We at Lostwood love to receive cool achievements while playing games. Ever since we started working on The Cargo, we've been constantly thinking about how to make the achievements really interesting. And you know what? We found a way!
A short disclaimer: the achievements won't be present in the first release, because we need some more time to implement them. They will appear in one of the next updates.
There will be three types of achievements:
1. Common
Players will receive them for completing chapters and some key game sequences. Their purpose is to display a player's progress, and by the end of the game you will have them all.
2. Uncommon
They will require some effort: only the player who explore Leviathan: the Cargo well enough will receive them. Players can receive these achievements for completing optional challenges, for finding secrets placed throughout the game and for using alternate ways to play through various game sequences.
3. Rare
Brace yourself for a real challenge! They will be hidden until you get them, and we will keep the requirements for getting these under a complete lockdown. They are the Holy Grail of the achievements, and getting them is one tough job (but we believe in you!).
And here's a small bonus for those of you who've stayed with us through the whole post: after we're done with the achievements, we are going to release an update that will allow you to easily switch between story routes and its chapters, and, yes, you got it right, it will allow you to easily get the achievements that you've missed at first. How is it going to look like? You'll see soon: we're gonna keep you posted.
That's it for now. See you at our stream!
What if world-changing stories begin from nothing? For example, from a gang of smugglers carrying a valuable cargo through the underground tunnels of an ancient city… A sealed box containing something meaningful, something that can change the fate of an entire country and its people.
It does not matter where this story starts. What matters is that you are a part of it, and the chest bearing the precious cargo is on a train seat right beside you.
Leviathan: the Cargo is an action adventure game based in the world of our previous game, Leviathan: The Last Day of the Decade. It is not only a sequel, but is also a completely new story of deep human fears, passions, redemption and happiness.
Original setting: a somber and mystic fantasy world filled with alien technologies and the arcane mysteries of noble families.
Your decisions are important: the characters listen to every word you say, and careless actions can lead to severe consequences or new side stories!
Gameplay as experience: features of adventure, shooter, RPG, visual novel and survival genres merge together to provide you with a unique and unforgettable feel.
Unique aesthetic: dark, grotesque comic book-style visuals, flashy camera angles and enthralling dialogues.
18+: The Cargo is a mature game for mature people.
...And you’ll be able to meet (or be reunited with) some of the characters from Leviathan: the Last Day of the Decade.