Economy Update 0.15.5 Final Patchnotes
"Mostly quality of life changes, nothing too impressive. Crew is more predictable, so for example at mines you will find miners, while military stations will always host generals and other officers."
"In order to make stations more profitable, we reworked several things about them, like cheaper upkeep costs and enchaining possibilities."
"We've reworked the way the chat window works, apart from that, you'll mostly see quality of life changes in this section."
"With this patch, we've reworked a lot of the window and graphics code to make the game behave better on more platforms. If there are any issues coming up, please tell us, so that we can fix them."
"While we'll probably never balance the game around PvP, we want to give players the opportunity to set some ground rules for servers that allow PvP."
"The Scripting Documentation has been massively improved with this update. Parameter names and return types are now correctly displayed where possible, and we added extensive documentation on how the predefined functions for entity, sector and other scripts work."
"We've finally finished our parallel scripting interface. We're using 2 new functions for updating entities in a sector in parallel, but due to the nature of parallel computing and race conditions, access to other objects has to be limited."
"As usual, user bug reports are marked with [UBR]. Thanks everybody for using the bugtracker and forums to report issues!"
[ 2017-12-06 17:48:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
The economy update is here! In this patch, we've reworked factories, stations and a lot of things that have to do with economy. Our modding community will also probably be happy about the extensive updates to the script API, as well as its documentation!
"Mostly quality of life changes, nothing too impressive. Crew is more predictable, so for example at mines you will find miners, while military stations will always host generals and other officers."
- Predictable Crew: Hireable crew is more dependent on the type of station
- Event: Resource Depots request delivery of a specific resource
- Player ships can now be transferred to the alliance (no taksies backsies though!)
- Added trading between players
- Players can now trade money, resources, items and relation improvements
- AI trading ships are now pulled towards/pushed away from docks with a tractor beam
- AI trading ships avoid occupied docks
- When an AI ship crashes into a still-standing player station, no damage is done and no relation changes will happen
- Fulfilling delivery missions now improves relations
- Stations can now hire crews from themselves
- Added a requestable crew transport that delivers an entire crew to the ship that requested it
- Stations can now hire crews from themselves
"In order to make stations more profitable, we reworked several things about them, like cheaper upkeep costs and enchaining possibilities."
- Added cargo shuttles
- Cargo shuttles can be bought at equipment docks
- Custom cargo shuttles can be built at a fighter factory
- Factories can now be configured to send out cargo shuttles to sell or buy goods from other stations
- Factories can be configured to request traders when they are full or run out of ingredients
- Factory production time is influenced by value of the production and the production capacity
- Factory station extensions now add production blocks
- Rebalanced several goods and production chains to avoid completely over/underpowered factories
- Crew payment is now only a third of what it used to be, matches with shown pay now
- More secure stations
- Stations require less repair crew
- Station crew payment reduced by 75%
- Relations to AI factions can now be worsened in diplomacy tab for players and alliances
- Added new factories: Coal Mine and Oil Rig
- Hangar starting positions now always stick out 150 meters over the bounding box of the craft
- The spawning of traders now depends on the prices set at factories
- Low prices: More traders that like to buy
- High prices: More traders that like to sell
- Missing ranking officers no longer prevent players from buying crew
- Instead, morale drops over time
- In turret factories, independent targeting can now be enabled with Targeting Systems
- Factories can now be upgraded in their config menu
Station Building
- Players can now found the following stations, too:
- Biotope
- Casino
- Habitat
- Equipment Dock
- Fighter Factory
- Research Station
- Resource Depot
- Smuggler's Market
- Trading Post
- Turret Factory
- Military Outpost
- Shipyard
- Repair Dock
- Station owners get a percentage of the money transactions of most stations, as well as cheaper prices
- Reduced amount of reputation loss when smuggling by 50%
- Biotope buys plants now
- Crew leaves the ship only after 30 minutes of 0 morale, instead of 10 minutes
- Missing ranking officers only affect morale after 20 minutes, instead of 10
- Loyal Officers: Officers are no longer influenced by morale (but will still leave the ship when morale is 0 for too long.)
- Interaction distance for ships is now 500m instead of 200m
- Adjusted ambient lighting on ships to be less bright and blinding when lots of light blocks are in the same area
- Reduced blue tint for shield effect
"We've reworked the way the chat window works, apart from that, you'll mostly see quality of life changes in this section."
- Reworked chat window
- Added filters for different channels
- Added a scroll bar for the last few hundred messages
- Added tooltips to mission exclamation marks on the galaxy map
- Added an icon to show when bulletin boards have missions
- Improved names of stations in delivery missions
- Fighters that are unable to land make an error message pop up at the top of the screen
- Energy usage of energy weapons is now also visible when they're not firing
- Automatically create new squad if there is no free slot when transfering fighters
- If there is a free slot in a non-adjacent squad it is used first
- Added description of relations to sector-controlling faction to galaxy map tooltip
- Lost fighters without motherships can now be collected by other ships of the same faction
- Added a hint for rearranging energy system priorities
- Ambient (economy) payments that happen in another sector as the player is in aren't shown as notifications
- Ambient (economy) relation changes that happen in another sector as the player is in aren't shown as notifications
- Removed own playername from dropdown menu when writing an email
- Items marked as "trash" are now at the end inventory lists
- Improved visibility of the trash icon
- Trading routes between player stations are now detected
- Added a warning when a new key binding is already bound to another key
- Removed a few outdated hints
- Increased amount of UI background threads to 4
- Added several more loading screen tips concerning building and crew
- Added warnings depending on the available amount of vram
- Added a hint for pressing ALT to select attachment block for templates
- Tabbing through textboxes in multiple places works as intended now
- Auto-save of builds in build mode can be turned on/off
- When a local dedicated server is started, singleplayer button gets disabled
- Collected all buy/sell turret, upgrade and fighter windows in one "Trade Equipment" window
- Collected all (potential) good trading windows in one "Trade Goods" window
- Mines no longer have 2 separate options "Buy/Sell" and "Sell"
- Shortened bulletin board interaction from "Electronic Bulletin Board" to "Bulletin Board"
- Added ship problem messages for low morale and missing ranking officers
- Added warning icons for crew issues to crew tab
- The block size of the normal place block brush in building mode is now persistent
- Added processing power display to ship stats
- Changed "Press space to jump..." to "Tap space..." in tutorial for improved clarity
"With this patch, we've reworked a lot of the window and graphics code to make the game behave better on more platforms. If there are any issues coming up, please tell us, so that we can fix them."
- Improved printing of GL errors
- Added new MessageBoxes that work on Linux as well
- Added a check for crashes at startup
- Improved compatibility for older GPUs
- Added lots of new loading screen tips
- Added some Sci-Fi and actual science trivia to loading screen tips
- Improved full-screen resolutions for computers with multiple, varying size displays
- Improved handling mouse and windows for computers with UI scaling enabled
Performance Tuning
- Collision data in building mode is now calculated asynchronically for better performance while building
- Improved performance of building stats preview when placing/removing a block
- Auto-saving of ships is now done asynchronically for better performance
- Stats for ship/station plans, shields, integrity and collision data are calculated asynchronically now for better performance throughout the entire game
- Improved performance of plan deserialization and thus loading screen, block deletion, shipinfo update, ctrl z, ctrl y, etc.
- Improved network and client performance when removing multiple blocks
- Fixed an issue where /run would command not work with normal statements
- Added a devMode setting to server.ini
- Fighter minimum production limit is 5 seconds instead of 60
- No hyperspace restrictions
- entitydbg.lua script is attached by default to nearly all entities
- Scripts can be refreshed with F5, Ctrl-F5 and Shift-F5
- Scripted server commands appear in /help overview now
- Improved formatting of /help command output
PvP Server Config Options
"While we'll probably never balance the game around PvP, we want to give players the opportunity to set some ground rules for servers that allow PvP."
- Added a value to server.ini to restrict the maximum amount of blocks for player crafts
- Added values to server.ini to restrict the maximum amount of volume for player ships and stations
- Added values to server.ini to restrict the maximum amount of player ships and stations
- Improved accuracy of fighter-to-station distance calculation
- Added some minor bugs
- When a non-player controlled entity jumps into another non-loaded sector, the sector is now loaded from disk or generated
Script API
"The Scripting Documentation has been massively improved with this update. Parameter names and return types are now correctly displayed where possible, and we added extensive documentation on how the predefined functions for entity, sector and other scripts work."
- Massively improved generated Documentation
- Parameter names are added correctly
- Return value types are added correctly
- Added documentation for predefined scripts and their available functions
- Added a setCheckedNoCallback() function to CheckBox
- Added a setValueNoCallback() function and a setPositionNoCallback() function to Slider
- Added ValueComboBox class that can save key-value pairs
- FighterAI generates script-readable feedback about what it currently does
- Added a function startFighter() to start a single fighter
- Added a new AI state to make a fighter fly to a specific location
- FighterType of FighterTemplate is now accessible
- Added entity and entityId properties to Components
- entitydbg.lua can now spawn and transform factories
- Added checks to FighterController if a fighter can start
- Added a StartError enum
- Added reference to Owner component
- Added Hangar and Fighter script callbacks
- Added a flag to Hangar to check if it's currently producing
- Added a BlockStatistics class
- Added Assembly, BlackBox and Gyro BlockType enum values
- Added a Hangar():clear() function
- Added a Selection.entriesHighlightable property
- Components can now be constructed with a string, similar to Entity, or with their Entity
- Removed payMoney() and receiveMoney() functions since they can be replaced with pay() and receive() without issues
- pay() and receive() now allow an optional string as first argument that can be used as description for the transaction
- Added a Format class that can be used for translatable money transaction descriptions
- Added reference to DockingPositions component
- Matrix now supports in-place transformation of vectors (less allocations, better performance)
- ShipProblems HUD is now accessible through scripts
- Fixed some default components being missing to entities created via Sector():createObject()
- Fixed wrong documentation in several callbacks
- getMissionLocation() can now return more than 2 coordinate values
- See documentation for details
- Added a class GameSettings() for access to the server and game settings
- Added properties to access the ships and stations of a player or alliance
- Reenabled client IO and OS libraries with security checks in place
- Client-sided IO can only write to the %appdata% path
- Added an Entity function to wait for async work
- Fixed a crash when registering a new script interaction during an ongoing script interaction
- Server no longer returns non-initialized players in getOnlinePlayers() function
- When AttackState is set to attack an entity without a plan it switches to its parent or no target
- Caption of windows can be read out now
- Tabs in tabbed windows can now be moved all the way to the right
- Scripts can now re-register for the same window that another script already used, enabling them to receive window-related function calls for that window
- Added an option to enable word-breaking in Label class
Parallel Entity Script Execution
"We've finally finished our parallel scripting interface. We're using 2 new functions for updating entities in a sector in parallel, but due to the nature of parallel computing and race conditions, access to other objects has to be limited."
- Added several ReadOnlyXXX classes
- Added an updateParallelRead() Entity script function
- This function will be updated in parallel with other functions of the same name
- In this function, access to all entities is granted, but only through ReadOnly classes
- Added an updateParallelSelf() Entity script function
- This function will be updated in parallel with other functions of the same name
- In this function, only access to the own entity and the ReadOnlySector() is allowed
- In the above functions, access to all other classes, such as Galaxy(), Server() etc. remains as it was already
- updateParallelRead() is executed before updateParallelSelf()
"As usual, user bug reports are marked with [UBR]. Thanks everybody for using the bugtracker and forums to report issues!"
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where repair beams were not penetrating shields
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where shield damage updates would cause lots of network traffic
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where almost broken shields would dampen hits if multiple shots hit it in the same frame
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where wreckage pieces that are part of a wreckage sector are cleaned up
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where fighters would slow down a lot when returning to the mothership
- [UBR] Fixed an issue causing sliders in crew board UI showing non-integer numbers
- Fixed lots of GL/graphics/display issues
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to fully repair ships
- [UBR] Fixed object detector not detecting Exodus mission beacons
- [UBR] Fixed insurance mails being sent for 0 credits
- [UBR] Fixed craft stats showing number of members instead of workforce
- [UBR] Fixed quickmenu tooltip showing the wrong keyboard shortcut for mail
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where alliance notifications would sometimes not be recognized as already there, leading to notification spam
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where fighters weren't able to land when no player was in the sector
- Fixed an issue where /run would command not work with normal statements
- Fixed an issue where mail window would create unnecessary network traffic
- Fixed an issue in turret factory that having stolen cargo would give turrets for a very cheap price without goods
- [UBR] Military outpost has a welcome text as well now
- Fixed an issue where some freighters had no engines
- Fixed an issue where alliance ships would not be able to be controlled by anti-smuggling patrols
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where fighters could pick up crew leading to huge amounts of crew brought back and required by fighters
- [UBR] Repairable wreckages claimed by alliance ships now actually belong to the alliance
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where camera movement didn't update if entering strategy mode while pressing left mouse
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where turrets were being returned to the player twice on lower difficulties
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where borders of inventory selections were resetting
- Fixed an issue where data packages for the player would sometimes get discarded during loading screen
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where good prices wouldn't be displayed correctly for alliances
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where fighter-related scripts could crash when interacted with the drone
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where consecutively interacting with a fighter factory as player and alliance would not update the price
- Fixed error message argument in smuggler's market
- Fixed a few spelling errors
- Fixed an issue where client wouldn't shut down correctly when a UI thread was still running
- Fixed an issue where the maximum volume per ship could be circumvented via "modify entire ship"
- Fixed a few script documentation issues
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where transforming a block would also change its color
- [UBR] Fixed an issue with the display of atmospheric fog on Intel devices
- [UBR] Fixed an issue with the display of point sprites
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where items would only be picked up on the server
- [UBR] Fixed an issue with error sending in fighter factory
- [UBR] Fixed an issue with jittering of fighters with very high agility
- [UBR] Fixed an issue with fighters getting lost on client side when pressing "Transfer All" buttons for fighters
- [UBR] Fixed an issue with wrong prices in trading after selling or buying goods
- [UBR] Fixed an issue with trading routes not updating their prices correctly for the current sector
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where turning speed and independent fire of turret loot wasn't saved
- Fixed an issue that could lead to overflow in faction payments
- Fixed overheating displayer showing black bars instead of yellow/orange
- [UBR] Fixed damage going down for some turrets in turret factory
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where seeking missiles fly to the wrong target in co-op steering
- [UBR] Fixed a crash during building when selecting to show only one block type
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where player ships would not be able to strafe after docking
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where hangar door visuals would remain after transformation of a hangar block into another block type
- [UBR] Fixed several issues with the building stats diff view
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where transformation brush would not create a preview for changed stats
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where homing missiles assigned to unoccupied seats didn't seek the target selected by the first pilot
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where cultists would only attack one disturbing player
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where negative numbers would appear in scientific notation
- [UBR] Fixed an issue with stats diff in building mode after pressing Ctrl Z, Ctrl Y or when transforming a block
- [UBR] Fixed mining and salvaging lasers being able to just "tag" a target to get full resources on destruction
- Fixed a crash with /help command
- [UBR] Fixed AI stations (mostly shipyards and repair docks) decaying
- [UBR] Fixed an issue with factory configuration for buying/selling from others always resetting to true
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where cargo in ships or factories would not be recognized by the UI
- [UBR] Resolved multiple issues with GL initialization and GLEW
- Fixed an issue where fighters could lead to a black screen
- [UBR] Fixed a crash when crafts change and their stats had to be updated
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where "Collect Lost Fighters" button wouldn't work
- [UBR] Fixed a few inaccuracies with crew requirements
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where rifts and faction territory weren't displayed around the player's location
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where hyperspace countdown was out of sync with server
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where the ship systems tab showed the requirement for unlocking two more slots instead of one
- [UBR] Fixed an issue that led to hologram blocks not being able to be merged
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where noble metal mines were displayed more than once
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where player-to-player damage was wrongly enabled for alliance ships
- Fixed an issue where alliance ships wouldn't be able to always interact with their player stations and vice versa
- Fixed an issue where ships and stations wouldn't be able to "dock" with themselves
[ 2017-12-06 17:48:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Game News Posts:
🎹🖱️Keyboard + Mouse
Very Positive
(11939 reviews)
The Game includes VR Support
Public Linux Depots:
- Avorion Linux Content [28.59 M]
Available DLCs:
- Avorion - Black Market
- Avorion - Into The Rift
- Avorion - Behemoth Event Series
Avorion is currently in Early Access, and is under active development. If you want to know more about that, please read the Early Access disclaimer at the top of the page.
Several hundred years ago, a cataclysmic catastrophe nearly ripped your galaxy apart - an unsurmountable ring of torn hyperspace fabric appeared in the center of the galaxy, which normal hyperspace engines can’t overcome.
Since this event nobody has managed to get near the central regions of the galaxy. All you know is that this event also spawned multiple unsurmountable hyperspace rifts throughout the entire galaxy, and that a strange race of aliens, the Xsotan, has appeared in the center. It looks like these aliens have found a way to surpass the torn hyperspace fabric, but so far nobody has managed to establish contact with them.
There are also rumours about a strange new metal called ‘Avorion’, which has appeared in the center of the galaxy, around the same time as the Xsotan arrived. Apparently the aliens use this material to build their ships.
Start out as a nobody at the edge of the galaxy and work your way to the center of a galaxy that gets more dangerous, but also more rewarding the closer you get to its core. Avorion takes sandbox aspects from games like X or Freelancer, throws in co-op multiplayer and lets you build your own ships. It features ships made of freely scalable blocks that can be procedurally generated and that break into pieces where they're hit in space fights.
Explore the galaxy at your own pace to find valuable goods in old ship wreckages, undiscovered asteroid fields rich of resources, unchartered asteroids which you can claim for yourself, or clues as to what happened during the event a few hundred years back.
Build specialized transport ships with lots of cargo space or heavily armored battleships with strong shields. Collect loot from defeated foes which you can use to upgrade your ship: New turrets, resources, trading goods or system upgrades. Install system upgrades that allow more weapons, ease asteroid mining or trading systems which detect trading routes over multiple sectors.
And why build only one ship? Hire captains to fly your ships for you, manage your crews, weapons, hangars and fighters and build your own fleet of space ships!
In Avorion you choose your personal playstyle. Haul cargo, find profitable trading routes and found factories. Or maybe you're sick of being the good guy? Build your own battleship, equip it with powerful weaponry and blow away your enemies. Be the aggressor that starts wars with entire factions, raid freighters, smuggle illegal goods and scavenge old wreckages. Find your way to the center of a galaxy that gets more hostile, but also more rewarding the closer you get to its core.
Several hundred years ago, a cataclysmic catastrophe nearly ripped your galaxy apart - an unsurmountable ring of torn hyperspace fabric appeared in the center of the galaxy, which normal hyperspace engines can’t overcome.
Since this event nobody has managed to get near the central regions of the galaxy. All you know is that this event also spawned multiple unsurmountable hyperspace rifts throughout the entire galaxy, and that a strange race of aliens, the Xsotan, has appeared in the center. It looks like these aliens have found a way to surpass the torn hyperspace fabric, but so far nobody has managed to establish contact with them.
There are also rumours about a strange new metal called ‘Avorion’, which has appeared in the center of the galaxy, around the same time as the Xsotan arrived. Apparently the aliens use this material to build their ships.
Start out as a nobody at the edge of the galaxy and work your way to the center of a galaxy that gets more dangerous, but also more rewarding the closer you get to its core. Avorion takes sandbox aspects from games like X or Freelancer, throws in co-op multiplayer and lets you build your own ships. It features ships made of freely scalable blocks that can be procedurally generated and that break into pieces where they're hit in space fights.
Equip your ship with chainguns, lasers and other weaponry to take on your enemies and enjoy the sight of completely destructible ships breaking at the exact points where you hit them. Defend your allies from pirates, hunt down enemies for coin or even participate in wars between entire factions. Build hangars and command squads of fighters in your battles or destroy enemy freighters to steal their cargo.Explore
Fly through beautiful nebulas and dense asteroid fields in search of hidden treasures and meet the many factions that populate and control their portion of the galaxy. Each faction has its own characteristics, such as peaceful, intelligent or aggressive, and has its own ship styles, meaning their ships and stations have a distinct look.Explore the galaxy at your own pace to find valuable goods in old ship wreckages, undiscovered asteroid fields rich of resources, unchartered asteroids which you can claim for yourself, or clues as to what happened during the event a few hundred years back.
Build Your Fleet
There are no limits to ship size or complexity besides your resources. You're not bound to the standard voxel style and while building an awesome ship in Avorion you won't get lost in lots and lots of micro-management. You can focus on building a great looking ship, without having too much trouble to make it work. But make sure you still keep an eye on your ship’s maneuverability or energy requirements. Adjust your ships perfectly to their operational purpose by building light and agile or heavily armored ships.Build specialized transport ships with lots of cargo space or heavily armored battleships with strong shields. Collect loot from defeated foes which you can use to upgrade your ship: New turrets, resources, trading goods or system upgrades. Install system upgrades that allow more weapons, ease asteroid mining or trading systems which detect trading routes over multiple sectors.
And why build only one ship? Hire captains to fly your ships for you, manage your crews, weapons, hangars and fighters and build your own fleet of space ships!
Extend your ship with a cargo bay, find profitable deals and haul over a hundred trading goods through the galaxy to make a profit and buy your way up the food chain: Build up a trading corporation and extend your influence in the galaxy by founding asteroid mines and factories that attract NPC traders who will buy and sell their goods at your establishments.Co-op Multiplayer
You don't have to fight the galaxy alone! Avorion features co-op multiplayer, so team up with your friends to build stations together and destroy pirates and enemy factions! Work together to extend your influence in the galaxy and build your own empire. Or, you know, blow them apart in large PvP battles. It's a sandbox, you can do whatever you want.In Avorion you choose your personal playstyle. Haul cargo, find profitable trading routes and found factories. Or maybe you're sick of being the good guy? Build your own battleship, equip it with powerful weaponry and blow away your enemies. Be the aggressor that starts wars with entire factions, raid freighters, smuggle illegal goods and scavenge old wreckages. Find your way to the center of a galaxy that gets more hostile, but also more rewarding the closer you get to its core.
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or higher
- Processor: Intel i5 @ 3.0 GHz or AMD equivalentMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 550 or equivalent (full OpenGL 3.0 support required)Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 1 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Middle mouse button. mouse wheel required. No Internet connection required for Singleplayer.
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or higher
- Processor: Intel i7 @ 3.3 GHz or AMD equivalentMemory: 6 GB RAM
- Memory: 6 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVidia Geforce 1050 / Radeon RX 460Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 3 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Middle mouse button. mouse wheel required. No Internet connection required for Singleplayer.
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