avaliao na pgina do jogo, pois isso ajuda muito na divulgao. Depois de Porradaria Legacy, ser a vez de Fantasya Final Definitiva REMAKE. Esses jogos chegaro na loja at setembro deste ano, se tudo correr bem. Por enquanto, estou apenas disponibilizando os jogos que j foram lanados, no tenho previso para novos lanamentos, pois isso depender do desempenho das vendas desses jogos na loja. Infelizmente vivemos em um mundo capitalista, e sem dinheiro, no tem como financiar a produo de novos jogos. Obrigado pelo apoio de sempre, meu trabalho para vocs! Atenciosamente, Alysson L. Neto
[ 2019-07-30 18:14:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Porradaria Upgrade
- Porradaria 2: Pagode of the Night
- Fantasya Final Definitiva REMAKE
[ 2019-05-21 20:57:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Repetindo o grande sucesso do ano passado, de 2019 em diante sempre que estivermos em alguma data importante do nosso pas, um ou mais jogos da CleanWaterSoft entraro em promoo na Steam!
Nesse ms de abril, teremos vrias datas importantes uma atrs da outra, por isso essa promoo comear no Dia do ndio, e s acabar no dia 23, Dia do Chorinho.
Cada data especial ter um produto diferente como representante!
E o escolhido para Dia do ndio, com 50% de desconto, foi:
Representando o dia de Tiradentes, com 75% de desconto:
O Dia da Bandeira, com 50% de desconto, representado por:
E por ltimo, no Dia do Chorinho, um importante gnero musical brasileiro, com 50% de desconto:
Pra quem ainda no sabe...
Os povos indgenas no s ocupavam o territrio brasileiro antes da colonizao, como ainda ocupam em reservas indgenas, alm dos muitos brasileiros com descendncia indgena em algum grau espalhados por todo o pas. Sua cultura e tradio influenciaram fortemente a nossa cultura atual, sendo um dos principais pilares da cultura brasileira. Lutar pela preservao das terras indgenas e sua cultura, no s uma questo poltica ou ambiental, mas tambm social, e principalmente, humana. Afinal, a "raa humana" uma s, diferenas tnicas so uma mera questo geogrfica. VIVA A NOSSA CULTURA, VIVA A NOSSA HISTRIA!!! Para no perder outras promoes do "Valorizem a Cultura Nacional" na Steam, por favor siga a CleanWaterSoft nas redes sociais. Obrigado pelo apoio de sempre, meu trabalho para vocs! Atenciosamente, O Desenvolvedor
[ 2019-04-19 15:21:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ol a todos!
Repetindo o grande sucesso do ano passado, de 2019 em diante sempre que estivermos em alguma data importante do nosso pas, um ou mais jogos da CleanWaterSoft entraro em promoo na Steam!
E os escolhidos para a semana de Carnaval, com 50% de desconto cada, foram:
Essa promoo ir durar at segunda que vem.
Pra quem ainda no sabe...
O Carnaval Brasileiro uma das festas mais icnicas do nosso pas, sendo reverenciado no exterior como um dos nossos maiores cartes postais. VIVA A NOSSA CULTURA, VIVA A NOSSA HISTRIA!!! Para no perder outras promoes do "Valorizem a Cultura Nacional" na Steam, por favor siga a CleanWaterSoft nas redes sociais. Obrigado pelo apoio de sempre, meu trabalho para vocs! Atenciosamente, O Desenvolvedor
[ 2019-03-04 19:46:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ol a todos! Como muitos j sabem, a srie Porradaria foi desenvolvida na engine Game Maker: Studio. Recentemente, a empresa responsvel por essa engine decidiu encerrar o suporte a verso 1, que justamente a verso usada pela srie Porradaria. No entanto, antes de encerrarem o suporte, eles lanaram uma ltima atualizao que corrigiu vrios problemas antigos dessa verso. Com essa ltima atualizao da engine, claro, tambm atualizei os jogos e aproveitei a deixa para fazer vrias melhorias, dentre elas:
- Novo sistema de controles USB foi implementado*
- Agora voc pode configurar qualquer boto do controle
- Agora controles USB tambm so compatveis no Linux
- Agora as imagens liberadas nos extras tambm aparecem na tela final do respectivo ranking em Porradaria 2: PotN**
- Corrigido o bug do "missing .exe" em Porradaria Upgrade
- Corrigido o bug do "direcional travado" em alguns modelos de controle
- Corrigido o slowdown por "excesso de sangue na tela" ao matar muitos inimigos
*Sistema optimizado para controles X-Input. Controles D-Input tambm so compatveis, mas alguns modelos podem no funcionar corretamente (ou simplesmente no funcionarem mesmo). **Caso esteja com o DLC "Sem Censura" habilitado, voc ver as verses sem cortes das imagens de Rank S.[/quote] Gostaria de agradecer a todos que me informaram dos problemas que vinham encontrando nesses jogos. Graas a vocs que eu pude corrigi-los. Obrigado pelo apoio de sempre, meu trabalho para vocs! Atenciosamente, O Desenvolvedor
[ 2018-12-19 15:53:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ol a todos! Adotamos uma poltica de preos baixos em prol de manter o nosso ideal de jogos acessveis ao brasileiro, mas infelizmente, para podermos nos manter no mercado atual, tivemos que reajustar o preo de alguns de nossos produtos. J faz algum tempo que o dlar est cada vez mais em alta em relao ao real, alm da inflao que tambm est disparando cada vez mais, e a tendncia de ambos continuarem a subir. Mesmo assim, os jogos e DLCs da CleanWaterSoft no estavam acompanhando a real situao econmica do nosso pas. Porradaria 2: Pagode of the Night Esse jogo teve um reajuste de 100% (isso mesmo), deixando de custar R$9,99 e voltando ao seu preo original de lanamento, R$19,99. https://store.steampowered.com/app/431220 Contudo, seus DLCs continuaro no mesmo preo atual.
Fantasya Final Definitiva REMAKE
Esse jogo tambm receberia um reajuste de 100%, passando a custar o preo originalmente planejado para seu lanamento, mas por se tratar de um compilado de dois clssicos nacionais que fizeram parte da historia do RPG Maker no pas, ele recebeu um reajuste adicional de 25%, passando a custar R$24,99. https://store.steampowered.com/app/656120 Lembrando que, o captulo 1, que corresponde ao primeiro Fantasya Final Definitiva, sempre continuar disponvel inteiramente de graa como demonstrao.
Porradaria Fan Pack
De modo a manter os preos acessveis dentro do possvel, mesmo depois do aumento de preos, Porradaria Fan Pack agora passar a ter um desconto de 50% para cada produto incluso no pacote. Continuando a custar R$29,95 no total. https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/2697/Porradaria_Fan_Pack/ No esqueam que, caso j tenham algum produto no pacote, voc poder compr-lo apenas com os produtos que ainda no tem, e cada produto ainda ter com um desconto de 50%. Por exemplo: se voc j possuir Porradaria Upgrade e Porradaria 2, poder comprar os DLCS desses jogos no pacote por apenas R$14,97, em vez de R$29,97. Obrigado pelo apoio de sempre, meu trabalho para vocs! Atenciosamente, O Desenvolvedor
[ 2018-12-03 17:14:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Neste ano de 2018, a CleanWaterSoft decidiu iniciar uma campanha de valorizao da cultura brasileira. Por isso, em datas histricas e datas que comemoram particularidades da nossa cultura nacional, um ou mais jogos da CleanWaterSoft entraro em promoo.
No entanto... Para o dia da Proclamao da Repblica, decidimos fazer algo diferente. Conforme anunciado semana passada, faremos um give away de Fantasya Final Definitva REMAKE, e os ganhadores sero aqueles que conquistarem o topo das classificaes de Porradaria 2: Pagode of the Night!
Confira abaixo os vencedores de cada classificao, separados por personagem.
- ChronoCruz - Rank S Ninja 15m 51s
- ChronoCruz - Rank A Ninja 15m 51s (chave vai para Artxwell)
- ChronoCruz - Rank B Ninja 15m 51s (chave vai para TheRandomMan)
- ChronoCruz - Rank C Ninja 15m 51s (chave vai para Kortris)
- ChronoCruz - Rank D Ninja 15m 51s (chave vai para tagerosan)
- ChronoCruz - Rank S Espadachim 17m 07s (chave vai para Yorae Yaminonaka)
- ChronoCruz - Rank A Espadachim 17m 07s (chave vai para Professor Q)
- ChronoCruz - Rank B Espadachim 17m 07s *
- ChronoCruz - Rank C Espadachim 17m 07s *
- ChronoCruz - Rank D Espadachim 17m 07s *
- Yorae Yaminonaka - Rank S Vladmirson 33m 16s *
- Yorae Yaminonaka - Rank A Vladmirson 33m 16s *
- Yorae Yaminonaka - Rank B Vladmirson 33m 16s *
- Yorae Yaminonaka - Rank C Vladmirson 33m 16s *
- Yorae Yaminonaka - Rank D Vladmirson 33m 16s *
[ 2018-11-15 14:47:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ol a todos!
No dia 15 de Novembro, Dia da Proclamao da Repblica, em vez de darmos um desconto como parte da promoo do "Valorizem a Cultura Nacional", faremos algo diferente...
Porradaria 2: Pagode of the Night hoje conta com um Steam Leaderboards. So cinco rankings (de A a S) para cada personagem. Ocupa o topo de cada ranking nas classificaes, aquele que terminar o jogo no menor tempo daquele ranking com o respectivo personagem.
Voc pode conferir as Classficaes Steam no link logo abaixo:
- https://steamcommunity.com/stats/431220/leaderboards/
- Eis o Desafio -
Aqueles que conseguirem ocupar pelo menos uma das melhores posies das Classificaes Steam de Porradaria 2: Pagode of the Night, ganharo uma Steam Key de Fantasya Final Definitiva REMAKE!!! https://store.steampowered.com/app/656120 Anunciaremos os vencedores, e distribuiremos as chaves, ao meio-dia do dia 15 de novembro, o Dia da Proclamao da Repblica!
- Regras -
- Uma mesma pessoa no poder receber mais de uma chave
- Caso algum ocupe a primeira colocao em mais de um ranking, a pessoa que ocupar a colocao logo abaixo ser a prxima premiada
- O sistema de distribuio de chaves acima se repetir sempre que for necessrio
- Dvidas -
Por favor usem os forums da Steam do Porradaria 2: Pagode of the Night caso tenham alguma dvida sobre este Give Away, ou as Classificaes Steam:
- https://steamcommunity.com/app/431220/discussions/
[ 2018-11-09 19:57:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Neste ano de 2018, a CleanWaterSoft decidiu iniciar uma campanha de valorizao da cultura brasileira. Por isso, em datas histricas e datas que comemoram particularidades da nossa cultura nacional, um ou mais jogos da CleanWaterSoft entraro em promoo.
Como j foi dito antes, no participaremos da Promoo de Halloween da Steam... Pois faremos algo muito especial durante esse perodo!
A partir do Dia 29 de outubro
Representando o Dia do Livro, teremos Porradaria 2: Pagode of the Night com 50% OFF! Esta promoo durar do dia 29 de outubro at o dia 5 de novembro!! https://store.steampowered.com/app/431220
A partir do Dia 31 de outubro
Representando o Dia do Saci, teremos Porradaria 2 - Vladmirson DLC com 50% OFF! Esta promoo durar do dia 31 de outubro at o dia 5 de novembro!! https://store.steampowered.com/app/502980
No dia 5 de novembro - ltimo dia da promoo!!!
Representando o Dia da Nacional da Lngua Portuguesa, teremos Porradaria 2 - No Censorship DLC com 50% OFF! Pense rpido, pois voc ter apenas um dia para adquirir este DLC!! https://store.steampowered.com/app/812830 VIVA A NOSSA CULTURA, VIVA A NOSSA HISTRIA!!! Para ficar por dentro desta, e das outras promoes do "Valorizem a Cultura Nacional" na Steam, por favor siga a CleanWaterSoft nas redes sociais. Obrigado pelo apoio de sempre, meu trabalho para vocs! Atenciosamente, O Desenvolvedor
[ 2018-10-29 17:03:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Olá a todos! Porradaria Upgrade só deu as caras na loja Steam em setembro de 2015, mas esse jogo há havia sido lançado dois anos antes, em 2 de outubro de 2013. Pra comemorar seus cinco anos de vida, Porradaria Upgrade estará até amanhã com 50% de desconto! https://store.steampowered.com/app/399000/Porradaria_Upgrade E seu DLC, Porradaria Gold não ficará fora da festa! Até amanhã, esse DLC também terá 25% de desconto!! https://store.steampowered.com/app/765970/ Obrigado pelo apoio de sempre, meu trabalho é para vocês! Atenciosamente, O Desenvolvedor
[ 2018-10-02 17:17:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! CleanWaterSoft is finally dropping support for English and other languages for both Porradaria Upgrade and Porradaria 2: Pagode of the Night on Steam. Since the past year that we are focusing only in the local market for new games and DLCs releases, and now we are also extending this for old products. So, in order to give a better local support to our Brazilian customers, we will be supporting only the Brazilian Portuguese language from now on, for all of our products available on Steam. This means that from now on:
- Store pages' descriptions will be available only in Brazilian Portuguese;
- News and official announcements will be only in Brazilian Portuguese (unless deemed necessary);
- Relevant updates for these games will be available only in Brazilian Portuguese.
[ 2018-10-01 15:11:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone!
As previously announced past month, the Porradaria 3 in 1 bundle was replaced by the new Porradaria Fan Pack.
The new bundle now contains:
Thanks for your ever support, my work is for you!
Best regards,
The Developer
[ 2018-09-03 15:10:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! These are the changes and bug fixes of this update.
- The game now uses the same config screen for D-Input and XInput controllers;
- Changed the title screen release date to the original release date (instead of Steam's release date);
- Vladmirson DLC now have it's own title screen;
- Now you can hold "jump" to speed up the mist movement;
- The snow bug appearing in the Inventory screen was fixed;
- The Freezer damage was changed to deal proportional damage to HP;
- The design o some areas were slightly changed;
- Added a slide animation when consulting the map;
- Added typewriter effect on in-game text;
- Added Steam Leaderboards for each character's ranking.
[ 2018-08-24 18:45:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! CleanWaterSoft is currently selling the bundle "Porradaria 3 in 1" on Steam store, link below. https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/2697 This bundle have 60% OFF on games and DLC. It costs the total of $6,00 and contains: https://store.steampowered.com/app/399000 https://store.steampowered.com/app/431220 https://store.steampowered.com/app/502980 However, with the release of new DLCs for Porradaria Upgrade and Porradaria 2: Pagode of the Night, this bundle will be removed in the next month, to give place to a new bundle, now called "Porradaria Fan Pack". This new bundle will add the following DLCs: https://store.steampowered.com/app/765970 https://store.steampowered.com/app/812820 The new price discount will be of 40% OFF, and the total price of this new bundle will be $15,00. Remember that, if you already own any of the products above, you can purchase only the ones you still don't own, in both bundles. Kind regards, The Developer
[ 2018-08-08 19:04:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone!
All the games from Cleanwatersoft stopped being sold on bundles since the past year, but since the past week, the Bundle Kings is selling this bundle below with both Porradaria included.
However, I never allowed this bundle to happen. I contacted them about this matter, they didn't replied me, instead, they started another bundle, now with Porradaria 2 - Vladmirson DLC also included.
After a extensive investigation of my own, I found from where they got those keys. It was from an old give away I promoted, with the help of appaboss7 in 2017, to disclose Cleanwatersoft's Facebook page.
All these keys were labelled as "promo", and since the past week, the activation of keys with this label raised greatly.
For this reason, all the keys labelled as promo will be revoked.
To not harm those that legitimately activated these keys on the give away, or that spent their money on this bundle before this announcement, only the keys that are not activated yet will be revoked.
Since the past year that I decided to not sell any game on bundles anymore, so any game being sold out of Steam, is being sold without my consent.
Here, the bundle promoter is asking you to "help give support to these indie developers". If you really want to give support to Cleanwatersoft, follow us on Steam to stay in touch with our discounts and new releases, and only purchase our games directly on Steam from now on.
Kind regards,
The Developer
Here's the email I sent to bundlekings@gmail.com. I used my personal email from official cleanwatersoft.com domain, it also was redirected to my gmail inbox.

I also sent this very same message through their contact form in their site one day before sending this email.
[ 2018-08-01 17:06:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! These are the changes and bug fixes of this update.
- Steam Achievements now works on Linux;
- Steam Screenshots now works properly, you can save and publish them in the game community normally now;
- Fixed the text delay from the intro;
- Fixed Ice Shield Magic deflected projectiles colliding on player;
- Fixed Stone Magic collision with breakable walls;
- Fixed Engiri skill deflected projectiles colliding on player;
- Fixed Vladmirson's Dark Magic immunity;
- Some bosses weakness were changed to better balance the game difficulty;
- Fixed some typing errors.
[ 2018-02-09 22:48:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
I'm glad to announce that Porradaria 3 in 1 Steam Bundle is finally live.
This bundle is in the complete collection model. And it contains:
- Porradaria Upgrade
- Porradaria 2: Pagode of the Night
- Porradaria 2 Vladmirson DLC
[ 2017-09-12 19:54:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone!
Porradaria 3 development was confirmed and it is right now on Steam Greenlight awaiting for your vote! However...
As you might have heard of, Steam will replace the old Steam Greenlight system with a new one, the Steam Direct. Developers will have to pay for each game they publish on Steam Store from now on.
Right now Valve is considering a fee between $100 and $5.000 for each game. Depending on the outcome of it, Porradaria 3 might not be released on Steam Store, and I will explain why.
The Company
CleanWaterSoft is a small company from Brazil, the only person working on it right now is the own founder (me). The budget of the company is really low, thus, the source income of the company is also low. Porradaria Upgrade, the first commercial release, was developed literally with zero budget. It was developed with the lite version of Game Maker 8, with watermark and all. The first game income was what paid the pro version of Game Maker 8 + the Steam Greenlight fee. Budget directly affects the sales of a game, hypocrisy would be to say it don't. A big budget means a big development team, a more polished product, a big marketing campaign... All of this directly affects any game overall sale, from a small indie from a AAA blockbuster.
The Competition
It's not impossible for an indie game to become a hit and the developer become a millionaire from night to day. There's a lot of good indie games with low budget being released every day, but only a few haves the luck of being noticed to become a hit. Most of them becomes hidden and very well buried gems nowadays. I won't say my games are hidden jewels, it's up to you to decide, but surely, it's a niche of a niche game, with not enough fans to make it be released on Steam Greenlight within two days.
Brazil is not a well developed country like United States of America, $1 dollar here is equal to R$3,20 reais (our currency). There's a lot of differences between our economics. The minimum suggested fee of $100 dollars would be R$320 reais, which is about half of the salary the common worker get paid here. The maximum fee of $5.000 would be half the price of a new car here. There's a joke I saw on internet another day I believe that illustrates well the economic differences. USA President, in a speech says: "The American citizen earns $2.000 dollars per month, needs $1.000 to live and what they do with the remaining of their money is not of our concern." Brazil's President, in a speech says: "The Brazilian citizen earns R$880 reais per month, needs R$2.000 to live and how they earn the remaining of this money is not of our concern."
It is still too soon to say anything, however, depending on how Valve will implement Steam Direct, not only Porradaria 3, but any other CleanWaterSoft game won't be released on Steam Store from now on. I know there's a lot of persons here eager to play this last sequel of our dear Ninja, so I had to post an explanation here of why it probably won't be released on Steam Store. I hope you understand. Thanks for your ever support, my work is for you! Kind regards, Alysson L. Neto
[ 2017-03-14 01:36:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! The price of this game dropped permanently from $9,99 to $4,99. This is a game that was first released (outside of Steam) in 2015. It was about time to drop this price. http://store.steampowered.com/app/431220 Thanks for your ever support, my work is for you! Kind regards, Alysson L. Neto
[ 2017-02-23 19:48:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! Unfortunately, I need to disclose of it publicly here on the store page, I'm really sorry for this. Everyone is free to love or hate any game. I myself am also a gamer and have the games I like, dislike, love and hate. However... There is a recent review about this game that sells a complete wrong idea of what it is all about, and it's not a new thing that there are some persons that defend a complete wrong idea of this game as just a crap indie simpleton platformer with poor mechanics, where you just need to jump and spam the attack button repeatedly. I can accept legitimate negative reviews, but I can't accept these injuries. There's even a gameplay video were a streamer carefully insists in playing the game without using the special skills of each character and sub-weapons (which will make gameplay insanely hard). He also doesn't explore the enviroment, neither gather any items to unlock new skills and areas, just to sell the wrong idea that this game is just a copy-and-paste version of Porradaria Upgrade, which is not true. Despite being a clumsy parody of old metroidvanias, this game has much more to offer. It's in pair with any other metroidvania of the same genre here on Steam, with the same price and length of this game. So, instead of taking for granted what they say...
Why don't you go check things by yourself?
You have up to two hours to play any game on Steam before asking for a refund. And asking for a refund on Steam is something really simple. You can get more information on this link. If you do so, you will either...
- Love the game and become another fan of the franchise;
- Hate the game and go ask for a refund;
- Or be completely indifferent about liking or disliking it.
Other Things to Take Into Account
If you find any bug, the support forums are here for this. I usually take a look at it everyday, and I'm not a celebri-jerk developer type that doesn't reply anyone, I'm just a common person like you, and I try to give the same support I would like to receive from the games I play. You will receive a reply from me really fast and I usually try to update the game very quickly which any reported bug fixes. If you have any questions regarding the game overall, you can also visit the general forums. I don't visit these too often, and only respond when deemed necessary, but you will probably find another players willing to share any information with you. That's all I have to say. Again, my apologies for this inconvenience, but I have nobody else to defend my work besides myself, neither any money to make a really powerful big marketing to fight back all these injuries. I'm just another small fry in the market trying to earn a living doing what I like, and of course, making games you will enjoy playing as well. Kind regards, Alysson L. Neto
[ 2016-12-14 15:44:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone!
I'm glad to announce that the Vladmirson DLC is finally being released today!
I'm sorry for the two weeks delay. This DLC took much work to be finished. It's not another lame "expensive skin DLC" like we see in tons nowadays, but a fresh new content with a new storyline, new unlockable extras, new bosses, new spells and skills.
This DLC was developed with my own soul, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed developing it.
Thanks for your ever support, my work is for you!
Kind regards,
Alysson L. Neto
[ 2016-10-17 14:47:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! These are the changes and bug fixes of this update.
- Raised game music volume a bit. Now you can hear it again;
- Enemies now flash in red to better illustrate their "damaged" state;
- The Swordsman dark magic effect now makes him translucent instead of blinking (the blinking now is to show when the magic effect is being lifted off);
- Added 7 new Steam Achievements related to the new DLC;
- Fixed the player wall stuck bug;
- Fixed some minor bugs;
[ 2016-10-14 19:37:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! This DLC was going to be released today. Together with this release, I was going to post the announcements of the new updates on the main game and the Porradaria Upgrade permanent price drop down as well. However, a lot of unforeseen events and setbacks happened, and the DLC is finally reaching the final testing phase just now. My sincere apologies for this. By the way, talking about Porradaria Upgrade price drop down... The price of this game dropped permanently from $4,99 to $2,99. This is a game that was first released (outside of Steam) in 2013. It was about time to drop this price. http://store.steampowered.com/app/399000 Thanks for your ever support, my work is for you! Kind regards, Alysson L. Neto
[ 2016-09-30 17:29:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! These are the changes and bug fixes of this update.
- Enhanced game music. Now it sounds more realistic and non-MIDI;
- Drastically reduced game sound volume. Your ears won't bleed anymore;
- Added 21 new Steam Achievements;
- Added a little surprise in the Character Select Screen;
- Fixed some minor bugs;
[ 2016-07-14 01:13:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! These are the changes and bug fixes of this update.
- Map now is functional. You can check which items you can get in each area. You will need to press left or right in the inventory to access it now;
- Swordsman's Dark Scroll bug fixed;
- Placed the save point sign in the Freezer (totally forgot this one, my apologies for this);
- Fixed other minimal graphic bugs;
- Fixed some background music bugs;
- Added volume control to Sound and Music settings;
- Added controller settings. Now you can configure your Joystick/Gamepad to better suit your preferences;
- Reduced total file sizes from 26MB to 15MB on Windows.
[ 2016-05-06 13:50:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, At last this game now offers full controller support for Xbox controllers. For more information, please check the Controller FAQs. With this last update, unfortunately I also removed the Linear Filtering due to some graphical instabilities on some users' PCs. But support to Linear Filtering may be added in the future. Thanks for your ever support, my work is for you! Kind regards, Alysson L. Neto
[ 2016-04-02 17:12:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! These are the changes and bug fixes of this first update (and last, I hope).
- Game crash when killing a Samurai/Archer;
- Odd behavior from some enemies when the Ninja is using his Ultimate Magic (Dark Scroll).
- Added linear filtering, graphics will look smother.
- *Added full controller support to SteamOS+Linux.
- *Added full support to modern game pads for Windows (i.e: Xbox 360 controller).
[ 2016-03-26 00:34:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- Linux Content [20.13 M]
- Porradaria 2 - Vladmirson
- Porradaria 2 - A Segunda Batata
- Porradaria 2 - Sem Censura
Choose between our dear infamous trickster, or the skilled Swordsman (who seeks revenge against the Ninja, nobody knows why), and adventure inside the mansion of the late wizard Vladmirson until you find your fateful fate.
- Classic Porradaria game play
- New magic system
- Super ultra original "Up+Attack buttons" system to use your magic
- Non-linear exploration of stages
- Scattered hidden items in the mansion
- Learn new unique skills for each character
- New raking system, based in the items gathered and play time
- Humorous monster database (again)
- CleanWater himself appears as a special guest in the game
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04 ou superior
- Processor: Intel Pentium4 1.5GHz ou superiorMemory: 512 MB RAMStorage: 27 MB available spaceAdditional Notes: Placa de vdeo e driver compatveis com OpenGL
- Memory: 512 MB RAMStorage: 27 MB available spaceAdditional Notes: Placa de vdeo e driver compatveis com OpenGL
- Storage: 27 MB available spaceAdditional Notes: Placa de vdeo e driver compatveis com OpenGL
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