-Fixed photo album access code entry and hover interaction.
-Adjusted the Countess encounter at Roosevelt so saxophone music starts only after she leaves.
-Stopped the "Notebook updated" window from restarting saxophone music in Roosevelt.
-Resolved Laurens collision near the gate.
-Prevented background music from resetting when exiting the trailer.
-Addressed dialogue speech and text discrepancies.
-Fixed music restarting when exiting views of Mavis letter/Maviss picture.
-Restored missing speech at Jambalaya Records.
-Fixed missing speech for "C Sharps" dialogue.
-Restored ghost interaction for "C Sharps and Cecil Sharps" at the construction site.
-Stopped repetitive questioning during the Columbia University call with Sam Durkin.
-Corrected Isaacs song behavior on the dictation machine so prior music resumes.
Sorry for patching it again so soon!
The year is 1973. The sound of a lone, ethereal saxophone drifts over the Roosevelt Island promenade, while a series of accidents plague a midtown construction site. The citizens of Manhattan take no notice of these events, let alone think they are connected.
Embittered medium Lauren Blackwell and her spirit guide Joey Mallone are the only ones who believe that there is anything strange going on, and they are the only ones who can stop an enigmatic killer from striking again...
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