Hey guys! Happy holidays everyone! This will be the last update of 2017. It features a neat little holiday event, available for characters level 10 and up, from which you can get some time limited equipment and other things. Mostly just for fun but it'll probably help your characters who aren't max level yet! In addition to that this update also rolls out the first iteration of the updated sets and passive abilities. First out is the Berserker, with 8 fresh sets and a bunch of skill changes. The set updates are also retroactive so if you already have them you don't have to grind up the new versions. Now, I know some of you have voiced concerns that because of these updated and very good sets, the game will shift and become heavily set oriented for end-game. This is partially true, as it will lean in favor of sets until near launch where I will be introducing more end-game features to allow deeper builds and itemization. So if sets don't float your boat, hang in there! In addition to that I've made a few adjustments to progression and difficulty scaling of Anomalies, a few QoL improvements here and there, and a ton of bug fixes. 2017 has been a great year for both me and the Chronicon community, and I remain very thankful and proud of what we've accomplished together. Thank you for the hundreds, if not thousands, of bug reports, thoughts, suggestions and feedback you've sent me over the year. The next year I am aiming for 1.0 release and I hope you'll all be along for the ride! That's all for this time, and unless I broke something (for which I will entirely blame Tinka), we'll see each other again in the next year. Exciting times ahead!
Christmas Event:
- Added a special christmas-themed event (requires level 10 to trigger)
- Bosses and elite monsters will drop random gifts
- Anomalies may roll special themed decorations
- The Chronicon has been decorated for the occasion
- Tinka has been up to something again...
- Some new themed equipment has been added for each class, which may only be found in the new event location
- New enemy sub types can also be found in this event location
- Event lasts to December 31st
- Made some slight adjustments to difficulty scaling post Legendary
- Adjusted Mastery Exp requirements into brackets of 500 levels - each 500 is a slight jump on top of normal reqs
- Maximum Rage:
- Now grants at the most 30, down from 50
- True Legendary items now have a 20% higher base value than Legendary items
- Pain Lid is now Templar only
- Flickerfang (claw) is now an accessory
- Foul Schematics (spellbook) is now an accessory
- Gems:
- Citrine Star:
- Now grants 5/8/15 to Maximum Rage, down from 5/10/20
- Kyanite Star:
- Now grants 3/5/8 to Minimum Rage, down from 3/7/12
- Citrine Star:
- Sets:
- Berserker:
- Bloodsoaked Garb:
- Reworked, now does the following:
- 2) Bloodbath also increases Bleed Damage by 15% per stack.
- 3) Foes who die under the effect of Internal Hemorrhage erupts in an explosion of blood, dealing 250% of the total remaining damage of the effect to all foes within 3 meters.
- 4) Internal Hemorrhage now stacks infinitely, and Bloodbath reduces damage taken by 40% while active.
- Reworked, now does the following:
- Cataclysm Armor:
- Reworked (and renamed to Cataclysmic Battlegear), now does the following:
- 2) Quake has 100% chance to trigger.
- 3) Stalagmites strike 3 times, and always trigger on Quake.
- 4) Stonefist, Earthshatter, and Boulder all deal 30% more damage and grants the Berserker Earth Ward for 10 seconds. Earth Ward lowers damage taken by 40%.
- Reworked (and renamed to Cataclysmic Battlegear), now does the following:
- Spiritual Garb:
- Reworked, now does the following:
- 2) Spirit Link now connects to up to 6 foes to the host, and all foes affected take 20% more damage from all sources
- 3) Soul Link now deals damage in a 2 meter radius.
- 4) Spirit Link now also links with the Berserker, transferring 40% of the damage he receives to the host
- Reworked, now does the following:
- Breath of the Sky:
- Reworked (and renamed to Skysoul Fragments), now does the following:
- 2) Dragon Soul adds a debuff dealing an additional 70% damage per second for 5 seconds, stacking infinitely
- 3) Dragon Spirit has 100% chance to trigger and Dragon's Grace now deal damage in a 2 meter radius
- 4) Dragon Soul has 100% chance to trigger and Dragon Spirit adds 40% Damage Reduction
- Reworked (and renamed to Skysoul Fragments), now does the following:
- Volcanic Garb:
- Reworked, now does the following:
- 2) Molten Veins has a 2 meter wider range and is now also triggered on attack.
- 3) Thorns damage is increased by 10% for each point of Rage, and Lava Blood has 100% chance to trigger
- 4) Lava Blood now stacks infinitely and every 3 points of Rage adds 1% Damage Reduction to the Berserker
- Reworked, now does the following:
- Dragonfire Garb:
- Reworked, now does the following:
- 2) Explosive Manoeuvres have a 100% chance to trigger.
- 3) Explosive Manoeuvres and Destructive Manoeuvres adds Rampage to the Berserker when triggered. Rampage stacks 40 times and increases the damage of Explosive Manoeuvres by 5% per stack for 5 seconds.
- 4) Destructive Manoeuvres strike 3 times when triggered, and Rampage adds 40% damage reduction for the duration.
- Reworked, now does the following:
- Gust of the Frost Wyrm:
- Reworked, now does the following:
- 2) Frost Winds have 100% chance to trigger.
- 3) Frost Winds now always trigger 3 at a time, and the maximum amount of active Frost Winds is increased by 5.
- 4) Frostbite stacks infinitely. Frost Winds adds 40% Damage Reduction to the Berserker when triggered. Effect lasts 5 seconds.
- Reworked, now does the following:
- Northern Rage:
- Reworked, now does the following:
- 2) +300% Rage Generation.
- 3) Frost skills apply Frostbound to foes, causing them to take the same amount of damage as the skill dealt when hit by the next Rage Release. Effect lasts for 5 seconds.
- 4) Frostbound now stacks damage infinitely, and Rage Release now grants the Berserker 40% Damage Reduction for 5 seconds when triggered.
- Reworked, now does the following:
- Bloodsoaked Garb:
- Berserker:
- Items that require a higher level now have a more orange background instead of red, for quick identifying
- Changed draw order of interface elements so that item boxes/names are drawn above name tags etc.
- Adjusted some text & number locations on the HUD
- Added updated interface detailing to all classes (UI box edges)
- All:
- Damage over time effects now generally tick at a slower rate (but for more damage per tick) for performance reasons (it also removes a bunch of extra damage numbers)
- Damage over time effects and other non-triggering efects now produce more balanced numbers for an exact average output
- Slightly lowered the volume of many damage impact sounds
- Berserker:
- General:
- Skills that deal "X% of skill Y's damage" no longer crit, preventing "double dips"
- Removed mana cost of all base skills and lowered their damage to 100/110/120/130/140%, down from 140/150/160/170/180%
- Removed the mana cost reduction passives for the base skill from each tree
- Adjusted Rage gain calculations from hits as it scaled incorrectly at high levels
- Heritage Skills:
- Heritage skills no longer adds "X% to stat Y at Maximum Rage and half at Minimum Rage"
- Instead, adds "X% of current Rage to Stat Y"
- Guardian (Physical):
- Inner Strength:
- Clarified tooltip
- Internal Hemorrhage:
- Now based on the impact damage of the skill that triggers it. Now available at level 15, down from 20
- Deals 30/50/70% of the triggering skills' impact damage per second, for 3 seconds
- Cripple:
- Now slows by 35/50/65%, up from 25/35/45%
- Quake:
- Now based on the impact damage of the skill that triggers it
- Has a 30% (up from 10%) chance to instantly deal 40/50/60% of the triggering skills' impact damage in a 2.5 (up from 1.5) meter radius
- Stalagmites:
- Now based on the damage of Quake
- Has a 50% chance on each Quake to instantly deal 100/120/140% of the Quake's damage in a 1 meter radius
- Bruised:
- Now available at level 20, up from 15
- Tremors (Mastery):
- Now grants 3% bonus damage per rank, down from 5%
- Leap:
- Now deals 170/190/210/230/250% damage, down from 200/220/240/260/280%
- Earth & Sky:
- Now bases the damage of the triggered Dragon Soul off Quake
- Inner Strength:
- Sky Lord (Lightning):
- New Skills:
- Skydancer:
- Adds 2/4/6% Evasion, available at level 5
- Soul Link:
- Damage taken by the host of Spirit Link is transferred to all links, available at level 20
- Skydancer:
- Dragon Warp:
- Now has 2 seconds lower base cooldown
- Now deals 240/250/260/270/280% damage, down from 250/270/290/310/330%
- Dragon Spirit:
- Now has a 9/12/15% chance to trigger on attack (rather than guarantee)
- Now increases both MPR and HPR by 50/90/130 (210% with Mastery) while active
- Now has 3 ranks, down from 5
- Dragon Soul:
- Is now chance on hit rather than chance on cast
- Requires Dragon Spirit to be active to trigger
- Spirit Link:
- Now available at level 10, down from 20, and only requires Dragon Spirit to be learned, instead of both Dragon Spirit and Dragon Soul
- No longer pulls, but instead slows all foes up to 70%, and grabs one additional foe
- Bloodline:
- Now available at level 15, up from 10
- Amplified:
- Now available at level 20, up from 15
- Strong Spirit (Mastery):
- Now increases the effect of Dragon Spirit by 4% per rank, down from 5%
- Fierce Soul (Mastery):
- Now increases the damage of Dragon Soul by 3% per rank, down from 5%
- Overload:
- Now deals 150/170/190/210/230% damage, up from 145/160/175/190/205%
- Thunder Punch:
- Now deals 225&250/275/300/325% damage, up from 200/220/240/260/280%
- Dragon's Might:
- Now triggers Explosive Manoeuvres on the target foe of Dragon Soul, basing the damage off Dragon Soul
- New Skills:
- Dragonkin (Fire):
- Flame Roll:
- Now moves much faster and with a better sound effect
- Dragon Leap:
- Now deals 130/140/150/160/170% damage, down from 135/150/165/180/195%
- Hot Headed:
- Now adds 4/7/10 to Minimum Rage (up from 3/6/9)
- Furor:
- Now adds 5/10/15 to Maximum Rage (up from 3/6/9)
- Fissure:
- No longer triggers effects when dealing damage
- Molten Veins:
- Now deal damage in a radius around the Berserker
- Lava Blood:
- Now adds a burn effect on foes hurt by Molten Veins, rather than making a puddle of lava
- Explosive Manoeuvres:
- Now places a single explosion on the foe(s) hit, rather than 1-3 randomly near the Berserker
- Damage is now based on impact damage of the triggering skill
- Reduced screen shake from explosion
- Destructive Manoeuvres:
- Damage is now based off Explosive Manoeuvres
- Drastically reduced travel range, and now spawns from the explosion of Explosive Manoeuvres, rather than from the Berserker
- Total Annihilation (Mastery):
- Now affects Explosive Manoeuvres instead of Destructive Manoeuvres
- Now adds 2% damage per rank, down from 5%
- Cooling Off:
- Now bases damage off Explosive Manoeuvres
- Flame Roll:
- Frostborn (Frost):
- Hardened:
- Now adds up to 5% Damage Reduction instead of resistances
- Frostbite:
- No longer applies on instance of frost damage per skill
- Now bases the dmage on the damage of the skill hit
- Now deals 35/50/65% of impact damage per second
- Frost Winds:
- Now summons max 5 winds
- Wind damage is now based off the max potential damage of the skill casted when it triggers
- Now deals 35/40/45% of skill damage per second
- Now moves with the same speed as the Berserker
- Biting Winds:
- The Frostbite applied by Frost Winds is now based on the Frost Winds' tick damage
- Biting Cold (Mastery):
- Now increases the damage of Frostbite by 3% increased damage per rank, down from 5%
- Rage Release:
- Changed trigger sound effect
- Hardened:
- General:
- Warlock:
- Heat Wave:
- The cone width is now also increased by Reach
- Note: Visuals aren't correctly representing the exact range, but should be representative of width (will be fixed)
- Heat Wave:
- Hitting F10 to save item cards no longer names the image "card_ITEMNAME" and just "ITEMNAME" because it got annoying with many cards to search through
- Companions now respawn instantly with the player
- Anomaly Reward chests now destroy nearby Shrines and breakables when spawning so they don't overlap
- Updated locale files with the event quest & related speech
- Fixed a freezing issue on generating several Act 4 areas such as Tombs, Ruins, etc.
- Fixed potentially being locked from using the Enchanter and Gambler
- Fixed issue causing some quests obtained between hotfixes to remain in the quest log after completion
- Fixed Anomaly Reward chests spawning inside walls
- Fixed Empowered Shot not apply the slowing effect from Disorient
- Fixed Volley not triggering Exposed
- Fixed issue where in multiplayer, players may be resurrected by eachother after all were dead
- Fixed issue causing the resurrection effect to sometimes play multiple times
- Fixed Lich Form visuals remaining after the buff fades if you're idle
- Fixed a couple of crashes related to bad affix combinatins on champion and elite enemies
- Fixed cooldowns in the inventory being drawn over the materials and gems tabs
- Fixed Crown Slaying enchant being listed as possible on off-hand items
- Fixed more skill description errors
- Fixed Divine Salvo not breaking stuff
- Fixed Plague Lord not properly doublign the effect of Soul Toxin
- Fixed issue causing Unstable Dimension portals to appear in the wrong position on the minimap
- Fixed Blessed Blade not correctl adding to Sword damage
- Fixed typo on affix "Poison Bomb"
- Fixed a ton of skill typos and grammatical errors
- Fixed many text alignement/rounding issues making text appear distorted
- Fixed issue that prevented inspected items on the ground from showing all enchants
- Fixed issue that made items incorrectly calculate their value (too low)
- Fixed Earthshatter not triggering effects
- Fixed duplicate level up sounds/effects if leveling up several times instantly (from for example a very long kill streak)
- Fixed Master Archer not adding damage to Splinters
[ 2017-12-22 13:30:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- Chronicon Linux [176.83 M]
- Chronicon - Ancient Beasts
- Chronicon - The Mechanist
Act 4 just released!
Read more in the announcement!Story
What happens in a world where the last evil lies dead, the last quest is completed, and the last chest has been opened?In this world, the long-dead Heroes of Old are forever remembered and honored through a great magical device. This device, known only as the Chronicon, is capable of opening a portal into the memories – the very souls – of the Heroes of Old. Each year, a handful men and women are given the great honor to re-live the old tales.
And this year, you have been chosen…
Note: Trailer footage and screenshots are of high level characters with decent equipment. Expect a slower pace at first.
Game Features
- The first 4 full acts to play through, with the final act in the works
- 4 unique classes: The Templar, Berserker, Warden, and Warlock
- Procedurally generated dungeons and areas – each playthrough is different
- Local co-op up to 4 players (same machine, requires 1 Xbox 360/one controller per additional player)
- Over 600 items with randomized enchants & qualities, and powerful set items!
- Over 900 skills and abilities to learn and improve
- Infinite character progression
- Basic crafting - Enchant and gem your equipment to its maximum potential!
- Full Xbox 360/one controller support (optional)
Planned Features (in no particular order)
- 1 Additional act
- Additional OS support
- Hardcore mode
- More items, quests, areas, and general content
- Much more endgame content and mechanics
- More fleshed out progression systems
- OS: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 64bit. Or newer. Non Ubuntu distros not officially supported.
- Processor: Quad Core 3 GHzMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: DirectX 11 and Shader Model 3.0 Compatible Dedicated Video Card. 1 GB VRAM
- Storage: 1000 MB available spaceAdditional Notes: Intel (integrated) graphics poorly supported. Dedicated GPU required!
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