Did you know that you could attack Evolvia (the Shifting Passages shape-shifting boss) after drinking a Reflex Potion and sometimes just straight up DIE as a result? Long story short, sometimes Evolvia could shapeshift to a Deathgaze form before hitting you. Yeah I know, roguelikes, right? That can't happen anymore...
We've knuckled down and spent some time tracking the obscurest of bugs these last few weeks. Many things have been fixed and we've even cleaned up some of the niggling or weird gameplay things that were still lurking below the surface.
Full changelog available here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/226620/discussions/0/541907675762925223
Did you know that you could attack Evolvia (the Shifting Passages shape-shifting boss) after drinking a Reflex Potion and sometimes just straight up DIE as a result? Long story short, sometimes Evolvia could shapeshift to a Deathgaze form before hitting you. Yeah I know, roguelikes, right? That can't happen anymore...
We've knuckled down and spent some time tracking the obscurest of bugs these last few weeks. Many things have been fixed and we've even cleaned up some of the niggling or weird gameplay things that were still lurking below the surface.
Full changelog available here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/226620/discussions/0/541907675762925223
FREE GAME UPDATE! Desktop Dungeons: Enhanced Edition. More ways to die horribly in 10 minutes or less. The award winning quick-play puzzle roguelike is now packed with new content, new classes and a new way to play: Compete against your friends in the seeded Daily Dungeon!
The perfect coffee-break game for genius tacticians and chilled clickers alike:
Fight your way through fantasy dungeons in 10 minutes or less. We’re busy people too.
Prize-winning game design awesomeness (13th Annual IGF Awards)
Classic roguelike play re-imagined as a unique single-screen puzzle game sort of thing! Reviewers have a hard time with genres.
Explore unrevealed terrain to regain health and mana. Game hook!
6 hours of gameplay? Try 6 billion... You can (and will) play Desktop Dungeons for the rest of your life.
Randomly generated dungeons are different every time you play. Build your Kingdom to unlock hordes of new classes, races and challenges.
Daily Dungeon allows you to compete against your Steam friends!
Amazing soundtrack by the improbably astounding team of Danny Baranowsky and Grant Kirkhope.