Hey guys! The last class update is now complete! As expected, this one covers the Warlock and all his sets, passive skills, and also features some changes to both utility, companion, and ritual skills. I also did a lot of performance work, so you should experience much less slowdowns and frame drops during larger and intense fights! Another noteworthy change is that Shield/absorption effects are now visible on your healthbar, and will also absorb indirect damage such as burns, poison, bleeds - etc. As such, you will also find that the Warlock makes good use of shields in this update. As always I've fixed all recent reported issues, and even managed to find and fix some of the more elusive, persistent bugs that have stuck around for ages. Hopefully I didn't introduce that many new bugs this time around :-) Next up is taking a final pass at all the classes, focusing on the ultimate and companion skills primarily, but also taking a look at how some stats and enchants are used and distributed. You can expect ultimates to become a bit more streamlined and all around more useful for a wide array of builds, and companion builds to become stronger overall. I have some exciting and secret new features in the works as well, which I think you'll like! All of this will arrive approximately in mid-late April. Meanwhile we are also working on the final act, but as you probably already know, it'll take a long time and there are many things to be added in first! I'll be sure to update you when any significant progress has been made. And lastly I would like to thank everyone for their contributions to the Chronicon community and your continued support of the game! I hope you'll enjoy this update!
Update 0.75.0:
- King Weyrick now spins earlier in the fight
- Shield effects now absorb all types of damage from any and all sources, including previously existing debuffs such as bleeds, poisons, etc
- The minimap should now properly fill in tiles that has large trees, tents, gates, etc on them
- The minimap now renders and updates much faster so there should be less events of stutter when using Fin'ley's Magical Map or activating portals
- A Shieldbar has been added to the Healthbar - when you are protected by a Shield it will be added into the Healthbar in a cyan color
- Companion skills will now show the health and damage percentages with the players +Companion Health/Damage stats taken into consideration
- Updated and condensed many wordy descriptions
- All Companion/Aura/Heritage/Ritual skills now highlight the "Use:" for easier reading
- Skill cards will now take bonus ranks earned from other sources like special items into account and indicate this
- Now has a few (extra) dummies
- Power now increases the proc rate of Bursting Boils by up to 25%, rather than adding 10 maximum stacks of Infection
- Now adds up to 3 ranks to Demonic Strength (you don't need to have the skill to get these ranks)
- Reworked, now does the following:
- 2) Infection now stacks infinitely.
- 3) Contagion has a 100% chance to trigger.
- 4) The Warlock gains a Shield for 50% of his Maximum Health when Contagion triggers, however the Shield will weaken the Warlock if destroyed, preventing it from being re-applied for 5 seconds
- Reworked, now does the following:
- 2) If there are no Clots alive and 3 or more Living Blood, they will merge into a large Clot, adding up their stats. When the Clot dies, it deals 500% of its damage as Poison damage in a 3 meter radius. Lasts 10 seconds.
- 3) Clots will absorb nearby Living Bloods, adding their Health and Damage to itself. Clots and Living Blood will apply an infinitely stacking poison debuff on foes hurt by their explosion, dealing the damage of the explosion each second for 5 seconds.
- 4) The Warlock gains 5% Damage Reduction each time a Living Blood or Clot is formed, stacking up to 40%. Effect lasts 7 seconds.
- Lich's Armor now always roll Reach
- Lich's Wand now always roll Effect Duration
- Lich's Manifesto now always roll Health
- Reworked, now does the following:
- 2) Spirit of Torment now deals its damage a 2 meter radius around itself.
- 3) Spirit of Torment will now merge with other nearby Spirits, adding their damage up and refreshing their duration.
- 4) Frozen Veil shields for an additional 3% of the Warlock's Maximum Health per stack, and the cooldown is removed.
- Deathbringer's Staff now always roll Overpower
- Reworked, now does the following:
- 2) Each time a foe affected by Bone Chill is hit by a Frost spell, the damage of Cold Death on that foe is increased by 10%. Stacks infinitely.
- 3) Corpse Shatter is twice as likely to trigger and will spread the Cold Death bonus damage stacks to all foes hit.
- 4) Each trigger of Bone Chill adds 10% Damage Reduction to the Warlock, stacking up to 40% and lasting 7 seconds.
- Reworked, now does the following:
- 2) Infernal Demon is now active until it dies.
- 3) When the Warlock deals fire damage the Infernal Demon becomes empowered for 5 seconds, dealing the same amount of damage with all his skills for the duration. However, the Infernal Demon can no longer crit.
- 4) 50% of the damage taken by the Warlock is redirected to the Infernal Demon. Casting Hell Pit now teleports the Infernal Demon to that location. The Infernal Demon will taunt all nearby foes after teleporting. Can only teleport once every 3 seconds.
- Burning Hell Opus now always roll Companion Health
- Reworked, now does the following:
- 2) Flaming Hells stack infinitely.
- 3) Demonic Fury now apply Flaming Hells to all foes hit by it, and also trigger Combustion on them.
- 4) Demonic Fury is also cast on all companions. The Warlock gains 50% Damage Reduction for 6 seconds after triggering Demonic Fury.
- Reworked, now does the following:
- 2) Having an active Ritual skill adds 1 stack of Masochism per second. In addition, Masochism stacks 10 more times.
- 3) Bane skills weaken enemies on hit, increasing the damage they take from Bane skills by 30%. This effect stacks infinitely.
- 4) Each stack of Masochism reduces the damage taken by the Warlock by 5%, up to 40%.
- Desecrator's Work now always roll health on hit
- Reworked, now does the following:
- 2) Desecration instead spawns a Screaming Skull, dealing the damage of Desecration to an extended area.
- 3) The skull increases the damage of Desecration by 30% on all targets it hits, stacking infinitely.
- 4) Foes hit by the Screaming Skull are slowed up to 80% for 2 seconds. Additionally, the Warlock is healed for 1% Health each time the Skull strikes a foe. Overhealing from any source is turned into a Shield, absorbing up to 30% of the Warlock's Maximum Health.
Pestilence (ring):
Plague Mage Raiment:
- Is now a Magic skill instead of Sword skill
- Changed the vertical placement of many skills, however level requirements remain the same
Poison Bolt:
- No longer costs mana
- No longer costs mana
- No longer costs mana
- Cooldown reduced to 5 seconds, down from 15
- No longer costs mana
- Cooldown reduced to 5 seconds, down from 15
- No longer costs mana
- Cooldown reduced to 5 seconds, down from 15
- Cooldown increased to 4 seconds, up from 3
- Now deals 260/270/280/290/300% damage instantly to all foes within 5.2/5.4/5.6/5.8/6 meters
- No longer shoots projectiles
- Now uses a Soul for the "Use" ability
- Cooldown of "Use" ability lowered to 3 seconds, from 15
- Now uses a Soul for the "Use" ability
- Now deals 430/460/490/520/550% damage, up from 410/420/430/440/450%
- Now ticks 1 time per second, down from 2 (same total damage)
- Now applies Infection dealing 200% Poison Damage per second to all nearby foes
- Skill removed
- Poison damage is now based on the damage dealt by the triggering skill
- Now has 10/15/20% chance to trigger, up from 9/12/15%
- No longer crits (avoiding double crits)
- Is now rolled on each trigger of Bursting Boils, rather than on each foe hit by it
- Now requires Bursting Boils to be learned, instead of Infection
- Now requires Infection to be learned, instead of Outbreak
- Now triggers on hit on Infected foes struck by Poison spells
- Now deals damage based on the damage dealt by the Poison spell
- Upon death, deals 300% of damage rather than X% of host's maximum health
- Can have no more than 5 active at a time
- Now affected by Companion stats
- Now called Infected Spirits
- Chance on Outbreak to trigger Spirit of Torment from the Lich tree
- Now increases Infection damage by 3% per rank, down from 5%
- Now increases Living Blood damage by 3% per rank, instead of trigger chance by 1% per rank
- Now has 100 ranks instead of 20
- No longer costs mana
- No longer costs mana
- Now deals 80/85/90/95/100% damage, down from 90/100/110/120/130%
- Now has 4 seconds cooldown, up from 3
- Now deals 186/192/198/204/210% damage, down from 228/236/244/252/260%
- Now has 3.2/3.4/3.6/3.8/4 meters range, down from 4.2/4.4/4.6/4.8/5 meters
- Now costs a Soul to Use
- Cooldown lowered to 20 seconds, down from 30
- Range reduced to 1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9/2 meters, down from 2.1/2.2/2.3/2.4/2.5 meters
- Now costs a Soul to Use
- Cooldown lowered to 20 seconds, down from 30
- Now costs a Soul to Use
- Cooldown lowered to 20 seconds, down from 30
- Is now a Sorcery skill
- Is now a Bane skill
- Now lands on the Warlock's location rather than on his target (as is standard for the Bane skill type)
- Now deals 650/700/750/800/850% damage, up from 520/540/560/580/600%
- Skill removed
- Now grants 8/11/14/17/20% Critical Hit damage, down from 9/12/15/18/21%
- No longer requires Ritualistic Sorcery to be learned
- Now available 15 points spent
- Now available at 20 points spent
- Now requires Frozen Core instead of Vengeful Souls
- Now available at 15 points spent, up from 10
- Now stacks up to 5 times, adding 2/4/6% of Maximum Health as a shield each stack
- No longer has a max duration - lasts until broken
- No longer requires Bone Chill
- After being broken, it cannot be re-applied for 10 seconds
- Now available at 20 points spent, up from 15
- Now called Spirit of Torment
- Now summons a short lived spirit that haunts a random foe, dealing damage to it over time based on the damage dealt by the triggering skill
- Available at 25 points spent, up from 20
- Now available at 10 points spent, down from 15
- Now makes Frost skills to deal an additional 15/20/25% instant damage to foes affected by Bone Chill
- Now deals damage based on the Maximum Health of the foe that died
- The Combustion synergy now bases the damage on Corpse Shatter
- Now increases Cold Death damage by 3% per rank, down from 5%
- Now increases Frozen Veil effect by 2% per rank, down from 5%
- Now available at Mastery 10, down from 20
- Renamed to Angered Spirits
- Now increases Spirit of Torment damage by 3% per rank, instead of increasing the trigger chance of Corpse Shatter
- Now has 100 ranks, up from 20
- No longer costs mana
- No longer costs mana
- No longer costs mana
- Cooldown reduced to 5 seconds, down from 15
- No longer costs mana
- Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds, down from 15
- Now deals 145/150/155/160/165% damage per second, down from 152/164/176/188/200%
- Now has a 4 second cooldown, up from 3
- Now deals damage once per second, down from 4 times per second
- Is now a Sorcery skill instead of Bane
- Is now a Bane skill instead of Sorcery
- Is now a Bane skill instead of Sorcery
- Now uses a Soul for the "Use" ability
- Now uses a Soul for the "Use" ability
- Now deals 600/650/700/750/800% damage, up from 520/540/560/580/600%
- Now performs auto attacks much more frequently
- Now uses taunt more seldom, but uses Fire Nova and Heat Wave more frequently
- No longer uses Detonation as part of rotation, only on death
- Skill removed
- Now adds 6/8/10% Damage Reduction, instead of thorns
- Now deals 20/25/30% of the casted fire spell's average damage in a small radius around the Warlock (instead of 30/40/50% of thorns damage)
- Now deals damage based on impact damage of the triggering skill
- Now instead has a chance to trigger each time Flaming Hells deal damage, and the damage dealt by Combustion is based on that damage
- Now adds range instead of crit chance to Combustion (as it no longer crits)
- Now increases Flaming Hells damage by 3% per rank, down from 5%
- Now affects Demonic Fury instead of Combustion
- Now increases damage by 3% per rank, down from 5%
- No longer costs mana
- Moves slower but more predictable
- Larger hitbox
- No longer costs mana
- No longer costs mana
- Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds, down from 15
- Restores 10/15/20% health, down from 20/25/30%
- No longer costs mana
- Now lasts until broken
- Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds, down from 4
- Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds, down from 4
- Now deals 600/650/700/750/800% damage, up from 525/550/575/600/625%
- Skill removed and replaced with Ritual of Necromancy
- Now increases Damage Reduction instead of Resistances
- Cooldown reduced to 15 seconds, down from 30
- Cooldown reduced to 15 seconds, down from 30
- Adds a chance on kill to summon random skeletons while active in a slot
- Max 5 skeletons at a time, 20 second life
- Use effect: sacrifice a soul to summon any dead skeletons and force all skeletons to target the warlock's target
- 15 second cooldown
- Skill removed
- Now increases all Resistances instead of just Physical
- Now always triggers on hit with Shadow spells
- Damage is now based on impact damage of spell
- When triggered on Soul Steal, deals twice as much damage
- Damage now based on impact damage
- Now increases Desecration damage by 3% per rank, down from 5%
Corruptor (Poison):
Frost Spear:
Screaming Skull:
- Added many performance tweaks which should help with some (but not all) frame drop issues in the most messy situations
- Added a lot of minimap related performance boosts, which should remove some related stuttering
- Fixed several crashes related to boss spell removal
- Fixed crash that could occur when a boss fired certain projectiles just before death
- Fixed several crashes and memory leak issues related to the minimap
- Fixed slowdowns related to interface updates in some cases in multiplayer, such as when one player is dead
- Fixed some pointer issues with stashes leading to, among other things, item duping/removal in multiplayer
- Fixed a lot of grammatical errors in enchant descriptions
- Fixed issue with Bursting Boils damage calculations being wrong
- Fixed there not being sounds when unequipping items with RMB/(A)
- Fixed item icons appearing in odd places and incorrect scale when moving/sorting them after changing the interface scaling option
- Fixed delays on Fire Nova, Frost Nova, and Poison Nova happening when friendly targets used them (only supposed to happen on enemy targets to be avoidable)
- Fixed Fungimancas being too strong
- Fixed Pyre's fire attack being too strong
- Fixed issue where dragging gems into the item slot in the gemcutter interface would treat it as if you dragged an item from the same slot as the gem
- Fixed Explosive Maneouvres (Berserker) going off even if you didn't have the skill
- Fixed Stonefist (Berserker) not breaking jars etc
- Fixed Screaming Skull (Warlock), Spiral Shield (Templar), Hammerstorm (Templar), Dragon Breath (Berserker), and Dragon Storm (Berserker) hitting foes too frequently at certain angles
- Fixed stuttering when opening chests, using shrines, etc
- Fixed minimap mode changes causing stuttering
- Fixed (hopefully for good) the sandworms getting stuck in explosion animations
- Fixed issue causing AI to attack each other or friendly AI to attack the player if using a health sharing mechanism, such as the Thundering Army 4p set bonus
- Fixed stat updates such as Rage changes interrupting the Scout set buff
- Fixed getting stuck in the little chamber above the boss when entering the Throne of Bones from The Whispering Canyon
- Fixed stats not being recalculated after unequipping an item with RMB/(A)
- Fixed issue with Crumbling Reliquary not properly triggering events in same cases in multiplayer
- Fixed depth issues with some boss encounter cutscenes
- Fixed issue where players 2-4 couldn't complete some quests in multiplayer
[ 2018-03-18 12:31:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- Chronicon Linux [176.83 M]
- Chronicon - Ancient Beasts
- Chronicon - The Mechanist
Act 4 just released!
Read more in the announcement!Story
What happens in a world where the last evil lies dead, the last quest is completed, and the last chest has been opened?In this world, the long-dead Heroes of Old are forever remembered and honored through a great magical device. This device, known only as the Chronicon, is capable of opening a portal into the memories – the very souls – of the Heroes of Old. Each year, a handful men and women are given the great honor to re-live the old tales.
And this year, you have been chosen…
Note: Trailer footage and screenshots are of high level characters with decent equipment. Expect a slower pace at first.
Game Features
- The first 4 full acts to play through, with the final act in the works
- 4 unique classes: The Templar, Berserker, Warden, and Warlock
- Procedurally generated dungeons and areas – each playthrough is different
- Local co-op up to 4 players (same machine, requires 1 Xbox 360/one controller per additional player)
- Over 600 items with randomized enchants & qualities, and powerful set items!
- Over 900 skills and abilities to learn and improve
- Infinite character progression
- Basic crafting - Enchant and gem your equipment to its maximum potential!
- Full Xbox 360/one controller support (optional)
Planned Features (in no particular order)
- 1 Additional act
- Additional OS support
- Hardcore mode
- More items, quests, areas, and general content
- Much more endgame content and mechanics
- More fleshed out progression systems
- OS: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 64bit. Or newer. Non Ubuntu distros not officially supported.
- Processor: Quad Core 3 GHzMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: DirectX 11 and Shader Model 3.0 Compatible Dedicated Video Card. 1 GB VRAM
- Storage: 1000 MB available spaceAdditional Notes: Intel (integrated) graphics poorly supported. Dedicated GPU required!
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