Hey everyone, while working on the Combat Update II, we've realized that we have a lot of changes in the pipeline that we could easily release before the second part of the Combat Update. Since we also want to aim for more but smaller updates, this seemed like the right thing to do. There's also one very important feature in this update, that we wanted to roll out as soon as possible: Automated crash-report sending, which gives us a quick, anonymous info of a crash. No more bug reporting with first finding logs etc, all the important info is sent to us automatically. This will help us A LOT with improving game stability in the future. After releasing the new feature that automatically reports crashes to us, we've found tons of issues and fixed as many as possible as fast as we could. In this update you'll see the results of this bug hunt. And if you don't want to send the anonymous crash reports, then you can just disable that in the main menu. Apart from that, you'll mostly find polishing and issues that you've raised over time, and now we've addressed them.
- Salvage & mine commands are now persistent and restart when new wreckages/asteroids appear
- Player start sectors are now placed closely to their first ally faction's home sector
- This avoids problems with missing gates
- Made some VERY small adjustments to how ship costs are calculated, might resolve in slightly (below est. 0.1%) higher, but more consistent costs
- Reduced glow-block durability by 75% to match reduced maintenance cost
- Enemies with torpedoes no longer immediately fire torpedoes once they see the player or once loading screen ends
"Most importantly: UI Scaling and a back-button for station interaction windows."
- Added icon that shows the current order to the indicator of a selected ship
- Added different answers for NPCs if their home sector lies inside a rift
- Building Mode
- Hide blocks window: Added filtering by material and block type at the same time
- Turrets can now be focused in building mode
- Ambient shield animations are now disabled in building mode
- Added greying out tabs in ship window as long as they're not yet relevant
- Added a first version of UI scaling
- Still testing here, please report issues if you encounter any!
- Issues related to this could include: Mouse cursor not working properly, transparent/too bright windows
- Irrelevant stats are not shown in stats overview
- Added back button for ui windows, which enables fast switching in the interaction dialog
- Added scrollable UI for smuggler's markets
- Improved pixel-perfect rendering of lines
- Fixed rendering of target indicators, steering indicator and pro-/retrograde markers
- Shield bar at the bottom of the screen flashes when hit by an EMP torpedo
- Color of the selected block is now visible in building mode
Server Browser
"We've updated the server browser to allow favorites, a search function and a history."
- Added favoriting of servers
- Added history of last played servers
- Added a search function to search server list
- Added a filter for creative servers
- Added a filter for server/client version
- Improved general behavior of Server Browser Window
Scripting API
- Added a CargoBay component
- Added sending of anonymous script crash reports to improve bug hunting (configurable)
- These are only sent for vanilla scripts, modded scripts (including dependencies) will not trigger crash report sending
- Chat messages can now be sent via the Faction class
- Only sends if the faction is an online player or alliance with online players
- Removed misleading "Faction Scripts" button from entitydbg.lua script
- Client and server now send anonymous crash reports to improve bug hunting (configurable)
- Several minor performance improvements
- Improved overall performance by speeding up Entity-Lookups (up to 50% faster for large sectors)
- Improved behavior of text boxes (support deleting words with Ctrl + Backspace)
- Added a small FPS and frame time display on the top right of the screen
- Improved debug output and crash report sending
- Added a command line option --send-crash-reports to configure crash report sending (default & recommended: enabled)
- Improved RCON interface, supports the RCON protocol of Rust as well as Valve's RCON protocol
- Added graceful Ctrl-C and console-closing shutdown for AvorionServer
"As usual, [UBR] marked fixes are User Bug Reports. Thanks for reporting and keep it up!"
- [UBR] Fixed turret orders being reset
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where players were put in their drone instead of their ships on sector switch
- Fixed an issue where the game might crash when a sector can't be loaded
- [UBR] Fixed an issue in building mode where mirroring via multiple planes showed the wrong price
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where torpedo warhead types weren't localized in the target displayer
- Fixed a potential crash in logging
- Fixed several minor UI issues
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where delivery and organize goods mission rewards were paid to the player even when in an alliance ship
- [UBR] Anti-Smuggle ships investigating ships without a player in them only take the cargo and don't attack any more
- [UBR] Relations only worsen to ai factions, not players, when telling a civil ship to dump its cargo
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where resource shortages at resource depots weren't synched to new clients
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where Avorion or the AvorionServer would keep running in the background even though it was exited
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where keybindings for the same key with and without modifier would conflict
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where the transformation brush didn't update a block's unpainted material color
- [UBR] Fixed Ctrl-Z costing resources or money sometimes
- [UBR] Fixed a crash in docking AI
- [UBR] Fixed relation drops for shooting down torpedoes
- Fixed a rare crash when entering numbers into text fields in factories
- Fixed Fake Distress call mission crashing and not spawning enough pirates
- [UBR] SoundEffect and MusicTrack no longer throw exceptions when volume setting is not between 0 and 1
- Fixed a crash when trying to report a lua error in a script that's currently being constructed and crashing
- Fixed a crash in ai dialog script
- Fixed a crash when creating a tooltip for turrets or fighters without weapons
- Fixed a crash in Inventory UI while sorting which led to stations with inventories hanging (example: research station)
- Fixed a script error when issuing orders to alliance ships without captains
- Fixed a crash in several trading scripts when players aren't in a ship (yet)
- Fixed a crash in wormholeguardian script
- Fixed a crash when tooltipmaker.lua returns an object other than a Tooltip
- Fixed a rare crash when torpedoes were fired by AI ships
- Fixed a script crash when upgrade for a factory can't be paid
- Fixed a script crash in smugglers market
- Fixed a crash when trying to mail an alliance-bound item
- Fixed a crash on client related to instanced rendering of asteroids
- Fixed multiple crashes when modifying system upgrades the exact moment your ship is destroyed
- Fixed an issue where AI factions could get corrupted and become un-interactable
- Fixed a crash in faction war defenders when something gets hit by a rogue shot
- Improved performance and memory footprint of background & planet generation
- This should hopefully fix quite a few crashes on sector change
- Fixed a few crashes when placing turrets
- Fixed a crash when updating structural integrity fields
- Fixed a potential crash when receiving messages
- Fixed a script crash/hang in trade AI
- Fixed an error/script hang in search and rescue mission
- Fixed wormhole guardian script crashing on client when spawned in a sector without planets
- Fixed an issue in trader-attacked-by-pirates event where the script would hang after both pirates and trader got destroyed the same time
- Fixed several crashes while generating sectors
- Fixed a crash when executing /addcrew as a non-player
- Added more info to crash reports
- Fixed a potential crash when resolving intersections of entities
- Fixed a crash when creating a wormhole guardian without a planet in the sector
- Optimized memory usage of sky background generator
- Fixed several script crashes in entitydbg.lua
- Fixed several crashes due to wrong indexing and cross-referencing of entities
- Fixed a crash when player doesn't have an alliance and is being attacked by a ship that belongs to no faction
- Fixed a rare crash when opening galaxy map
- Fixed a crash when ship window is open and ship gets destroyed
- Fixed a crash when transferring crew and goods
- Fixed a crash when multithreadedly building tooltips
- Fixed a crash when a player logs out and another player logs in at the exact same time
- Added detection of crashes in GPU drivers
- Fixed a crash when inserting systems while ship gets destroyed
- Server shuts down gracefully when ports are inaccessible
- Fixed several crashes related to thread local storage not working correctly on Windows
- Fixed allies sometimes not attacking wormhole guardian by themselves
- Fixed trading not working when interacting with an entity that can't have turrets
- Fixed script for selling asteroids crashing sometimes
- Fixed several crashes in script for hiring crew
- Fixed several crashes when spawning multiple ships and a ship gets destroyed before the whole bunch was spawned
- Fixed a crash when server is already bound to an address
- Fixed a crash when exiting game on Windows
- Fixed a crash when saving a sector
- Fixed a crash in trade AI
- Fixed several issues in trading overview upgrade
- Fixed a crash in ComboBox
- Added startingLog to stacktrace report
- Fixed a crash when initializing entities with init.lua
- Fixed a crash in explore sector mission
- Fixed a crash when building turret tooltips
- Client: Added a splash screen
- Client: Added Avorion logo to main menu
- Fixed a crash during server start when addresses are already in use
- Fixed lots of errors in UI due to bad referencing of UI elements after rework
- Fixed a crash in torpedo warning when a torpedo gets shot down or deleted
- Fixed an issue in collision detection leading to railguns (and long-reach-beam weapons in general) not dealing damage
- Several minor performance improvements
- Improved performance of several UI elements
- Especially for players who subscribed to lots of workshop items
- Time per frame/update tick is now at ~0.2 ms, from up to 4 ms
- Fixed a rare crash when trying to read used memory from lua states
- Fixed a crash in organize goods mission
- Fixed several issues with the interaction of research station and usable items
- Fixed a crash when starting server and jumps.dat is corrupted
- Fixed a crash in relationchanges when the destroying faction doesn't exist
- Fixed a crash when a trader spawns the exact moment a station is destroyed
- Fixed splash screen not displaying correctly in some cases
- Improved performance of script execution
- Fixed several crashes related to script initialization
- Fixed a crash when components get invalidated in scripts
- Fixed lua stacktraces being sent wrongly
- Fixed sellable asteroid showing "Unknown" as faction
- Fixed an exploit that allowed the duping of ships
- Fixed an issue where "sell to station" prices were displayed as zero when trading from an alliance ship
- Fixed a bug in wormhole guardian fight allies when assigning them to not attack the guardian
- Fixed two potential crashes related to script UI
- Fixed a crash in galaxy when a player logs in while another player is checking for broken AI factions
- Fixed a crash in UI ship displayers
- Fixed a crash when closing the game with ALT F4 from strategy state
- Improved performance of alliance inventory tab by only updating the selection with changes
- Fixed an issue where turrets in the building inventory window weren't updated correctly
- Fixed an issue when spawning the wormhole guardian
- Fixed a minor issue in passsector.lua that led to unnecessary error printing
- Fixed a crash in delivery mission
- Fixed several crashes in scripts related to faction infos not yet being present on the client
- Fixed several crashes related to persecutors
- Fixed several crashes when transferring crew, goods or fighters
- Scripting API: Fixed a crash when setting client Player's selectedObject to nil
- Scripting API: If lua VM is invalid after execution, invokeFunction() functions report failure now
- Scripting API: Renamed Crumple damage to Collision
- Fixed several issues related to font and text rendering
- Fixed an error when players log in/out and InvokeScriptMessages are sent
- Fixed a crash in building mode
- Fixed an exploit related to holo blocks and block transformation
- Fixed a crash in turret AI when entities are destroyed
- Fixed a crash in rendering when entities are destroyed
[ 2018-06-19 17:01:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Avorion Linux Content [28.59 M]
- Avorion - Black Market
- Avorion - Into The Rift
- Avorion - Behemoth Event Series
Several hundred years ago, a cataclysmic catastrophe nearly ripped your galaxy apart - an unsurmountable ring of torn hyperspace fabric appeared in the center of the galaxy, which normal hyperspace engines can’t overcome.
Since this event nobody has managed to get near the central regions of the galaxy. All you know is that this event also spawned multiple unsurmountable hyperspace rifts throughout the entire galaxy, and that a strange race of aliens, the Xsotan, has appeared in the center. It looks like these aliens have found a way to surpass the torn hyperspace fabric, but so far nobody has managed to establish contact with them.
There are also rumours about a strange new metal called ‘Avorion’, which has appeared in the center of the galaxy, around the same time as the Xsotan arrived. Apparently the aliens use this material to build their ships.
Start out as a nobody at the edge of the galaxy and work your way to the center of a galaxy that gets more dangerous, but also more rewarding the closer you get to its core. Avorion takes sandbox aspects from games like X or Freelancer, throws in co-op multiplayer and lets you build your own ships. It features ships made of freely scalable blocks that can be procedurally generated and that break into pieces where they're hit in space fights.
Equip your ship with chainguns, lasers and other weaponry to take on your enemies and enjoy the sight of completely destructible ships breaking at the exact points where you hit them. Defend your allies from pirates, hunt down enemies for coin or even participate in wars between entire factions. Build hangars and command squads of fighters in your battles or destroy enemy freighters to steal their cargo.Explore
Fly through beautiful nebulas and dense asteroid fields in search of hidden treasures and meet the many factions that populate and control their portion of the galaxy. Each faction has its own characteristics, such as peaceful, intelligent or aggressive, and has its own ship styles, meaning their ships and stations have a distinct look.Explore the galaxy at your own pace to find valuable goods in old ship wreckages, undiscovered asteroid fields rich of resources, unchartered asteroids which you can claim for yourself, or clues as to what happened during the event a few hundred years back.
Build Your Fleet
There are no limits to ship size or complexity besides your resources. You're not bound to the standard voxel style and while building an awesome ship in Avorion you won't get lost in lots and lots of micro-management. You can focus on building a great looking ship, without having too much trouble to make it work. But make sure you still keep an eye on your ship’s maneuverability or energy requirements. Adjust your ships perfectly to their operational purpose by building light and agile or heavily armored ships.Build specialized transport ships with lots of cargo space or heavily armored battleships with strong shields. Collect loot from defeated foes which you can use to upgrade your ship: New turrets, resources, trading goods or system upgrades. Install system upgrades that allow more weapons, ease asteroid mining or trading systems which detect trading routes over multiple sectors.
And why build only one ship? Hire captains to fly your ships for you, manage your crews, weapons, hangars and fighters and build your own fleet of space ships!
Extend your ship with a cargo bay, find profitable deals and haul over a hundred trading goods through the galaxy to make a profit and buy your way up the food chain: Build up a trading corporation and extend your influence in the galaxy by founding asteroid mines and factories that attract NPC traders who will buy and sell their goods at your establishments.Co-op Multiplayer
You don't have to fight the galaxy alone! Avorion features co-op multiplayer, so team up with your friends to build stations together and destroy pirates and enemy factions! Work together to extend your influence in the galaxy and build your own empire. Or, you know, blow them apart in large PvP battles. It's a sandbox, you can do whatever you want.In Avorion you choose your personal playstyle. Haul cargo, find profitable trading routes and found factories. Or maybe you're sick of being the good guy? Build your own battleship, equip it with powerful weaponry and blow away your enemies. Be the aggressor that starts wars with entire factions, raid freighters, smuggle illegal goods and scavenge old wreckages. Find your way to the center of a galaxy that gets more hostile, but also more rewarding the closer you get to its core.
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or higher
- Processor: Intel i5 @ 3.0 GHz or AMD equivalentMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 550 or equivalent (full OpenGL 3.0 support required)Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 1 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Middle mouse button. mouse wheel required. No Internet connection required for Singleplayer.
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or higher
- Processor: Intel i7 @ 3.3 GHz or AMD equivalentMemory: 6 GB RAM
- Memory: 6 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVidia Geforce 1050 / Radeon RX 460Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 3 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Middle mouse button. mouse wheel required. No Internet connection required for Singleplayer.
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