Update 2.0 now live!
"So much has happened! So we'll only list the biggest changes! We had plenty of balancing changes as well, and we'll keep an eye on things to make sure that things stay smooth!"
"Just like the other changes, a lot has happened here and we're listing only the most important ones! One of the most important goals was to make the early game less grindy, though. If you're interested in the details, check out the patchnotes for patches 2.0.1 to 2.0.6."
"We all know it was necessary, and things look so much better now! We hope you enjoy it just as much as we do! We're only listing the most important changes here, there are many more small things that were improved."
"No more 50% penalty but full control over which turrets should fire independently!"
"The new progression is meant to challenge you on your way to the center of the galaxy. Players will be required to prove themselves in a new area before they can get their hands on the new building knowledge. We believe this provides a much more fun way to play your chosen playstyle, or to even try a different playstyle for a bit. And to keep Avorion a true sandbox: If you don't like the new progression, you can simply go for Avorion Classic!"
"Hiring crew was sometimes a rather tedious task, and the amount of crew necessary for some ships was a little overwhelming. With 2.0, we want to give you the options of either having a more bare-bones crew on the ship or investing in a fully functional crew that will boost your ship's performance to 200%!"
"More work for your captains - less for you! With the new map commands you can now easily send your ship on a longer mission to collect resources, trade, explore and more!"
"We gave captains more character - and a class. And traits. And levels."
"We want the carrier-playstyle to be more of a specialization that's worth it - so we're making things easier but we'll also require you to specialize your ship more to, uh, carrier more."
"Every ship now has an autopilot that will take over when you give it an order, especially when you're sitting in it. You guys wanted automatic docking? You get automatic docking. Give the order, sit back and enjoy the show!"
"To give the factions on the map more feeling of actual civilizations, they'll now have a central and outer region in their area. More commerce in the inner regions, more outlawnessness (is that a word?) in the outer regions."
"We brought the tutorial more up to date and made it easier for new players to start out in this complex game."
"You can now keep track of your achieved milestones and possibilities of what's to come in the Player Profile!"
"You know a feature isn't really top-quality when people Alt-Tab out of your game to do something else while waiting for hyperspace cooldown. So we made Hyperspace Travel more engaging and fun, and most importantly: Less annoying!"
"Hooray if you made it all the way down here! As a reward, have a few more things that were impactful enough to be worth mentioning in this wall of text."
"We actually fixed way, way more bugs than those, but we're listing the most annoying ones here. Many of these were brought to us by users through our in-game bug reporting system! List may be incomplete since many systems were reworked, which could lead to bugs being fixed automatically."
[ 2021-09-07 13:07:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! These are the final patch notes for update 2.0! We left out the changes that only affected beta-versions, and are listing everything that is important for players that played 1.3.8 so far. There is much, much more that has happened and as always the devil is in the details! We're only listing the most important changes here. We'd like to encourage you to check out the update yourselves and see for yourselves how things have improved!
Gameplay Highlights
"So much has happened! So we'll only list the biggest changes! We had plenty of balancing changes as well, and we'll keep an eye on things to make sure that things stay smooth!"
- Added a "Free Play" Scenario
- Added repair with credits only at Repair Docks
- Fixed an error in the name-translator of other ships and stations
- Names of NPC ships & stations should now be more pronounceable
- Added more diverse civil Ships
- Added ambient shuttles that populate the sector
- Added more named weapons
- Added a secret boss fight
- Added a new procedural bounty hunting mission
- Added lights to some containers
- Added a shortcut to the Exodus story mission
- Added Towing instead of Reconstruction Tokens
- Added a device to rename sectors
- Added a device to leave a message for other players
- Removed cargo shuttles, factories can now trade with each other in-sector through the ambient shuttles
- Added a pirate loot transporter
- Added a few easter eggs
- Torpedoes can now be dropped as loot
- Added strength indicators for enemies
- Added a Travel Hub: buying a jump boost increases the hyperspace jump range for the next jump
- Made flight AI of ships in combat more reckless and engaging
- Improved AI of mining and salvaging ships
- Added several new sound effects for weapon & other loot pickup
- Improved the introduction missions for the Strategy Mode and Trading
- Added a mission to track progress of the Xsotan Swarm Event
- Added some trading goods that can be dropped during R-Mining & R-Salvaging
- Improved names of turrets and upgrades
- Added pirate carriers
- Harvest and Repair AI no longer reorder weapon groups and use only the best turrets on targets
- Renamed "Smart Blocks" to "Functional Blocks"
- Stations and ships of players are now be attacked by pirates or factions that are at war with the player from time to time
- Improved Controls
- Ship doesn't try to automatically turn towards the camera view while standing still (toggleable)
- Added a combat zoom functionality when holding right mouse (mousewheel)
- Added a free camera in building mode (arrow keys)
- Added tons of cool other stuff
"Just like the other changes, a lot has happened here and we're listing only the most important ones! One of the most important goals was to make the early game less grindy, though. If you're interested in the details, check out the patchnotes for patches 2.0.1 to 2.0.6."
- Improved rewards of nearly all missions
- Reduced number of claimable asteroids, increased their value
- Upgrades start to drop once they're starting to be useful (ie. no shield-upgrades in Iron & Titanium regions, etc.)
- Massively increased capacity of battery blocks
- Added one imbalance to test our community & bug reporters
- Reduced amount of processing power required for Subsystem Sockets 4 and up
- Improved the Trading Subsystem to start tracking routes and showing prices at much earlier rarity levels
- Increased amount of resources available at Resource Depots
- Reduced cost of resources at Resource Depots
- Increased profit when selling resources at Resource Depots
- Most missions now additionally give resources as reward
- Decreased influence of pirates and Xsotan on hazard zone trigger when destroying freighters by 75%
- Adjusted NPC boosting behavior to make sure they don't kite as much
- Relation gain for repairing for money at repair docks is now similar to shipyard
- Relation gain of all bulletin board missions increased
- Xsotan Artifact II now gives +6 auto turret slots
- Xsotan Artifact III now gives +6 auto turret slots
- Xsotan Artifact IV now gives +6 auto turret slots
- Xsotan Artifact VII now gives +7 Hyperspace Range (up from 5)
- Shield boosters now give a flat bonus to shield instead of a percentage
- Dev Comment: Energy to shield converters are now the go-to item when you want % shield improvements
- Increased amount of shields provided by energy to shield converter subsystem
- Energy to shield converters now stack with other shield bonuses
- Reduced pirate HP/shields by 20 - 25% since the game has become more challenging with the building knowledge slot limitations
- This also speeds up combat with pirates in general
- Reduced prices of torpedoes by 56%
- Doubled base rewards for delivery missions
- Delivery mission bonus reward now scales with location in the galaxy
- Doubled base rewards for resource shortage missions (now 4x the good's price)
- Resource shortage mission bonus reward now scales with location in the galaxy
- Increased number of available bulletin board missions
- Increased minimal rotation speed for all turrets
- Halved frequency of fake distress call in comparison to normal distress call
UI Redesign
"We all know it was necessary, and things look so much better now! We hope you enjoy it just as much as we do! We're only listing the most important changes here, there are many more small things that were improved."
- Improved the looks of the UI
- You don't know how much I'd love to go on about this, but you should instead just check it out yourselves :)
- Added several color-blind modes
- Colorblind people: Please provide feedback if things are clearer now, we'd like to know if there is still stuff to improve!
- Added a new scenario selection UI for singleplayer games
- Added a detailed sector overview
- Added several Galaxy Map improvements
- Added pinging on the Galaxy Map
- Added a setting to reveal your position to others
- Added a toggle between faction & relation colors on the map
- Added areas to show where your ships are currently doing operations
- Sectors can now additionally be tagged with an icon when adding a note
- Added more buttons for showing/hiding different ships (distinguishes between "on screen" and "on operation")
- The currently tracked mission can now be shown on the galaxy map
- Added a legend to galaxy map
- Refined the Sector Information on galaxy map
- Added many hints about buttons and controls
- Improved camera controls in StrategyMode & GalaxyMap
- Improved UI of craft weaponry
- Turrets can be replaced and removed in ship overview
- Turrets can be assigned as auto-firing here
- Added arrows that show if a selection can be scrolled further up or down
- Added a slider to saved designs window in Build Mode to scale a design 2 slots up or down
- Added little highlights to find loot more easily
- Added filtering by ship & station in the fleet overview
- TAB now switches between Ship and Player window
- Added hints for actions to each window and tab
- Added little markers to turret icons for the different slot types
- Added new icons and cursors for actions that require a target
- Mail window now sorts newest mail to the top of the list
- Mail window now shows mails with attachments
- Mail window now highlights unread mail better
- New notifications are now shown at the bottom
"No more 50% penalty but full control over which turrets should fire independently!"
- Removed the 50% damage penalty from automatic turrets
- Added new kinds of turret slots:
- Defensive (for PDCs)
- Auto Slots (for automatic turrets)
- All turrets can now be configured to be automatically firing
- Added new subsystems for automatic turrets, updated existing subsystems to include automatic slots where appropriate
New Progression
"The new progression is meant to challenge you on your way to the center of the galaxy. Players will be required to prove themselves in a new area before they can get their hands on the new building knowledge. We believe this provides a much more fun way to play your chosen playstyle, or to even try a different playstyle for a bit. And to keep Avorion a true sandbox: If you don't like the new progression, you can simply go for Avorion Classic!"
- Building blocks now requires Building Knowledge about their material, which you can find over the course of the game
- Either beat a strong pirate or boss encounter in the respective area, or
- Achieve good relations with a faction and buy the knowledge at one of their shipyards in the respective area
- Building Knowledge grants you the ability to build up to a certain material and subsystem socket number (read: Processing Power)
- Processing Power
- Made Processing Power of the ship more visual
- Improved clarity about what Processing Power does and what blocks increase it
- Functional Blocks that increase processing power are now clearly marked as such
- Added a "Classic Avorion" Scenario, which has full Building Knowledge unlocked from the start
Crew Rework
"Hiring crew was sometimes a rather tedious task, and the amount of crew necessary for some ships was a little overwhelming. With 2.0, we want to give you the options of either having a more bare-bones crew on the ship or investing in a fully functional crew that will boost your ship's performance to 200%!"
- Reduced the amount of crew necessary to keep the ship running at basic capacity
- Only half the crew is necessary now
- Adjusted salary accordingly
- Reduced the amount of workforce that is necessary to push a ship's performance to 100%
- Ship performance of engine and mechanics can now be boosted to up to 200%
- Boost in velocity is now reflected in the velocity display of the HUD
- Ranks are now assigned automatically by your crewmembers
- Ranks are now among the crew and no longer separate professions
- Morale decays more quickly once there is an issue on the ship
- Morale will only start to impact workforce once it arrives at 0%
- Morale no longer leads to the crew leaving the ship, but instead going on strike
- A crew transport can now be called in when 100 crew is necessary (down from 300)
Map Commands
"More work for your captains - less for you! With the new map commands you can now easily send your ship on a longer mission to collect resources, trade, explore and more!"
- Changed the map commands to be easier to use and less finnicky
- Map commands require a captain, who will then take full control of the ship
- Send an escort with your ship to increase its safety
- The ship won't be available during that time, unless recalled
- Ships with captains show up from time to time in the area they were deployed in
- Added the following new commands:
- Mine
- Salvage
- Travel
- Sell
- Procure
- Trade
- Supply
- Expedition
- Scout
- Restock
- Refine
- Added regular yields that the captains of the ships will send to you in a time interval specified by you
"We gave captains more character - and a class. And traits. And levels."
- Added new kinds of captains with various classes, perks and traits
- Captains can now level up
- Tier 0 captains gain a class determined by their last fulfilled operation once they reach level 5
- Captains now give bonuses to the ship, depending on their class
- Multiple captains can be taken on the ship as passengers
- Added a new mission that ends with the option to take a high-tier captain on board
- Specific stations produce specific captains
Fighter Rework
"We want the carrier-playstyle to be more of a specialization that's worth it - so we're making things easier but we'll also require you to specialize your ship more to, uh, carrier more."
- Added grouping of Squads
- Fighters are now remote controlled, pilots stay on the ship and won't get lost on destruction
- Player fighters without mothership (and thus without pilot) now fly in circles
- NPC fighters without mothership (and thus without pilot) now explode
- Fighters can now boost when they start flying longer distances
- Carriers need subsystems on board for more than 1 squad
- Added a new subsystem for fighter squads
- Added a fighter skin that can be applied to an entire squad
- Performance Improvements
- Improved rendering performance when fighters are deployed
- Improved networking performance of the mothership
- Massively increased durability of fighters
- Durability now scales with tech level and used material
- Increased damage of (new) fighters by 33%
- Rebalanced costs of fighters to match the "3 fighters = 1 turret" design philosophy
- Fighter production time is now 50% linked to their tech level and 50% to their durability
- Fighter production time is now always at most 1h
- Fighter production time now can be reduced by at max 90%
- Fighter production time reduction is now 1min per 1000 production capacity on the craft
- Fighters now always take at least 30s to produce, down from 60s
- Increased amount of fighters available at stations
- Improved fighter AI when returning to mothership
- Increased range of Anti-Fighter cannnons by 1km
- Once all guaranteed dodges of a fighter are used, they get a 0.25s cooldown until the next random dodge can be done
- Guaranteed dodges recharge over a period of 60s instead of 120s
- Fighters now get (3 + 2 x [PilotLevel]) guaranteed dodges up from (3 + 1 x [PilotLevel])
- UI Improvements
- Added small HP bars for fighters when showing the entire squad
- Added small markers for fighters
- Added HP bars for deployed fighter squads
"Every ship now has an autopilot that will take over when you give it an order, especially when you're sitting in it. You guys wanted automatic docking? You get automatic docking. Give the order, sit back and enjoy the show!"
- Ships can now always be controlled as long as they're in the same sector as you
- Ships won't require a captain for basic commands any longer
- When commanding your own ship the Autopilot of the ship kicks in
Central/Outer Faction Area
"To give the factions on the map more feeling of actual civilizations, they'll now have a central and outer region in their area. More commerce in the inner regions, more outlawnessness (is that a word?) in the outer regions."
- Added a differentiation between inner and outer faction areas
- Inner Faction Area
- Secure, many factories, densely populated, lots of commerce and trade
- Outer Faction Area
- Less secure, more empty sectors with resources, less populated, somewhat more dangerous, less activity
- Improved characteristics of factions, depending on the faction
Tutorial & Encyclopedia Improvements
"We brought the tutorial more up to date and made it easier for new players to start out in this complex game."
- Streamlined Tutorial and brought it more up-to-date
- Improved integration of Encyclopedia into first few hours of the game
- Added many new Encyclopedia articles
Player Profile
"You can now keep track of your achieved milestones and possibilities of what's to come in the Player Profile!"
- Added a player profile to keep track of your progress
- Milestones in player profile show what you've achieved and what things are still to come
Hyperspace Improvements
"You know a feature isn't really top-quality when people Alt-Tab out of your game to do something else while waiting for hyperspace cooldown. So we made Hyperspace Travel more engaging and fun, and most importantly: Less annoying!"
- Hyperspace calculations can now be done over multiple jumps without reopening the galaxy map
- Hyperspace jumps require you to charge the jump drive before jumping, instead of after jumping
- This prevents players getting stuck without being aware that something like that could even happen
- Hyperspace jump cooldown is now max. 60s for all ships
- Reduced hyperspace jump range boosts through upgrades and blocks
- Hyperspace upgrades now either give
- Small jump range boosts without increased cooldown
- Large jump range boosts and increased cooldown
- Hyperspace jump cooldown can be reduced by boosting towards the next jump point
Smaller Changes
"Hooray if you made it all the way down here! As a reward, have a few more things that were impactful enough to be worth mentioning in this wall of text."
- Tutorial now starts with the same player resources regardless of difficulty level
- Additional resources are then given to players after completing the tutorial
- Large, empty Iron & Naonite asteroids now have the shape of Titanium asteroids to make them distinguishable from claimables
- Pirates can now be cowards and flee from a fight once too damaged
- Wormholes selected in Strategy Mode now show their distance
- Added a safety conversation line for Swoks when picking "I'll pay", to confirm that player actually wants to pay
- Renamed "Crew Shuttles" to "Boarding Shuttles"
- Added changing of root block
- Added a key to save designs from main menu
- Added a filter to saved designs window to filter by "Can I build this right now"
- Added a free camera in build mode
- Added an icon to bulletin board to quickly identify a mission
- Ship AI is no longer limited by range of PDCs when they have other weapons they could use
- Self-pulling into a dock via tractor beam now pulls slightly longer to avoid edge-cases where it's just barely not possible to dock
- The trader that is attacked by pirates no longer dies in 2 seconds
- It's now 120s, except when you're helping them with the dying
- Added a hint for turning dead zone of turrets, to avoid unfortunate placement of turrets on the front of the ship
- Improved crew notifications
- Fighter engine trails are now longer when boosting on particle setting "High"
- Added a hotkey binding to select own ship (unbound by default)
- Force turrets are now also compared by force when sorting by damage in inventory
- Ships can now be sent through wormholes in strategy mode
- Salvage AI now stops when its salvaging license runs out
- Gems are now bought by Habitats and Casinos
- AI ships can now use armed auto turrets to defend themselves while mining/salvaging
- Turret positions are now updated when scaling and rotating the whole plan in building mode
- Added a hotkey to track missions when they're updated
- Reduced base time that it takes to build a ship with captain at a Shipyard from 300s to 40s
- Implemented a setting for servers to enforce steam networking and not fall back to TCP protocols
- Reduced default size of damage numbers
- Once a player has crossed the barrier, the teleporters will always activate automatically when that player enters the teleporter sector again
- Strongly reduced slowdown of turrets when approaching their aimed point
- Turrets now snap correctly to target instead of slowly approaching it
- Stations and ships of players can now be attacked by pirates or factions that are in war with the player
- Delivery and organize goods missions now mark their target stations
- Added icon to show that permanent installed upgrades can be removed without getting destroyed
- Fighter wings can now be deleted even when they contain fighters
- Enemies no longer oscillate between player and center of sector when player is too far out
- Added little lights to some containers
- Strategy mode is now bound to N
- Swapped default hotkeys for Ship and Player Menus (I, P)
- Added a text field to cargo bay for dropping a specific amount of goods
- Added a Turret Rotation Lock Edge block
- Auto-Assign now only unassign as many crewmen as it needs to fill all professions
- Torpedo and boarding warning sound is now attenuated over time to be less annoying
"We actually fixed way, way more bugs than those, but we're listing the most annoying ones here. Many of these were brought to us by users through our in-game bug reporting system! List may be incomplete since many systems were reworked, which could lead to bugs being fixed automatically."
- Fixed an issue where multiple blocks could exist in the same space, leading to highly exploitable ship designs
- Fixed an issue where all factions of the map would be kept in memory all the time
- Fixed several issues with AI just turning, but not flying
- Fixed an issue where Swoks would not attack when shot at
- Fixed several issues where named weapons were a little underwhelming
- Fixed an issue where weapon hits would be desynced between client & server
- Fixed an issue with the Avorion window icon
- Fixed an issue with wrong proportion of factory storage
- Fixed an issue with factory production display
- Fixed an issue when ships won't fit through wormholes/gates
- Fixed an issue where ship wasn't properly deleted when deleting all blocks
- Fixed an issue where some ships couldn't be commanded after restoring a backup
- Fixed an issue where mod window didn't scale properly with UI scaling enabled
- Fixed some issues with target reticles not being drawn properly once too far away
- [UBR] Fixed an issue when loading key bindings that used Ctrl, Shift or other modifier keys
- You might have to reset controls or reassign the controls for them to work again
- Increased grace timer when a ship is destroyed in a Scrapyard sector
- Fixed a crash in Eliminating Rivals mission
- Fixed a crash in Propaganda Materials mission
- Fixed a crash in Display of Strength mission
- Fixed a crash in Shes Innocent! mission
- Fixed a crash in A Lost Friend mission
- Fixed a crash in The Guardian mission
- Fixed a crash in Wanted Dead, Not Alive mission
- Fixed an issue where changes in material weren't reflected in costs of saved designs window
- Fixed a bug in asteroid field generation
- Fixed an issue where the energy system didn't drain energy for a few seconds when going into drain
- Mined ores and scrap are no longer tagged as stolen when picked up by someone else after the reservation timer runs out
- Fixed an issue where switching to alliance ships over the map wasn't possible
- Fixed some issues where AI-controlled ships didn't calculate their braking distance properly
- Fixed an issue where some missions didn't continue when switching into ship when it's in the sector where the mission happens
- Fixed an issue where heal rates of fighters in fighter factory were too high
- Fixed pirate title not being translated in dialogs
- Fixed an issue where esort ship weapons sometimes dealt no damage
- Fixed an exploit where crew payday was reset when crew of the ship was empty
- Fixed an issue where projectiles didn't properly collide with objects very close to the turret
- Fixed an issue where ships could hang when destination sector was suddenly out of reach
- Fixed an issue where ships were using the wrong turrets for some jobs
- Fixed several issues for lower resolution
- Fixed an issue where Xsotan artifacts didn't stack in inventory
- Fixed an issue where several bosses didn't react to alliance ships as enemies
- Fixed an issue in a Family mission when there was no associate
- Fixed an issue where a resource depot's icon wasn't properly set even though it had missions available
- Fixed an issue in crew tab where text could read 'due in 0 seconds'
- Fixed an issue where the map could be opened while in build mode (or paused in general), causing problems and making the game hang
- Fixed several issues where missions didn't yield reputation when doing them in an alliance ship
- Fixed an issue in auto fire mode where turret didn't attack currently selected target
- Fixed several issues in search and rescue mission:
- Spawned wreckage can no longer have captain logs with conflicting dialog
- Dialog option to give information is no longer shown on any ship or station
- Location bulletins are now immediately updated if correct sector was found
- Only correct sector is now marked as target location if correct sector was found
- Added description line to tell player what to do with the wreckage
- Wreckage of search and rescue is now constantly chattering to emphasize auto message system the dialog talks about
- Fixed several issues where legendary turrets had wrong crew members
- Fixed an issue where players could have bad starting relations to their home sector faction
- Fixed an issue where destruction of pirates or Xsotan didn't give reputation when other factions helped destroy them
- Fixed broken display of stats in shipyard
- Fixed an issue where player to player damage could still happen even when disabled
- Fixed an issue where fire power of a ship didn't update properly when all turrets were removed
- Fixed an issue where turrets could show up in System Upgrades inventory
- Fixed an issue where turret factories showed the wrong turrets sometimes
- Fixed an issue where the news window didn't update properly
- Fixed an issue where pirates attacked each other in 'Eliminating Rivals'
- Reading this I realize the irony of the bug with the mission's name
- Fixed an issue where introduction missions could spawn on the other side of the barrier
- Fixed an issue where the reticle of beacons was visible in build mode
- Fixed several server-side crashes
- Fixed an issue where invalid characters could be added to ship name text box
- Fixed an issue where some projectiles were displaced after being fired
- Fixed an issue where enablers of different input contexts would block other keys
- Fixed an issue where wrong stats were displayed in ship tab
- Fixed an issue where turret designs weren't restored correctly when repairing
- Fixed an issue where turret designs flickered on undo/redo
- Fixed an issue with icons not being cleared in fleet overview
- Fixed a crash when jumping with the ship window open
- Fixed an issue where mines didn't buy things as intended
- If you're still reading: have a really nice day and lots of fun with this update!
- Fixed several issues where jumping into some specific sectors could cause the game to crash
- Fixed an issue where ships on operations (and NPC ships) always used all weapons on the ship for everything
- Fixed an issue where auto turrets were shooting ships that were assigned as friends
- Fixed an issue where permanently installed upgrades could get lost when the ship was too massively damaged
- Fixed an issue where players would get Black Market DLC rewards even though they don't own the DLC
- Fixed an issue where hangar didn't properly detect highest material of deployed fighter
- Fixed some overflows in cargo bay that were just a little too easy to reach
- Fixed a GPU memory leak
- Improved performance of icon rendering in inventory
- Fixed an issue where colors weren't correctly translated in building mode
- Fixed an issue where hyperspace engine didn't go on cooldown properly when changing reach
- Fixed an issue where shots were desynced between client and server, looking like they hit when they didn't and vice versa
- Fixed an issue where windows had unforeseen overlap in main menu
- Fixed an issue where a pirate wasn't properly set to friendly in family storyline
- Fixed an issue where the amount of resources gainable through the "Resource Shortage" mission didn't scale depending on location in the galaxy
- Fixed an issue where stolen goods were usable for "Resource Shortage" mission
- Fixed an issue where turret AI could see higher-level hidden asteroids than it should
- Fixed an issue where docking lasers remained when pulling an already docking ship towards you while in a station
- Fixed dialog in missing freighters mission
- Fixed an issue where the root block of a ship remained in multiplayer as a ghost
- Fixed an issue where hyperspace cooldown could be 0s
- Fixed several issues where camera positions weren't properly remembered for ships
- Fixed an issue where the dialog with IHDTX could start in loading screen
- Fixed several issues with bosses that led to them being friendly towards the player
- Fixed several UI issues
[ 2021-09-07 13:07:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Game News Posts:
🎹🖱️Keyboard + Mouse
Very Positive
(11939 reviews)
The Game includes VR Support
Public Linux Depots:
- Avorion Linux Content [28.59 M]
Available DLCs:
- Avorion - Black Market
- Avorion - Into The Rift
- Avorion - Behemoth Event Series
Avorion is currently in Early Access, and is under active development. If you want to know more about that, please read the Early Access disclaimer at the top of the page.
Several hundred years ago, a cataclysmic catastrophe nearly ripped your galaxy apart - an unsurmountable ring of torn hyperspace fabric appeared in the center of the galaxy, which normal hyperspace engines can’t overcome.
Since this event nobody has managed to get near the central regions of the galaxy. All you know is that this event also spawned multiple unsurmountable hyperspace rifts throughout the entire galaxy, and that a strange race of aliens, the Xsotan, has appeared in the center. It looks like these aliens have found a way to surpass the torn hyperspace fabric, but so far nobody has managed to establish contact with them.
There are also rumours about a strange new metal called ‘Avorion’, which has appeared in the center of the galaxy, around the same time as the Xsotan arrived. Apparently the aliens use this material to build their ships.
Start out as a nobody at the edge of the galaxy and work your way to the center of a galaxy that gets more dangerous, but also more rewarding the closer you get to its core. Avorion takes sandbox aspects from games like X or Freelancer, throws in co-op multiplayer and lets you build your own ships. It features ships made of freely scalable blocks that can be procedurally generated and that break into pieces where they're hit in space fights.
Explore the galaxy at your own pace to find valuable goods in old ship wreckages, undiscovered asteroid fields rich of resources, unchartered asteroids which you can claim for yourself, or clues as to what happened during the event a few hundred years back.
Build specialized transport ships with lots of cargo space or heavily armored battleships with strong shields. Collect loot from defeated foes which you can use to upgrade your ship: New turrets, resources, trading goods or system upgrades. Install system upgrades that allow more weapons, ease asteroid mining or trading systems which detect trading routes over multiple sectors.
And why build only one ship? Hire captains to fly your ships for you, manage your crews, weapons, hangars and fighters and build your own fleet of space ships!
In Avorion you choose your personal playstyle. Haul cargo, find profitable trading routes and found factories. Or maybe you're sick of being the good guy? Build your own battleship, equip it with powerful weaponry and blow away your enemies. Be the aggressor that starts wars with entire factions, raid freighters, smuggle illegal goods and scavenge old wreckages. Find your way to the center of a galaxy that gets more hostile, but also more rewarding the closer you get to its core.
Several hundred years ago, a cataclysmic catastrophe nearly ripped your galaxy apart - an unsurmountable ring of torn hyperspace fabric appeared in the center of the galaxy, which normal hyperspace engines can’t overcome.
Since this event nobody has managed to get near the central regions of the galaxy. All you know is that this event also spawned multiple unsurmountable hyperspace rifts throughout the entire galaxy, and that a strange race of aliens, the Xsotan, has appeared in the center. It looks like these aliens have found a way to surpass the torn hyperspace fabric, but so far nobody has managed to establish contact with them.
There are also rumours about a strange new metal called ‘Avorion’, which has appeared in the center of the galaxy, around the same time as the Xsotan arrived. Apparently the aliens use this material to build their ships.
Start out as a nobody at the edge of the galaxy and work your way to the center of a galaxy that gets more dangerous, but also more rewarding the closer you get to its core. Avorion takes sandbox aspects from games like X or Freelancer, throws in co-op multiplayer and lets you build your own ships. It features ships made of freely scalable blocks that can be procedurally generated and that break into pieces where they're hit in space fights.
Equip your ship with chainguns, lasers and other weaponry to take on your enemies and enjoy the sight of completely destructible ships breaking at the exact points where you hit them. Defend your allies from pirates, hunt down enemies for coin or even participate in wars between entire factions. Build hangars and command squads of fighters in your battles or destroy enemy freighters to steal their cargo.Explore
Fly through beautiful nebulas and dense asteroid fields in search of hidden treasures and meet the many factions that populate and control their portion of the galaxy. Each faction has its own characteristics, such as peaceful, intelligent or aggressive, and has its own ship styles, meaning their ships and stations have a distinct look.Explore the galaxy at your own pace to find valuable goods in old ship wreckages, undiscovered asteroid fields rich of resources, unchartered asteroids which you can claim for yourself, or clues as to what happened during the event a few hundred years back.
Build Your Fleet
There are no limits to ship size or complexity besides your resources. You're not bound to the standard voxel style and while building an awesome ship in Avorion you won't get lost in lots and lots of micro-management. You can focus on building a great looking ship, without having too much trouble to make it work. But make sure you still keep an eye on your ship’s maneuverability or energy requirements. Adjust your ships perfectly to their operational purpose by building light and agile or heavily armored ships.Build specialized transport ships with lots of cargo space or heavily armored battleships with strong shields. Collect loot from defeated foes which you can use to upgrade your ship: New turrets, resources, trading goods or system upgrades. Install system upgrades that allow more weapons, ease asteroid mining or trading systems which detect trading routes over multiple sectors.
And why build only one ship? Hire captains to fly your ships for you, manage your crews, weapons, hangars and fighters and build your own fleet of space ships!
Extend your ship with a cargo bay, find profitable deals and haul over a hundred trading goods through the galaxy to make a profit and buy your way up the food chain: Build up a trading corporation and extend your influence in the galaxy by founding asteroid mines and factories that attract NPC traders who will buy and sell their goods at your establishments.Co-op Multiplayer
You don't have to fight the galaxy alone! Avorion features co-op multiplayer, so team up with your friends to build stations together and destroy pirates and enemy factions! Work together to extend your influence in the galaxy and build your own empire. Or, you know, blow them apart in large PvP battles. It's a sandbox, you can do whatever you want.In Avorion you choose your personal playstyle. Haul cargo, find profitable trading routes and found factories. Or maybe you're sick of being the good guy? Build your own battleship, equip it with powerful weaponry and blow away your enemies. Be the aggressor that starts wars with entire factions, raid freighters, smuggle illegal goods and scavenge old wreckages. Find your way to the center of a galaxy that gets more hostile, but also more rewarding the closer you get to its core.
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or higher
- Processor: Intel i5 @ 3.0 GHz or AMD equivalentMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 550 or equivalent (full OpenGL 3.0 support required)Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 1 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Middle mouse button. mouse wheel required. No Internet connection required for Singleplayer.
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or higher
- Processor: Intel i7 @ 3.3 GHz or AMD equivalentMemory: 6 GB RAM
- Memory: 6 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVidia Geforce 1050 / Radeon RX 460Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 3 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Middle mouse button. mouse wheel required. No Internet connection required for Singleplayer.
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