Greetings fellow Co-opers! I have dire news to share. We have received a cease-and-desist letter from a competing development team by the name of "NIMTEMDO" accusing us of unspecified artistic copyright violations. We may be required to remove the game from Steam in order to comply if this isn't sorted out soon. We hope to update you on the situation later today, after a word with our legal team.
We have been provided screenshots of characters from NIMENTDNO's new $70 games "Alien Plumbers" and "Lonk's Dreamning" (which we have supposedly 'stolen' from them):
Needless to say, our legal team will be issuing our own cease-and-desist letter posthaste.
Sven Co-op is safe for the foreseeable future!
Sven Co-op is a co-operative game originally based around Valve Software's Half-Life. In this game players must work together against computer controlled enemies and solve puzzles as a team.
While Sven Co-op is similar to Half-Life with similar weapons, monsters, and characters, the difficulty has been increased to suit team play.
Sven Co-op's levels are set as missions and are generally separate from each other. Many missions span several maps and some are collected together in a series. The aim of most levels is to reach the end or to achieve an objective -- obtaining a high score is not essential to beat a level, it's just part of the fun.
OS: Debian based Linux (including Ubuntu) with GLibC version 2.24 or later
Processor: 1 GHz single core processorMemory: 512 MB RAM
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: 64MB video card capable of using OpenGL 2.1 in immediate modeNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 2 GB available space
OS: Debian Linux 10/11 or Ubuntu Linux 20.04 (not 22.04 yet)
Processor: 2 GHz dual or more core processor (HyperThreading or similar is acceptable)Memory: 2 GB RAM
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 256MB video card with pixel shaders and great OpenGL 2.1 support. particularly in immediate modeNetwork: Broadband Internet connection