Greetings, Tyrants! After combing through your many great suggestions and bugs, we've managed to cobble together a holiday build. We're still in beta, so there will still be a cornucopia of bugs, but I believe we've managed to squash the most egregious. We also managed to add a whole slew of new stuff - some subtle, some more obvious. The notes i post below will contain exact info on all of this. Speaking of the coming holiday, we'll still be tuning into the discussion forums to read and respond to posts. There's a good chance it could take a day or more before you hear anything back, but we'll definitely be around. And despite our perceived laziness in the weeks to come, we'll still get some amount of work done toward an update for early January. We'll do our best to include as much of your feedback as possible in that build as well. So then, we hope you all get some time off to do what you love! Friends, family, video games, eating yourself into a coma - whatever your happy is, we hope you get lots of it! And you can be sure we'll make every effort to do the same. Now then, without further ado, here are some build notes: build version: v0.5.6197.19329 Features: -Economic-only Missions -Technoslug Party Artifacts added -Commander Executions -Bunch of new exploration art added -Unity Launcher removed and graphics options integrated -New starlane move & direction art -New artifacts/decks are now highlighted on the equip screen -Fleet pucks pop up in response to damage or effects -Assorted UI polish (shipyard, explore, button icons) -Some soundtrack updates -A new Space Slug to tickle your fancy (still shows the old tiny version) Balance Changes: -Harder missions (3+) should spawn more often -Reduced likelihood of duplicate card streaks -Special planet generation doesn’t undermine base city/lab distribution -AI players get diminishing returns from Fortifying -City/Lab Upgrade power improved Bug Fixes: -Commander Powers cannot destroy ships after battle is complete (empty fleet bug) -Artifacts correctly kill fleets if they destroy the last ship (empty fleet bug) -"Hack Planet" event no longer occurs on planets that have no powers -Deep Space Probe planet visibility fixed -Doomed planets no longer explode offscreen -Fixed several sounds which were disobeying volume settings -No longer possible to use another empires unique deck -Shipyard auto-closes if you enter combat -Recall card no longer consumes a move -Recall cannot be played on fleets already at your HW -Upgraded Neutral ships now use the correct ship skin -Skrunto's laser sweep power re-enabled -Planet name plaque heights fixed -Base planet defense always appears at the top of tooltip -Many planet tooltips descriptions fixed -Bunny militia power description fixed -Clicking another friendly fleet no longer invokes a move -Technoslug homeworld Hire button fixed -Some siege cards mistakenly didn’t require a siegeing fleet -Empire logo displays correctly when unlocking a new empire -Invasion button flickering fixed -Cannon planets do not lose Derelict on reload -Artifacts cannot reduce planet defense lower than 1 -Prisons only contain unlocked commanders for the current empire -Siege waits to consume fleet moves until you roll the dice Cheers and happy holidays to you from the Space Tyrant team!
[ 2016-12-19 22:58:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Space Tyrant Lin [1.17 G]
From the people who designed, produced, drew stuff for, or ate lunch with the people who made Bejeweled, Peggle, and Plants vs Zombies comes a more sinister strategic experience with far fewer unicorns.
We all enjoyed 4x and roguelike games but found our minds wandering to nearby squirrels, etc, during a typical session. So, under the aegis of newly formed Blue Wizard Digital (who also make the awesome SLAYAWAY CAMP, check it out) we set out to make a zero-attention span mega-empire game, where you could have titanic space battles and huge galaxy-spanning conquests but not run over your employer-mandated allotment of lunch-eating minutes.
Also, we didn't care about winning any "cultural victories" or "Space United Nations" crap, so there's none of that. We wanted to disintegrate guys and watch tons of weird spaceships explode. So there is a whole lot of that, plus collecting artifacts and leveling up and conquering planets and executing ambassadors and that sort of thing. Also we hear you like cards? We have cards. So many cards, let me tell you.
But it's not all vaporizing mewling, hapless slavelings. While bashing your way through space, you’ll eventually face off against the ‘mall cops’ of the universe - the ASTRONS. They might try to slap your hand and call your parents, but a truly merciless tyrant will plow right through these goody two-shoes. And to reward your unsavory efforts, a whole new empire will be yours to agitate. New races of scientifically implausible creatures to lord over, new types of frankly ridiculous technology to research, new commanders to throw into the fray, new cards to, um, do card things with.
What are you waiting for? Play now, my lord!
- OS: Ubuntu
- Processor: Core 2 duo or i3 @ 2GHz+Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: Integrated graphics
- Storage: 2 GB available space
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