Ant Queen has been improved a lot!
I received a lot of feedback from many players who wanted to improve the game and I just added all of them in the game!
The SandBox mode has been added in the game!
Every new game, the map is generated randomly and once you save your progress, you can reload and keep building your colony.
The sandbox can be set to Easy-Medium-hard
The UI interface and the controls have been modified
The task controls are accurate
You can selected different groups of ants by colours
You can kill your own units
I added a voxel terrain for the underground colony
Player has more freedom to build his colony as we wishes!
You can allow the diggers to dig automatiy or not
You can clear your digging paths
AI has been improved
NPC's interact with each other's
Red ant Ai is more aggressive
Each class of ants behaves differently
You can point out any other ideas you have
Begin a journey like no other, become the Ant Queen and establish your empire.
Ant Queen is a simulation game where you breed different types of ants to ultimately conquer your surroundings and achieve a stable ant colony.
The game focuses on a true representation of an ant colony in the wild. Just as in nature, this game provides an environment in which random events determine the outcome. It is a true ant game where you can control your units depending on your needs, as a real Queen would.
By allowing a natural progression of your colony, you really feel like your are the Queen of your ants.
All your ants, upgrades and acquired resources within your Empire will succeed through each level, enabling you to build your own colony.