Hi all!!
this saturday I was a the MIGF ( Montrel Independent Game Festival ) and it was so much fun! A lot of people showed up, I had a stand to let people try out the game and they jsut loved it! Some people actually voted Ant Queen as their favorite!!!
So thank you again for the great support. All of this is possible thanks to all the players that keep helping me to fix and upgrade the game.
About this patch 3.3
Story Mode :
- The Queen should stop moving in randomize destinations
- Level 1 - The collider that makes the game succesfull was too small. It will detect more easily when the queen reaches the hole.
- Level 2 - The Path finding was too precise and some ants where getting stuck in the inside colony. Should not happen anymore
- Level 19 - The Ui Icon to get outside the red ant colony were acting weird... replaced them with what the should be.
Unlimited / Sandbox:
- Queen starts with 100Hp in easy, 80 in Medium,50 in hard
- Easy mode is easier. Red ants spawning rate is slower and they do less damage
Thanks again and let me know i f you see something
Next patch
- fix the achivement system fixed
- Unlimited NPC spawn rate nerf
Begin a journey like no other, become the Ant Queen and establish your empire.
Ant Queen is a simulation game where you breed different types of ants to ultimately conquer your surroundings and achieve a stable ant colony.
The game focuses on a true representation of an ant colony in the wild. Just as in nature, this game provides an environment in which random events determine the outcome. It is a true ant game where you can control your units depending on your needs, as a real Queen would.
By allowing a natural progression of your colony, you really feel like your are the Queen of your ants.
All your ants, upgrades and acquired resources within your Empire will succeed through each level, enabling you to build your own colony.