Hi everyone,
First we would to thank you for your feedbacks. We will work on improving the game to make it better.
We fixed a new price and as a gift we will send a package of additional levels to the players who already own the game.
We are not making excuses, but we hope you understand that it's always difficult to know if 2 years of your life are worth 17$ or 11$, or none.
Also, we carefully chose the word 'simulation' and not strategy because our vision for the game was of being like a real ant queen in nature, not so much like an omniscient goddess. Far from entering the 'Elite: Dangerous / Star Citizen' debate, we've chosen a more relaxed or laid back approach where you can watch your colony grow without controling each and every ant decision (which you still can btw, it s just very involving...). This is no Starcraft, this is no RTS. Maybe we should have stated it right away in those words.
We will make sure that the description makes it clear before you buy it.
We hope we can work with everybody that has problems to fix them, for the rest, if you want a strategy game, I'm sure you will find many on Steam...
Begin a journey like no other, become the Ant Queen and establish your empire.
Ant Queen is a simulation game where you breed different types of ants to ultimately conquer your surroundings and achieve a stable ant colony.
The game focuses on a true representation of an ant colony in the wild. Just as in nature, this game provides an environment in which random events determine the outcome. It is a true ant game where you can control your units depending on your needs, as a real Queen would.
By allowing a natural progression of your colony, you really feel like your are the Queen of your ants.
All your ants, upgrades and acquired resources within your Empire will succeed through each level, enabling you to build your own colony.