This patch is a minor patch that fixes some bugs and greatly improves crash logging. I've been having issues with the previous crashlogger (drmingw) creating blank logs meaning that I cannot fix issues as I cannot a) replicate them on my machines and b) debug them because I don't know where in the code they are happening. Now I've backported the crashlogger from Turf 2 into Voxel Turf and it works a lot better, particularly in multithreaded environments. VERSION 1.9.4 =========== - [Bugfix] - Upgraded crash logging by porting Turf 2's crash logger into Voxel Turf. Fixed crash loggers not creating logs at all + not creating logs for crashes in child threads - [Bugfix] - Fixed a bunch of compiler warnings VERSION 1.9.3 =========== - [Misc] - Graphics Settings menu now displays system info, and can copy current system info + settings to the clipboard - [Bugfix] - Fixed bug with fluid rendering (water/lava/sludge) that causes chunks to no longer be rendered
[ 2024-11-18 05:41:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
This small update adds some logging for mod loading to report errors that vtclient/vtserver encounter for ease of debugging mods. It also updates some libraries (Steamworks and SDL2) to their latest versions. VERSION 1.9.2 =========== - [Bugfix] - vtclient: Fixed (harmless) heap overrun when drawing - [Misc] - vtserver: Added /s as alias for /status, now displays 5 rows, entries with total tick time less than 2ms are ignored - [Misc] - Both vtclient and vtserver create a log file for loading mods (logs/mod_load_(client/server).log). The log file has a summary of detected errors at the end. In addition, the client will show errors when started - [Misc] - Updated steamworks from version 1.42 (Jan 2018) to 1.57 (April 2023) - [Misc] - Updated SDL2 from 2.0.2 (linux)/2.0.9 (windows) to 2.28.1 - [Misc] - Added a progress bar to the steam loading screen
[ 2023-07-25 13:57:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
HOTFIX 1.9.1 - Fixes some issues, scroll down to see the changelog
Old Prison Control Point:
Finally a new big control point! The Old Prison:

The prison is about the same size as the Military base but can be attacked right from the game start (although its really not recommended). The reward for holding it is +5 Allure which will help you unlock perks faster. It starts at Level 3 and has a maximum level of 10.
Massive Performance Increase:
This patch uses a combination of rendering techniques to increase performance and also removes redundant rendering and uploading of meshes to the GPU. I was going to make these in Turf2 but I needed some scenes to see what kind of performance gain can be obtained. Rather than making a dummy scene in T2 I've decided to juice up VT's rendering engine and get some real world experience implementing them. Voxel Turf has different rendering techniques for Near-Chunks and Far-Chunks. Near Chunks have 1 graphics mesh (VBO henceforth) per texture, and far chunks use a texture atlas and therefore use 1 VBO per rendering layer (typically 1-3 layers per chunk). The problem with this is that each time a VBO is bound to be rendered there is an overhead cost. Because of this overhead the GPU is not utilised as much as it could be and performance is less than what it should be. For near chunks I now use Texture Arrays. Textures of the same size are batched together for each chunk, massively reducing the amount of VBOs created (and therefore reduces binding overhead). For far chunks I now use Indirect Rendering. Chunks are bucketed into regions of 256x256 and all the geometry is sent to one big, fixed size VBO ("MegaVbos"). If this VBO gets filled up then excess geometry goes into the next one, etc. MegaVbos are created once and are reused, saving creation/destruction overhead and memory fragmentation. MegaVbos are drawn with one bind and one 'glMultiDrawElementsIndirect' draw command. In older versions of VT a mesh was generated for Near and Far rendering modes for each chunk within the players draw distance. Now only chunks within the Near draw range (typically ~100-150m) have their near modes generated and uploaded to the GPU. This removes a lot of probably-unused VBOs from being created and uploaded. In addition sometimes when a chunk is updated or loaded in it can trigger a rerender event on adjacent chunks, causing their VBOs to be regenerated. Sometimes the regenerated VBO is identical to the old one. Now the game computes a hash as the VBO is being generated, if its the same as the previous VBO then the new one discarded and not uploaded to the GPU. Finally the game batches destruction of VBOs and temporary textures (for eg, minimap pieces). Instead individual assets being destroyed on object destruction, assets are added to a garbage list. This list is kept in a delay queue for 4 frames and then batch destroyed with 1 api call. This massively speeds up chunk-unloading on the client. Texture Arrays and Indirect Rendering are enabled by default in the Graphics Settings menu. They require Shaders be turned on and OpenGL 4.3+. Test Scene Results: Performance preset: "Extreme 2", Shadows Ultra. AMD R9-3900X + Nvidia GTX 1080. Best case improvement = 88 FPS/49 FPS = +70%.

A more typical performance boost is in the order of ~+50% with both techniques enabled. Test scene (screen resolution has changed from 1080p to 900p in these tests but do not effect results)

Full Changelog
VERSION 1.9.1 - 26/09/2022
- [Bugfix] - vtserver: flagShutdown() now waits for currently saving files to flush to disc (not just orderly shutdown)
- [Bugfix] - vtclient: Use manual mipmap generation for texture arrays rather than automatic (AMD drivers can crash on mipmap gen for texture arrays)
- [Misc] - vtclient: If the game crashes when trying to create Texture Arrays then Texture Arrays will be automatically disabled on next startup
- [Misc] - vtclient: Resized some non-power-of-2 block textures. Only power-of-2 block textures can now be made into texture arrays.
- [Performance] - vtserver: When a player is in a dungeon, it will now only check ~150 chunks for dungeon updates every tick instead of every chunk loaded on the server (with 40k chunks loaded this could take 16ms a tick!).
- [Performance] - vtserver: Made unloading chunks a bit faster
VERSION 1.9.0 - 24/09/2022
- [Feature] - Added the Old Prison control point. Gives +5 Allure to whomever captures it
- [Misc] - MegaVbos now use a free list to reusue free memory
- [Misc] - Planes now go ~12% faster
VERSION 1.9.0-RC2 - 21/09/2022
- [Bugfix] - Fixed world holes
- [Bugfix] - Fixed minimap pieces not appearing
- [Bugfix] - Fixed buildings not rendering correctly in preview window
VERSION 1.9.0-RC1 - 17/09/2022
- [Note] - Shaders are now enabled by default for intel iGPUs, providing that they support Opengl4.6. Drivers newer than 2019 should support this.
- [Bugfix] - vtserver: Specualtive fix for save corruption - when requesting an orderly shutdown wait for the LotContainer saving thread to finish writing.
- [Bugfix] - vtclient: Fixed some crash-on-exit issues
- [Bugfix] - vtclient: Fixed some memory leaks
- [Bugfix] - Fixed white text decals not being visible on distant chunks
- [Performance] - vtclient: Implemented array-textures for near chunks. ~25% FPS increase
- [Performance] - vtclient: Implemented indirect draw for far chunks & shadow maps. Far chunks are batched into groups of 256m x 256m. Another ~25% FPS increase at 600+ draw distance
- [Performance] - vtclient: Only generate high quaility renders of chunks that are near the player (typically closest 100m). Up to 50% reduction in vbo usage/graphics memory consumption at long draw distances
- [Performance] - vtclient: Now batches the destruction of OpenGL buffers and textures. Destruction is delayed by 4 frames to prevent OpenGL sync/stall. Makes unloading/unrendering chunks much faster
- [Performance] - Both vtclient/vtserver - freshly discarded chunks are now stored in free-list to be reusued. Saves a abunch of big allocations/deletions. This pool will shrink over time to ~2048 chunks
- [Performance] - vtclient: Up to 5% (additional) fps increase by removing reduntand OpenGl calls
- [Performance] - vtclient: Stop processing network packets if we've spent 25ms already in a frame doing them (wait until next frame to continue)
- [Misc] - Added a timeout for drawing the map (the one that appears when you press M). This is to prevent the game becoming unresponsive when zoomed out on massive maps
- [Misc] - You can now choose how many render threads you have in the graphics settings menu. Default amount is square_root(num_cpu_threads), min 2.
[ 2022-09-24 08:38:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
I recently joined an MP game hosted where the players were complaining of poor performance, and I identified some issues and fixed them. These performance upgrades mainly effect big MP maps, but because SP runs on an internal server SP get some small benefit. The two issues were to do with unloading chunks and autosaving. The server was checking *every* chunk *every tick* for *every player*. With 10k+ chunks loaded and 5 players running around this server chunk unloading was taking 200+ms every ticks! I've since changed it so that the server only checks a max 200 chunks for unloading every tick, and this number goes down if there are more players on the server. This check is effectively instant now. The second issue was with autosaving. For whatever reason it was taking 5 seconds to save lot data on their machine. On my test-big-map (16x16km) I was getting 500ms to save lot data. I have since multithreaded lot serialisation, reducing the save time to 100ms on my 24-thread machine, and moved the writing-to-disc stuff to a dedicated thread, knocking off another 50ms for a total speedup of 10x. Lot serialisation also occurs when a player logs into a server so this should also reduce/remove that lag spike. VERSION 1.8.1 - 04/08/2022 =========== - [Performance] - vtserver: Lot serialisation is multithreaded. Reduces lag when autosaving, player log on and player log off. - [Performance] - vtserver: Lot saving to disc is done in a dedicated thread. Removes ~50ms of lag when saving on an SSD. - [Performance] - vtserver: Chunk unloading now only checks parts of the chunk array, rather than the whole array. Fixes constant lag in big MP maps.
[ 2022-08-04 07:01:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 1.8.0 adds an Observatory Control Point and Stat Monitoring Widgets along with minor bug fixes. In addition, Bandits will now occasionally attempt to retake captured bandit bases.
The Stat Windows can be spawned by pressing TAB, then navigating to Players and Diplomacy, then pressing the "Spawn Stats Window" button at the bottom of the window. Stats windows let you monitor Networth/Territory/Bases Owned/Bandit Bases Captured/Control Points Owned/Special Buildings Owned for each faction.
Full Changelog:
VERSION 1.8.0 - 10/07/2021
- [Misc] - Bandits (owner == 0) in base attacks/control points no longer wear colours
- [Misc] - MTTH for bandits to retake a bandit base increased to 15 minutes
VERSION 1.8.0-RC1 - 04/07/2021
- [Feature] - Added Stats windows! You can spawn one from the Players menu
- [Feature] - Added an Observatory as a control point!
- [Misc] - Bandits can recapture bandit bases if they hold at least one bandit base on the map (MTTH = once every 10 minutes). Bandits will repair the lot upon capture
- [Misc] - Control points spawning code modified so that they are very unlikey to spawn near each other and very unlikely to spawn near the centre or edge of the map
- [Bugfix] - Joining a faction now transfers any control points to the faction
- [Bugfix] - Fixed graphics settings menu setting borderless window to the opposite of what was requested
- [Bugfix] - Fixed some biome y=10 block rules for Control Points
- [Bugfix] - Hills bandit bases are no longer sunken if repaired (requires a new map to take effect)
[ 2021-07-10 10:46:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Patch: Revamp of outback biomes. The hills are now made of Red Stone, the plains now have patches of dry grass and salt lakes. I've also added Tropical Biome, heightmaps and map generation is a LOT faster and multithreaded now. Dungeons now have Generator Rooms that must be captured before entering the King room. You can now use "/marks on" to enable easy construction with "/fill m" and "/replace m" Full Video: [previewyoutube=VW9bXFVbxh4;full][/previewyoutube] EDIT: Hotfix to add additional exp for defeating dungeons. You now get (dungeonLv)^2*10 exp additional for defeating a dungeon. Eg, the blue dungeon (lv6) gives you 6*6*10 = 360 extra exp for beating it. The level 10 dungeon gives you 1000 extra exp. Full Changelog: VERSION 1.7.0 - 26/01/2021 =========== - [Feature] - Revamped Outback biomes - Outback now has dry grass areas and salt flats, and red rocky areas in the hills - [Feature] - Added Red Stone blocks and Salt blocks - [Feature] - You can now generate Tropical biome maps and Dryland biome maps via invoking vtserver via the command line. - [Feature] - Added "Generator Rooms" to Dungeons. You must capture all of them in a dungeon in order to fight the Dungeon King. In level 6-8 dungeons there are 3 rooms. In level 9 there are 4, and in level 10 there are 5. - [Feature] - Added a height map selector to vtclient. - [Feature] - Added "Deployable Airstrip" lot in the Fortifications tab. This can be placed as a base - [Feature] - Added a text filter for placing lots - [Performance] - Map Generation is now massively multithreaded. Now 10 seconds on a 8km x 8km map (with a 24 thread processor) on Linux - down from 6 minutes 50 seconds. On windows its much faster, but not as fast. (Unallocating memory seems to take ages on windows.) - [Performance] - Single threaded (as in Per Thread) performance for map gen is much faster - [Misc] - Added /revealdungeons cheat - [Misc] - Swapped x/z map size when using "vtserver --genmap" and using the gui in vtclient - [Misc] - Generator Rooms and Boss Rooms in Dungeons are now have an icon on the map after being discovered - [Misc] - Tank crosshairs now have a drop shadow to make them more visible - [Misc] - Camera position for Light Planes has been moved back, you can now tilt the camera up to +/-80 degrees - [Misc] - Hills lots now have more stone in them under the hills - [Misc] - Hills now have cliffs - [Misc] - Fortification lots, bandit bases, control points and ruins do not override the block at y=10 on placement/generation, unless the y=10 is empty, not a solid (cube) block or is a clay block - [Misc] - Lot placement window is bigger, and will reposition itself if its overlapping the placing buttons - [Misc] - /copy, /mirror, /rotate now use the /marks system - [Bugfix] - Fixed a CTD on windows when generating large maps due to lua running out of memory - [Bugfix] - Yet another speculative fix for "Exit To Main Menu" freeze - [Bugfix] - Fixed canals putting up barriers if water is adjacent. Canals now check blocks row by row rather than just the Lot type - [Bugfix] - Fixed player nameplates not being visible if the sky is in the background
[ 2021-01-27 14:14:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Game has a minor update that increases performance by utilising more threads, and the multiplayer server has been reset. I now have a winter map for you guys to explore and build in!
VERSION 1.6.8 - 25/12/2020
- [Performance] - Chunk polygonisation is now VERY multithreaded. This is the "Rendering Chunks" stage of the loading screen + happens when you move to a new area to load the chunks onto the screen. Expect roughly (nThreads/2)x speedup (for 24 threads a 12x speedup).
This also seems to help the game maintain peak framerates when rendering long draw distances. The game still does stutter when moving quickly when high draw distances are enabled, but it is better now.
- [Misc] - Added an "Extreme 2" graphics preset that sets the draw distance to 1,000m.
- [Misc] - The hardcoded max draw distance has been increased to 3,000m. To reach this you have to manually type this in the graphics settings menu
- [Misc] - Building canals over water will now no longer raise the depth of existing water, only lower it.
[ 2020-12-27 02:18:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
This small patch lets you save basements with template lots and helps prevent disconnects between vtserver and vtclient when doing stuff with big maps. VERSION 1.6.6 - 17/04/2020 ========== - [Misc] - Template lots now save basements - [Misc] - Added a new, topical, faction name - [Misc] - Added bigger map generation options (10km, 12km and 16km) - [Misc] - Added a warning for generating maps greater than 4km x 4km, and a more aggressive warning for generating maps greater than 8km x 8km. VERSION 1.6.5 ========== - [Misc] - vtserver will now send heartbeat packets every second to each player while said player is connected (prevent timeout during map gen with mods) - [Misc] - vtserver now has a few more checks to unnecessary timeouts
[ 2020-04-18 01:12:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is a small patch that adds a warning dialog before repairing a lot that has been built upon since being insured, and adds ranged pickup of item drops. Items within 3m of you will be drawn towards you and make a pop sound upon being picked up. VERSION 1.6.4 - 26/01/2020 ========== - [Misc] - Repairing a lot with blocks manually placed or removed after insuring will spawn a warning - [Misc] - Repairing a lot with blocks manually placed or removed via the macro-repair will generate a tooltip saying that it won't repair those lots and will not repair those lots - [Misc] - If a chest is to be removed by repairing a lot its contents will be ejected - [Feature] - Items drops within 3 meters of you will now be gravitationally attracted to you after 2 seconds of spawning - [Feature] - Added a sound effect for picking up items
[ 2020-01-27 02:12:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is a small patch that fixes spikey performance in multiplayer, reworks walking sound effects (both the effects and the logic) and fixed some various exploits VERSION 1.6.2 ========== - [Bugfix/Exploit] - Fixed exploit in Greiver/Schemer missions where you can drop the quest item before handing it in. The item will be consumed from any players holding them, with the items being consumed from the player talking to the the relevent NPC first - [Bugfix/Exploit] - Fixed exp and reputation from making custom buildings not being scaled by networth. This now follows the same calculation as building a normal building - [Bugfix/Exploit] - Disabled custom building missions, as they can be easily cheesed by importing template lots and converting them. - [Bugfix] - Fixed the Military Base not granting Base Attack bonuses if owned by a faction - [Misc] - Changed Walking sound effect, it now also changes based on what surface you are on. Also added landing effects - [Misc] - Tweaked walk/run/sprint sound effect code - [Misc] - Added a rear-cinematic camera view, cinematic camera in vehicles has been now disabled. - [Misc] - Tweaked run and sprint animations VERSION 1.6.1 - 24/10/2019 ========== - [Performance] - Smoother framerates in multiplayer - the game now only does clientside physics updates on very close entities to the player (with in 12m), significantly reducing stuttering in cases where there are many bandits/entites around. This typically results in a 1.5ms or greater reduction in frametime (on frames where there is a clientside physics update).
[ 2019-11-02 03:55:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Biome Maps!
Finally an alternative to seas of green. This patch offers 3 new kinds of maps - Desert maps, Snow maps and Mesa biome maps! Desert maps consist of sandy plains littered with the occasional cacti, hilly regions of sand, and oases with palm trees. Snow maps provide a winter landscape with Pine Trees (and the occasional little pine tree) Mesa maps have plains of red sand and sunburnt trees in the hilly oases

Custom Road Lots
I've added some elevated road lots that can be manually placed. This contains straight sections, overpasses, water sections, corners, T intersections with lights, cross intersections with lights and ramps.

To allow alternating streetlights I've also added a ALT_AVAIL flag for LotPack items.
Repair Macrobuilder
You can now repair with the macrobuilder! There is now a button that lets you click+drag to repair damaged lots. Note that this obeys the normal rules for repairing - lots must be insured and either owned or racketeered by you.
New Blocks
A few new blocks have been added - the Cactus plant for deserts, Yellow Tall grass for Mesa. There is now also Snow Blocks and Red Sand blocks and the typical shapes you get with a block ensemble.

Performance Upgrades
I've done some make-game-run-faster work. Mainly more intelligent entity culling. This results in a average case ~10% increase in FPS in built up areas. Bandits in dungeons are not drawn if you are not in a dungeon, and surface bandits are not drawn if you are in one. In addition sun/moonlight shadows are not drawn while you are underground. These changes result in a massive speedup (over the previous version) in hilly regions near dungeons.
Bugfixes and Polish
Some longstanding bugs have been fixed. Most noteably NPC animations locking up when running at high framerates (at high framerates the NPCs are not moving very far per frame, making the renderer think that they are standing), map scrolling locking up at high framerates The debug menu has been neated up a bit, and now has a framerate analyser (this helped me diagnose and do the perf updates listed above).
Lets Build Server Reset
Finally, the Lets Build Server has been reset, the new map is another massive desert map
Full Changelog:
VERSION 1.6.0 - 06/10/2019 ========== - [Major Feature] - Added Biome Maps! You can now choose between Temperate/Desert/Snow and Mesa maps! - [Feature] - New blocks! Cactus, Red Sand and Snow! - [Feature] - You can now disable/enable all mods/lotpacks in one click on the Installed Mods menu - [Feature] - Added "Wasteland" lots, you can create one with /lot wasteland. - [Performance] - Did some optimisation improvements to rendering mobs (bandits + base defenders) + optimised rendering all entities. This should increase framerates by about 10%+ on the street, and help reduce fps drops in crowded areas (I've seen +50% fps in some situations) - [Performance] - Surface mobs are not drawn while in a dungeon, and dungon mobs are not drawn while on the surface - [Performance] - Shadows are disabled while in a dungeon - [Performance] - Did some optimisation of the Lua garbage collector, free's up 0.5ms of frametime on both the client and server - [Performance] - Minor optimisation work on entity particles - [Feature] - Added a "Build an Airfield" mission that unlocks when you have $100k, 10 Reputation, 100 Residential Population and there are no existing civlian Airfields on the map - [Misc] - Improved autodetection of graphics cards (RTX, TITAN and any Amd "RX" cards are now considered to be "powerful" cards) - [Misc] - The F3 debug screen has been polished a little bit + has a frametime analyser now - [Misc] - Rockets now penetrate half a block when they hit a block - [Misc] - Rubble particles from explosions are now kicked more vertically (rather than just collapsing into a crater) - [Misc] - Rubble particles now have their lifetime reset whenever they are kicked by an explosion - [Misc] - Added /rotate command. This is the same as the /copy command, but with 4 extra arguments (1 required, 3 optional), the number of 90 degree turns (0,1,2 or 3), and whether to mirror on the X,Y and/or Z axies. (Y to mirror, anything else to not mirror) Example: /copy X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2 nTurns MirrorX MirrorY MirrorZ The Mirror args can be safely ommited - [Misc] - Added a /lotrange command. This executes a /lot
[ 2019-10-06 08:32:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Military Base Control Point
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_HdO4_6jYo The often requested Military Base is finally here! This lot initially appears as an abandoned lot, but when you reach level 12 a mission appears to unlock it. If you are playing on an existing map you can construct it once you reach level 15.

Its a control point, giving +1 Base Attack Limit, +1 Base Attack Limit Cap and a slight economic boost in the form of +2 Industry Desirability. But more importantly its a spawn point for tanks! Tanks that spawn here will be loyal to their controller and will defend against enemy attack. The defenders are very strong - they start at garrison level 6 (same strength as the first dungeon) Due to the nature of tanks appearing in a Control Point, I've modified tanks so that they can capture lots if driven by the AI or driven by a player.
Custom Road Lots
Quite a few mods have custom road lots, so I decided to make the functionality to make it official. You can now mark LotPack items as ROAD or CANAL and have them appear in a new "Build Manual Road" screen. By setting a ROADFLAGS parameter you can tell the AI if the direction of the road. See lots/packs/vanilla.txt for implementation details. I've added a few roads lots to the base game - a 4 way intersection with traffic lights and a 3 way intersection with traffic lights, so that Turf Zero/Build/Strat Zero maps can have traffic lights! Road lots are not symmetric so I also added the FORCEROT option. This forces a lot to face a direction when being placed. You can also specify an id for lot for the clicker to switch to when the player right clicks. Try the 3 way intersection to see how it works.

QoL Changes
Civilians in buildings now have a 75% chance to duck when there is combat in a building, as opposed to just running around flailing. Some civilians still do that, but its a lot less caotic now. When you first engage the CDF a window now appears explaining the mechanics of CDF escaping as well as a couple of pointers on how to escape (such as running to the hills, or hiding in a friendly base). Like with controls, you can press "I" to bring the window up.

Finally I added an in-game timer. This is useful for the speed-running achievements, but its also just a nice thing to have. It'll display the hours and minutes you've been playing. Strategic pause will pause the timer (and pause it for achievements)
New Achievements
This patch adds 19 new achievements, bringing the total to 72! I've added a lot of stuff since launch, but haven't kept up with achievements. Some of these are purely catch up achievements, such as achievements for taking out each of the dungeons, and for completing some of the missions added after achievements were programmed (such as the Cop missions). Others are fun stuff, such as winning a race with an Ambulance or stealing the Speedy Car. I've also added some speedrunning achievements. There's a Space Race achievement (get the space program within 8 hours) and a Speed Run achievement for people who are true masochists. Some of the achievements will require a new game to work (the dungeon ones do, and the speedrun ones will need a new map too).
Lets Build Server Reset
Finally, the Lets Build Server has been reset, the new map is another massive archipelago map
Change Log
VERSION: 1.5.0 - 13/04/2019 ========== - [Feature] - Added a Military Base - The military base can be constructed by any player who reaches level 15 - The military base starts at fortification level 6 and progresses to level 10 - This spawns 4 tanks in 4 random locations above the surface and 2 locations underground - [Feature] - Added placeable manual road lots - Lots can be placed into a ROAD or CANAL categories and now appear in a new "ROADS" category in the build lot GUI. ROAD category lots will appear as road lots on the map - Added 5 manual road pieces, a 4 way intersection and 4 variants of a T intersection, all with traffic lights - Lots can now be marked with the ROADFLAGS option, see lots/packs/vanilla.txt for details. You can mark a lot as N/S/E/W/NH/SH/EH/WH/TL to tell AI vehicles which directions the road goes. Note that vehicle AI behaviour is undefined for lots that are not 1x1 (with the exception of ramps). - Lots can also be marked with the FORCEROT option, see lots/packs/vanilla.txt for details. This makes a lot only placeable in a specified rotation. It also allows you to specify a lot to switch to for when the player right clicks to rotate a lot. Said lot must be in the same lotpack - [Misc] - Civilians in buildings are now likely to crouch when gunfire is nearby (as opposed to running around) - [Misc] - Tanks can lay siege to lots if they are driven by a player or a soldier - [Misc] - Tanks at y < 4 will not target players 2m or more above them - [Mics] - Added a MILITARY spawnloc for MobEntities, this makes them soldiers. - [Misc] - CDF Icon guide is now a GUI that appears when the I button is pressed. This guide also now explains base escapes and hiding in hills - [Misc] - Added a "/lot stripspawners" command to remove all the spawners (barrels, flags and single-spawners) from a lot - [Misc] - Added a "winmissions" cheat to win any missions you are currently involved in - [Feature] - You can now see your RL playtime in the Inventory screen - [Feature] - Added 19 new achievements - [Bugfix] - Fixed tanks not disengaging players after killing them (contrary to what appears in the 1.5 Video)
[ 2019-04-13 08:35:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
I've done some work to boost the game's performance, particularly on big maps, and I've also made some QoL improvements
Big Map Performance Improvements
Two things were causing slowdown with very big maps. On the client (the renderer, vtclient.exe), the main thing slowing it down was runaway chunk counts, on the server it was out of control entity counts. I fixed runaway chunk counts on the client and runaway entity counts on both the client + server, resulting in *massive* performance gains for playing on big maps. It seems like there's been perf gains in Singleplayer too, but I haven't benchmarked them.
Chunk Unloader Optimisation (Details)
While the client did unload out-of-range chunks, it was nowhere near aggressive enough, resulting in situations where the chunk loader was running faster than the chunk unloader. This could mean that after flying around the world you could have 20k chunks loaded! I improved this by making the chunk unloader act quadratically more aggressive once your chunk count reaches 1000+drawDistance^2/256. For every 2000 chunks above this count the chunk unloader will take 2x the amount of cpu time it normally does (4x at 4000, 8x at 6000, etc) - the rationale being that if you're dropping frames due to large chunk counts then we can afford to spend more time getting rid of excess chunks. The "unload" distance has been changed from unrenderDistance*4 to (1000 + unrenderDistance - nChunksOverThreshold/20), again meaning very high chunk counts means more aggressive chunk culling.
Entity Count Optimisation (Details)
While entities that are out of player range were put to sleep (AI and physics disabled), they still seemed to take quite a bit of cpu time (must be some O(N^2) or worse stuff happening under the hood). On the client, all entities (mobs, vehicles, etc) that are 1000m from the client are locally despawned. On the server, if the entity count exceeds 100 any bandits that are 1000m from the player are despawned, and if the entity count exceeds 160 base defenders will also get despawned. Any entity that is less than 1000m from any playeris exempt from despawning, and any entity involved in a base attack or base/bandit base that is under attack or a mission is likewise exempt.
UI Improvements
The build lot screen now scales with your monitor size, making it much bigger, but not overwhelmingly so in most cases. Also water source blocks are now rendered in the preview.

Water Walls
I've made some wall variants that have water on one or both sides
Plane Runways
Lots that spawn Light Planes now have double blast resistance at level 10 when colliding with an aircraft. This means that runways are much more durable and take-off/landing damage at airports is much less likely.
Repair Improvements
You can now repair *racketeered* buildings! Repairing a control point now despawns the defenders there, fixing a defender-duplication bug.
Server Diagnostics
You can now enter the "/status" command and the server will tell you its chunk and entity counts. It will also give profiler info if the server is under non-trivial load (if it just says "Total XXms" that means the server is under capacity). This command is not considered a cheat and is able to be used by all players

Balance Changes
Banks now spawn 33% more loot, Jewellery and Gun Shops now spawn 50% more loot.
Change Log
VERSION: 1.4.3 - 12/01/2019 ========== - [Misc] - Made the loading screen appear faster when you first start the game - [Misc] - vtclient chunk aggressive chunk unloading threshold raised to 1000 + drawDistance^2/(256) chunks - [Misc] - Restored the "Extreme" graphics preset - [Misc] - You can now repair racketeered buildings - [Misc] - Lots with an "Light Plane/CDF Light Plane Spawning Zone" now have double blast resistance at level 10 for the purpose of aircraft/tarmac collisions - [Bugfix] - Repairing a control point now despawns any defenders (prevents defender duplication) VERSION: 1.4.2 - 12/01/2019 ========== - [Misc] - vtclient is much more aggressive in unloading chunks if there are more than 1000 chunks loaded clientside. This gets even more aggressive for each 2000 chunks loaded. Fixes the client having 20k chunks loaded when you fly around the world because the chunk loader is running faster than the chunk unloader - [Misc] - vtclient will despawn any clientside mobs that are more than 10000m from the player - [Misc] - If the server's entity count is above 100, it will despawn any bandits (not in missions or base attacks, as either attacker or defender) that are more than 1000m from any player - [Misc] - If the server's entity count is above 160, it will also despawn any base defenders more than 1000m from any player (again not involved in missions or base attackers, as either attacker or defender). VERSION: 1.4.1 - 10/01/2019 ========== - [Feature] - Added 6 Wall lot variants that have water to one side or both - [Feature] - Added the /status command, shows details of the server's status - [Misc] - Water is now rendered in the lot preview - [Misc] - The "Build Lot" UI now scales with window size (gets bigger if x resolution > 1200 to a maximum of 2x size) - [Misc] - City Gen will try to plonk 2 more 1x1 commercial lots (12 now, 10 before). - [Misc] - Jewellery shops now buy and sell precious metal ingots - [Misc] - Loot in Jewellery shops and Gun Shops has been increased by 50%. Bank loot has been increased by 33%.
[ 2019-01-12 00:46:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
https://youtu.be/M0ZbfJiKiwo Be sure to subscribe for more videos + updates!
New Vehicle
I've added a Light Plane vehicle! The plane can remove blocks and take damage if it hits something! To do maximum damage I recommend pitching down to build speed before impact. For taking off, set throttle to maximum and take off on a flat, solid surface (concrete, asphalt, etc), and slowly pitch up once you are up to speed.
New Buildings
A new vehicle needs new spawn buildings yeah? I've added two: a Commercial Airfield

...and a Bandit Base variant!

Control Info Windows
Now control info windows appear to show you how to use vehicles, etc.

Server Reset
I've made a new map for the multiplayer Lets Build server - this time it's THE WORLD! I've also put the map onto the Steam Workshop in-case you want to play the map in singleplayer. This map is gigantic, measuring at 16km x 8km. I've made a small spawn area around Toburk

Bitmap Map Generation
You can now generate maps from bitmaps! Running the server from the command line using the "--loadBitMap file.bmp" argument will make the game generate a map from the specified bitmap. The game will take the red channel as the hight/biome info - heights below 70 (bottoms out 56) will be sea biome, heights above 143 will be hills (maxes out at 158). The bitmap file does *not* have to be the same size or even aspect ratio as the game map - vtserver will automatically interpolate between values provided by the bitmap.

This an edited version of the command I used to generate the "Lets Build The World" map. vtserver --saveGame SAVE_NAME --genmap VERT_SIZE HORZ_SIZE --loadBitmapMap YOU_BITMAP.bmp --mapGenSeaMod -30 --mapGenHillsMod -35 --gameMode "Turf Zero" Be sure to save your bitmaps in RGB24 format.
Workshop Map Support
You can upload maps to the Steam workshop! I recommend zipping the world0 folder and then deleting the folder before you upload, as Steam tends not handle very large numbers of small files. Now when you start a game using an existing map, vtserver will check for the existence of world0.zip and unzip it if required. If you look at my example: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1601439756 you can see how I zipped the files.
VERSION: 1.4.0 - 27/12/2018 ============== No changes VERSION: 1.4.0-RC2 ============== - [Feature] - Added a "News" window to the main menu - [Misc] - Opening a URL while playing thorugh Steam will now open the link in Steam's browser (fixes "can't start game - game already running" issue caused by the game starting the web browser and Steam thinking that the web browser is a child process of the game). - [Misc] - Map files that contain zipped worlds will now unzip the world data on a new game (fixes Steam Workshop not handling folders with lots of files) - [Misc] - Improvements to map mod support VERSION: 1.4.0-RC1 - 21/12/2018 ============== - [Feature] - Added a Light Plane Vehicle - Two liveries - a red and a blue "CDF" one - The plane can damage blocks by ramming into them - [Feature] - Added an Airfield commercial lot (like the helifield) and a bandit-airfield mob base. Both these lots spawn planes - [Feature] - Added lot zones to spawn aircraft - [Feature] - Added "controls" tooltips for when you start a the game, first hold a block placing item, first hold a weapon, first enter a vehicle, etc. You can press "I" to view this info at any time - [Feature] - Added bitmap map generations - [Misc] - Added a Kage848 Flag Emblem VERSION: 1.3.4 - 03/09/2018 ============== - [Modding] - Added CDF_VEHICLE, CDF_ARMOURED_VEHICLE, CDF_TANK, CDF_HELI zone types - [Misc] - Updated Steamworks to version 1.4.2 (latest) - [Misc] - Updated OpenVR to version 1.16 (latest)
[ 2018-12-27 04:02:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today's update adds Gunplay changes, most importantly weapon recoil, as well as a brand new dungeon system! EDIT: Small patch 1.3.2 released, scroll down for changelog. Allows you to shoot out glass, adds a master enable/disable setting for gamepad support. EDIT EDIT: Patch 1.3.3 fixes some small bugs.
Video Of Changes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g7qVoMo3OE Be sure to subscribe for future videos!
Gunplay Changes
Weapon recoil has been added, as compensation the spread of all weapons has been reduced, in most cases halved. Firing a weapon introduces weapon kick which recovers over time. Weapon mods effect recoil kick. Explosive and Extra Shot mods increase it (and this stacks), Silencer mods reduce it.

Bandits Wear Armour
As a bit of added challenge, bandits in fortification level 3 bandit bases or stronger now have a chance to wear body armour.
Dungeons are mid-late game content that consist of large networks of rooms in the hills. They are initially hidden on the map and must be discovered. Entrances to dungeons are marked as fortification level 1 bandit bases and can be found as giant stone spires in the world, and individual dungeon rooms are disguised as hills lots.

Bandits in dungeons are stronger than the bandit base inhabitants you're used too. They start at fortification level 6, and progress to level 10. The number of dungeons on the map is dependent on the number of hills lots on the map with a maximum of 5 spawning, space permitting. Each dungeon is progressively bigger than the last.

You can enter the spire at any time, but to be able to capture dungeon rooms you need a relevant key to disable the shields between rooms. To get the key for the first dungeon, the Blue Dungeon Key, you can do one of three things: 1. You can take the "Dungeon Debts" mission and pay the Schemer $50k for one. This mission will spawn once you reach level 10. 2. You can take the Griever's mission to kill Blasty McSurprise, Blasty himself drops a Blue Dungeon Key when he dies. 3. Blue Dungeon Keys are rare loot spawns in Bandit Bases. In each dungeon there is a Bandit King who functions as the boss, who drops a lot of valuable items + a key to the next dungeon, and perhaps more importantly, they drop a crown you can wear! If you are playing in multiplayer then they'll drop multiple keys. While in a dungeon you cannot tele-buy items, so stock up on healing items first! I firmly recommend that you level up a bit first (level 10 is a good guide for the first one), and get a few combat perks + silver or gold tier weapons and mods. Finally dungeon rooms are moddable with the lotpack system, see /lots/packs/vanilla.txt for details. Blank dungeon pieces are provided in /lots/packs/vanilla (for example dungeon_22.lot, dungeon_21.lot)
Hotfix Patch: 1.3.1
Fixes the fourth dungeon boss (level 9 dungeon) not dropping the key for the last dungeon
VERSION: 1.3.3 - 03/08/2018 ============== - [Bugfix] - Fixed APPLY spam when a peace deal is done - [Misc] - Whenever a Mob is spoken to they will no longer walk around and bounce on furniture VERSION: 1.3.2 - 01/08/2018 ============== - [Misc] - You can now shoot out glass windows and doors! By editing db/material_costs.txt, you can enable the shooting out of other blocks too! - [Misc/Bugfix] - Gamepad support is now disabled by default to prevent esoteric driver/virtual gamepad issues. You can manually enable/disable gamepad support in the Control Settings menu, or enable/disable it by editing settings/control_settings_1005.txt - [Bugfix] - Fixed Mega Health Packs not spawning VERSION: 1.3.1 - 27/07/2018 ============== - [Misc] - Doubled the HP of item drops to 200. - [Bugfix] - The level 9 dungeon boss now drops the purple dungeon key VERSION: 1.3.0 - 25/07/2018 ============== - [Major Feature] - Added Dungeons - Dungeons spawn in hills lots. There are a maximum of 4 that spawn on the map - Dungeons are now HIDDEN on the map! You need to find them via exploration, or by clever analysis of the map. Dungeon Entrances appear as Bandit Bases, dungeon pieces appear as hills - Dungeons can be found by finding a massive obelisk that sticks out of the hill. - Discovering a dungeon enterance (by using the lift) reveals the dungeon entrance on the map - Discovered dungeons are visible to all players - Capturing a dungeon room reveals adjacent dungeon rooms on the map - Dungeons are comprised of a network pieces (lots), and these pieces can be modified with the lotpack system. See lots/packs/vanilla.txt. Some blank dungeon pieces are in lots/packs/vanilla too. - Added 18 dungeon pieces - Dungeon rooms have forcefields around all the exits. To progress to adjacent rooms you must clear the room of enemies and have the relevent dungeon key in your inventory - Dungeons will not spawn under hills-lakes unless there are no other options for expansion - If a dungeon spawns below a Hills-lake then any blocks at or below y=6 will be filled in - Dungeons require Dungeon Disruption Keys to enter. You can get the first one from the Schemer (mission Dungeon Debt, appears once you reach level 10), or by killing Blasty McSurprise as a drop item, or as a rare bandit base loot item. - Dungeon Keys also sell for a fair bit of dosh - Bandits in dungeons start with the strength of what-would-be Bandit Base level 6. - Dungeons spawn in levels, starting at level 6, ending at level 10, getting bigger every time - Up to 5 dungeon networks spawn on a map, depending on map size (and the abundance of hills) - Dungeon doorways that aren't connected to anything are filled in with stone - You can't tele-buy items while in a dungeon, you must come prepared! - Capturing a dungeon piece has a "disabling shields" screen. If you don't have a key then a "can't capture" screen appears. - There is a SFX for capturing a dungeon piece - Dungeon Entrances auto-repair if damaged and there are no players within 128 of them - All dungeon pieces are abandonded and auto-repaired if there are no players in dungeons - Blocks at level y=6 in dungeons have +50% blast resistance (like blocks at y=0) - Killing the bandit king insta-captures the boss room - You can't abandon-occupation dungeon rooms (to prevent farming the boss) - [Major Change] - Gunplay improvements: - All weapons have "kickback" animations, and sway animations for when you look up/down/left/right - All weapons base spread HALVED - Crosshairs now have circle arcs to indicate true accuracy when recoiling - Firing a weapon introduces recoil, which makes successive firings more inaccurate. This is indicated by the crosshairs moving outwards - If the current "recoil" value is greater than 8 degrees then it will recover at twice the rate - Silencer Mods now reduce recoil by half and camera jerk further by 1/3rd. - Extra Shot Mods now increase recoil by 40%, and camera jerk further by 40%. - Explosive Mods now increase recoil by 30%, and camera jerk further by 30%. - When a weapon is reloaded, it hangs in the air a little longer so the final round recoil animation can play (max 150ms) - When a weapon is reloaded, the recoil value is *set* to half a round's recoil - When a weapon is switched in, the recoil value is set to the max of the current recoil value or half a round's recoil. This is to prevent wiping recoil be switching weapons - Weapon kicks values are displayed when you mouse-over a weapon in the inventory - [Feature] - Made a "/giveinf" command to give an infinite stack of an item - [Feature] - Bandits have a chance to wear armour, in Bandit Bases/Control Points at level 3 or above. - [Misc] - Added Crowns. They can't be bought, but do sell for ~$5k - [Misc] - Communication Centre Control Point has been buffed slightly, now gives +1 Attack and +1 Acumen in addition to its existing bonuses. - [Bugfix] - Fixed custom lots being treated as special buildings ("already built!") - [Bugfix] - Fixed crash when simultaneously placing a block in a chunk that is being repaired - [Bugfix] - Any player joining or leaving a factions will now trigger a flag update for all players (fixes faction flag being displayed in the world after leaving a faction instead of player flag)
[ 2018-07-26 05:47:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Factions and Flags patch is finally live! EDIT: Added a hotfix patch 1.2.1, 1.2.2 & 1.2.3. Scroll to the end for details
Player Factions
Factions are clans that players can form in multiplayer.

There are two kinds of factions - Unified Factions and Bloc Factions. In a Unified Factions all investment income goes into a pool and is split amongst the online players. In a Bloc factions individuals keep their money. Individuals that are part of a faction are no longer independent and can no longer engage in diplomacy. Joining a faction will void any alliances, guarantees and warnings that you have. Instead, the faction itself can ally/guarantee/warn outside forces. Factions have 3 tiers of membership. Normal members (can't do diplomacy), trustees (can do diplomacy), and leaders (can make trustees and more leaders, and can disband the faction). Finally, faction members can do all the stuff that allies can do. So they can heal/respawn at friendly bases, do Co-Op missions together.
When you're playing a game with a lot of Gangs it can get confusing as to who is who. So I've added a Flag system to the game. When you first join a game you will be assigned a random flag. In most places where your name is displayed your flag will be displayed alongside it. To make diplomacy easier I've made it so that when you click on a flag icon on the map it'll open up the relevant player's diplomacy screen.

The game has a full on flag editor. You can add up to 32 layers with lots of flag elements and emblems to chose. You can recolour and reposition them to your liking. You can also mark elements as "always vertical" so they don't get rotated when the flag is rotated and you can even enable "left canton mode", so the flag is flipped when its hanged vertically, so flags like the US Flag can be hanged correctly.

Flags are moddable up the wazoo. You can add more flag layers/emblems by defining a mods/YOUR_MOD/textures/flags/flaglayers.txt file and throwing in some textures. This won't change the client's checksum, multiplayer clients with different mod-flags are able to play together (uninstalled flag parts won't be visible, but MP sessions will work). If players have the same mod-flag-parts installed they will able to see them. Finally I've added a heap of decorative flag blocks for you to place around your bases and other holdings.

Control Points
Control Points were earmarked for this patch, but I released it early (a month ago). For the uninitiated, Control Points are a cross between Bandit Bases and Special (Reward) Buildings. If you can capture one, you get bonuses. A crucial change in this update is that if a player who is a member of faction captures a Control Point, then the Control Point becomes owned by the faction itself, and ALL members get the bonus. Full Dev Diary for Control Points: https://www.indiedb.com/games/voxel-turf/news/dev-diary-16-control-points-vehicle-storage-base-escapes-renamable-bases
Map Generator Changes
As a last minute change to the map generator I've added an option to make maps islands and 2 sliders to adjust the amount of water and hills areas on the map. Below is an example of a map with the water cranked right up

Lets Build A City Server
This has definitely been the best city-building server the game has seen, but its time to move onto a new map. I'll be shortly replacing the server with a larger, archipelago map
Patch 1.2.3
This patch adds a "Mod Enable/Disable" screen to the main menu and fixes some MP issues.

VERSION: 1.2.3 - 06/07/18 ============== - [Feature] - Added a "Mod Picker" screen to the main menu. - The client will autodetect a preview image for installed mods. First MOD_PATH/thumbnail.tga/png/jpg is looked up, then MOD_PATH/preview.tga/png/jpg are loaded, then the first image file in the MOD_PATH/preview/ directory, then the first image in the MOD_PATH/thumbnail/ directory, then the first image in the MOD_PATH/ directory. - [Bugfix] - If a server requests you rejoin it should now make you rejoin the right port (in the case that there are multiple servers on the same machine). - [Bugfix] - Fixed some clientside frame rate dependent physics and graphics issues in multiplayer (ie, the Helicopters not flying bug, Helicopter blades acceleration no longer dependent on framerate, adjustments to Hovercrafts and Boats)
Hotfix 1.2.2
VERSION: 1.2.2 - 03/07/18 ============== - [Bugfix] - Speculative bugfix for reported CTD on mission selection - [Bugfix] - Internal realignment of std::atomic
Hotfix 1.2.1
Fixes some faction related issues, and a couple of lot flags for modders adds a QoL improvement: you get an estimate of how many customers a commercial lot is going to have before you place it. VERSION: 1.2.1 - 26/06/18 ============== - [Feature] - When placing a commercial lot, an estimate of the number of customers is displayed. If a lot is expected to have under 33% customers then a warning appears - [Feature/Modding] - Added a PLAYER_UNIQUE and a MAP_UNIQUE flag for lots. Limits 1 instance of a lot per player or map respectively - [Misc] - You can now attach roads to other faction member's roads (and members of allied factions) - [Misc] - The start and end tiles of a road construction may now connect to any player's road - [Bugfix] - Fixed mangled player list screen - [Bugfix] - Fixed members of allied factions now count as allies properly - [Bugfix] - Fixed base name alignment - [Bugfix] - You can no longer accept a faction invite if you are already in a faction - [Bugfix] - If a faction is disbanded or a player is eliminated and warnings and protections that they are receiving should now be eliminated - [Bugfix] - Any treaties with non-existant players or factions are removed on game load - [Bugfix] - You can no longer disband a faction while at war
Full Changelog
VERSION: 1.2.0 - 24/06/18 ============== - [Feature] - Added an "island" option to the map generator - makes the borders of the map water, making the map an island - [Feature] - Added an "water mod" option to the map generator - lets you pick the amount of water on the map - [Feature] - Added an "hills mod" option to the map generator - lets you pick the amount of hills on the map VERSION: 1.2.0-Beta2 - 23/06/18 ============== - [Bugfix] - You can now repair faction owned lots - [Bugfix] - Stat bonuses due to faction owned control points are now correctly applied - [Bugfix] - Removed the OP_ALLIANCE_DEL console message - [Bugfix] - Control Point Goons now speak to faction members if the control point is owned by the faction VERSION: 1.2.0-Beta1 - 23/06/18 ============== - [Major Feature] - Added Player Factions - Flags have their own flag and colour, any members will use the faction's colour and flag. - There are 2 kinds of factions: Bloc Factions (basically a big alliance), and Unified Factions (big alliance that shares all net investment income). - Factions are a seperate political entity. If you join a faction you are no longer independent - the faction is responsible for your diplomacy. If you are a leader or trustee of the faction you can engage in diplomacy on behalf of the faction - Factions have 3 ranks - members, trustees and leaders. - Members cannot engage in diplomacy, except to vote on peace deals, send money or show respect. - Trustees can engage in diplomacy, edit the flag, invite/kick members. - Leaders can appoint Trustees and more Leaders. Leaders can also kick trustees - Joining a faction voids any alliances you currently have, as well as protections and warnings. - Factions can have allies, protect players, issue warnings, etc, just like normal players can. - Members of a faction are like allies, and can do all the stuff that allies can do (such as co-op missions, respawning on bases, storing vehicles in bases, etc) - Showing Respect increases the AI opinion of your faction, allowing you to form alliances between the AI and your faction - A Factions reputation is equal to the reputation of the member with the highest reputation - if a faction has two members, one with 25 rep and one with 5 rep then the faction will have 25 rep. - A Factions aggression is equal to the aggression of the member with the highest aggression - if a faction has two members, one with 25 aggr and one with 5 aggr then the faction will have 25 aggr. - Factions will have the yesman cheat enabled if any of the constituant players have yesman enabled - AI factions will only join player factions if you have yesman enabled. They will do thier normal AI behaviour if part of a faction. - If you capture a control point, then it comes under control of the faction and all faction members get the bonuses - [Misc] - You can no longer invite offline players into alliances - [Misc] - Fixed some issues with the flag editor, added a bit of polish - [Bugfix] - Fixed flag not appearing for a player that has just hotjoined onto a server - [Bugfix] - Fixed equipment (hats, armour) not appearing for a player that has just hotjoined onto a server VERSION: 1.1.7 ============== - [Misc] - If textures are set to high, then flags will be rasterised at double resolution (400x240). - [Misc] - Doubled flag element resolution for several elements (mainly emblems with stars + layers with diagonal pieces) VERSION: 1.1.6 ============== - [Major Feature] - Added Flags! - Players and AI factions now have flags. These appear on the map when you select a lot they control and these are displayed next to player names in chat, popup banners and the player list. - Your "spawn flag" in your bases will now display your flag - You can now place a variety of flags decoratively in the world. The flag that is displayed will change to whoever occupies the lot and will change if a lot changes hands - Flags you can place: 2 hanging banner types that can be used on streetlight poles - 1x2 hanging, 2x3 hanging, 4x6 hanging - 1x1 horizontal, 2x1.5 horizontal, 3x2 horizontal, 6x4 horizontal - [Feature] - Added a Flag Generator. You can make flags by placing different elements and emblems as layers ontop of a background - Have 41 elements to choose from, as well as 25 emblems - Flag Layers can be moved around and coloured - Flags can appear either hoizontally or hanging vertically. - Emblems on the flag can individually be set to always be vertical when the flag is hanging - Flags can be hanged in "left-canton" mode, for situations where you want to correctly hang the flag (eg US Flag, Aus/Nz flags, etc) - Players & AI Factions are assigned a random flag when the game is started - This is moddable up the wazzo. You can add more flag layers/emblems by defining a mods/YOUR_MOD/textures/flags/flaglayers.txt and throwing in some textures. This won't change the client's checksum, multiplayer clients with different mod-flags are able to play together (uninstalled flag parts won't be visible, but MP sessions will work). If players have the same mod-flag-parts installed they will able to see them. - [Misc] - Added a "Sending money does not increase relations" message to the "send money" screen - [Misc] - Near Radius is now shown with a yellow line (for industrial lots with *_NEAR settings, such as the Sawmill, etc) - [Misc] - Commercial Radius is now shown with a yellow line (for Commercial Lots) - [Bugfix] - Fixed many instances of blocks dropping the wrong items. - [Bugfix] - Removing a multi-block block should now give the drop item if you are removing it from not the multiblock's origin block.
[ 2018-06-24 07:11:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
New patch in the Beta Branch. If there are no issues then I'll set the page live tomorrow (along with a more detailed description of the features!) This patch adds Factions to multiplayer and decorative flags all players. EDIT: Patch 1.2.0-Beta2 fixes a couple of bugs. Scroll for changes
You can now make flags! All players will be assigned a random flag when they join a game, and can edit their flags. You can even place decorative flags in lots that you own.

Players in chat and in diplomacy screen have their flags shown, making it easier to tell them apart. Furthermore, you can click on flags on the map to bring up a player's diplomacy window directly.

You can now form Factions in multiplayer! There are two kinds of factions - Unified Factions (players share income) and Bloc Factions (players don't). Factions act as a group of allied players, except they all appear with the same colour and flag on the map. Members can be assigned three ranks (member, trustee and leader).

VERSION: 1.2.0-Beta2 - 23/06/18 ============== - [Bugfix] - You can now repair faction owned lots - [Bugfix] - Stat bonuses due to faction owned control points are now correctly applied - [Bugfix] - Removed the OP_ALLIANCE_DEL console message - [Bugfix] - Control Point Goons now speak to faction members if the control point is owned by the faction VERSION: 1.2.0-Beta1 ============== - [Major Feature] - Added Player Factions - Flags have their own flag and colour, any members will use the faction's colour and flag. - There are 2 kinds of factions: Bloc Factions (basically a big alliance), and Unified Factions (big alliance that shares all net investment income). - Factions are a seperate political entity. If you join a faction you are no longer independent - the faction is responsible for your diplomacy. If you are a leader or trustee of the faction you can engage in diplomacy on behalf of the faction - Factions have 3 ranks - members, trustees and leaders. - Members cannot engage in diplomacy, except to vote on peace deals, send money or show respect. - Trustees can engage in diplomacy, edit the flag, invite/kick members. - Leaders can appoint Trustees and more Leaders. Leaders can also kick trustees - Joining a faction voids any alliances you currently have, as well as protections and warnings. - Factions can have allies, protect players, issue warnings, etc, just like normal players can. - Members of a faction are like allies, and can do all the stuff that allies can do (such as co-op missions, respawning on bases, storing vehicles in bases, etc) - Showing Respect increases the AI opinion of your faction, allowing you to form alliances between the AI and your faction - A Factions reputation is equal to the reputation of the member with the highest reputation - if a faction has two members, one with 25 rep and one with 5 rep then the faction will have 25 rep. - A Factions aggression is equal to the aggression of the member with the highest aggression - if a faction has two members, one with 25 aggr and one with 5 aggr then the faction will have 25 aggr. - Factions will have the yesman cheat enabled if any of the constituant players have yesman enabled - AI factions will only join player factions if you have yesman enabled. They will do thier normal AI behaviour if part of a faction. - If you capture a control point, then it comes under control of the faction and all faction members get the bonuses - [Misc] - You can no longer invite offline players into alliances - [Misc] - Fixed some issues with the flag editor, added a bit of polish - [Bugfix] - Fixed flag not appearing for a player that has just hotjoined onto a server - [Bugfix] - Fixed equipment (hats, armour) not appearing for a player that has just hotjoined onto a server VERSION: 1.1.7 ============== - [Misc] - If textures are set to high, then flags will be rasterised at double resolution (400x240). - [Misc] - Doubled flag element resolution for several elements (mainly emblems with stars + layers with diagonal pieces) VERSION: 1.1.6 ============== - [Major Feature] - Added Flags! - Players and AI factions now have flags. These appear on the map when you select a lot they control and these are displayed next to player names in chat, popup banners and the player list. - Your "spawn flag" in your bases will now display your flag - You can now place a variety of flags decoratively in the world. The flag that is displayed will change to whoever occupies the lot and will change if a lot changes hands - Flags you can place: 2 hanging banner types that can be used on streetlight poles - 1x2 hanging, 2x3 hanging, 4x6 hanging - 1x1 horizontal, 2x1.5 horizontal, 3x2 horizontal, 6x4 horizontal - [Feature] - Added a Flag Generator. You can make flags by placing different elements and emblems as layers ontop of a background - Have 41 elements to choose from, as well as 25 emblems - Flag Layers can be moved around and coloured - Flags can appear either hoizontally or hanging vertically. - Emblems on the flag can individually be set to always be vertical when the flag is hanging - Flags can be hanged in "left-canton" mode, for situations where you want to correctly hang the flag (eg US Flag, Aus/Nz flags, etc) - Players & AI Factions are assigned a random flag when the game is started - This is moddable up the wazzo. You can add more flag layers/emblems by defining a mods/YOUR_MOD/textures/flags/flaglayers.txt and throwing in some textures. This won't change the client's checksum, multiplayer clients with different mod-flags are able to play together (uninstalled flag parts won't be visible, but MP sessions will work). If players have the same mod-flag-parts installed they will able to see them. - [Misc] - Added a "Sending money does not increase relations" message to the "send money" screen - [Misc] - Near Radius is now shown with a yellow line (for industrial lots with *_NEAR settings, such as the Sawmill, etc) - [Misc] - Commercial Radius is now shown with a yellow line (for Commercial Lots) - [Bugfix] - Fixed many instances of blocks dropping the wrong items. - [Bugfix] - Removing a multi-block block should now give the drop item if you are removing it from not the multiblock's origin block.
[ 2018-06-23 03:59:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch introduces Control Points as a new mechanic, as well as implementing Vehicle Storage for bases and giving you another way to escape the CDF. EDIT (28/05) - Hotfix for MP connection issue due to DNS shenanigans, scroll to end for changes. EDIT (30/05) - Small Hotfix that fixes World Holes on MP servers, slight optimisations.
Control Points
Control points are like a cross between Bandit Bases and Special Buildings. Instead of being a place that you raid for loot, Control Points give you a static bonus.

This patch introduces 5 control points:
- Old Parliament (-20% Racketeering Cost, -10% Zoning Cost). This building naturally spawns near spawn.
- Supply Depot (-10% Construction Cost, +2 Ind Desirability). This building spawns in industrial areas.
- Botanic Garden (+50% Aggression Decay Rate, +2 Res/Com/Off Desirability). This building spawns in residential areas.
- Communications Centre (+1 Goon Command Limit, +10% Goon Atk/Def). This building spawns randomly on the map
- Strategic Bunker (+2 Attack, +2 Defence, +200% cash from killed bandits). This building spawns randomly on the map

If a Control Point doesn't exist on the map can be constructed from the Special Buildings menu. This is so you don't have to start a new game to play with them. You can also bulldoze existing Control Points under your control and relocate them if you wish. Control Points level up whenever they get captured by a hostile player, up to level 5. Leveling them up makes the defenders stronger, like in a bandit base. You can also abandon a control point so that an ally can take control of it. Control Points act as a point of conflict in Multiplayer. You can capture control points even if you are at peace with the owner, or they are offline. Finally, AI factions will try to capture control points, even in Turf mode!
Vehicle Storage
ALL bases now act as garages for your vehicles. If you exit the game with a vehicle in a friendly base then it will be there when you log back in. There is no limit to the number of vehicles you can store in your bases. Keep in mind that vehicles are tied to the owner, so if a friend leaves a vehicle in your base and you restart the game then you'll have to wait for your friend to log in again to get your vehicle back.

Base Escapes
Been driving around and bumped into the CDF, and now they're giving you grief? Now there's a very easy way to get rid of the CDF if you only have 1 or 2 stars of notoriety. Simply hide in a base for a few seconds and they'll leave you alone. This check ignores things like line-of-sight (the eye), being in a lot you've been sighted in (the diamond) and the timer (the stopwatch).

Bases Can Be Renamed

Just click on the tag!
Patch Notes
VERSION: 1.1.3 - 23/05/18 =============== - [Major Feature] - Added "Control Points". These are like Bandit Bases but instead of spawning loot they give a passive bonus to the holder - Control Points will spawn defenders loyal to whoever holds it. Control Points are free to garison however defenders can't be given orders - Control Points can be captured from other players even if you are at peace with them - Control Points can be captured from *offline* players - Control Points can be built from the "Special/Reward Buildings" menu if they do not already exist on the map. When constructed they will be owned by no player. They do have build requirements so griefers can't just spawn on a blank server and just start smacking them down. - Control Points give limited crime immunity to nearby lots (like how bandit bases do) - Control points level up if they are captured by a different player, and are reset to level 1 if they are abandoned - AI Factions will try to capture control points, they will prioratise control points close to thier bases. They will also repair damaged control points - [Feature] - If you leave a vehicle in a base then it'll be there when you start the game again. You can now use bases as garages! - This also applies to vehicles left in allied bases. - If an ally leaves thier vehicles in your base and you restart the game you'll have to wait for them to come back online for thier vehicles to appear in your base. - [Feature] - Added Base Escapes. If you have 2 stars or less you can escape the CDF by standing in a friendly base for a few seconds. - [Feature/Modding] - Added "Single Spawners". You can get one by typing: /give "Single Spawner" - Single Spawners are invisible and will only spawn 1 bandit or goon - [Modding] - All spawners can now be made to spawn goons with SMGs, Rifles or Quad Rocket Launchers. - [Misc] - Bandit Killing missions will try to spawn closer to you. It will first try a place within 500m of you, then keep rolling for locations while expanding outwards (eg, 550m, 600m, 650m, etc) until it either finds a suitable place to spawn or hits a limit (or about 14km). - [Misc] - Mob spawners will no longer spawn mobs in the air if there is no nearby ground beneath them - [Misc] - Snipers will no longer try to chase you - [Misc] - AI mobs can now open glass sliding doors and boom gates - [Misc] - AI mobs with rockets will be more aggressive in using them to get unstuck - [Misc] - Grenades are a lot more accurate - spread reduced by 60% (2 degrees down from 5) - [Misc] - Redone grenade crosshairs - its now 3 horizontal lines with a gap in the top line indicating the accuracy - [Misc] - Grenades now have a spherical hitbox and its slightly larger. Grenades now have a bit of rolling friction too - [Misc] - ItemCategories can be marked as "secret" and thus not appear in the Buy screen. "Spawners" (containing burning barrels) and "Single Spawners" (containing Single Spawners) are now secret. - [Misc] - Fixed "Low Hp" alert not appearing when you are not brandishing a weapon, and fixed it being xbox huge when you are holding the "Remove" item. - [Misc] - Capturing a Base/Bandit Base/Control Point will despawn any remaining defenders. Defenders with orders (such as "Follow Me" or "Guard Location") will not be despawned - [Bugfix] - Fixed client_scripts.txt and server_scripts.txt ignoring the last line of the file - [Bugfix] - Canals no longer create barriers next to bridges - [Bugfix] - Fixed "small town mayor" modifiers not applying to building roads, bridges and canals VERSION: 1.1.4 - 24/05/18 ============== - [Bugfix] - The city generator will only place bandit bases if they fit - [Bugfix] - The kill-respawn-cooldown for Control Point defenders is fixed - [Misc] - The AI's will attack control points a third as often now. The AI is also less likely to attack a control point if they cannot order a base attack that is a higher level than the fortification level. - [Bugfix] - Fixed vandalism mission not targetting correct bases - [Bugfix] - Goons/Bandits/etc will no longer spawn in elevator shafts. VERSION: 1.1.4a ============== - [Bugfix] - Work around for DNS issue: All instances of *.voxelturf.net have been replaced with the IP address of the relevent service - [Misc] - Random server id is now partially based on port, so that dedicated servers that boot at the same second will have different ids - [Misc] - Backend servers now use google's DNS servers VERSION: 1.1.5 - 30/05/18 ============== - [Bugfix] - Fixed world holes appearing in multiplayer servers - [Bugfix] - When a chunk is unloaded to compressed memory any subchunks are unloaded with it. (Chunks are unloaded in 32x32 blocks now rather than individually, which may have been causing cache fragmentation) - [Misc] - The server will unload split chunks (ie chunks that are 16x16 or 16x32 due to tall buildings), saving memory - [Bugfix] - Fixed a buffer overflow issue to do with lotpacks, which may potentially cause a game crash on joining a MP server.
[ 2018-05-23 07:03:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
EDIT: Clarity. EDIT2: Its been a couple of days since I posted this, all should be good. I've just migrated some backend servers, which means that some IP addresses have been changed. Most notably voxelturf.net has been moved to a new machine so things like server list lookup ("Find Server") may go to the old server instead of the new one. Once the changes propagate though the DNS servers they should all be good. This typically takes a few hours to take effect, but depending on your ISP this could take up to 48 hours. If you are having issues trying to host/join a friend's multiplayer game due to it not appearing on the Find Server screen, you can get around it by connecting to the IP of the host via Direct Connect, or by joining a game via Steam's Join Game or Invite Player functions. Cheers, Twigz
[ 2018-05-17 05:34:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
EDIT: New patch, I've just set it live. This is a small patch that fixes some issues that were effecting low performance machines (namely a disconnect-on-connect that was happening with old cpus). I've also added some stuff that was meant for 1.2.0
Hit Confirmation
You now will get a diagonal cross on the crosshairs whenever you hit a target. Rocket launchers are a tad more accurate now too.
New Bandit Base
This is the Bandit Helifield. You can get helicopters and hovercrafts from here - the idea is that you get around Turf Zero maps a bit easier. It'll spawn at 1/4 the rate of the big bandit bases, and your likely to get one within 600m of spawn.

I've added the following cheats: /heal - heals you /godmode - makes you immune to all damage + gives you a 10x damage modifier /nofuzz - alias of /notoriety 0 - gets rid of the CDF /specialbuild - lets you build all of the special buildings
Patch Notes
VERSION: 1.1.2 =============== - [Feature] - Added a 2x2 "Bandit Helifield" bandit base. This spawns at 1/4 the rate of big bandit bases, with a minimum of 1 spawning per map. These have spawn points defined for Helicopters and Hovercrafts - [Feature] - Added "hit confirmation". If you hit a target a cross will flash on your crosshairs. - [Balance] - All rocket launchers have been made a bit more accurate - [Misc] - Weapon crosshairs have been polished up a bit. The centre cross has been replaced with a dot, there is a slight shadow. The centre dot is also removed for highly accurate weapons (like scoped rifles). Crosshairs disappear while weapons are reloading - [Feature] - Added hit confirmation for small arms. If your bullet hits something you'll see a diagonal cross across the crosshairs. - [Misc] - You can no longer respawn in a base that's under attack - [Misc] - You now get a login bonus in multiplayer. You get 1 hour tick worth of income for each real-life hour your offline, this is capped at 24 hour ticks and $500k. - [Misc] - Base Capture process is now dependent on the square of the amount of defenders (as opposed to the count of the number of defenders). So if a base has 2 alive defenders it'll take four as long to capture now, 3 defenders 9 times, etc. - [Feature] - Added a "/specialbuild" cheat. This lets you build all of the special buildings regardless of requirements - [Feature] - Added a "/heal" cheat. This insta-heals you. - [Feature] - Added a "/godmode" cheat. This makes you invulnerable to damage, gives you a 10x damage modifier and lets you perma-sprint - [Feature] - Added a "/nofuzz" cheat. This will set your notoriety to zero and get rid of the cdf (same as /notoriety 0) - [Bugfix] - The client and the server will now drop physics steps if running behind on simulation rather than trying to catch up, causing runaway lag spikes. Both executables will do a maximum of 1 catchup step per new step and simply drop the others - [Bugfix] - This fixes lag/timeout on connect to multiplayer server. This was due to the client trying to do hundreds (if not thousands) of cachup physics steps when joining. - [Bugfix] - This also (hopefully) fixes AI vehicles going off of the road due to server lag spikes - [Bugfix] - Reduced AI mobs door opening/closing spam when walking through a door. There is now a 230ms cooldown between opening and closing the same door (for the AI) - [Bugfix] - Fixed AI mobs not opening roller doors - [Misc] - AI mobs will not "wander" onto pressure sensors. This is to prevent them from constantly opening/closing automatic doors while wandering around in a building. They still will walk on them if they are chasing a target.
[ 2018-05-10 01:49:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Its finally here - patch 1.1.0 is live in the default branch. I firmly recommend starting a new game for this patch as the economy has been massively rebalanced ====== EDIT: Patch 1.1.1 - (27/04) - This small patch adds some work arounds for missing lot issues that were effecting the MP servers + polishes up mod uploads a tad. Scroll down to the end for changelog ====== This patch has two main features - Goons Follow You and AI Construction of new parts of the city. It also has lots of extras, such as a new game mode (Strategy Zero) and lots of QoL improvements, such as improved repair mechanics (including city autorepair), improved base raiding and a upgrades to the minimap.
Full IndieDb Article
Goons Follow You
Remember those goons you can hire in bases? You can recruit them as your personal escorts now. You can order them to: - Follow you - Guard a location - Advance to your marked waypoint on the map - Return to their home base

You can have at most 4 dudes following you or having orders issued (goons with guard orders count as under your command). Goons will follow you into and out of vehicles and warp back to you if they get too separated from you. This also gives you a useful way to fight Turf Wars. Have multiple bases, garrison your front line bases and garrison you back line bases. Have the goons from the back line follow you and you can attack the enemy bases with them. Or you can use them to raid a bandit base if you breach the walls. This opens up so many gameplay possibilities! Additionally goons can wear hats! Your goons now wear coloured hats that match your colour, as do the goons of other factions, so you can easily see who's on what side. Some CDF officers also wear hats too! Finally all mobs now heal at a rate of 0.5%/sec, so your followers should be healed between engagements. If a goon is in their home base and is not in combat for 12 seconds, they now fast-heal (just like the player does).
The AI Now Builds Cities
The AI Factions can now establish new bases and construct new regions of the city. They won't construct for the sake of construction - they will only build if a Human player is approaching them in Networth or has many more bases than them. This now means that the AI is a strategic threat to the player that spreads out and takes over the map to counter the player as you grow more powerful.

The AI will also establish new bases to facilitate its expansion. It'll either place new bases in large vacant areas near its current holdings or it'll expand to unexploited parts of the city. Finally the AI will now also repair any damaged bases they have over time.
New Game Mode - Strat Zero
This patch introduces the Strategy Zero game mode. Its a cross between Turf Zero and Strategy. You start on a blank map with 16 players and they build up the city. But watch out, they will start wars!
Major Economic Changes
All construction costs QUATERED! This is so that you can get into building stuff from the game's start rather having to beat high paying missions first. Racketeering costs have also been reduced, as have incomes to not effect the balance of the investing side of the game.
Auto Repair
The city now auto-repairs over time. For a standard sized city this there is ~1% chance/min of a lot auto-repairing. Auto-repairing is free and it doesn't matter who owns or racketeers the lot. Only roads and economic buildings auto-repair and lots do not auto-repair if there are players nearby. Repairing Lots With Chests No Longer Wipes the Contents ^ That.
Engine Improvements
All this construction and repairing here and there has necessitated some improvements for the game server. The game server will pre-load areas undergoing AI construction, so when the AI decides to plonk down 200 road tiles it doesn't slow down the game. The game now does staggered autosaves too. Before people were sometimes having autosaves that would take 1 or 2 seconds. This may not sound much to you as a player (its only an occasional nuisance), but it could wreak havoc on the AI - making their cars crash off of the road. The server now splits autosaves over many frames (if needed) to prevent these lag spikes.
Improved Minimap
Allied goons appear on the minimap as smaller triangles.

The CDF also appear on the minimap, as red rectangles or red triangles. You can only see foot CDF if you are less than 40m away from them. If you have notoriety the CDF flash red and blue
Improved Base Raiding
I've added a simple timer to Bases and Bandit Bases. When you kill a bandit or a base defender the base will not respawn a new one for a few seconds (5 on normal, 8 on easy, 2 on hard). This prevents insta-respawns that snag newer players. Of course, with the addition of goon-orders this opens up a lot more strategies too!
Revamped Peace + New Peace Demands
The game now has a warscore system. There is also a small check box telling you if the AI is likely to accept or reject your peace deal and give you a reasoned breakdown why.

There are 2 new peace options: demand reparations and demand humiliation. Reparations give make the other side pay 10% of their income (before expenses) every hour while the truce is in effect. Humiliation makes the other side lose 20 reputation each. If they have positive reputation then you'll get half of the amount that they lose (so if a side has 10 reputation you'll get 5 and they'll be set to -10 rep). This gives you the ability to demand stuff from factions, weaken them and strengthen yourself without taking bases and gaining aggression. Once a war ends the players/factions will have a 32 minute truce, preventing further declarations of war between them. Players/factions cannot join an offensive war with someone they have a truce with.
Human Players can now Launch Base Attacks
If controlling minions one by one isn't enough for you there's something a bit bigger now at your disposal. You can now launch Base Attacks from the map screen. When you have enough bases (6 currently) your first Base Attack Slot is unlocked, build more bases to unlock more. Your base attack charge rate is proportional to your base garrison levels: Garrison all your bases up to charge up your base attacks!
Engine Upgrades
As the AI is now plonking stuff all around the map the server had to be beefed up a little. One issue is that when something is loaded from disc (such as a chunk) the OS may block execution for ~10-16ms. So the game now preloads chunks when zones are developed and where the AI is building or where base attacks happen to prevent these prevent latency spikes. When the AI builds a region it places lots over time. This means that the AI placing 150 road lots is effectively instant as opposed to a 200ms lag spike. Finally the server also uses a lot less CPU when idle, so its better for hosting on machines with multiple games running
QoL Changes
More icons for shops are finally available on the map:

More info on players or factions are available from the Player Info screen:

I've done a little work on polishing placing-lots-as-bases. You now see the radius of influence of the new base you are about to place and the red is removed from the map as is the "You must have a base to build things" message (as you can legally build a base anywhere).

Holy Patchnotes, Batman!
VERSION: 1.1.0 =============== - [Misc] - Sightly decreased dead AI faction respawn rate. VERSION: 1.1.0-Beta5 - 12/04/2018 =============== - [Bugfix] - Fixed Z-Buffer fighting issue for picket fences and window frames - [Bugfix] - Fixed the AI complaining when you defend them in a turf war (the "can't caputre" spam) - [Bugfix] - The server no longer spams messages when it can't autorepair a lot due to insurance data not being found (it will just silently fail) - [Bugfix] - Specualtive fix for seiges resetting randomly - [Misc] - Added a line of darkish pixels to faction colour hats/headbands - [Misc] - Base garrison costs were being displayed as 1x cost on the client and 0.25x on the server. I've split the difference and halved base garrison costs. - [Misc] - /money and /credits cheats now give $1,000,000 and C1,000,000 respectively VERSION: 1.1.0-Beta4 - 11/04/2018 =============== - [Misc] - Using an elevator now insta-warps following goons to you - [Misc] - Added 2x2, 3x3 and 4x4 wheat fields. All wheat field costs halved - [Bugfix] - Fixed translucent side talk boxes not appearing - [Bugfix] - Fixed server crash when ai tries to arrange a white peace - [Bugfix] - Entities fading in no longer write to the depth buffer causing graphical artefacts - [Bugfix] - Fixed smuzzle flash + weapon sound when switching into a weapon on laggy servers - [Modding] - vtclient will now check if preview pictures and the mod directory exists when trying to upload a mod - [Modding] - The mod uploader will now log results or errors to mods/upload/log.txt VERSION: 1.1.0-Beta3 - 08/04/2018 =============== - [Major Feature] - Added a "Strategy Zero" game mode. This is a cross between Turf Zero and Strategy. You start on a blank map with 16 players and they build up the city - [Feature] - Added a "warscore" system for Turf Wars. You can see if the AI is likely to accept a peace offer before you send it - [Feature] - Added "Demand Repairations" and "Demand Humiliation" peace options. The first will make the other side pay your money, and the other will make them lose reputation. You'll get some of their reputation if their's is positive - [Feature] - Added Truces. When a turf war ends you will get a 30 minute truce with all members of other sides. This prevents you from starting or joining an offensive war against them (and vice-veras). - [Feature] - Added the "yesman" cheat. This will make the AI accept all offers from you - [Feature] - Added the "ftick" cheat. This forces an onHour tick on the server - [Major Feature] - You can order base defenders to follow you by talking to them - You can have a max of 4 base defenders following you - They will follow you into vehicles - [Feature] - If a defender is following you you can issue four different orders: - Continue to follow - Return to base - Guard current position - Advance to your marker/waypoint on the map - [Misc] - They will not advance to the marker/waypoint if it is more than 80m away - [Misc] - They will warp back to the player if they are more than 80m away (so you don't lose them if you die/respawn or if they get lost). - [Misc] - You cannot abandon bases while you have goons in them - [Feature] - All allied goons appear on the map as smaller triangles than players - [Feature] - All hired goons wear colours now (so goons working for the Red gang will have red hats or bandanas) - [Feature] - The CDF sometimes wears hats now! - [Feature] - Added coloured hats and armour. The colour of these is set to the colour of your gang. - [Feature] - Lots can autorepair now - The server checks ~0.7x a second to try to repair lots. Every time it tries it'll pick a random lot (road/house/industry/etc) in the city. If there are less than 8000 developed lots in the city the chance is scaled by N_LOTS/8000; - For a newly generated city this means that a random lot has a roughly 0.015% chance to auto repair every second (or ~1% per minute) - It will NOT autorepair bases, fortifications or vacant lots - It will NOT repair any lots that are less than 250m from a player - It will NOT repair during strat pause or high cpu load - [Misc] - When a Bandit or Base Defender is killed a Bandit Base or a Base timer is set to prevent instant respawns. - On easy difficulty enemies will not respawn for 8 seconds - On normal difficulty enemies will not respawn for 5 seconds - On hard difficulty enemies will not respawn for 2 seconds - Human player owned bases (and faction bases at peace) will not respawn dudes in 2 seconds regardless of difficulty. - [Misc] - Mobs that are returning to the base that they spawned will now teleport if they are more than 32m away from the base. You cannot interact with them while they are warping - [Misc] - Added 3m of padding for ambulance missions - [Misc] - Negative reputation no longer decays towards zero while at war - [Misc] - Dead faction respawn rate reduced by a factor of 6 - [Misc] - Negative reputation no longer decays towards zero while at war - [Misc] - Factions will only make new bases if they are at least 50% of the way to the next base unlock level for thier income. For example: if the next base is unlocked at $1k profit then they will only build to their base limit if they are making at least $500 profit. This is to prevent broke factions spamming bases - [Misc] - Factions will demand stuff other than full annexation and white peace if they are war exhausted. They will only demand up to 100% worth of bases too. - [Misc] - Entities now fade in when they spawn. - [Misc] - All mobs (bandits/goons/following goons/foot cdf/civilians) now auto heal at a rate of 0.5%/sec. Goons in their home bases still retain thier 2.0%/sec rate recovery (this adds with the new passive heal to get 0.5%/sec). - [Misc] - Base defender goons in thier home bases now fast-autoheal if they have not been in combat for the last 12 seconds (like the player). The rate is 10%/sec. - [Misc] - Your goons shooting things is no longer a crime for you - [Bugfix] - Repairing lots with chests no longer wipes items (if a chest is destroyed however it still will not be recovered) - [Bugfix] - Fixed aggression discount not being applied against large factions - [Bugfix] - Fixed grenades being able to be thrown through walls - [Bugfix] - Fixed entities appearing at position (0, 0, 0) for the first frame (this can cause visual interpolated snapping issues) - [Bugfix] - Fixed weapon sounds not appearing somtimes - [Bugfix] - Fixed mobs walking to doors/gates that they can't open - [Bugfix] - Fixed mobs walking to doors/gates that and not opening ones that they can open - [Bugfix] - Fixed mobs getting jammed on streetlights. Cars will also try to avoid - [Bugfix] - Mobs no longer target players over other mobs - players vs mobs are weighted equally - [Bugfix] - Fixed the body armour model so it no longer clips through your torso - [Bugfix] - Fixed doing hold up missions being a crime (regression) - [Bugfix] - Fixed some inappropriate CDF sprinting. CDF should now only sprint if chasing a perp - [Bugfix] - CDF should shoot back if being attacked by a bandit VERSION: 1.1.0-Beta2 - 09/03/2018 =============== - [Bugfix] - Fixes server crash when robbing a store - [Bugfix] - Fixes AI pulling levers (and therefore locking up the Gun Store) - [Bugfix] - Fixes AI not opening glass doors - [Bugfix] - Fixes server crash due to aiPlayer_doTurn - [Bugfix] - Get to Investing in Property mission now only spawns when your peak profit is under $250/hr - [Bugfix] - Fixed burning barrels messing up explosions. Only the 5 nearest burning barrels will burn (down from 50) as this was causing explosions to dissapear - [Misc] - Added a navigate to the missions screen objective to the "Press Tab" mission VERSION: 1.1.0-Beta1 - 08/03/2018 =============== - [MAJOR BALANCE CHANGE] - All building costs reduced by 75% to match Turf Zero levels. All racketeering costs halved. Minimum racketeering costs for all buildings also halved - This is so that you can build things a lot earlier. It also shifts the balance of the game more towards doing things vs passive income - [MAJOR FEATURE] - AI Factions can now build roads and zone land! - AI will construct new bases in vacant areas or unoccupied parts of the city - If they have free land near thier bases then they may zone it - The AI may make more bases if you have more bases than them or if you have more networth than them. - [MAJOR FEATURE] - You can order Base Attacks! If you own 7 bases or more then you can order a Base Attack from the map screen. - Your Base Attack Stockpile is increased by owning more bases - You Base Attacks recharge over time. The rate is determined by how fortified your bases are. If they are at the max (all level 3) then it recharges at the highest rate. - Yes these values are moddable. See /scripts/common/base_attack.lua - This is so that you can fight back in big faction Turf Wars - [Feature] - Dead AIs can respawn in a random bandit base. They will start with a couple of random buildings to racketeer. - [Feature] - Map mods now work - maps put into the mods/ directory will now be detected by the game. - Example: To convert a savegame to a map mod, copy a savegame (the directory + the .turf file) to mods/yourmodname/maps/ - [Feature] - Using the /tp command with no arguments teleports you to your current marker (waypoint on the map) - [Feature] - More icons are on the map for different shop types (bank, marnina, hovercraft shop, helifield, car shop). - [Misc] - Building a road, a road bridge or demolishing a lot will detonate any AI cars already on the lot. - [Misc] - AI vehicles will not turn into 1 road lot stubs (for example - a T-Intersection with one of the branches only extending 1 lot). This was often causing traffic jams as the cars would turn into the stub then turn around back into the intersection, jamming it. - [Misc] - AI factions will repair damaged bases over time - [Misc] - The Map window is now larger if you are playing at a large resolution (such as 1080p) - [Misc] - Diplomacy window is now larger, shows the Base Counts, Base Attack limits, Networth and Populations of each factions. - [Misc] - Factions can only launch up to 3 simultaneous Base Attacks (down from 5) - [Misc] - Hyperlink buttons now have a blue "open link" character - [Misc] - If you start a game with more factions * bases_per_faction than bases spawned in the city then the game will generate additional bases near the city and distribute them to the factions. - Example: If you start a game with 16 factions and 2 bases each and only 20 bases spawn in the city then 12 will be spawned around the city - [Modding] - Exposed Lot::needsRepair (threshold) to lua. Will return true if the lot has damage exceeding threshold. - [Modding] - Exposed LotContainer::repairLot (playerId, x, z, ignorePlayersCashBalance) to lua. Will return true if a successful repair has occurred - [Modding] - Added COUNTS_AS_ROAD_ACCESS flag for lots (see lots/packs/vanilla.txt). This allows you to make parks or buildings count as "roads" for the purpose of determining if a lot is connected to roads or not. - [Modding] - Added NO_REQUIRE_ROAD_ACCESS flag for lots (see lots/packs/vanilla.txt). This allows you to mark a lot as *not needing* to have road frontage to be populated - [Bugfix] - Fixed dissapearing spawn flag on base repair - [Bugfix] - Fixed roads at the ends of bridges usually becoming T intersections - [Bugfix] - Fixed bridge ramps not getting insured - [Misc] - Players logging into a server are now considered "afk" and will maintain Strat Pause. - [Bugfix] - Afk Players cannot participate in seiges. This also fixes the capture-base-on-login exploit. - [Misc] - Command line switches are now case-insensitive - [Misc] - Zoned lots are dezoned and sold if the attached base to them is lost - [Misc] - Your aggression does NOT decay while at war! - [Misc] - Zones do not develop while at war! - [Bugfix] - Road Access now requires that touching roads be on the ground (bridge spans no longer count as road connections). - [Bugfix] - Placing a lot as a base when you have no bases is now permitted - [Bugfix] - Fixed a pathfinding issue where mobs (Bandits/Base Attackers/CDF) would be drawn like flies to Steel doors/gates and get stuck - [Bugfix] - TileEntities in chunks near BaseAttacks are now ALWAYS simulated (onTick is always called) - fixes spawners not spawning dudes if there are no players nearby but a base attack is present - [Bugfix] - Fixed "--newGame ON" stopping the server from loading key files (such as playerlist.players) when a save game already exists. This fixes factions dissapearing - [Misc] - TileEntity::onRegionLoad is now implemented - this is a function that is called on the first onTick call after a chunk is loaded. See /scripts/server/tileentities/mobspawner.lua for detailed implementation - [Misc] - Placing a lot as a base now shows a preview of your new range of influence - [Bugfix] - You can no longer increase garisions of bases while in debt - [Performance] - SERVER: Lot Zones developing is now a lot faster (chunks at the place of the new lot are preloaded preventing occasional 10ms+ lag spike). VERSION: 1.1.1 -27/04/2018 =============== - [Misc] - CLIENT: If a Lot's Metadata can't be found an icon will appear in the lot info telling you what LotPack to install. In the case of a template lot an error message will be displayed. - [Bugfix] - CLIENT: If a lot has population, but its metadata is not present it's population will be added to the relevent "popcapacity" category. This prevents populated buildings having their population not being added to the capacity and therefore throwing off supply/demand calculations clientside. - [Bugfix] - SERVER: Fixed template lot metadata for players that are not you being erased whenever a steam update happens - [Modding] - upload.txt: The mod uploader will not upload a new mod if there is no preview picture detected (fixed from just stopping if an invalid picture is specified) - [Modding] - upload.txt: If "PICTURE ; path_to_image.jpg" is not specified and but a "path_to_image.jpg" is then the loader will assume that "path_to_image.jpg" is a picture. - [Modding] - upload.txt: The mod uploader will log the input it reads to log.txt. You can now check if vtclient.exe has read upload.txt correctly
[ 2018-04-13 14:01:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
The 1.1.0-Beta3 is finally ready in the Beta branch! Should there no issues I'll ship the full 1.1.0. Once again firmly recommend starting a new game for this patch if you're upgrading from 1.0.28 in case there are any issues and because the economy balance has been significantly changed.
New Game Mode - Strat Zero
This patch introduces the Strategy Zero game mode. Its a cross between Turf Zero and Strategy. You start on a blank map with 16 players and they build up the city. But watch out, they will start wars!
Goons now Follow You + Improved Goons

If you speak to a goon in a base you can issue them orders. You can order them to: - Follow you - Guard a location - Advance to your marked waypoint on the map - Return to their home base You can have at most 4 dudes following you or having orders issued (goons with guard orders count!). Goons will follow you into and out of vehicles. If you are more than 80m away from your goons they will warp back to you so they don't get lost/stuck. This also gives you a useful way to fight Turf Wars. Have multiple bases, garrison your front line bases and garrison you back line bases. Have the goons from the back line follow you and you can attack the enemy bases with them. Additionally goons can wear hats! Your goons now wear coloured hats that match your colour, as do the goons of other factions, so you can easily see who's on what side. Some CDF officers also wear hats too! Goons are recruited from bases. You have to garrison the base to recruit them. If you degarrison the base the goons will despawn! Finally all mobs now heal at a rate of 0.5%/sec, so your followers should be healed between engagements.
Auto Repair
The city now auto-repairs over time. For a standard sized city this there is ~1% chance/min of a lot auto-repairing. Auto-repairing is free and it doesn't matter who owns or racketeers the lot. Only roads and economic buildings auto-repair and lots do not auto-repair if there are players nearby.
Repairing Lots With Chests No Longer Wipes the Contents
^ That.
Improved Minimap
Allied goons appear on the minimap as smaller triangles. The CDF also appear on the minimap, as red rectangles or red triangles. You can only see foot CDF if you are less than 40m away from them. If you have notoriety the CDF flash red and blue

Improved Base Raiding
I've added a simple timer to Bases and Bandit Bases. When you kill a bandit or a base defender the base will not respawn a new one for a few seconds (5 on normal, 8 on easy, 2 on hard). This prevents insta-respawns that snag newer players.
Revamped Peace + New Peace Demands
The game now has a warscore system. There is also a small check box telling you if the AI is likely to accept or reject your peace deal and give you a reasoned breakdown why. There are 2 new peace options: demand reparations and demand humiliation. Reparations give make the other side pay 10% of their income (before expenses) every hour while the truce is in effect. Humiliation makes the other side lose 20 reputation each. If they have positive reputation then you'll get half of the amount that they lose (so if a side has 10 reputation you'll get 5 and they'll be set to -10 rep). This gives you the ability to demand stuff from factions, weaken them and strengthen yourself without taking bases and gaining aggression.

Once a war ends the players/factions will have a 32 minute truce, preventing further declarations of war between them. Players/factions cannot join an offensive war with someone they have a truce with.
Full Changelog
VERSION: 1.1.0-Beta3 - 08/04/2018 =============== - [Major Feature] - Added a "Strategy Zero" game mode. This is a cross between Turf Zero and Strategy. You start on a blank map with 16 players and they build up the city - [Feature] - Added a "warscore" system for Turf Wars. You can see if the AI is likely to accept a peace offer before you send it - [Feature] - Added "Demand Reparations" and "Demand Humiliation" peace options. The first will make the other side pay your money, and the other will make them lose reputation. You'll get some of their reputation if their's is positive - [Feature] - Added Truces. When a turf war ends you will get a 30 minute truce with all members of other sides. This prevents you from starting or joining an offensive war against them (and vice-veras). - [Feature] - Added the "yesman" cheat. This will make the AI accept all offers from you - [Feature] - Added the "ftick" cheat. This forces an onHour tick on the server - [Major Feature] - You can order base defenders to follow you by talking to them - You can have a max of 4 base defenders following you - They will follow you into vehicles - [Feature] - If a defender is following you you can issue four different orders: - Continue to follow - Return to base - Guard current position - Advance to your marker/waypoint on the map - [Misc] - They will not advance to the marker/waypoint if it is more than 80m away - [Misc] - They will warp back to the player if they are more than 80m away (so you don't lose them if you die/respawn or if they get lost). - [Misc] - You cannot abandon bases while you have goons in them - [Feature] - All allied goons appear on the map as smaller triangles than players - [Feature] - All hired goons wear colours now (so goons working for the Red gang will have red hats or bandannas) - [Feature] - The CDF sometimes wears hats now! - [Feature] - Added coloured hats and armour. The colour of these is set to the colour of your gang. - [Feature] - Lots can autorepair now - The server checks ~0.7x a second to try to repair lots. Every time it tries it'll pick a random lot (road/house/industry/etc) in the city. If there are less than 8000 developed lots in the city the chance is scaled by N_LOTS/8000; - For a newly generated city this means that a random lot has a roughly 0.015% chance to auto repair every second (or ~1% per minute) - It will NOT autorepair bases, fortifications or vacant lots - It will NOT repair any lots that are less than 250m from a player - It will NOT repair during strat pause or high cpu load - [Misc] - When a Bandit or Base Defender is killed a Bandit Base or a Base timer is set to prevent instant respawns. - On easy difficulty enemies will not respawn for 8 seconds - On normal difficulty enemies will not respawn for 5 seconds - On hard difficulty enemies will not respawn for 2 seconds - Human player owned bases (and faction bases at peace) will not respawn dudes in 2 seconds regardless of difficulty. - [Misc] - Mobs that are returning to the base that they spawned will now teleport if they are more than 32m away from the base. You cannot interact with them while they are warping - [Misc] - Added 3m of padding for ambulance missions - [Misc] - Negative reputation no longer decays towards zero while at war - [Misc] - Dead faction respawn rate reduced by a factor of 6 - [Misc] - Negative reputation no longer decays towards zero while at war - [Misc] - Factions will only make new bases if they are at least 50% of the way to the next base unlock level for their income. For example: if the next base is unlocked at $1k profit then they will only build to their base limit if they are making at least $500 profit. This is to prevent broke factions spamming bases - [Misc] - Factions will demand stuff other than full annexation and white peace if they are war exhausted. They will only demand up to 100% worth of bases too. - [Misc] - Entities now fade in when they spawn. - [Misc] - All mobs (bandits/goons/following goons/foot cdf/civilians) now auto heal at a rate of 0.5%/sec. Goons in their home bases still retain their 2.0%/sec rate recovery (this adds with the new passive heal to get 0.5%/sec). - [Misc] - Base defender goons in their home bases now fast-autoheal if they have not been in combat for the last 12 seconds (like the player). The rate is 10%/sec. - [Misc] - Your goons shooting things is no longer a crime for you - [Bugfix] - Repairing lots with chests no longer wipes items (if a chest is destroyed however it still will not be recovered) - [Bugfix] - Fixed aggression discount not being applied against large factions - [Bugfix] - Fixed grenades being able to be thrown through walls - [Bugfix] - Fixed entities appearing at position (0, 0, 0) for the first frame (this can cause visual interpolated snapping issues) - [Bugfix] - Fixed weapon sounds not appearing sometimes - [Bugfix] - Fixed mobs walking to doors/gates that they can't open - [Bugfix] - Fixed mobs walking to doors/gates that and not opening ones that they can open - [Bugfix] - Fixed mobs getting jammed on streetlights. Cars will also try to avoid - [Bugfix] - Mobs no longer target players over other mobs - players vs mobs are weighted equally - [Bugfix] - Fixed the body armour model so it no longer clips through your torso - [Bugfix] - Fixed doing hold up missions being a crime (regression) - [Bugfix] - Fixed some inappropriate CDF sprinting. CDF should now only sprint if chasing a perp - [Bugfix] - CDF should shoot back if being attacked by a bandit
[ 2018-04-08 05:51:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
The 1.1.0-Beta3 is finally ready in the Beta branch! Should there no issues I'll ship the full 1.1.0. Once again firmly recommend starting a new game for this patch if you're upgrading from 1.0.28 in case there are any issues and because the economy balance has been significantly changed. EDIT: Made a small hotfix patch 1.1.0-Beta4 which fixed a couple of issues. Scroll down to the end for changes. EDIT2: Made another small patch 1.1.0-Beta5 with minor improvements
New Game Mode - Strat Zero
This patch introduces the Strategy Zero game mode. Its a cross between Turf Zero and Strategy. You start on a blank map with 16 players and they build up the city. But watch out, they will start wars!
Goons now Follow You + Improved Goons

If you speak to a goon in a base you can issue them orders. You can order them to: - Follow you - Guard a location - Advance to your marked waypoint on the map - Return to their home base You can have at most 4 dudes following you or having orders issued (goons with guard orders count!). Goons will follow you into and out of vehicles. If you are more than 80m away from your goons they will warp back to you so they don't get lost/stuck. This also gives you a useful way to fight Turf Wars. Have multiple bases, garrison your front line bases and garrison you back line bases. Have the goons from the back line follow you and you can attack the enemy bases with them. Additionally goons can wear hats! Your goons now wear coloured hats that match your colour, as do the goons of other factions, so you can easily see who's on what side. Some CDF officers also wear hats too! Goons are recruited from bases. You have to garrison the base to recruit them. If you degarrison the base the goons will despawn! Finally all mobs now heal at a rate of 0.5%/sec, so your followers should be healed between engagements.
Auto Repair
The city now auto-repairs over time. For a standard sized city this there is ~1% chance/min of a lot auto-repairing. Auto-repairing is free and it doesn't matter who owns or racketeers the lot. Only roads and economic buildings auto-repair and lots do not auto-repair if there are players nearby.
Repairing Lots With Chests No Longer Wipes the Contents
^ That.
Improved Minimap
Allied goons appear on the minimap as smaller triangles. The CDF also appear on the minimap, as red rectangles or red triangles. You can only see foot CDF if you are less than 40m away from them. If you have notoriety the CDF flash red and blue

Improved Base Raiding
I've added a simple timer to Bases and Bandit Bases. When you kill a bandit or a base defender the base will not respawn a new one for a few seconds (5 on normal, 8 on easy, 2 on hard). This prevents insta-respawns that snag newer players.
Revamped Peace + New Peace Demands
The game now has a warscore system. There is also a small check box telling you if the AI is likely to accept or reject your peace deal and give you a reasoned breakdown why. There are 2 new peace options: demand reparations and demand humiliation. Reparations give make the other side pay 10% of their income (before expenses) every hour while the truce is in effect. Humiliation makes the other side lose 20 reputation each. If they have positive reputation then you'll get half of the amount that they lose (so if a side has 10 reputation you'll get 5 and they'll be set to -10 rep). This gives you the ability to demand stuff from factions, weaken them and strengthen yourself without taking bases and gaining aggression.

Once a war ends the players/factions will have a 32 minute truce, preventing further declarations of war between them. Players/factions cannot join an offensive war with someone they have a truce with.
Full Changelog
VERSION: 1.1.0-Beta3 - 08/04/2018 =============== - [Major Feature] - Added a "Strategy Zero" game mode. This is a cross between Turf Zero and Strategy. You start on a blank map with 16 players and they build up the city - [Feature] - Added a "warscore" system for Turf Wars. You can see if the AI is likely to accept a peace offer before you send it - [Feature] - Added "Demand Reparations" and "Demand Humiliation" peace options. The first will make the other side pay your money, and the other will make them lose reputation. You'll get some of their reputation if their's is positive - [Feature] - Added Truces. When a turf war ends you will get a 30 minute truce with all members of other sides. This prevents you from starting or joining an offensive war against them (and vice-veras). - [Feature] - Added the "yesman" cheat. This will make the AI accept all offers from you - [Feature] - Added the "ftick" cheat. This forces an onHour tick on the server - [Major Feature] - You can order base defenders to follow you by talking to them - You can have a max of 4 base defenders following you - They will follow you into vehicles - [Feature] - If a defender is following you you can issue four different orders: - Continue to follow - Return to base - Guard current position - Advance to your marker/waypoint on the map - [Misc] - They will not advance to the marker/waypoint if it is more than 80m away - [Misc] - They will warp back to the player if they are more than 80m away (so you don't lose them if you die/respawn or if they get lost). - [Misc] - You cannot abandon bases while you have goons in them - [Feature] - All allied goons appear on the map as smaller triangles than players - [Feature] - All hired goons wear colours now (so goons working for the Red gang will have red hats or bandannas) - [Feature] - The CDF sometimes wears hats now! - [Feature] - Added coloured hats and armour. The colour of these is set to the colour of your gang. - [Feature] - Lots can autorepair now - The server checks ~0.7x a second to try to repair lots. Every time it tries it'll pick a random lot (road/house/industry/etc) in the city. If there are less than 8000 developed lots in the city the chance is scaled by N_LOTS/8000; - For a newly generated city this means that a random lot has a roughly 0.015% chance to auto repair every second (or ~1% per minute) - It will NOT autorepair bases, fortifications or vacant lots - It will NOT repair any lots that are less than 250m from a player - It will NOT repair during strat pause or high cpu load - [Misc] - When a Bandit or Base Defender is killed a Bandit Base or a Base timer is set to prevent instant respawns. - On easy difficulty enemies will not respawn for 8 seconds - On normal difficulty enemies will not respawn for 5 seconds - On hard difficulty enemies will not respawn for 2 seconds - Human player owned bases (and faction bases at peace) will not respawn dudes in 2 seconds regardless of difficulty. - [Misc] - Mobs that are returning to the base that they spawned will now teleport if they are more than 32m away from the base. You cannot interact with them while they are warping - [Misc] - Added 3m of padding for ambulance missions - [Misc] - Negative reputation no longer decays towards zero while at war - [Misc] - Dead faction respawn rate reduced by a factor of 6 - [Misc] - Negative reputation no longer decays towards zero while at war - [Misc] - Factions will only make new bases if they are at least 50% of the way to the next base unlock level for their income. For example: if the next base is unlocked at $1k profit then they will only build to their base limit if they are making at least $500 profit. This is to prevent broke factions spamming bases - [Misc] - Factions will demand stuff other than full annexation and white peace if they are war exhausted. They will only demand up to 100% worth of bases too. - [Misc] - Entities now fade in when they spawn. - [Misc] - All mobs (bandits/goons/following goons/foot cdf/civilians) now auto heal at a rate of 0.5%/sec. Goons in their home bases still retain their 2.0%/sec rate recovery (this adds with the new passive heal to get 0.5%/sec). - [Misc] - Base defender goons in their home bases now fast-autoheal if they have not been in combat for the last 12 seconds (like the player). The rate is 10%/sec. - [Misc] - Your goons shooting things is no longer a crime for you - [Bugfix] - Repairing lots with chests no longer wipes items (if a chest is destroyed however it still will not be recovered) - [Bugfix] - Fixed aggression discount not being applied against large factions - [Bugfix] - Fixed grenades being able to be thrown through walls - [Bugfix] - Fixed entities appearing at position (0, 0, 0) for the first frame (this can cause visual interpolated snapping issues) - [Bugfix] - Fixed weapon sounds not appearing sometimes - [Bugfix] - Fixed mobs walking to doors/gates that they can't open - [Bugfix] - Fixed mobs walking to doors/gates that and not opening ones that they can open - [Bugfix] - Fixed mobs getting jammed on streetlights. Cars will also try to avoid - [Bugfix] - Mobs no longer target players over other mobs - players vs mobs are weighted equally - [Bugfix] - Fixed the body armour model so it no longer clips through your torso - [Bugfix] - Fixed doing hold up missions being a crime (regression) - [Bugfix] - Fixed some inappropriate CDF sprinting. CDF should now only sprint if chasing a perp - [Bugfix] - CDF should shoot back if being attacked by a bandit VERSION: 1.1.0-Beta4 - 11/04/2018 =============== - [Misc] - Using an elevator now insta-warps following goons to you - [Misc] - Added 2x2, 3x3 and 4x4 wheat fields. All wheat field costs halved - [Bugfix] - Fixed translucent side talk boxes not appearing - [Bugfix] - Fixed server crash when ai tries to arrange a white peace - [Bugfix] - Entities fading in no longer write to the depth buffer causing graphical artefacts - [Bugfix] - Fixed smuzzle flash + weapon sound when switching into a weapon on laggy servers - [Modding] - vtclient will now check if preview pictures and the mod directory exists when trying to upload a mod - [Modding] - The mod uploader will now log results or errors to mods/upload/log.txt VERSION: 1.1.0-Beta5 - 12/04/2018 =============== - [Bugfix] - Fixed Z-Buffer fighting issue for picket fences and window frames - [Bugfix] - Fixed the AI complaining when you defend them in a turf war (the "can't caputre" spam) - [Bugfix] - The server no longer spams messages when it can't autorepair a lot due to insurance data not being found (it will just silently fail) - [Bugfix] - Specualtive fix for seiges resetting randomly - [Misc] - Added a line of darkish pixels to faction colour hats/headbands - [Misc] - Base garrison costs were being displayed as 1x cost on the client and 0.25x on the server. I've split the difference and halved base garrison costs. - [Misc] - /money and /credits cheats now give $1,000,000 and C1,000,000 respectively
[ 2018-04-08 05:51:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Patch in the Beta branch. This is a "Part/Beta 1" of a patch, it will be merged into the main branch once 1.1.0 is complete. I firmly recommend starting a new game for this patch in case there are any issues and because the economy balance has been significantly changed. EDIT: Hotfix version 1.1.0-Beta2 has been released to fix issues with Beta1 I am eager for feedback on this patch, as to what needs tweaking or changing before putting the final 1.1.0 patch up.
Voxel Turf Wiki:
Voxel Turf now has a Wiki! Check it out! http://wiki.voxelturf.net Example Article: http://wiki.voxelturf.net/wiki/Bandit_Base If you want to help out, any help is appreciated! (Note that if you sign up for an account the verification email may end up in your spam).
The AI Now Builds Cities:
The AI Factions can now establish new bases and construct new regions of the city. They won't construct for the sake of construction - they will only build if a Human player is approaching them in Networth or has many more bases than them. This now means that the AI is a strategic threat to the player that spreads out and takes over the map to counter the player as you grow more powerful.

The AI will also establish new bases to facilitate its expansion. It'll either place new bases in large vacant areas near its current holdings or it'll expand to unexploited parts of the city. Finally the AI will now also repair any damaged bases they have over time.
Major Economic Changes:
All construction costs QUATERED! This is so that you can get into building stuff from the game's start rather having to beat high paying missions first. Racketeering costs have also been reduced.
Human Players can now Launch Base Attacks:
Some folks were itching for a way to control your minions. As a first step you can now launch Base Attacks from the map screen. When you have enough bases (6 currently) your first Base Attack Slot is unlocked, build more bases to unlock more. Your base attack charge rate is proportional to your base garrison levels: Garrison all your bases up to charge up your base attacks! (Yes, control of individual dudes to make them follow you around and support you is planned)
Engine Upgrades:
As the AI is now plonking stuff all around the map the server had to be beefed up a little. One issue is that when something is loaded from disc (such as a chunk) the OS may block execution for ~10-16ms. So the game now preloads chunks when zones are developed and where the AI is building or where base attacks happen to prevent these prevent latency spikes. When the AI builds a region it places lots over time. This means that the AI placing 150 road lots is effectively instant as opposed to a 200ms lag spike. Finally the server also uses a lot less CPU when idle, so its better for hosting on machines with multiple games running
QoL Changes:
More icons for shops are finally available on the map:

More info on players or factions are available from the Player Info screen:

I've done a little work on polishing placing-lots-as-bases. You now see the radius of influence of the new base you are about to place and the red is removed from the map as is the "You must have a base to build things" message (as you can legally build a base anywhere).

What's planned for Part 2:
- Improved strategic AI (better picking of targets to invade) - More peace options (demand money, reputation or force a tributary status) Cheers, Twigz
VERSION: 1.1.0-Beta1 - 08/03/2018 =============== - [MAJOR BALANCE CHANGE] - All building costs reduced by 75% to match Turf Zero levels. All racketeering costs halved. Minimum racketeering costs for all buildings also halved - This is so that you can build things a lot earlier. It also shifts the balance of the game more towards doing things vs passive income - [MAJOR FEATURE] - AI Factions can now build roads and zone land! - AI will construct new bases in vacant areas or unoccupied parts of the city - If they have free land near thier bases then they may zone it - The AI may make more bases if you have more bases than them or if you have more networth than them. - [MAJOR FEATURE] - You can order Base Attacks! If you own 7 bases or more then you can order a Base Attack from the map screen. - Your Base Attack Stockpile is increased by owning more bases - You Base Attacks recharge over time. The rate is determined by how fortified your bases are. If they are at the max (all level 3) then it recharges at the highest rate. - Yes these values are moddable. See /scripts/common/base_attack.lua - This is so that you can fight back in big faction Turf Wars - [Feature] - Dead AIs can respawn in a random bandit base. They will start with a couple of random buildings to racketeer. - [Feature] - Map mods now work - maps put into the mods/ directory will now be detected by the game. - Example: To convert a savegame to a map mod, copy a savegame (the directory + the .turf file) to mods/yourmodname/maps/ - [Feature] - Using the /tp command with no arguments teleports you to your current marker (waypoint on the map) - [Feature] - More icons are on the map for different shop types (bank, marnina, hovercraft shop, helifield, car shop). - [Misc] - Building a road, a road bridge or demolishing a lot will detonate any AI cars already on the lot. - [Misc] - AI vehicles will not turn into 1 road lot stubs (for example - a T-Intersection with one of the branches only extending 1 lot). This was often causing traffic jams as the cars would turn into the stub then turn around back into the intersection, jamming it. - [Misc] - AI factions will repair damaged bases over time - [Misc] - The Map window is now larger if you are playing at a large resolution (such as 1080p) - [Misc] - Diplomacy window is now larger, shows the Base Counts, Base Attack limits, Networth and Populations of each factions. - [Misc] - Factions can only launch up to 3 simultaneous Base Attacks (down from 5) - [Misc] - Hyperlink buttons now have a blue "open link" character - [Misc] - If you start a game with more factions * bases_per_faction than bases spawned in the city then the game will generate additional bases near the city and distribute them to the factions. - Example: If you start a game with 16 factions and 2 bases each and only 20 bases spawn in the city then 12 will be spawned around the city - [Modding] - Exposed Lot::needsRepair (threshold) to lua. Will return true if the lot has damage exceeding threshold. - [Modding] - Exposed LotContainer::repairLot (playerId, x, z, ignorePlayersCashBalance) to lua. Will return true if a successful repair has occurred - [Modding] - Added COUNTS_AS_ROAD_ACCESS flag for lots (see lots/packs/vanilla.txt). This allows you to make parks or buildings count as "roads" for the purpose of determining if a lot is connected to roads or not. - [Modding] - Added NO_REQUIRE_ROAD_ACCESS flag for lots (see lots/packs/vanilla.txt). This allows you to mark a lot as *not needing* to have road frontage to be populated - [Bugfix] - Fixed dissapearing spawn flag on base repair - [Bugfix] - Fixed roads at the ends of bridges usually becoming T intersections - [Bugfix] - Fixed bridge ramps not getting insured - [Misc] - Players logging into a server are now considered "afk" and will maintain Strat Pause. - [Bugfix] - Afk Players cannot participate in seiges. This also fixes the capture-base-on-login exploit. - [Misc] - Command line switches are now case-insensitive - [Misc] - Zoned lots are dezoned and sold if the attached base to them is lost - [Misc] - Your aggression does NOT decay while at war! - [Misc] - Zones do not develop while at war! - [Bugfix] - Road Access now requires that touching roads be on the ground (bridge spans no longer count as road connections). - [Bugfix] - Placing a lot as a base when you have no bases is now permitted - [Bugfix] - Fixed a pathfinding issue where mobs (Bandits/Base Attackers/CDF) would be drawn like flies to Steel doors/gates and get stuck - [Bugfix] - TileEntities in chunks near BaseAttacks are now ALWAYS simulated (onTick is always called) - fixes spawners not spawning dudes if there are no players nearby but a base attack is present - [Bugfix] - Fixed "--newGame ON" stopping the server from loading key files (such as playerlist.players) when a save game already exists. This fixes factions dissapearing - [Misc] - TileEntity::onRegionLoad is now implemented - this is a function that is called on the first onTick call after a chunk is loaded. See /scripts/server/tileentities/mobspawner.lua for detailed implementation - [Misc] - Placing a lot as a base now shows a preview of your new range of influence - [Bugfix] - You can no longer increase garisions of bases while in debt - [Performance] - SERVER: Lot Zones developing is now a lot faster (chunks at the place of the new lot are preloaded preventing occasional 10ms+ lag spike). VERSION: 1.1.0-Beta2 - 09/03/2018 =============== - [Bugfix] - Fixes server crash when robbing a store - [Bugfix] - Fixes AI pulling levers (and therefore locking up the Gun Store) - [Bugfix] - Fixes AI not opening glass doors - [Bugfix] - Fixes server crash due to aiPlayer_doTurn - [Bugfix] - Get to Investing in Property mission now only spawns when your peak profit is under $250/hr - [Bugfix] - Fixed burning barrels messing up explosions. Only the 5 nearest burning barrels will burn (down from 50) as this was causing explosions to dissapear - [Misc] - Added a navigate to the missions screen objective to the "Press Tab" mission
[ 2018-03-08 06:08:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Patch in the Beta branch. This is a "Part/Beta 1" of a patch, it will be merged into the main branch once 1.1.0 is complete. I firmly recommend starting a new game for this patch in case there are any issues and because the economy balance has been significantly changed. EDIT: Hotfix version 1.1.0-Beta2 has been released to fix issues with Beta1 I am eager for feedback on this patch, as to what needs tweaking or changing before putting the final 1.1.0 patch up.
Voxel Turf Wiki:
Voxel Turf now has a Wiki! Check it out! http://wiki.voxelturf.net Example Article: http://wiki.voxelturf.net/wiki/Bandit_Base If you want to help out, any help is appreciated! (Note that if you sign up for an account the verification email may end up in your spam).
The AI Now Builds Cities:
The AI Factions can now establish new bases and construct new regions of the city. They won't construct for the sake of construction - they will only build if a Human player is approaching them in Networth or has many more bases than them. This now means that the AI is a strategic threat to the player that spreads out and takes over the map to counter the player as you grow more powerful.

The AI will also establish new bases to facilitate its expansion. It'll either place new bases in large vacant areas near its current holdings or it'll expand to unexploited parts of the city. Finally the AI will now also repair any damaged bases they have over time.
Major Economic Changes:
All construction costs QUATERED! This is so that you can get into building stuff from the game's start rather having to beat high paying missions first. Racketeering costs have also been reduced.
Human Players can now Launch Base Attacks:
Some folks were itching for a way to control your minions. As a first step you can now launch Base Attacks from the map screen. When you have enough bases (6 currently) your first Base Attack Slot is unlocked, build more bases to unlock more. Your base attack charge rate is proportional to your base garrison levels: Garrison all your bases up to charge up your base attacks! (Yes, control of individual dudes to make them follow you around and support you is planned)
Engine Upgrades:
As the AI is now plonking stuff all around the map the server had to be beefed up a little. One issue is that when something is loaded from disc (such as a chunk) the OS may block execution for ~10-16ms. So the game now preloads chunks when zones are developed and where the AI is building or where base attacks happen to prevent these prevent latency spikes. When the AI builds a region it places lots over time. This means that the AI placing 150 road lots is effectively instant as opposed to a 200ms lag spike. Finally the server also uses a lot less CPU when idle, so its better for hosting on machines with multiple games running
QoL Changes:
More icons for shops are finally available on the map:

More info on players or factions are available from the Player Info screen:

I've done a little work on polishing placing-lots-as-bases. You now see the radius of influence of the new base you are about to place and the red is removed from the map as is the "You must have a base to build things" message (as you can legally build a base anywhere).

What's planned for Part 2:
- Improved strategic AI (better picking of targets to invade) - More peace options (demand money, reputation or force a tributary status) Cheers, Twigz
VERSION: 1.1.0-Beta1 - 08/03/2018 =============== - [MAJOR BALANCE CHANGE] - All building costs reduced by 75% to match Turf Zero levels. All racketeering costs halved. Minimum racketeering costs for all buildings also halved - This is so that you can build things a lot earlier. It also shifts the balance of the game more towards doing things vs passive income - [MAJOR FEATURE] - AI Factions can now build roads and zone land! - AI will construct new bases in vacant areas or unoccupied parts of the city - If they have free land near thier bases then they may zone it - The AI may make more bases if you have more bases than them or if you have more networth than them. - [MAJOR FEATURE] - You can order Base Attacks! If you own 7 bases or more then you can order a Base Attack from the map screen. - Your Base Attack Stockpile is increased by owning more bases - You Base Attacks recharge over time. The rate is determined by how fortified your bases are. If they are at the max (all level 3) then it recharges at the highest rate. - Yes these values are moddable. See /scripts/common/base_attack.lua - This is so that you can fight back in big faction Turf Wars - [Feature] - Dead AIs can respawn in a random bandit base. They will start with a couple of random buildings to racketeer. - [Feature] - Map mods now work - maps put into the mods/ directory will now be detected by the game. - Example: To convert a savegame to a map mod, copy a savegame (the directory + the .turf file) to mods/yourmodname/maps/ - [Feature] - Using the /tp command with no arguments teleports you to your current marker (waypoint on the map) - [Feature] - More icons are on the map for different shop types (bank, marnina, hovercraft shop, helifield, car shop). - [Misc] - Building a road, a road bridge or demolishing a lot will detonate any AI cars already on the lot. - [Misc] - AI vehicles will not turn into 1 road lot stubs (for example - a T-Intersection with one of the branches only extending 1 lot). This was often causing traffic jams as the cars would turn into the stub then turn around back into the intersection, jamming it. - [Misc] - AI factions will repair damaged bases over time - [Misc] - The Map window is now larger if you are playing at a large resolution (such as 1080p) - [Misc] - Diplomacy window is now larger, shows the Base Counts, Base Attack limits, Networth and Populations of each factions. - [Misc] - Factions can only launch up to 3 simultaneous Base Attacks (down from 5) - [Misc] - Hyperlink buttons now have a blue "open link" character - [Misc] - If you start a game with more factions * bases_per_faction than bases spawned in the city then the game will generate additional bases near the city and distribute them to the factions. - Example: If you start a game with 16 factions and 2 bases each and only 20 bases spawn in the city then 12 will be spawned around the city - [Modding] - Exposed Lot::needsRepair (threshold) to lua. Will return true if the lot has damage exceeding threshold. - [Modding] - Exposed LotContainer::repairLot (playerId, x, z, ignorePlayersCashBalance) to lua. Will return true if a successful repair has occurred - [Modding] - Added COUNTS_AS_ROAD_ACCESS flag for lots (see lots/packs/vanilla.txt). This allows you to make parks or buildings count as "roads" for the purpose of determining if a lot is connected to roads or not. - [Modding] - Added NO_REQUIRE_ROAD_ACCESS flag for lots (see lots/packs/vanilla.txt). This allows you to mark a lot as *not needing* to have road frontage to be populated - [Bugfix] - Fixed dissapearing spawn flag on base repair - [Bugfix] - Fixed roads at the ends of bridges usually becoming T intersections - [Bugfix] - Fixed bridge ramps not getting insured - [Misc] - Players logging into a server are now considered "afk" and will maintain Strat Pause. - [Bugfix] - Afk Players cannot participate in seiges. This also fixes the capture-base-on-login exploit. - [Misc] - Command line switches are now case-insensitive - [Misc] - Zoned lots are dezoned and sold if the attached base to them is lost - [Misc] - Your aggression does NOT decay while at war! - [Misc] - Zones do not develop while at war! - [Bugfix] - Road Access now requires that touching roads be on the ground (bridge spans no longer count as road connections). - [Bugfix] - Placing a lot as a base when you have no bases is now permitted - [Bugfix] - Fixed a pathfinding issue where mobs (Bandits/Base Attackers/CDF) would be drawn like flies to Steel doors/gates and get stuck - [Bugfix] - TileEntities in chunks near BaseAttacks are now ALWAYS simulated (onTick is always called) - fixes spawners not spawning dudes if there are no players nearby but a base attack is present - [Bugfix] - Fixed "--newGame ON" stopping the server from loading key files (such as playerlist.players) when a save game already exists. This fixes factions dissapearing - [Misc] - TileEntity::onRegionLoad is now implemented - this is a function that is called on the first onTick call after a chunk is loaded. See /scripts/server/tileentities/mobspawner.lua for detailed implementation - [Misc] - Placing a lot as a base now shows a preview of your new range of influence - [Bugfix] - You can no longer increase garisions of bases while in debt - [Performance] - SERVER: Lot Zones developing is now a lot faster (chunks at the place of the new lot are preloaded preventing occasional 10ms+ lag spike). VERSION: 1.1.0-Beta2 - 09/03/2018 =============== - [Bugfix] - Fixes server crash when robbing a store - [Bugfix] - Fixes AI pulling levers (and therefore locking up the Gun Store) - [Bugfix] - Fixes AI not opening glass doors - [Bugfix] - Fixes server crash due to aiPlayer_doTurn - [Bugfix] - Get to Investing in Property mission now only spawns when your peak profit is under $250/hr - [Bugfix] - Fixed burning barrels messing up explosions. Only the 5 nearest burning barrels will burn (down from 50) as this was causing explosions to dissapear - [Misc] - Added a navigate to the missions screen objective to the "Press Tab" mission
[ 2018-03-08 06:08:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Patch in the Default branch!
New Mouse Code
The game now uses the system cursor which means that the UI will be more responsive/snappier. Also the mouselook code has been rewritten. Someone was still having snapping issues and they have reported that this fixes this.
Waypoint System
Waypoints and map markers now appear in the 3D world to help with navigation. You can choose which markers you want to see or disable in the Graphics Settings Menu. If you have multiple markers in the same lot then they will be merged. In addition I've made new icons for Bases and Base Attack markers.

By default "Your Maker", "You Allies Markers" and "Next Mission Objective" are enabled. You can choose to enable "All Mission Objectives" and "Hostile Bases and Base Attacks (Turf Wars)"

New Content
I've made a new Big Bandit Base. This base has 3 levels (2 surface, 1 under ground). There is a short switching puzzle required to get to the loot room.

I've also made a Car Shop! This spawns cars that you can steal (that will trigger a silent alarm), and an NPC that you can buy cars from. I've also converted "Red Burning Barrels" to be half spawners - this is so that you can place multiple spawn points in your own bandit bases! And Burning Barrels finally burn now!
Strategic Pausing
This is a feature that freezes time for the Economic Simulation and the Strategic AI (factions) when there are no players on a multiplayer server. This is so that when you set up a Turf Server and leave it on overnight its not overtaken by the AI. The game will also Strat. Pause if all players online (and in singleplayer) AND are in the Game Menu (the menu that appears when you hit ESC) for over 1 minute. So if you need to AFK (to do video editing or something) the AI will not overrun the map, start wars, etc.

Engine Improvement
Geometry now uses up to 30% less VRAM. The effect is more prevalent the less developed a lot is (so a blank lot will be ~30% less VRAM, an apartment building may be ~10% less).
Misc Stuff
- The CDF Crime immunity range has been doubled for being near Bases, Bandit Bases and relevant Mission Objectives - Infinite Bases in Build Mode (and this is moddable, so you can make this a perk or a bonus if you wish). - You can now build roads with Streetlights from the build menu - Added a borderless windowed option + a command line windowed option
Full Changelog
VERSION: 1.0.28 =============== - [Feature] - Added a new big Bandit Base! Has 3 levels (1 Secret Area) - [Misc] - Blank maps now spawn 2 Big Bandit Bases (1 of each type). The "blank" map will also spawn additional big bandit bases, one for each 8 square km the map is (above 16 square km). - [Misc] - Changed Red Burning Barrels to be "half-spawners". These spawn 2 bandits in bases that are lv 1 or 2, and 3 bandits otherwise. This does not effect any existing Red Burning Barrels. You can use these, for example, to create 1x1 bandit bases with two spawners. - [Feature] - Map Waypoints can displayed in the world. - You can set which waypoints you want to see in the Graphics Settings menu - Waypoints fade away if you are in the same lot as the Waypoint. - [Feature] - Added "Strategic Pausing". Strategic Pausing will pause the Economic Sim and pause the Strategic AI (factions). It will also stop the onHour stuff (such as aggression/reputation decay, etc). - Strat. Pausing will be auto-engaged on servers with no players. This is so that when you leave an MP server running overnight it isn't overriden by the AI in the morning - Strat. Pausing will engage in Single Player if you are in the game menu (the menu that comes up when you press ESC) for over 1 minute. - Strat. Pausing will engage in Multi-Player if ALL players are in the game menu for over 1 minute - The 1 minute timer is to prevent an exploit where you can "strat pause" on the hourly tick to skip the Economic Sim tick - [Feature] - You can build Lit Roads now (Roads with Streetlights) - [Feature] - Burning Barrels now actually Burn - [Feature] - Respawn points are shown on the map with markers when you are respawning - [Misc] - CDF Crime Immunity range increased from 1 lot to 2 near bases, bandit bases or mission objectives. - [Misc] - Added a Health Vial selling clerk to Hospitals. They are located just in the front door - [Feature] - Added a Caryard! The clerk there will sell you any of the civilian cars that are avaliable - [Misc] - The Mechanic will spawn in the Caryard if there are no Mechanic's Garages - [Misc] - Stealing cars from the Caryard will count as stolen vehicles for the purpose of the mechanic. Stealing car from the caryard where the mechanic spawns will piss her off and fail the mission - [Modding] - Added a vehicle theft mission event (for situations where you are stealing from a vehicle stop). See scripts/common/vehicle_missions.lua for details - [Modding] - Exposed the dragCoefficent member in turf.HovercraftEntityType and turf.BoatEntityType objects. Use these to set how drift-y these are - [Modding] - Changed line 587 of city_generation.lua for Romlok's MultipliCity mod - [Misc] - Clarified the Tooltip in the Ambulance missions, you only have to park on the lot, not nescessarily on the driveway. - [Misc] - You now have an Infinite Base Limit in Build game mode - [Modding] - Added an "infiniteBases" flag for player bonuses (see scripts/common/player_bonuses.lua) - [Feature] - Added a "--windowed" command line option so you can force the game to start in windowed mode. - [Feature] - Added a "--borderless" command line option so you can force the game to start in borderless-windowed mode. - [Bugfix] - Fixed rare server CTD when bulldozing buildings - [Bugfix] - Fixed an issue with the server and the client having different Base Limits. - [Bugfix] - Fixed not being able to respawn on allied bases
[ 2018-01-19 04:55:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Patch in the Default branch!
Full Dev Diary:
New Mouse Code
The game now uses the system cursor which means that the UI will be more responsive/snappier. Also the mouselook code has been rewritten. Someone was still having snapping issues and they have reported that this fixes this.
Waypoint System
Waypoints and map markers now appear in the 3D world to help with navigation. You can choose which markers you want to see or disable in the Graphics Settings Menu. If you have multiple markers in the same lot then they will be merged. In addition I've made new icons for Bases and Base Attack markers.

By default "Your Maker", "You Allies Markers" and "Next Mission Objective" are enabled. You can choose to enable "All Mission Objectives" and "Hostile Bases and Base Attacks (Turf Wars)"

New Content
I've made a new Big Bandit Base. This base has 3 levels (2 surface, 1 under ground). There is a short switching puzzle required to get to the loot room.

I've also made a Car Shop! This spawns cars that you can steal (that will trigger a silent alarm), and an NPC that you can buy cars from. I've also converted "Red Burning Barrels" to be half spawners - this is so that you can place multiple spawn points in your own bandit bases! And Burning Barrels finally burn now!
Strategic Pausing
This is a feature that freezes time for the Economic Simulation and the Strategic AI (factions) when there are no players on a multiplayer server. This is so that when you set up a Turf Server and leave it on overnight its not overtaken by the AI. The game will also Strat. Pause if all players online (and in singleplayer) AND are in the Game Menu (the menu that appears when you hit ESC) for over 1 minute. So if you need to AFK (to do video editing or something) the AI will not overrun the map, start wars, etc.

Engine Improvement
Geometry now uses up to 30% less VRAM. The effect is more prevalent the less developed a lot is (so a blank lot will be ~30% less VRAM, an apartment building may be ~10% less).
Misc Stuff
- The CDF Crime immunity range has been doubled for being near Bases, Bandit Bases and relevant Mission Objectives - Infinite Bases in Build Mode (and this is moddable, so you can make this a perk or a bonus if you wish). - You can now build roads with Streetlights from the build menu - Added a borderless windowed option + a command line windowed option
Full Changelog
VERSION: 1.0.28 =============== - [Feature] - Added a new big Bandit Base! Has 3 levels (1 Secret Area) - [Misc] - Blank maps now spawn 2 Big Bandit Bases (1 of each type). The "blank" map will also spawn additional big bandit bases, one for each 8 square km the map is (above 16 square km). - [Misc] - Changed Red Burning Barrels to be "half-spawners". These spawn 2 bandits in bases that are lv 1 or 2, and 3 bandits otherwise. This does not effect any existing Red Burning Barrels. You can use these, for example, to create 1x1 bandit bases with two spawners. - [Feature] - Map Waypoints can displayed in the world. - You can set which waypoints you want to see in the Graphics Settings menu - Waypoints fade away if you are in the same lot as the Waypoint. - [Feature] - Added "Strategic Pausing". Strategic Pausing will pause the Economic Sim and pause the Strategic AI (factions). It will also stop the onHour stuff (such as aggression/reputation decay, etc). - Strat. Pausing will be auto-engaged on servers with no players. This is so that when you leave an MP server running overnight it isn't overriden by the AI in the morning - Strat. Pausing will engage in Single Player if you are in the game menu (the menu that comes up when you press ESC) for over 1 minute. - Strat. Pausing will engage in Multi-Player if ALL players are in the game menu for over 1 minute - The 1 minute timer is to prevent an exploit where you can "strat pause" on the hourly tick to skip the Economic Sim tick - [Feature] - You can build Lit Roads now (Roads with Streetlights) - [Feature] - Burning Barrels now actually Burn - [Feature] - Respawn points are shown on the map with markers when you are respawning - [Misc] - CDF Crime Immunity range increased from 1 lot to 2 near bases, bandit bases or mission objectives. - [Misc] - Added a Health Vial selling clerk to Hospitals. They are located just in the front door - [Feature] - Added a Caryard! The clerk there will sell you any of the civilian cars that are avaliable - [Misc] - The Mechanic will spawn in the Caryard if there are no Mechanic's Garages - [Misc] - Stealing cars from the Caryard will count as stolen vehicles for the purpose of the mechanic. Stealing car from the caryard where the mechanic spawns will piss her off and fail the mission - [Modding] - Added a vehicle theft mission event (for situations where you are stealing from a vehicle stop). See scripts/common/vehicle_missions.lua for details - [Modding] - Exposed the dragCoefficent member in turf.HovercraftEntityType and turf.BoatEntityType objects. Use these to set how drift-y these are - [Modding] - Changed line 587 of city_generation.lua for Romlok's MultipliCity mod - [Misc] - Clarified the Tooltip in the Ambulance missions, you only have to park on the lot, not nescessarily on the driveway. - [Misc] - You now have an Infinite Base Limit in Build game mode - [Modding] - Added an "infiniteBases" flag for player bonuses (see scripts/common/player_bonuses.lua) - [Feature] - Added a "--windowed" command line option so you can force the game to start in windowed mode. - [Feature] - Added a "--borderless" command line option so you can force the game to start in borderless-windowed mode. - [Bugfix] - Fixed rare server CTD when bulldozing buildings - [Bugfix] - Fixed an issue with the server and the client having different Base Limits. - [Bugfix] - Fixed not being able to respawn on allied bases
[ 2018-01-19 04:55:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
The boats patch is here and live in the default branch! I've added two buildings where you can get them: A marina and a hovercraft shop. Both of these are Commercial buildings that sell Vehicles, so they won't compete with existing buildings on your map.
The Marina, a spawn place for Boats
Hovercraft Shop, a spawn place for Hovercrafts
I've also added canals that can be built from the roads menu. These will have crash barriers automatically placed if adjacent to a road lot, otherwise they will have a simple concrete retaining wall. You can use these to make water paths to your bases (so you can boat into/out of your base), or perhaps to make an artificial river network. Its up to you!
Finally I've reduced the cost of bulldozing water and underground stuff.
VERSION: 1.0.26 - 21/12/2017
- [Feature] - Added a Marina building! This spawns boats, and has a NPC where you can buy them
- [Feature] - Added a Hovercraft shop! This spawns hovercrafts, and has a NPC where you can buy them. Stealing a hovercraft
- [Feature] - You can now build canals! Canals are Sea lots. When you build a canal concrete walls are automatically applied to the edges of the canal. If it is bordering a road lot then the kind of wall you see in RNG maps will appear
- [Modding] - Added a NOCANALBARRIER flag for LotPack items. If a canal is touching this lot then a concrete barrier will NOT be created. Useful for creating docks in lotpacks!
- [Misc] - Placed a Marina and a Hovercraft Shop in the tutorial
- [Misc] - Created a "Vehicles" business type. Marinas and Hovercraft Shops are vehicles stores
- [Misc] - Stealing Vehicles from Vehicles and Goods shops is now a crime (Vehicle Theft)
- [Misc] - Bulldoze costs reduced
- [Misc] - Water costs reduced by 90%
- [Misc] - Boats made a bit faster
- [Misc] - Hovercrafts have had their air resistance reduced, making them faster and drifty-er
- [Misc] - Hovercraft boost speed increased
- [Misc] - Hovercraft hitbox made a bit smaller
- [Misc] - Both Boats and Hovercrafts shift to/from forwards to backwards modes faster
- [Misc] - The Schemer's skin now has a neck
VERSION: 1.0.25 - 18/12/2017
- [Feature] - BOATS! Added a Boat that can be driven!
- [Feature] - HOVERCRAFTS! Added a Hovercraft vehicle that can also be driven! This also has a Boost and a Jump mechanic, so you can hover your way out of water onto land and climb some of the terrain in a hills area.
- Hold JUMP to jump in a hovercraft
- Hold SPRINT to boost
- Hovercrafts have a boost bar
- Hovercrafts will draw the two players inside of them! If you are holding a weapon it will show you wielding the item
- Hovercrafts SPAWN at sea bandit bases (assuming your map was created in 1.0.19 or later)! They appear in the section up the stairs.
- [Feature] - When a player, a bandit or an NPC is brandishing a loaded weapon they will hold it straight forward. When you/they are reloading, or they have no target, it is held at their side.
- [Feature] - Added a sprint bar
- [Misc] - Construction items can no longer be used while in a vehicle
- [Misc] - Default "go down" button for helicopters is now the crouch key (instead of the meta key)
- [Bugfix?] - "Async Geometry Upload" is now disabled by default as it is suspected that its causing stability issues on some machines
- [Modding] - Added getSprintKeyDown() and getCrouchKeyDown() methods for PlayerEntity
- [Bugfix] - Fixed water physics not applying rotations to buoyancy points, meaning that physics got weird for vehicles in water
- [Bugfix] - Fix for vehicles launching across the map in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] - Converting captured Bandit Bases to bases no longer costs an arm and a leg
[ 2017-12-22 00:58:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
New patch (in the experimental branch)! People have been asking for boats, so I've added them! I've also added hovercrafts, these can be used as an all-terrain vehicle.
Hovercrafts can HOVER, hold JUMP to hover. Use this to get up hills!
Hovercrafts can BOOST, hold SPRINT to boost.
I've also changed the stance for players/bandits holding weapons. If a weapon is loaded and a mob has a target (or is alerted) then they will draw their weapon. If they don't, or they are reloading then it is held at their side.
This patch is in the experimental branch as it adds a new software library and I want to make sure that there are no stability issues first. There is also only one spawn for a hovercraft and that is to steal it from a Sea Bandit Base (in a post 1.0.19 map!). You can buy boats and hovercrafts with 400k credits.
Above: The legal spawn point for Hovercrafts, in a Sea Bandit Base
VERSION: 1.0.25 - 18/12/2017
- [Feature] - BOATS! Added a Boat that can be driven!
- [Feature] - HOVERCRAFTS! Added a Hovercraft vehicle that can also be driven! This also has a Boost and a Jump mechanic, so you can hover your way out of water onto land and climb some of the terrain in a hills area.
- Hold JUMP to jump in a hovercraft
- Hold SPRINT to boost
- Hovercrafts have a boost bar
- Hovercrafts will draw the two players inside of them! If you are holding a weapon it will show you wielding the item
- Hovercrafts SPAWN at sea bandit bases (assuming your map was created in 1.0.19 or later)! They appear in the section up the stairs.
- [Feature] - When a player, a bandit or an NPC is brandishing a loaded weapon they will hold it straight forward. When you/they are reloading, or they have no target, it is held at their side.
- [Feature] - Added a sprint bar
- [Misc] - Construction items can no longer be used while in a vehicle
- [Misc] - Default "go down" button for helicopters is now the crouch key (instead of the meta key)
- [Bugfix?] - "Async Geometery Upload" is now disabled by default as it is suspected that its causing stability issues on some machines
- [Modding] - Added getSprintKeyDown() and getCrouchKeyDown() methods for PlayerEntity
- [Bugfix] - Fixed water physics not applying rotations to buoyancy points, meaning that physics got weird for vehicles in water
- [Bugfix] - Fix for vehicles launching across the map in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] - Converting captured Bandit Bases to bases no longer costs an arm and a leg
[ 2017-12-18 02:22:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
The big change for this patch is that foot AI's pathfinding has been improved, particularly the handling of stairs and doors. Mobs did have abnormally large hitboxes that caused them to get jammed in places, so their hitboxes have been slightly reduced to be the same size as the player's. Because of the hitboxes reduction they have become slightly harder to kill. So I've added Headshot damage multipliers to all weapons. You can view the damage modifier by mouse-overing the weapon. For example, Assault Rifles will do 2.0x damage if you shoot your target in the head. Also because the AI more aggressively opens doors I've added sound effects for doors, sliding doors and mechanisms so you can hear them coming! For server admins and people with lots of lotpacks: A list of lotpacks installed on the server will be displayed when you connect to it. Also buildings that you have installed in LotPacks that are not present on the server will be greyed out Finally I've added an option in the Graphics Settings Menu to disable Asynchronous Geometry Upload to your GPU, as a few people on Intel drivers were having trouble with it. VERSION: 1.0.22 - 30/10/17 ================ - [Feature] - Implemented Headshot damage + Pistols do 1.5x Headshot damage + Assault Rifles do 2.0x Headshot damage. + Shotguns do no extra Headshot damage (1.0x) + SMGs do 1.15x Headshot damage + Rifles do 2.0x Headshot damage. To compensate, rifles damage is been reduced from (30->56) to (20->40) - [Feature] - Added sound effects to most mechanisims. This is important as mobs will more aggressively beat down doors now - [Misc] - Buildings that belong to LotPacks that are not avaliable on there server you are on are greyed out. - [Misc] - Added an option to disable async (multithreaded) geometry upload as some machines were crashing randomly - [Misc] - Added the linux_server_admin_scripts_and_instructions/ folder to the server build - [Misc] - Foot CDF will now run and sprint after you. - [Misc] - Mobs will jump over cars that are blocking thier paths. If they are jumping over cars and are under a roof they will crouch - [Misc] - Pathfinding for Mobs improved. They can climb stairwells a lot better now. I've had CDF chase me to the rooftops of office buildings - [Misc] - Foot CDF are more aggressive at busting into buidings. They will beat down wooden doors, open roller doors, etc to get to you now. - [Misc] - Hitboxes for Mobs are now the same size as players. They were 33% wider making them get jammed in places - [Misc] - The AI will now preferentially path though closed doors it can open rather than blowing up a wall - [Bugfix] - Fixed walking sounds being present after death - [Bugfix] - Fixed an issue causing the AI to abandon its target based on the time since last scan for targets instead of time since last target sighting - [Bugfix] - Fixed multithreaded race condition with logging
[ 2017-10-30 02:20:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Small bugfix patch, hopefully fixes some lighting and CTD issues with Shader off mode + freeze on exit. If you've been having these issues give this patch a shot. I am working on teaching the AI to expand and build things, it'll be a little while before I release that update as that's the kind of thing that needs balance testing. VERSION: 1.0.21 - 23/10/17 ================ - [Misc] - Improved server documentation. Added a "linux_server_admin_scripts_and_instructions" folder, with an example runvtserver.sh, solo.pl, script to install with SteamCMD and a readme.txt - [Bugfix] - Fixed lighting not being updated on Shaders Off mode. Again. - [Bugfix?] - Speculative bugfix for random crashes on Shader OFF mode - game more rigerously checks some multithreaded conditions - [Bugfix] - Speculative bugfix for crash on exit - [Bugfix] - Fixed window flicker on Shader OFF mode when lighting is recalculated - [Bugfix] - Fixed placing buildings on the edge of your bases' zone of influence not coming under your control - [Bugfix] - Fixed /annex server command - [Bugfix] - Fixed AI not selling buildings that are outside of their bases after a peace deal. This calculation is only done when peace is signed. - [Bugfix] - Fixed broken perk description strings - [Bugfix] - Fixed broken X_NEAR special effect tooltip strings
[ 2017-10-23 13:31:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
A little more polish for the game, but the main thing is a fix for the server crashing when a bandit base repairs and bandit bases not levelling up. VERSION: 1.0.20 - 21/10/17 ================ - [Feature] - Added a NOSPAWN option to LotPack items to make them not spawn in RNG maps or in zoned lots. See lots/packs/vanilla.txt. - [Misc] - Tweaked the block crumble algorithm slightly so that particles spawn at a decreasing rate as the particle container fills up. (This is to prevent it filling up after the first few blocks being destroyed) - [Misc] - Replaced the suppressed shotgun sound effect - [Misc] - 20 second connection threshold failsaves raised to 30 seconds - [Bugfix] - Fixed the AI not racketeering lots when it has reputation but no money - [Bugfix] - Fixed server crash when repairing a bandit base - [Bugfix] - Fixed bandit bases not being promoted after release
[ 2017-10-21 03:35:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
New patch! Main changes are crumbling blocks when destroyed, and bandit bases being moved the LotPack system. Minor bugfixes and a speculative fix for elevator fragging. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIkPeMj3jfo EDIT: Increased particle limit for high end machines. Entity particle limit is now: clamp (drawDistance*3/4, 200, 400) EDIT2: command to spawn a burning barrel is actually /give "Grey Burning Barrel" VERSION: 1.0.19 - 19/10/17 ================ - [Feature] - Blocks crumble when destroyed. Blowing them up sends pieces flying everywhere! - [Misc] - Bandit Bases have a chance to repair when leveling up (or when it would level up if not capped at level 5). This only effects maps generated in 1.0.19 onwards! - [Modding] - Moved bandit bases, ruins and faction bases to the LotPack system. See lots/packs/vanilla.txt. This means that you can add new bases as lot pack items. You can specify a lot as: FACTION_BASE to spawn as an AI Faction base RUIN to spawn as a ruin MOBBASE_VACANT to spawn as a bandit base in any vacant lot, rural or urban MOBBASE_RURAL to spawn as a bandit base in only rural lots MOBBASE_URBAN to spawn as a bandit base in only the city MOBBASE_HILLS to spawn as a bandit base in the hills MOBBASE_SEA to spawn as a bandit base in the sea MOBBASE_BIG to spawn as the big 2x3 bandit base in the city You will have to add a barrel to the base yourself before you save it with /lot export (/give "Grey Burning Barrel") - [Modding] - You can now specify a YOFFSET parameter for lots in the lot zones section. This is for when a lot needs to spawn up or down a bit. This means you can also make lot pack items with basements, though the value calculation will be off - [Misc] - Cities generated with the BiggerCities mod will have more building spawns based on the radius of the city. (So a 2x radius city will have 2x more Helifields, etc) - [Bugfix] - Fixed artefacts with drawing distant grass, railings and fences (usually blue or red blotches around them) - [Bugfix] - Sea bandit bases no longer dig square holes underneath them on spawn - [Misc] - When you use an elevator or otherwise teleport you'll be immune to gravity for 1.0 seconds. This should help prevent elevator death shenanigans. - [Misc] - While you are logging into a server you'll be immune to gravity clientside (helps prevent teleport into lava on login) - [Misc] - If you are taking more than 20 seconds to log into a MP server the client will jump to the next connection stage. So if its at "downloading chunks" for at least 20 seconds it'll jump to "rendering chunks". If its at "rendering chunks" for 20 seconds it'll take you into the game. - [Misc] - Increased particle limit for high end machines. Entity particle limit is now: clamp (drawDistance*3/4, 200, 400)
[ 2017-10-19 11:45:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
New patch! Uploaded to Beta stream, if there are no issues I'll set it live in 8 hours from posting.
Patch 1.0.18 lets you save Bases as placeable fortifications! You can save them as template lots, like custom buildings can be. You can also place fortification lots from the construction menu as bases, and you can place these outside of your build radius. This means you can smack down a fortified base without having to do weird "place flag, place building, place another flag, remove first one" arrangements.
Patch 1.0.17 has more performance upgrades. Its mainly achieved though improved asynchronous data upload to the GPU, which mainly benefits AMD machines. It also fixes lighting issues and gives minor perf boosts in Shaders-Off mode.
Sorry this ones a little late - there was a CTD issue that took me a 17 hour session to fix. I'll try to have the live patch ready before the weekend next week. So there'll (hopefully) be an experimental mid-week and a live end-of-week.
VERSION: 1.0.18 - 14/10/17
- [Feature] - Fortification lots can be placed as bases from the construction window
- [Feature] - Vacant lots can be converted to fortification lots and saved as placeable templates
- [Feature] - Bases can be saved as placeable templates
- [Misc] - .player, .playerlist, .world and .dat (for lot data) files are now backed up with 2 layers of backups. If a file goes missing then the next backup will be loaded.
- [Misc] - The game will create a glinfo.txt file in the logs directory to help me diagnose your opengl woes should you have any.
- [Misc] - Weapon zoom mouse movement reduction reduced
- [Misc] - LoD distance reduced for people playing on potatoes. Minimum distance is now 32m.
- [Bugfix] - Fixed a memory corruption issue that may cause CTDs.
- [Bugfix] - Speculative fix for mouse warping your view 180 degrees randomly
- [Bugfix] - Fixed flicker on geometry generation
- [Bugfix] - Fixed random CTD issue on the client
VERSION: 1.0.17 - 10/10/17
- [Perf] - GPU Memory panic thresholds are now set to VRAM_MAX MB to enable panic mode and VRAM_MAX - 256 MB to exit (changed from VRAM_MAX * 0.7 in and VRAM_MAX * 0.5 out). This is so that 4GB machines use a bit more memory.
- [Perf] - Changed VBO upload to be asynchronous to reduce microstutter on AMD machines
- [Perf] - In non-shader mode chunk relighting calculations and GPU uploads is also done asynchronously
- [Misc] - Smoothed out the dynamic draw distance algorithm further.
- [Bugfix] - Fixed chunk lighting not updating at sunrise/sunset while running non-shader mode
- [Bugfix] - Removed cables from texture atlases - cables are no longer visible in LoD chunks
[ 2017-10-14 15:21:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Version 1.0.17 (Experimental) is live. Select through the Experiment branch in Steam's beta section (Steam -> Right Click Voxel Turf -> Betas -> select Experimental). Please give it a go! More performance upgrades for AMD machines and low end machines. More stuff has been multithreaded or moved to worker threads, most importantly geometry upload. This should reduce stutter when loading new areas and make non-shader mode lighting updates faster. My RX 570 now performs significantly better than my GTX 1080 did on launch. All machines should see better performance when driving around and loading new areas though. Also the game will try to utilise more VRAM (panic thresholds have been raised), as in general more VRAM usage = more LoD = more FPS. VERSION: 1.0.17 - 10/10/17 ================ - [Perf] - GPU Memory panic thresholds are now set to VRAM_MAX MB to enable panic mode and VRAM_MAX - 256 MB to exit (changed from VRAM_MAX * 0.7 in and VRAM_MAX * 0.5 out). This is so that 4GB machines use a bit more memory. - [Perf] - Changed VBO upload to be asynchronous to reduce microstutter on AMD machines - [Perf] - In non-shader mode chunk relighting calculations and GPU uploads is also done asynchronously. More stringent limits on lighting updates have been applied - [Misc] - Smoothed out the dynamic draw distance algorithm further. - [Bugfix] - Fixed chunk lighting not updating at sunrise/sunset while running non-shader mode - [Bugfix] - Removed cables from texture atlases - cables are no longer visible in LoD chunks
[ 2017-10-10 13:39:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch is uploaded to Beta stream, if there are no issues I'll make it live. The main major change is that you can't buy land outside of bases. This is because people were buying up all the vacant land on MP servers and scaring away new players. Instead you can just press the "convert to base" button on a vacant lot to make it your base. Another major QoL change is that rescuing the Bank, Gun Shop and Jewellery store from bandits in missions is no longer a "Crime". You'll get immunity from minor crimes while rescuing them, the immunity region is bigger and last for 5 seconds after completing the objective. Finally (for 1.0.16), the AI Base Attack strength has been nerfed in Medium and Easy difficulties. In both Med/Easy the strength has been capped at Level 2/Level 1 and the requirements for the AI to launch multiple attacks have been raised. 1.0.15 is finally done. I attempted to decrease VRAM consumption but ATI was like "no memory optimisation for you!". They slapped my Half-Float solution out of my hands then stomped on it. But at least 1.0.15 gives improved handling of the memory it does use. It implements a "GPU" panic mode when it detects low free VRAM which makes it aggressively unload out-of-draw distance terrain. It also implements a dynamic draw distance, so if you wander into a particularly built up area you don't have to put up with a persistant frame rate drop. Finally it also implements a gradual upload of geometry data to prevent bursts of geometry data causing stutter (again this was mainly affecting ATI cards). 1.0.15 also does some network optimisations and gives the server more configurability, though settings/server_prefs_1003.txt
VERSION: 1.0.16 - 06/10/17
- [Exploit] - You may not buy land outside of your base range. This is to stop griefers buying up the entire map in MP. This is a serverside change - [Misc] - If you lose a base in a war you forced to sell OWNED lots (vacant/hills/roads/etc) in range that aren't in range of other bases. This doesn't include owned buildings. This is to prevent people putting down bases then buying up the map then removing the bases. - [Feature] - Pressing "t" to open the chat console will show all the previous messages (that fit on the screen). - [Misc] - Greyed out the "Convert To Base" button when you are at your base limit - [Misc] - Greyed out the "Buy Lot" button when the lot is out of your base range - [Misc] - Removed the "Sell Lot" button for bases - [Misc] - Enforcement costs now quintupples between 10 and 60 bases. Fromula: -- baseCountMulti = clamp((baseCount - 10)/10, 1, 5); -- newEnforcementCost = baseCountMulti * oldEnforcementCost -- Again, this is temporary until I make meaningful money sinks (polution and traffic mechanics + civics). This is mainly to slow down a few players in MP annexing the entire map. Players at this stage are typically still swimming in money anyway - [Misc] - Mission objectives that give you crime immunity (such as bandit killing missions) now give you crime immunity 16m away from the lot containing the bandit - [Misc] - Mission objectives that give you crime immunity now give you immunity for 5 seconds after completing the objective - [Misc] - Mission objectives that give you crime immunity now give you immunity to the "armed robbery" crime if the objective is to rescue that lot - [Misc] - "Establish a Base" and "Establish a Protection Racket" are no longer Co-Op missions - [Misc] - The "Establish a Protection Racket" mission in the Tutorial now sets your reputation to 5 if it is less than 5 so you can actually complete it - [Misc] - The "CDF icons guide" now appears in the main game if you are less than level 2 - [Misc] - AI Base Attacks are capped at Level 2 on Medium difficulty and Level 1 on Easy difficulty - [Misc] - AI Base factions require 5 bases to launch 2 attacks on Medium difficulty and 6 to launch 2 on Easy. The formula: -- N_SIMULTANEOUS_ATTACKS = floor ( sqrt ( nBases - difficulty ) ); -- Where difficulty = 2 on Easy and difficulty = 1 on Medium - [Misc] - Your relative coordinates in a lot are dislayed in the F3 screen. Useful for modders making lot zones. - [Bugfix] - You can't buy bandit bases anymore and have them still be bandit bases - [Bugfix] - Fixed load game screen scrollbar - [Bugfix] - Fixed tourch/flashlight being turned on/off while typing - [Bugfix] - Fixed some lot zone player position rounding issues
VERSION: 1.0.15 All
- [Bugfix] - Fixed client CTD when: -- Rapidly switching between special buildings -- Entering an office tower spam area. -- These were both due to the same multithreading race condition VtClient Memory management & performance: Note: None of these situations should be encountered in normal gameplay! This is for situations where you drive into an office tower spammed region, or if you're playing on a potato and the game becomes unplayable - [Misc] - Draw distance reduces in stressful situations - [Misc] - When the client hits 70% VRAM usage it'll enter a panic mode to save the remaining 30%: - It'll stop creating LoD chunks - It'll aggressively unload chunks not in the draw distance - It'll exit panic mode when below 50%. - If the client hits 100% VRAM usage it gets a lot more aggressive - [Misc] - The client will stop building chunk meshes that are significantly out of your draw distance. This is to stop all your VRAM being eaten - [Misc] - If you're at the "Rendering Chunks" screen and GPU panic mode engages it'll take you right into the game - [Misc] - Moved geometry upload to after swapbuffers() because ATI likes to wait (and pause!) for vsync to upload geometry, causing microstutter. - [Misc] - Geometry upload is now done asynchronously for far-away chunks. This reduces microstutter, the tradeoff is that far away buildings may flicker when first loaded. VtServer: - [Misc] - When connecting to a server, city downloading progress is displayed (instead of displaying a frozen "Downloading Chunks 0%" which makes players think that the connection is buggered up) - [Misc] - The server will allocate more bandwidth to players if there are only a couple on the server. - NewBandwidth = (2/(nPlayersConnected^2) + 1) * OldBandwidth - The number "2" is a define. Edit settings/serverprefs_1003.txt and set "Bandwidth multiplier" - If the server detects packet drops with a player this "bonus" is set to zero (NewBandwidth = OldBandwidth) - This is change is because the default server configuration is a little pessimistic and doesn't scale with player count - [Misc] - You can specify the spawn/despawn distance for AI cars and civilians in settings/serverprefs_1003.txt Balance: - [Misc] - The gunshop now has a customer demand of 600 (down from 1200). - [Misc] - The (unmodified) income per person for a building is now capped at $400 (this is to prevent LexxyFox's giant steel cubes of infinite wealth) QoL: - [Misc] - Slider for mouse sensitivity now goes down further - [Bugfix] - Fixed AI factions declaring war on allies and war allies - [Bugfix] - Fixed "nn" appearing in loading screen tips
[ 2017-10-06 15:23:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Version 1.0.15 (Experimental) is live. Select through the Experiment branch in Steam's beta section (Steam -> Right Click Voxel Turf -> Betas -> select Experimental). Please give it a go! Saves are compatible backwards and forwards with 1.0.14 (and down to 1.0.12) Massively reduces VRAM usage and provides scaling draw distance for the client. Because this changes vertex format in graphics memory I need feedback before I can set it live for everyone. VERSION: 1.0.15 ================= VtClient Memory management & performance: Note: None of these situations should be encountered in normal gameplay! This is for situations where you drive into an office tower spammed region, or if you're playing on a potato and the game becomes unplayable - [Misc] - The game uses half-floats to store vertex data on the GPU, reducing all-case vram usage due to geometry by 30% - [Misc] - Draw distance reduces in stressful situations - [Misc] - When the client hits 70% VRAM usage it'll enter a panic mode to save the remaining 30%: - - It'll stop creating LoD chunks - - It'll aggressively unload chunks not in the draw distance - - It'll exit panic mode when below 50%. - - If the client hits 100% VRAM usage it gets a lot more aggressive - [Misc] - The client will stop building chunk meshes that are significantly out of your draw distance. This is to stop all your VRAM being eten - [Misc] - If you're at the "Rendering Chunks" screen and GPU panic mode engages it'll take you right into the game VtServer: - [Misc] - When connecting to a server, city downloading progress is displayed (instead of displaying a frozen "Downloading Chunks 0%" which makes players think that the connection is buggered up) - [Misc] - The server will allocate more bandwidth to players if there are only a couple on the server. -- NewBandwidth = (2/(nPlayersConnected^2) + 1) * OldBandwidth -- The number "2" is a define. Edit settings/serverprefs_1003.txt and set "Bandwidth multiplier" -- If the server detects packet drops with a player this "bonus" is set to zero (NewBandwidth = OldBandwidth) -- This is change is because the default server configuration is a little pesimistic and doesn't scale with player count - [Misc] - You can specify the spawn/despawn distance for AI cars and civilians in settings/serverprefs_1003.txt Balance: - [Misc] - The gunshop now has a customer demand of 600 (down from 1200). - [Misc] - The (unmodified) income per person for a building is now capped at $400 (this is to prevent LexxyFox's giant steel cubes of infinite wealth) QoL: - [Misc] - Slider for mouse sensitivity now goes down further - [Bugfix] - Fixed AI factions declaring war on allies and war allies - [Bugfix] - Fixed "nn" appearing in loading screen tips
[ 2017-10-04 13:36:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
EDIT: Hotfix for 1.0.14 is now live (as of edit). Fixes CTD with cables and decals. Major performance boosts. On my machine I get 3x the framerate I was getting before (a 35fps 450 draw distance render now renders at 109fps). The game now implements LoD which means that geometry that is further away from the camera is rendered with a reduced resolution. LoD currently kicks in at max(MaxDrawDistance/4, 64) metres. This also reduces the amount of binds (texture and geometry) that have to be done, which was what was killing GPU utilisation. Also fixed a crash on starting the game + disabled shader compilation on machines that have shaders turned off, which may increase stability with Intel integrated graphics machines. VERSION: 1.0.14 - 29/09/17 ================= - [Bugfix] - Fixed a client CTD when connecting to a server/joining a game - [Misc] - Fixed LoD decals not appearing. VERSION: 1.0.13 - 29/09/17 ================= - [Performance] - Implemented LoD. This increases framerates by 3x (+200%) on my machine. - [Misc] - The game now creates a lock file when compiling shaders. If your intel machine crashes on shader compile they will be auto disabled on startup - [Bugfix] - If you are not running shaders then they won't be compiled on startup. Fixes a CTD on intel machines that can't even compile shaders without throwing a tantrum
[ 2017-09-29 13:25:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today's update is pure QoL + an exploit fix. In 1.0.11 strip mining was way too powerful. Now to get blocks back from using the "remove" item you have to place blocks. In Build mode you can still regenerate infinite blocks back to your inventory. VERSION: 1.0.12 - 28/09/17 ================= - [Feature] - If a server is running in multiplayer mode then it'll create a logs/server_status.txt file every 30 seconds. You can poll this to update your community website. - [Exploit] - Infinite block regeneration with the remove item has been nerfed. You now have a pool of "8" free regenerations. Placing a block adds a regenerations, removing a block consumes one and gives back the block. There is a max of 32 removes that can be pooled. - This is moddable, use thePlayerEntity:giveInfiniteBlockRegenerations() on a server lua script to give infinite block regens. If you have infinite regens the counter goes away (is not visible). - Finally in Build mode infinite regens are enabled by default. - [Misc] - You can set the sell price for materials in db/material_costs.txt - [Misc] - Crosshairs are larger and partially transparent, and the colours have been inverted - [Misc] - Tutorial missions have more detailed descriptions - [Exploit] - Sell Price for ALL blocks have been halved. Moddable by setting turf.BlockPlacingItem.BlockItemSellMod = VAL. - [Exploit] - Sell Price for GRASS, CLAY, SOIL, STONE and SAND have been reduced by 75%. This is multiplicative with above - [Bugfix] - "E" no longer closes the custom lot form. - [Misc] - ESC now closes all of the uipages (Map, Buy menu, Inventory, Diplomacy, etc)
[ 2017-09-28 03:43:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
QoL improvements. The Remove item returns blocks to your inventory (or creates a drop), if you shaders on you can toggle a torch by pressing F and the minimap is bigger. VERSION: 1.0.11 - 25/09/17 ================= - [Feature] - Using the "remove" item on a block now returns that block to your inventory. If your inventory is full it'll create a drop. - [Feature] - Added /annex WHO and /eliminate WHO server commands. This can be used to annex or remove a player from the map. - [Feature] - You can now attach your roads to an allied road tile. This doesn't transfer ownership of the tile to you. - [Feature] - Added a torch/flashlight. Press F to toggle, does not require anything to be equipped. Requires shaders be enabled. - [Misc] - Helicopter camera now does not pitch with the helicopter (should make things less wonky) - [Misc] - Minimap is bigger and has a night mode. Icons are bigger in the minimap. - [Misc] - When you exit a vehicle you are now facing forward (not towards the vehicle like before) - [Misc] - Softened custom building population requirements. - [Misc] - Did some tweaks on bullet hit particles + hit particles when you hit a human - [Bugfix] - .player files now quarantine the sections of data saved, so if part of the file gets corrupted you don't lose everything. (So a corrupted inventory will no longer corrupt your stat points) - [Bugfix] - .playerlist files now quarantined per player. - [Bugfix] - vtserver.exe now uses a different steam appId than the client (again), so you can start the client through even if you are running the server in the background. The client will tell the server where any installed mods are when it starts up anyway - [Modding] - Exposed some more paramters to turf.WeaponModItem - [Modding] - Exposed LotContainer:stripAllLotsOwnedBy(from, to) function
[ 2017-09-27 02:50:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, new patch (big one today!). QoL improvements include Shift Click in inventory, more tooltips, brighter moonlight and improved /fly mode. Server performance improved by stopping low priority stuff while under stress (eg, will no longer spawn mobs while behind on simulation). Chat log spam reduced Balance changes: acumen has been nerfed hard as players were getting +150% income by spamming buildings then spamming acumen. CoOp payouts now scale with number of players participating (but you still get a bonus in CoOp). Exp and reputation gain from placing buildings scales down with networth. Base upkeep grows with the population that you control. I know this is a "magic number because you're big" thing, but it is a placeholder until I get around to making money sinks (such as utilities and public services) Exploits fixed: Burning barrels are now "cheat" items to stop people spamming them in MP, and are stripped from buildings when placed. VERSION: 1.0.10 - 23/09/17 ================= - [Feature] - Shift click can now be used in inventory management (in the N screen) - [Feature] - Possible offline mode support, give it a go. - [Balance] - Acumen income boost formula is now: (acumen > 10 ? 10 + (sqrt((acumen - 10)*2)*0.5+(acumen-10)*0.01)*0.2 : acumen) / 10.0; This is to prevent +150% income scenarios. - [Balance] - Upkeep for bases is now dependent on the total population under your control. UpkeepPerBase = $0.2 * totalPop * ln(totalPop) * ln(totalBases) / totalBases Where totalPop is the sum of your industrial, residential, commercial and office population in the world (both racketeered and owned) and ln is the natural logrithim function. Note that low pop buildings have higher income/population, so you can try to reduce maintenance by building low density stuff. The $0.2 value is a lua define, change it by changing turf.PlayerCredentials.BASE_ENFORCEMENT_COST; IMPORTANT: This is a temporary solution, I intend to make a polution/traffic system that will counter high density developments, and a population cap system that is raised by providing public utilities to citizens - [Balance] - CoOp mission rewards now scale with the amount of players doing them. - Mission Cash reward is now multiplied by 1.5/numberOfPlayersEverParticipated (for numberOfPlayersEverParticipated >= 2) - Mission Reputation & Exp reward is now multiplied by 2.0/numberOfPlayersEverParticipated (for numberOfPlayersEverParticipated >= 2) - This is to fix 10 players doing Hostile Takeover and each getting $500k. More players doing a mission still means more rewards in total, but its no longer a no-brainer. - [Balance] - Exp & Reputation gained from placing buildings scales with networth. After your networth exceeds $1M the exp you gain is calculated by: Exp & Rep = Building_Racketeer_Cost * 1m/(Networth) - [Misc] - Updated the console command guide. Link: http://www.voxelturf.net/console_command_guide.php - [Misc] - Moonlight is now brighter - [Misc] - Fly mode now uses the sprint key (or W+A+D) to go faster - [Misc] - Fly mode speed is now capped at 40m/s - [Misc] - Mobspawners (burning barrels) are now "secret" items (people were spamming them in MP. People named Chickensandwich). You now need to use the /give command to spawn them /give "Blue Burning Barrel" 80 - [Bugfix] - Mob spawners are removed from lot pack items and template lots when they are placed. - [Misc] - Lag spike threshold for servers raised to 2500ms (up from 250ms) to reduce console spam. - [Misc] - Added --wsi PATH launch option for the server. This specifies a path to a mod to load (that isn't in the mods directory) - [Misc] - Added --computePanicThresh NUM launch option to the server. The default value is 60ms (2 ticks). - [Perf] - If the server starts taking more than (computePanicThresh) ms to execute a simulation tick then it'll shut down the AI until it comes good again. - [Perf] - If the server starts taking more than (computePanicThresh/2) ms to execute a simulation tick it'll stop spawning bandits, base defenders, pedestrians, civilian and cdf vehicles and not grow plants nor process zoned lots until it comes good again - [Perf] - There is now a limit of 200 entityparticles (this is stuff like flying limbs and wheels) on the client. - [Misc] - You no longer get exp points if your goons kill a bandit. - [Misc] - Servers in Find Server are now sorted and greyed out if you have a version or checksum mismatch. A tooltip explains how to change version. - [Misc] - Adds abort logs. Whenever abort() is called by either the client or server a log file is created explaining why. This is to help in debugging - [Misc] - Adds tooltips for Explosve Crates and Detonators - [Linux Server Management] - Sending SIGHUP to a server tells it to save and shutdown, and to instruct all connected players to rejoin. - [Bugfix] - Fixed steam workshop items not being loaded by the server while the client is running. This was done by the client telling the server all the items its subscribed to. - [Bugfix] - You no longer shoot your own car while in a car - [Modding] - Added a .noTelebuy field to Item so that you can choose to disable buying it from the telebuy menu
[ 2017-09-23 11:39:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Version 1.0.7 fixes bad shader performance on the machines that were having it. Version 1.0.8 adds some commands that let you set the appearance of the time of day (which is useful for filming), and makes daytime 2 hours longer. This has been set to the public Beta distribution, which can be accessed in Steam via right-click Voxel Turf -> Properties -> Beta -> (select Beta) VERSION: 1.0.8 - 21/09/17 ================== - [Feature] - Adds /dawn, /midday, /middnight, /dusk, /afternoon commands. This makes the client render as if it is this time. This is NOT counted as a cheat - [Feature] - Adds /unfreeze command to reverse the effects of above. - [Misc] - Burning barrels produce a bit more light - [Misc] - Daytime is now 2 hours longer. Sunset is now at 8pm (up from 6pm) VERSION: 1.0.7 - 21/09/17 ================== - [Bugfix] - Experimental fix for *extremely* slow shader performance on some cards The problem was that some cards can't handle byte vec3's, but can handle byte vec4's, and this is not documented anywhere on the internet. - [Modding] - Exposed turf.Lot.BASE_RADIUS, ECONOMIC_RADIUS and NEAR_RADIUS to the modding api.
[ 2017-09-21 14:34:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
New patch! This one fixes a Connecting to Server issue, and item duplication exploit and increases car braking. Important: Do not repair lots with chests without withdrawing valuable items first, as chest contents are now wiped on repair to prevent an item duplication exploit that was causing issues in MP. I have a more permanent solution in the works. The tooltip for "repair" has had a warning added. Also, the dedicated server is now available via SteamCMD via anonymous login. The appid is 526340 Finally, for now on I'll be offering "oldversion" branches that you can access through the steam beta version selector, so you can still play MP while servers are being updated. Created an oldversion1.0.5 branch. VERSION: 1.0.6 - 20/09/17 ================== - [Bugfix] - Fixed a connection issue that stops people from connecting to servers. - [Bugfix] - Fixed not being able to scroll in the custom skin menu - [Bugfix] - Speculative fix for multiplayer mission duplication bug - [Bugfix/Exploit] - Chest contents are now wiped when a lot is placed or repaired to prevent item duplication. - [Misc] - Buffed brakes on all vehicles - [Misc] - Important Papers are now Documents - [Misc] - Weapon & Armour tooltips & stats are now visible in the shop. - [Misc] - Weapons and Rockets now have descriptions - [Misc] - Added a hint tooltip for health vials: you can heal for free at bases - [Misc] - Added a tip to the "establish a protection racket" mission: More expensive buildings are more reputation efficent - [Misc] - Zones with zero chance of developing show up in red in the action menu
[ 2017-09-20 12:36:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
New patch, access via public beta branch. If all is good I'll set this to live. EDIT: Is now live VERSION: 1.0.5 - 19/09/17 ================== !! NOTE LINUX !! Linux distributions of the game no longer come with libstdc++-6.so in the search path as it was causing stability issues on some machines. You can still get them in LINUX_stdlib if you want them/can't get the game to start due to stdlib issues. - [Misc] - The server now uses appid 404530. This should make broken server mods work again, but it will also mean you can't run the client and the dedicated server on the same machine through steam. - [Misc] - Buffed healing items. Vials now restore 16% (up from 10%), Packs restore 50% (up from 25%) and Mega Packs restore 100% (up from 50%) - [Misc] - There is now a separate error message for "Different Checksum" to "Different Version" when connecting to a server running different versions/checksums - [Misc] - The first ambulance mission now has increased time and has more tooltips - [Misc] - If you get an "Connection to server refused, invalid login session" error the client will fetch a new Steam session ticket. - [Misc] - Sell price for rockets quartered due to Missiles for Aether perk - [Misc] - Added a --noGpuNuke option for the client. May help microstutter that appears on some GPUs, might turn it into macrostutter on others - [Misc/MP] - If there are more than 10 abandoned vehicles on the server then the abandoned vehicles last used by offline players will self-destruct. - [Bugfix/Modding] - Fixed the server having the wrong steamappid and therefore not loading mods correctly - [Bugfix] - If you are eliminated but you have infinite cash or credits then you still get to keep them - [Bugfix] - You can now sell explosive mods and extra shot mods at stores without getting the "bandit raids" spiel - [Bugfix] - You can no longer bulldoze bases (preventing accidental self-elimination) - [Bugfix/Modding] - Entity:wrangleDriver() no longer crashes if the entity is not a vehicle. - [Modding] - Exposed turf.CrimeCosts.CDF_CRIME_SCAN_DIST and turf.CrimeCosts.CDF_SERIOUS_CRIME_SCAN_DIST for lua modding
[ 2017-09-19 07:14:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
New patch, access via public beta (Edit now live). Lots of QoL improvements, cars go honk VERSION: 1.0.4 - 17/09/17 ================== - [Feature] - Car now goes honk when you press the honker. - [Feature] - You can now delete savegames from the load game menu - [Misc] - The client will now pick its port at random when first conencting. If this random port fails then it'll try 6000->7000 sequentially. This is to solve problems with port hogging in LAN enviroments - [Misc] - You can now specify a --port (VAL) command line switch to the client to pick a port to try first. - [Misc] - Zooming direction on the map reversed - [Misc] - Sprinting time has been increased 50% - [Misc] - Disabled the "extreme" preset. - [Misc] - If you can't change the VSync setting with the SDL command then it will be greyed out - [Feature] - Added manual map zoom in/out buttons - [Bugfix] - Fixed merge lots messing things up. You can now only merge vacant lots - [Bugfix] - Fixed Camera change binding not being saved - [Bugfix] - Fixed Siren/honk keybind not appearing in control settings menu - [Bugfix] - Fixed an issue that makes the mouse lag 1 frame behind in the GUI. - [Bugfix] - Fixed an issue that makes scrolling on the map with right click awkward
[ 2017-09-17 08:35:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone. I've added a new patch that adds a VSync setting. I haven't made it the default patch because I would like some feedback on it first. To get it, go into Voxel Turf->Properties->Betas and select the "beta" branch VERSION: 1.0.3 - 15/09/17 ================== - [Feature] - Adds a VSync option in the graphics settings menu - [Misc] - Default keybind for INV_META changed from L_CTRL back to L_SHIFT - shift clicking in chests now works again! - [Misc] - Added keybind for INV_META_2 - this key is held to buy 80 of something in a shop - [Misc] - Controls for Buy 5/Buy 80 are more clearly shown - [Misc] - Default max players for a server is now 8. - [Misc] - The mission "Bribery" now requires 7 reputation to unlock, as you currently start with 5 - [Misc] - Added a "Show respect costs 3 reputation" message to the "Show Respect" button - [Misc] - Added a tooltip for HP restoring items - [Misc] - Added a tooltip for the "Initiation" mission exlaining who the CDF are - [Misc] - Upped the spawn rate for items in Jewellery shops and Gun shops by 33% - [Bugfix] - Fixed a server crash when using a detonator
[ 2017-09-15 09:15:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
I plan to spend the next two weeks making minor changes based on your feedback. Then I'll start work on 1.1, which will further expand city-building and management parts of the game VERSION: 1.0.0 - 13/09/17 =================== - No changes VERSION: 1.0.0-RC1 - 13/09/17 =================== - [Bugfix] - Fixed server crash when trying to start a game with weird characters in the savegame name. VERSION: 0.4.39 =================== - [Bugfix] - Clamped max vertical speed to 40m/s to prevent a clipping issue - [Misc] - If you have a gamepad plugged in but you've used the keyboard instead for the last 5 seconds all ui promts will display keyboard prompts instead of gamepad prompts. VERSION: 0.4.38 =================== - [Misc] - Updated sprinting tooltip
[ 2017-09-13 11:05:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
More polish. Default Sprint is now left shift, default Crouch is now left-ctrl and default "Change Shape of Blocks/Alt Place mode" button is now V. VERSION: 0.4.37 -12/09/17 =================== - [Feature] - Added a "Sprint" keybind. You can still sprint with W+A+D. - [Misc] - Server Banlists/whitelists now accept player Ids as well as player names. Using /ban will now ban both the playername and player id - [Misc] - Server Permission (Admin, Op, HOp, etc) lists now accept player ids too. - [Misc] - You can now edit blocks on land owned by human allies - [Misc] - The "Turf War" tooltip now mentions that you take protection rackets in wars - [Misc] - "Invest in Property" mission now has a hint describing investing mechanics and now has a counter showing your current profit VERSION: 0.4.36 - 11/09/17 =================== - [Feature] - The last vehicle you were driving is now saved and loaded on log-in/log off. - [Feature] - You can now deal damage to mobs and vehicles by ramming them with your tank - [Feature] - Headless dedicated server is now available via SteamCMD for people who have a key. AppId for dedicated server is 526340 - [Misc] - Increased the breaking ability of CDF Vans and Tanks - [Bugfix] - Fixed entities that spawn in lots (such as helicopters) despawning whenever you turn in or cancel a mission - [Bugfix] - Fixed a server crash when multiple players defeat a Base Attack
[ 2017-09-12 01:06:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
This time its time for a revisit of city building mechanics and an introduction to Zoning mechanics and the Reward Buildings.
Full Article

[ 2017-09-10 00:59:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Minor bugfixes, a little more polish. VERSION: 0.4.35 - 09/09/17 =================== - [Misc] - You now start with 1 allure, meaning that you start with 1 perk slot open - [Misc] - Added a tooltip for Bandit Bases detailing bandit respawning mechanics - [Misc] - Rebalanced vehicle sfx volume - [Misc] - "Establish a Protection Racket" mission now spawns in the Tutorial as well as the main game - [Bugfix] - Small Town Mayor perk now effects road build cost correctly - [Bugfix] - You don't need to pay bulldoze costs when building roads over existing roads - [Misc] - In Turf Zero mode demolition costs are also reduced by 75% to bring it in line with construction and zoning costs
[ 2017-09-09 07:13:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
I spent the last two days adding polish to the game, namely adding a much requested Sprint Mechanic (Hold A,D and W) + Rebalancing Turf Zero so you get your city up and running a LOT faster + adding more info the the Inventory screen.
VERSION: 0.4.34 - 07/09/17
- [Feature] - Added sprinting through pressing A + W + D. You have a bank of 6 seconds to sprint, after you use it up you'll have to stop sprinting to recharge it.
- [Misc] - In Turf Zero construction and zoning is 4x cheaper. You only get 25% of the yield though. This is so that you can build the city much quicker.
- [Bugfix] - Fixed the slight jerky vertical movement when walking/running.
- [Bugfix] - Fixed a cosmetic world-hole issue that can occur if rapidly placing and removing buildings
- [Bugfix] - Fixed the mouse having different sensitivities for the horizontal and vertical axes.
- [Feature] - Added detailed weapon stat breakdown when mouseover in inventory
- [Misc] - The explosive weapon mod and extra shot mod are displayed in the gun shop, but you can't buy them. Instead the clerk will tell you that bandits took them and you should raid bandit bases to get them
- [Misc] - Your Armour Rating and Blast Resistance is now displayed below your stats
- [Misc] - If you try to "use" a weapon mod an instruction message is now displayed
- [Bugfix] - Fixed duplicate weapon mod names in tooltip in inventory
- [Bugfix] - Fixed Guided missiles not locking onto targets
- [Bugfix] - Fixed the AI launching base invasions on offline human players that they are at war with
Above: Notice the "Armour Rating 0%, Blast Resistance 0% line, as well as the detailed weapon stats break down.
[ 2017-09-07 16:14:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
VERSION: 0.4.33 - 06/09/17
- [Misc] - You now start the game with 5.0 reputation. This helps the early game as you can start a Protection Racket right off the bat.
- [Feature] - Added a Protection Racketeering tutorial mission
- [Misc] - Early tier bandit killing missions have had their rewards buffed (Cash Reward +50%, Reputation Reward +50% for the Kill 4 missions)
- [Bugfix] - Fixed low tier Bandit Killing missions spawning in large buildings such as the Hospital
- [Feature] - Added /assignmission
[ 2017-09-06 08:33:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Perks change the way the game is played! HP recovery, immunity to some crimes, free missiles and allied healing are just some of the perks you can get!
Full Article:

[ 2017-09-06 06:09:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Last nights update accidentally doubled the rate of CDF spawning regardless of the setting in the file. VERSION: 0.4.31 - 04/09/17 ==================== - [Misc] - In Easy and Medium mode you are immune to Vehicular Assault against civilian vehicles. - [Bugfix] - Fixed a bug where the spawn rate for CDF was increased by 20% (so each random vehicle had at least 20% chance to be cdf). Rate now set to 8%. - [Bugfix] - Fixed a bug where mob weapon (in)accuracy was not being applied on the vertical axis Further changes: - [Misc] - Easy mode has 0.8x Cop Spawn Rate, Medium has 0.9x Cop Spawn Rate - [Misc] - If you are trying to attack a base you are not legally allowed to capture a banner will appear. - [Misc] - You now have limited crime immunity at some mission objectives (Hold Up missions and Counterinsurgency missions) - [Misc] - Bandits will get very slowly lose their base inaccuracy over time in med/hard. They get more accurate at a rate of 0.005%/sec on Medium and 0.01%/sec on Hard. - [Misc] - AI weapon inaccuracy time tweaked to ( (15+$DIFFICULTY) * (0.25 + $DIFFICULTY *0.8)/(1+$TIME_ENGAGED)^2 ) degrees. This is capped at 25 degrees
[ 2017-09-04 14:07:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bases in Voxel Turf are very important. They let you heal, respawn, garrison defenders and more importantly project power throughout the city. Today's Dev Diary is all about bases and base building mechanics!
Full Article

[ 2017-09-04 03:11:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Based on more feedback I've cranked up the spawn rates of AI vehicles and civilians so streets feel more "full". VERSION: 0.4.30 - 03/09/17 ==================== - [Feature] - Added Difficulty settings. Easy Mode now gives you 1.4x damage dealt and 0.6x damage received, medium gives 1.2x damage dealt and 0.8x damage received, Hard gives no bonuses. Medium is now the default difficulty. You choose the difficulty whenever you start a game or load a game. - [Misc] - Spawn rates of civilian vehicles increased (from 15 to 24), spawn rates of civilians increased (from 7 to 24). CDF spawn rates reduced. This is so streets feel less "empty"
[ 2017-09-03 12:22:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Okay, we've established that you can build houses, businesses and other cool things to create a populated city. But now what do you do in the city? The mission system in Voxel Turf is there to give you things to do and a sense of direction without sacrificing the freedom to do whatever you want. If you are done building a house or shooting up bandits, or you are just after some more cash you can give a mission a go!
Link to Full Article:
Racing Mission Video
[ 2017-08-31 02:48:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! Here are the patch notes for version 0.4.29. I've been adding stuff due to feedback from last week's Reddit thread VERSION: 0.4.29 - 29/08/17 ==================== - [Feature] - Co-Op: Every 2nd player that joins gives your party a extra "life" for the mission. So 2 players = 2 lives, 4 players = 3 lives, etc. You only fail the mission now if you run out of lives - [Feature] - Added yellow hit rings for when your vehicle gets shot at - [Feature] - Vehicles make a sound effect when hit with a bullet - [Feature] - Vehicles give off particles when hit by a bullet - [Feature] - Added "Missiles from the Aether" Perk. Gives you FREE rockets every 30 seconds (up to 16) if you have a launcher equipped - [Feature] - Added "Blood and Money" Perk. Killed bandits have +1 money drops and when you kill a bandit, you and any nearby allies recover 5% of their HP. - [Feature] - Added a "Small Town Mayor" perk. This gives you a scaling discount to construction and zoning costs if world population (Ind + Res + Com + Off) is small. Max -35% discount at 0 population, 0% discount at 1,000 population. This also gives a max 25% extra income for 0 population cities, which scales to 0% extra at 1,000 population. - [Feature] - Added 2 new Griever missions related to getting revenge for her son Jimmy's killer. The achievement now requires these 2 missions - [Feature] - Added 2 new Cop missions where you have to defeat the Anarchist and his goons. Unlocks when you complete the Helicopter and Tank theft missions + any tier 2 Anarchist mission. - [Feature] - Addded a repeatable mission where you have to eradicate tanks in the city. Unlocks when you complete the two Cop missions OR "Bandits in the Town Hall" OR "Hostile Takeover" - [Feature] - Added an animation to the health bar for when you are healing. This also applies to vehicles - [Misc] - Healing items are now percentage based and heal over a few seconds - [Misc] - Reneabled vehicle ramming damage against mobs (people). You can now run over people with your car again! - [Misc] - Walk speed increased to 4.3m/s (up from 3.5). Sprint speed remains unchanged (6.0m/s). This also increases crouch-move speed - [Misc] - CDF now open fire at 2 stars - [Misc] - Added a message to the mission selection screen telling you to press the buttons - [Bugfix] - Fixed double-vehicle entry/exit issue by imposing a minimum 500ms stay time when in a vehicle - [Bugfix] - Fixed muzzle flash on exiting vehicle - [Bugfix] - Murdering a bandit is no longer a "crime" - [Bugfix] - Fixed killing foot CDF not being reported as a crime - [Bugfix] - Fixed a UV mapping issue with player/NPC legs - [Bugfix] - Fixed lot populations going out of sync if a lot loses its attached base - [Bugfix] - Fixed CDF in Banks/Jewellery Shops/Gun Shops not being aggro'ed in an armed robbery - [Bugfix] - Fixed server CTD to do with circuits.
[ 2017-08-30 05:49:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fun with Infinite Rockets
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5qsUZu-Vi4 How to set up a game with infinite rockets!
Dev Diary 9 - Meet The Bandits
Bandits hide out in bases scattered around the map. Sometimes these are dilapidated buildings, but other times these are makeshift fortifications or even abandoned bunkers. Inside they have stockpile interesting loot...
Link to Full Article:

[ 2017-08-25 03:35:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
I've mentioned Protection Rackets in the last article – but how does this work? And reputation was mentioned in the last video, but what is that and how does it work?
Full article:
[ 2017-08-21 10:25:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Your city is divided up by various factions. These factions have bases around the city, and nearby buildings will be protection racketeered, giving them a source of income. One way to grow your wealth and influence in the city is to conquer these factions through warfare and diplomacy.
Full Article

[ 2017-08-18 03:05:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
After the collapse of effective government in the Voxel Turf world, various groups are vying for power. There are the bandits hiding in their hovels, there are other factions establishing bases and claiming territory, and then there are the CDF. The CDF have the most air of legitimacy. They have uniforms, fancy stars and fancy cars. The problem? They are utterly incompetent at fighting crime. They don't fight the bandits – infact they just run away if fired upon!
They will however mob the player over minor provocations. But don't worry - if you follow the following advice they won't be problem!
Full Article:
[ 2017-08-13 01:58:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
- Voxel Turf Content [253.31 M]
- Have you ever played an open world game and thought "if only I could build something here?"
- Or a city builder and wanted to drive around and interact with your creation?
- Or even a building game and thought "if only these buildings would come to life?"
If so then Voxel Turf is the game for you!
Live in a City of Your Own Creation
- Build sprawling cities with either the over 50 prebuilt buildings, or build your own in-game!
- Make amazing structures with over 15,000 types of blocks in over 100 categories.
- Or live in and modify a procedurally generated city
Get Rich or Die Trying
- Earn cash from either completing missions, crime, or managing a real estate empire.
- Establish protection rackets to make money
Some of the missions revolve around:
- Being a hired revolutionary who fights the local authorities for cash
- Participating in street races for money
- Making a career though stealing vehicles for profit
- Eliminating bandits and protecting civilians from bandit attacks
- Be a specialist architect who draws an income from making custom buildings
Unleash Chaos
- Destroy and vandalise areas with explosives, weapons and tanks.
- Ride a wide range of vehicles including cars, a tank, helicopters and even a rideable shopping trolley!
Enjoy Multiplayer
- Multiplayer over LAN or Internet
- Most missions can be done in Co-Op
- Cooperate with friends to build a city, or compete and undercut each other
Fight For Territory
- Explore and raid bandit bases for loot
- Fight Turf Wars against other factions and players to gain control over parts of the city
- Build bases and defend your territory from attack
- Engage in diplomacy with other factions in order to gain power or undermine others
Unleash Creativity
- The entire world is block based, so you can create and destroy everything.
- Decorate blocks with paint and decals
- Various non-cube construction blocks, including ramps, stairs, steps, allowing you to build things like pitched roofs and ultimately more realistic looking buildings.
- Build intricate contraptions using switches, mechanisms and circuits
- Custom player-built buildings can be saved as templates, and be placed like normal buildings
- Templates can be synced across a network
Character Customisation
- Over 50 player skins
- Support for custom player skins
- 10 hats for your character to wear, also wearable body armour.
- Weapons are customisable too! Attach weapon mods to weapons to change their appearance and behaviour. Make shotguns explosive, make your pistol armour piercing or your SMG scoped!
Modding Support
- Steam Workshop integration
- Lua Scripting for easy moddability with a C++ scratch-coded base game engine for performance
Game Modes
- Turf: Start in a procedurally generated city, and do what you want. Build, do missions, do crime, do whatever!
- Build: Start on a blank map and build whatever you want with unlimited blocks.
- Turf Zero: Start on a blank map and build a city from scratch. Scavenge resources from bandit bases.
- Strategy: Start in a procedurally generated city with 16 warring factions. Use diplomacy and warfare to gain control over the entire city!
- Processor: 64 bit only. Intel I5Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000
- Storage: 500 MB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04. Mint 17.1
- Processor: 64 bit only. Intel Core i5 4690 or AboveMemory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: GTX 770 2GBNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 500 MB available spaceAdditional Notes: Any SSD
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