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Its finally here - patch 1.1.0 is live in the default branch. I firmly recommend starting a new game for this patch as the economy has been massively rebalanced ====== EDIT: Patch 1.1.1 - (27/04) - This small patch adds some work arounds for missing lot issues that were effecting the MP servers + polishes up mod uploads a tad. Scroll down to the end for changelog ====== This patch has two main features - Goons Follow You and AI Construction of new parts of the city. It also has lots of extras, such as a new game mode (Strategy Zero) and lots of QoL improvements, such as improved repair mechanics (including city autorepair), improved base raiding and a upgrades to the minimap.
Full IndieDb Article
Goons Follow You
Remember those goons you can hire in bases? You can recruit them as your personal escorts now. You can order them to: - Follow you - Guard a location - Advance to your marked waypoint on the map - Return to their home base
You can have at most 4 dudes following you or having orders issued (goons with guard orders count as under your command). Goons will follow you into and out of vehicles and warp back to you if they get too separated from you. This also gives you a useful way to fight Turf Wars. Have multiple bases, garrison your front line bases and garrison you back line bases. Have the goons from the back line follow you and you can attack the enemy bases with them. Or you can use them to raid a bandit base if you breach the walls. This opens up so many gameplay possibilities! Additionally goons can wear hats! Your goons now wear coloured hats that match your colour, as do the goons of other factions, so you can easily see who's on what side. Some CDF officers also wear hats too! Finally all mobs now heal at a rate of 0.5%/sec, so your followers should be healed between engagements. If a goon is in their home base and is not in combat for 12 seconds, they now fast-heal (just like the player does).
The AI Now Builds Cities
The AI Factions can now establish new bases and construct new regions of the city. They won't construct for the sake of construction - they will only build if a Human player is approaching them in Networth or has many more bases than them. This now means that the AI is a strategic threat to the player that spreads out and takes over the map to counter the player as you grow more powerful.
The AI will also establish new bases to facilitate its expansion. It'll either place new bases in large vacant areas near its current holdings or it'll expand to unexploited parts of the city. Finally the AI will now also repair any damaged bases they have over time.
New Game Mode - Strat Zero
This patch introduces the Strategy Zero game mode. Its a cross between Turf Zero and Strategy. You start on a blank map with 16 players and they build up the city. But watch out, they will start wars!
Major Economic Changes
All construction costs QUATERED! This is so that you can get into building stuff from the game's start rather having to beat high paying missions first. Racketeering costs have also been reduced, as have incomes to not effect the balance of the investing side of the game.
Auto Repair
The city now auto-repairs over time. For a standard sized city this there is ~1% chance/min of a lot auto-repairing. Auto-repairing is free and it doesn't matter who owns or racketeers the lot. Only roads and economic buildings auto-repair and lots do not auto-repair if there are players nearby. Repairing Lots With Chests No Longer Wipes the Contents ^ That.
Engine Improvements
All this construction and repairing here and there has necessitated some improvements for the game server. The game server will pre-load areas undergoing AI construction, so when the AI decides to plonk down 200 road tiles it doesn't slow down the game. The game now does staggered autosaves too. Before people were sometimes having autosaves that would take 1 or 2 seconds. This may not sound much to you as a player (its only an occasional nuisance), but it could wreak havoc on the AI - making their cars crash off of the road. The server now splits autosaves over many frames (if needed) to prevent these lag spikes.
Improved Minimap
Allied goons appear on the minimap as smaller triangles.
The CDF also appear on the minimap, as red rectangles or red triangles. You can only see foot CDF if you are less than 40m away from them. If you have notoriety the CDF flash red and blue
Improved Base Raiding
I've added a simple timer to Bases and Bandit Bases. When you kill a bandit or a base defender the base will not respawn a new one for a few seconds (5 on normal, 8 on easy, 2 on hard). This prevents insta-respawns that snag newer players. Of course, with the addition of goon-orders this opens up a lot more strategies too!
Revamped Peace + New Peace Demands
The game now has a warscore system. There is also a small check box telling you if the AI is likely to accept or reject your peace deal and give you a reasoned breakdown why.
There are 2 new peace options: demand reparations and demand humiliation. Reparations give make the other side pay 10% of their income (before expenses) every hour while the truce is in effect. Humiliation makes the other side lose 20 reputation each. If they have positive reputation then you'll get half of the amount that they lose (so if a side has 10 reputation you'll get 5 and they'll be set to -10 rep). This gives you the ability to demand stuff from factions, weaken them and strengthen yourself without taking bases and gaining aggression. Once a war ends the players/factions will have a 32 minute truce, preventing further declarations of war between them. Players/factions cannot join an offensive war with someone they have a truce with.
Human Players can now Launch Base Attacks
If controlling minions one by one isn't enough for you there's something a bit bigger now at your disposal. You can now launch Base Attacks from the map screen. When you have enough bases (6 currently) your first Base Attack Slot is unlocked, build more bases to unlock more. Your base attack charge rate is proportional to your base garrison levels: Garrison all your bases up to charge up your base attacks!
Engine Upgrades
As the AI is now plonking stuff all around the map the server had to be beefed up a little. One issue is that when something is loaded from disc (such as a chunk) the OS may block execution for ~10-16ms. So the game now preloads chunks when zones are developed and where the AI is building or where base attacks happen to prevent these prevent latency spikes. When the AI builds a region it places lots over time. This means that the AI placing 150 road lots is effectively instant as opposed to a 200ms lag spike. Finally the server also uses a lot less CPU when idle, so its better for hosting on machines with multiple games running
QoL Changes
More icons for shops are finally available on the map:
More info on players or factions are available from the Player Info screen:
I've done a little work on polishing placing-lots-as-bases. You now see the radius of influence of the new base you are about to place and the red is removed from the map as is the "You must have a base to build things" message (as you can legally build a base anywhere).
Holy Patchnotes, Batman!
VERSION: 1.1.0 =============== - [Misc] - Sightly decreased dead AI faction respawn rate. VERSION: 1.1.0-Beta5 - 12/04/2018 =============== - [Bugfix] - Fixed Z-Buffer fighting issue for picket fences and window frames - [Bugfix] - Fixed the AI complaining when you defend them in a turf war (the "can't caputre" spam) - [Bugfix] - The server no longer spams messages when it can't autorepair a lot due to insurance data not being found (it will just silently fail) - [Bugfix] - Specualtive fix for seiges resetting randomly - [Misc] - Added a line of darkish pixels to faction colour hats/headbands - [Misc] - Base garrison costs were being displayed as 1x cost on the client and 0.25x on the server. I've split the difference and halved base garrison costs. - [Misc] - /money and /credits cheats now give $1,000,000 and C1,000,000 respectively VERSION: 1.1.0-Beta4 - 11/04/2018 =============== - [Misc] - Using an elevator now insta-warps following goons to you - [Misc] - Added 2x2, 3x3 and 4x4 wheat fields. All wheat field costs halved - [Bugfix] - Fixed translucent side talk boxes not appearing - [Bugfix] - Fixed server crash when ai tries to arrange a white peace - [Bugfix] - Entities fading in no longer write to the depth buffer causing graphical artefacts - [Bugfix] - Fixed smuzzle flash + weapon sound when switching into a weapon on laggy servers - [Modding] - vtclient will now check if preview pictures and the mod directory exists when trying to upload a mod - [Modding] - The mod uploader will now log results or errors to mods/upload/log.txt VERSION: 1.1.0-Beta3 - 08/04/2018 =============== - [Major Feature] - Added a "Strategy Zero" game mode. This is a cross between Turf Zero and Strategy. You start on a blank map with 16 players and they build up the city - [Feature] - Added a "warscore" system for Turf Wars. You can see if the AI is likely to accept a peace offer before you send it - [Feature] - Added "Demand Repairations" and "Demand Humiliation" peace options. The first will make the other side pay your money, and the other will make them lose reputation. You'll get some of their reputation if their's is positive - [Feature] - Added Truces. When a turf war ends you will get a 30 minute truce with all members of other sides. This prevents you from starting or joining an offensive war against them (and vice-veras). - [Feature] - Added the "yesman" cheat. This will make the AI accept all offers from you - [Feature] - Added the "ftick" cheat. This forces an onHour tick on the server - [Major Feature] - You can order base defenders to follow you by talking to them - You can have a max of 4 base defenders following you - They will follow you into vehicles - [Feature] - If a defender is following you you can issue four different orders: - Continue to follow - Return to base - Guard current position - Advance to your marker/waypoint on the map - [Misc] - They will not advance to the marker/waypoint if it is more than 80m away - [Misc] - They will warp back to the player if they are more than 80m away (so you don't lose them if you die/respawn or if they get lost). - [Misc] - You cannot abandon bases while you have goons in them - [Feature] - All allied goons appear on the map as smaller triangles than players - [Feature] - All hired goons wear colours now (so goons working for the Red gang will have red hats or bandanas) - [Feature] - The CDF sometimes wears hats now! - [Feature] - Added coloured hats and armour. The colour of these is set to the colour of your gang. - [Feature] - Lots can autorepair now - The server checks ~0.7x a second to try to repair lots. Every time it tries it'll pick a random lot (road/house/industry/etc) in the city. If there are less than 8000 developed lots in the city the chance is scaled by N_LOTS/8000; - For a newly generated city this means that a random lot has a roughly 0.015% chance to auto repair every second (or ~1% per minute) - It will NOT autorepair bases, fortifications or vacant lots - It will NOT repair any lots that are less than 250m from a player - It will NOT repair during strat pause or high cpu load - [Misc] - When a Bandit or Base Defender is killed a Bandit Base or a Base timer is set to prevent instant respawns. - On easy difficulty enemies will not respawn for 8 seconds - On normal difficulty enemies will not respawn for 5 seconds - On hard difficulty enemies will not respawn for 2 seconds - Human player owned bases (and faction bases at peace) will not respawn dudes in 2 seconds regardless of difficulty. - [Misc] - Mobs that are returning to the base that they spawned will now teleport if they are more than 32m away from the base. You cannot interact with them while they are warping - [Misc] - Added 3m of padding for ambulance missions - [Misc] - Negative reputation no longer decays towards zero while at war - [Misc] - Dead faction respawn rate reduced by a factor of 6 - [Misc] - Negative reputation no longer decays towards zero while at war - [Misc] - Factions will only make new bases if they are at least 50% of the way to the next base unlock level for thier income. For example: if the next base is unlocked at $1k profit then they will only build to their base limit if they are making at least $500 profit. This is to prevent broke factions spamming bases - [Misc] - Factions will demand stuff other than full annexation and white peace if they are war exhausted. They will only demand up to 100% worth of bases too. - [Misc] - Entities now fade in when they spawn. - [Misc] - All mobs (bandits/goons/following goons/foot cdf/civilians) now auto heal at a rate of 0.5%/sec. Goons in their home bases still retain thier 2.0%/sec rate recovery (this adds with the new passive heal to get 0.5%/sec). - [Misc] - Base defender goons in thier home bases now fast-autoheal if they have not been in combat for the last 12 seconds (like the player). The rate is 10%/sec. - [Misc] - Your goons shooting things is no longer a crime for you - [Bugfix] - Repairing lots with chests no longer wipes items (if a chest is destroyed however it still will not be recovered) - [Bugfix] - Fixed aggression discount not being applied against large factions - [Bugfix] - Fixed grenades being able to be thrown through walls - [Bugfix] - Fixed entities appearing at position (0, 0, 0) for the first frame (this can cause visual interpolated snapping issues) - [Bugfix] - Fixed weapon sounds not appearing somtimes - [Bugfix] - Fixed mobs walking to doors/gates that they can't open - [Bugfix] - Fixed mobs walking to doors/gates that and not opening ones that they can open - [Bugfix] - Fixed mobs getting jammed on streetlights. Cars will also try to avoid - [Bugfix] - Mobs no longer target players over other mobs - players vs mobs are weighted equally - [Bugfix] - Fixed the body armour model so it no longer clips through your torso - [Bugfix] - Fixed doing hold up missions being a crime (regression) - [Bugfix] - Fixed some inappropriate CDF sprinting. CDF should now only sprint if chasing a perp - [Bugfix] - CDF should shoot back if being attacked by a bandit VERSION: 1.1.0-Beta2 - 09/03/2018 =============== - [Bugfix] - Fixes server crash when robbing a store - [Bugfix] - Fixes AI pulling levers (and therefore locking up the Gun Store) - [Bugfix] - Fixes AI not opening glass doors - [Bugfix] - Fixes server crash due to aiPlayer_doTurn - [Bugfix] - Get to Investing in Property mission now only spawns when your peak profit is under $250/hr - [Bugfix] - Fixed burning barrels messing up explosions. Only the 5 nearest burning barrels will burn (down from 50) as this was causing explosions to dissapear - [Misc] - Added a navigate to the missions screen objective to the "Press Tab" mission VERSION: 1.1.0-Beta1 - 08/03/2018 =============== - [MAJOR BALANCE CHANGE] - All building costs reduced by 75% to match Turf Zero levels. All racketeering costs halved. Minimum racketeering costs for all buildings also halved - This is so that you can build things a lot earlier. It also shifts the balance of the game more towards doing things vs passive income - [MAJOR FEATURE] - AI Factions can now build roads and zone land! - AI will construct new bases in vacant areas or unoccupied parts of the city - If they have free land near thier bases then they may zone it - The AI may make more bases if you have more bases than them or if you have more networth than them. - [MAJOR FEATURE] - You can order Base Attacks! If you own 7 bases or more then you can order a Base Attack from the map screen. - Your Base Attack Stockpile is increased by owning more bases - You Base Attacks recharge over time. The rate is determined by how fortified your bases are. If they are at the max (all level 3) then it recharges at the highest rate. - Yes these values are moddable. See /scripts/common/base_attack.lua - This is so that you can fight back in big faction Turf Wars - [Feature] - Dead AIs can respawn in a random bandit base. They will start with a couple of random buildings to racketeer. - [Feature] - Map mods now work - maps put into the mods/ directory will now be detected by the game. - Example: To convert a savegame to a map mod, copy a savegame (the directory + the .turf file) to mods/yourmodname/maps/ - [Feature] - Using the /tp command with no arguments teleports you to your current marker (waypoint on the map) - [Feature] - More icons are on the map for different shop types (bank, marnina, hovercraft shop, helifield, car shop). - [Misc] - Building a road, a road bridge or demolishing a lot will detonate any AI cars already on the lot. - [Misc] - AI vehicles will not turn into 1 road lot stubs (for example - a T-Intersection with one of the branches only extending 1 lot). This was often causing traffic jams as the cars would turn into the stub then turn around back into the intersection, jamming it. - [Misc] - AI factions will repair damaged bases over time - [Misc] - The Map window is now larger if you are playing at a large resolution (such as 1080p) - [Misc] - Diplomacy window is now larger, shows the Base Counts, Base Attack limits, Networth and Populations of each factions. - [Misc] - Factions can only launch up to 3 simultaneous Base Attacks (down from 5) - [Misc] - Hyperlink buttons now have a blue "open link" character - [Misc] - If you start a game with more factions * bases_per_faction than bases spawned in the city then the game will generate additional bases near the city and distribute them to the factions. - Example: If you start a game with 16 factions and 2 bases each and only 20 bases spawn in the city then 12 will be spawned around the city - [Modding] - Exposed Lot::needsRepair (threshold) to lua. Will return true if the lot has damage exceeding threshold. - [Modding] - Exposed LotContainer::repairLot (playerId, x, z, ignorePlayersCashBalance) to lua. Will return true if a successful repair has occurred - [Modding] - Added COUNTS_AS_ROAD_ACCESS flag for lots (see lots/packs/vanilla.txt). This allows you to make parks or buildings count as "roads" for the purpose of determining if a lot is connected to roads or not. - [Modding] - Added NO_REQUIRE_ROAD_ACCESS flag for lots (see lots/packs/vanilla.txt). This allows you to mark a lot as *not needing* to have road frontage to be populated - [Bugfix] - Fixed dissapearing spawn flag on base repair - [Bugfix] - Fixed roads at the ends of bridges usually becoming T intersections - [Bugfix] - Fixed bridge ramps not getting insured - [Misc] - Players logging into a server are now considered "afk" and will maintain Strat Pause. - [Bugfix] - Afk Players cannot participate in seiges. This also fixes the capture-base-on-login exploit. - [Misc] - Command line switches are now case-insensitive - [Misc] - Zoned lots are dezoned and sold if the attached base to them is lost - [Misc] - Your aggression does NOT decay while at war! - [Misc] - Zones do not develop while at war! - [Bugfix] - Road Access now requires that touching roads be on the ground (bridge spans no longer count as road connections). - [Bugfix] - Placing a lot as a base when you have no bases is now permitted - [Bugfix] - Fixed a pathfinding issue where mobs (Bandits/Base Attackers/CDF) would be drawn like flies to Steel doors/gates and get stuck - [Bugfix] - TileEntities in chunks near BaseAttacks are now ALWAYS simulated (onTick is always called) - fixes spawners not spawning dudes if there are no players nearby but a base attack is present - [Bugfix] - Fixed "--newGame ON" stopping the server from loading key files (such as playerlist.players) when a save game already exists. This fixes factions dissapearing - [Misc] - TileEntity::onRegionLoad is now implemented - this is a function that is called on the first onTick call after a chunk is loaded. See /scripts/server/tileentities/mobspawner.lua for detailed implementation - [Misc] - Placing a lot as a base now shows a preview of your new range of influence - [Bugfix] - You can no longer increase garisions of bases while in debt - [Performance] - SERVER: Lot Zones developing is now a lot faster (chunks at the place of the new lot are preloaded preventing occasional 10ms+ lag spike). VERSION: 1.1.1 -27/04/2018 =============== - [Misc] - CLIENT: If a Lot's Metadata can't be found an icon will appear in the lot info telling you what LotPack to install. In the case of a template lot an error message will be displayed. - [Bugfix] - CLIENT: If a lot has population, but its metadata is not present it's population will be added to the relevent "popcapacity" category. This prevents populated buildings having their population not being added to the capacity and therefore throwing off supply/demand calculations clientside. - [Bugfix] - SERVER: Fixed template lot metadata for players that are not you being erased whenever a steam update happens - [Modding] - upload.txt: The mod uploader will not upload a new mod if there is no preview picture detected (fixed from just stopping if an invalid picture is specified) - [Modding] - upload.txt: If "PICTURE ; path_to_image.jpg" is not specified and but a "path_to_image.jpg" is then the loader will assume that "path_to_image.jpg" is a picture. - [Modding] - upload.txt: The mod uploader will log the input it reads to log.txt. You can now check if vtclient.exe has read upload.txt correctly
[ 2018-04-13 14:01:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
- Voxel Turf Content [253.31 M]
- Have you ever played an open world game and thought "if only I could build something here?"
- Or a city builder and wanted to drive around and interact with your creation?
- Or even a building game and thought "if only these buildings would come to life?"
If so then Voxel Turf is the game for you!
Live in a City of Your Own Creation
- Build sprawling cities with either the over 50 prebuilt buildings, or build your own in-game!
- Make amazing structures with over 15,000 types of blocks in over 100 categories.
- Or live in and modify a procedurally generated city
Get Rich or Die Trying
- Earn cash from either completing missions, crime, or managing a real estate empire.
- Establish protection rackets to make money
Some of the missions revolve around:
- Being a hired revolutionary who fights the local authorities for cash
- Participating in street races for money
- Making a career though stealing vehicles for profit
- Eliminating bandits and protecting civilians from bandit attacks
- Be a specialist architect who draws an income from making custom buildings
Unleash Chaos
- Destroy and vandalise areas with explosives, weapons and tanks.
- Ride a wide range of vehicles including cars, a tank, helicopters and even a rideable shopping trolley!
Enjoy Multiplayer
- Multiplayer over LAN or Internet
- Most missions can be done in Co-Op
- Cooperate with friends to build a city, or compete and undercut each other
Fight For Territory
- Explore and raid bandit bases for loot
- Fight Turf Wars against other factions and players to gain control over parts of the city
- Build bases and defend your territory from attack
- Engage in diplomacy with other factions in order to gain power or undermine others
Unleash Creativity
- The entire world is block based, so you can create and destroy everything.
- Decorate blocks with paint and decals
- Various non-cube construction blocks, including ramps, stairs, steps, allowing you to build things like pitched roofs and ultimately more realistic looking buildings.
- Build intricate contraptions using switches, mechanisms and circuits
- Custom player-built buildings can be saved as templates, and be placed like normal buildings
- Templates can be synced across a network
Character Customisation
- Over 50 player skins
- Support for custom player skins
- 10 hats for your character to wear, also wearable body armour.
- Weapons are customisable too! Attach weapon mods to weapons to change their appearance and behaviour. Make shotguns explosive, make your pistol armour piercing or your SMG scoped!
Modding Support
- Steam Workshop integration
- Lua Scripting for easy moddability with a C++ scratch-coded base game engine for performance
Game Modes
- Turf: Start in a procedurally generated city, and do what you want. Build, do missions, do crime, do whatever!
- Build: Start on a blank map and build whatever you want with unlimited blocks.
- Turf Zero: Start on a blank map and build a city from scratch. Scavenge resources from bandit bases.
- Strategy: Start in a procedurally generated city with 16 warring factions. Use diplomacy and warfare to gain control over the entire city!
- Processor: 64 bit only. Intel I5Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000
- Storage: 500 MB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04. Mint 17.1
- Processor: 64 bit only. Intel Core i5 4690 or AboveMemory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: GTX 770 2GBNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 500 MB available spaceAdditional Notes: Any SSD
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