Hey everyone! This update took a lot longer than intended, simply because I decided to cram in most of the planned pre-release features into a single update! That's right, aside from fixes, QoL, and smaller updates, the next big one will be 1.0! Of course, it'll be a while before then - it's gonna be a pretty huge update, after all. So what's in the update? In short: I've added a build export/import system, so you can now save your builds and quickly swap between them. This includes both skills and masteries, and the builds can be loaded up on any character of the same class. Even your friends' characters if you send them your build files. Or attach them to your build guide! Just talk to Korem or Tinka and they'll let you export & import. There's an in-game Codex that tracks and lists progression in terms of areas visited, waypoints found, unique monsters killed, regular monsters killed, unique+ items obtained, runes obtained, and several other nice and helpful stats and tidbits of info, such as rough indicators of how to obtain items you don't have. I've also added a few new items and added new and more interesting effects to some existing ones, such as the oddly useless Quadruplets. I think you'll find them more useful now! Last but not least: I've worked with a number of skilled voice actors who have added countless of voice lines to bosses, npc's, and --- your characters! Yes, your characters will now grunt and shout at you when you don't have enough mana, and react to certain in-game events, such as killstreaks, and much more! And as always there is a bunch of requested QoL features and fixes! And, finally, a big thank you to everyone who has been reporting bugs, posting suggestions, and participating in the discussions both here on Steam and on Discord! I hope you enjoy this update - have fun and stay safe! Here are the full notes:
New feature - Build export & import!:
- You can now export your current build (skills & masteries) to a .build file (saves to ...\AppData\Local\Chronicon\save\builds\) and name it whatever you want.
- You can now import builds (will completely overwrite your current build, but not edit any exported builds) - any build matching your class that is in the builds directory will be available to pick from here.
- This is all done by talking to Korem in The Chronicon or Tinka in Tinka's Domain - similarly to how Skill/Mastery resets work.
- Note:
- Your character must be level 100 to gain access to the import/export features.
- This build format will easily work with third party tools, such as build planners (in both directions), and you can easily share your build files and include them in guides, etc.
- The Codex will record most aspects of your adventures!
- It has a complete list of all enemies and bosses in the game, and will provide useful info and lore on them, as well as showing stats such as kills and deaths.
- It also has a complete list of all areas in the game, showing wheter or not you've explored it, found the waypoint, found the zone-specific unique foe (if any), and other neat stats.
- In addition to this, it has a complete index over all Runes and equipment of Unique or higher quality. It will list how many times you've found each item, as well as any powers and "implicit" stats on the items.
- It'll also tell you the minimum level required to find the item, if it's from a unique foe, quest reward, or from crafting - etc!
- All in all it's like a mini wiki and stat tracker at the same time - perfect for the completionist!
- Note:
- All tracking is done locally and is considered "account wide" - so all your characters will have shared tracking and progression in the Codex.
- You'll need to enter the game with each of your characters to have their inventories and personal stashes scanned and added to the Codex!
- (Unfortunately, monster kills and some area-related stats can not be added retroactively, so you'll have to re-visit areas to fully complete them in the Codex)
- Added new rare Anomaly monster spawn combinations, such as "only King Slimes", and varying types of "only Minions". More things like this to come!
- Added experimental support for 21:9 2560x1080 and 3440x1440.
- Added new monster affixes:
- Sorcerer and Embershot.
- Sorcerer:
- Grants them Firebomb and Frost Spear spells.
- Embershot:
- Grants them the "Embershot" ranged attack - can only be rolled on bow-users (Elves and Skeletons).
- Added new monster type affixes:
- Elemental and Humanoid.
- Elemental:
- +10% resistance to all but Physical, -10% Resistance to Physical.
- Humanoid:
- No (base) resistances or weaknesses (unlike every other type).
- All enemies now belong to one type.
- Enemies with updated types:
- Slime, Slimeling, Gargoyle, Treant, and Golem: Now Elemental.
- All kinds of Elves etc: Humanoid, no longer considered Fae.
- Trog, all kinds of Orc, and all kinds of Goblin: Now Humanoid.
- Beholder: Now Demon.
- Stag: Now Beast.
- All zombies now have the Grapple affix.
- Fallen Refugee (Zombie) now has the Frozen affix.
- Ghoul (Zombie) now has the Vampiric affix.
- Elemental monster affixes (Frozen, Poisoned, Static, Plagued, and Infernal) will now also change certain base physical attacks to equivalent elemental attacks, increasing their damage and making it more visually distinct.
- Added missing sounds to monsters showing up in endgame content such as Golems and Cerberi.
- Replaced the default "strike" attack of most Beasts with a new "bite" attack (visual/particles only).
- Companion's health is no longer affected by gear power.
- Added new items:
- Wind Dancer's Elegance:
- True Legendary Armor, all classes
- When evading an attack, there is a 10% chance to spawn a Health or Mana pickup. Adds up to 40% to Evasion.
- Wraps of the Lone Ranger:
- True Legendary Accessory, Warden only
- Archery, Storm, and Nature skills deal up to 10% increased damage per meter distance to the foe hit, however this requires that the Warden has no active companions.
- Wind Dancer's Elegance:
- Improved existing items:
- Amulet of Despair:
- Now augments to 25% (up from 20%) and greater augments to 40% (up from 30%).
- Jeopardy (Ring):
- Internal cooldown reduced to 0.15 seconds, down from 0.25.
- Balgar's Binding:
- Is no longer Berserker only.
- Entity's Eccentricity:
- Now also adds up to 100% Satellite Damage as part of the power.
- Hurtblocker (Templar Shield):
- Now also increases the effect of Shield Dance by up to 150%.
- Death Choker:
- New effect! Picking up Health or Mana pickups no longer instantly restore health or mana, but instead increases HPR, MPR, HoH and MoH by 10%. Stacks 5 times, and is affected by Pickup Strength.
- Quadruplets:
- New effect! Summons four skull companions, each skull representing one of the four elements available in the skill trees. The skulls have up to 300% damage of their chosen element and their attacks will trigger player on-hit effects.
- Amulet of Despair:
- Added new slaying enchants for the new types:
- Humanoid, Elemental, Mechanical - works just like previous slaying enchants.
- Slaying enchants and +element damage enchants have had their roll ranges normalized somewhat (but their caps remain unchanged).
- Slaying enchants are now also worded differently to not be confused with other effects (now listed as "damage vs. type" instead of "damage to type").
- Improved particle effect of Dragon Stomp (Berserker).
- (Yep that's all).
- Experimental change: Stat recalculations after buff triggers are now batched to happen less frequently and hopefully save some frames. Should be mostly noticeable on laptops and lower end machines. And definitely in co-op!
- All player characters now have voices. They'll now react to what you do in the world, ie telling you when the inventory is full, if they are missing a key, or if you can't do something, etc.
- Characters also now have pain grunts for indirect, direct, and critical damage, as well as low health warnings, death cries, and attack grunts & shouts.
- When you hit a killstreak trigger, such as "BLOODBATH", your character will shout something celebratory :-)
- Captain Moore and Mundus has new voices and new lines.
- Medella now finally has a voice.
- Added voices to the following NPC's:
- Theo (Transmuter)
- Chantie (Enchantress)
- Chantelle (Ancient Enchantress)
- Tarot (Gambler)
- Sarek (Potions Vendor)
- Gemma (Gemcutter)
- Korem (Guide)
- Lost Girl (Act 4 quest NPC)
- Guards & Soldiers (Chronicon, Act2 NPC's)
- Male and Female Ghosts & Spirits (Act 1 and 3 NPC's)
- Many NPC's have been granted unique lines related to quests, events, or other triggers; such as fully augmenting or socketing an item.
- Improved pain grunt playback so that certain sounds are played on critical hits and other sounds on regular hits, etc. (mostly affects bosses and players)
- All Chronicon vendors have joined Tinka in Tinka's Domain, replacing the Goblin counterparts.
- Keras the Shady Dealer can now spawn in Anomalies. (Very rarely!)
- His stock is more interesting inside Anomalies, and he may be getting access to some... special items, later on.
- Spike Traps now do a lot more damage to players and companions.
- Prismatic sockets are now slightly more rare.
- Added info on stats with diminishing returns to the help index.
- Added new keyboard shortcut and keybind for Codex (default "O").
- Changed "proc rate" to "increased chance to trigger" in powers where it was listed.
- Clarified some gamepad tooltips.
- If an item card is too big to fit the game window with a low resolution or high interface scale setting, it'll now re-adjust its own scale so it always fits.
- Mana and Health Injectors MK2 are now properly marked as "crafted".
- Player, pet, and enemy overhead healthbars are now different colors.
- Player, pet, and enemy overhear healthbars can now be individually scaled via the Interface settings.
- Runes now display the Greater Augment cap as well.
- Seasonal items (like Red Holiday Hat) now have a "Seasonal" tag.
- Improved popup boxes with new functionalities such as text input and wider confirmation possibilities for future QoL changes and new stuff.
- Visual aids for colorblindness setting now changes player icons on the minimap to white so they are easier to make out.
- Updated credits.
- Improved Linux launch script.
- Fixed crash when disconnecting DS4 controller.
- Fixed crash when hitting Esc when receiving certain popups.
- Fixed some issues with skill edits where it wouldn't properly account for minimum points spent requirements of all tiers when subtracting in early tiers.
- Fixed issue with aspect ratio detection being too sensitive, and reverting to 16:9 with some odd resolutions in certain aspect ratios.
- Fixed issue where, since adding the new save system, stash data wasn't always verified to be up to date.
- Fixed missing punctuation on some item sets.
- Fixed issue where the healthbar gave a low health warning when you had a massive amount of shield.
- Fixed issue where the Wind Ranger (Warden) base passive wasn't considered a base passive.
- Fixed issue where the Shroomtender (Warden) 3 part set bonus didn't apply the additional stacks from Sporelings.
- Fixed rare crash from some debuff and affix combinations on enemies.
- Fixed rare crash from Razor Wind when used by enemies in combination with the Flailing affix.
- Fixed companions not being able to trigger some of their own "on cast" effects, such as Sporelings (Warden).
- Fixed Dragon Soul, Dragon Storm, and other skills using the Dragon spirit type attacks breaking breakable stuff in a huge range.
- Fixed issue where Chain Lightning enchant procs didn't account for bonus damage vs. enemy types, like undead, crowned, etc.
- Fixed issue where companions from passives and items didn't always count for "no companion" requirements.
- Fixed issue where in some cases "no companion" requirements would erroneously pass even if you had companion skills.
- Fixed Expulsion not benefiting from critical strike damage stat.
- Fixed Item-granted companions not being affected by the damage boost of Master's set.
- Fixed many boss fight rooms having the wrong Shrines present.
- Fixed issue where Unstable Dimensions & Anomalies could be empty.
- Fixed a big issue in co-op where waypoints would overwrite locked states when players weren't synced in progress, meaning players could lose waypoints.
- Fixed rare issue where in co-op, during certain save triggers, player data could be mixed together and overwritten.
- Fixed issue where in co-op, some areas would get scrambled between visits due to generation seed mixups.
- Fixed "The Archdruid" (Act 2 last quest) not having a final objective in the log and tracker.
- Fixed issue where in Act 1, you were able to access Upper Temple Halls before getting the quest to do so.
- Fixed issue where the Desecrated Spirit wouldn't spawn and warn you of the cursed door in the Temple Gardens.
- Fixed issue where the corpse of Captain Moore and Medella would disappear during the cutscene and make the camera yank around.
- Fixed issue with boss corpses not being properly depth sorted and disappearing under ground effects etc.
- Fixed issue where in Anomalies, Elite squads spawned around Champion monsters didn't count toward to total monster count of the area.
- Fixed issue with Rocs causing healthbars to be very far above their heads.
- Fixed Tinka saying his intro when talking to him each time entering Tinka's Domain.
- Fixed several boss voice lines that weren't considered "speech" in the volume settings and would follow the general "sound" setting.
- Fixed npc's not playing their intended greetings and just defaulting to the default speech/interact sound.
- Added locale:
- All monster names, titles, and lore text is now in a new locale file labeled "monsters".
- menu/CONTROLS OPTIONS/key_codex
- menu/GENERAL/select
- menu/GENERAL/erase
- menu/INTERFACE OPTIONS/player_healthbar_scale
- menu/INTERFACE OPTIONS/companion_healthbar_scale
- menu/INTERFACE OPTIONS/enemy_healthbar_scale
- interface/POPUPS/popup_build_input_title
- interface/POPUPS/popup_build_export_txt
- interface/POPUPS/popup_build_name_exists_txt
- interface/POPUPS/popup_input_title
- interface/POPUPS/popup_build_load
- interface/POPUPS/popup_build_level_100_txt
- interface/MISC/txt_processing
- interface/CODEX/codex_main_title
- interface/CODEX/codex_item_title
- interface/CODEX/codex_rune_title
- interface/CODEX/codex_foe_title
- interface/CODEX/codex_area_title
- interface/CODEX/codex_item_collected
- interface/CODEX/codex_item_unobtained
- interface/CODEX/codex_item_source
- interface/CODEX/codex_foe_kills"
- interface/CODEX/codex_foe_deaths
- interface/CODEX/codex_foe_variations
- interface/CODEX/codex_foe_types
- interface/CODEX/codex_foe_general_stats
- interface/CODEX/codex_foe_total_kills
- interface/CODEX/codex_foe_total_deaths
- interface/CODEX/codex_area_kills
- interface/CODEX/codex_area_deaths
- interface/CODEX/codex_area_waypoint
- interface/CODEX/codex_area_no_waypoint
- interface/CODEX/codex_area_uniques
- interface/CODEX/codex_area_no_uniques
- interface/CODEX/codex_area_main
- interface/CODEX/codex_area_optional
- interface/CODEX/codex_area_boss
- interface/CODEX/codex_area_visit
- interface/INVENTORY/text_page
- items/GENERAL/tag_quest_reward
- items/GENERAL/tag_unique_drop
- items/GENERAL/tag_world
- items/GENERAL/tag_chest_reward
- items/GENERAL/tag_seasonal
- items/ITEMS/ 773, 787
- npc_text/NODES/node_export_build
- npc_text/NODES/node_import_build
- npc_text/NODES/node_refresh_builds
- stats/STAT NAMES/stat_humanoid_slaying
- stats/STAT NAMES/stat_elemental_slaying
- stats/STAT NAMES/stat_mechanical_slaying
- enchants/ENCHANT/ enchants 129-131,
- enchants/POWER/ 1172, 1173
[ 2020-03-19 17:17:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- Chronicon Linux [176.83 M]
- Chronicon - Ancient Beasts
- Chronicon - The Mechanist
Act 4 just released!
Read more in the announcement!Story
What happens in a world where the last evil lies dead, the last quest is completed, and the last chest has been opened?In this world, the long-dead Heroes of Old are forever remembered and honored through a great magical device. This device, known only as the Chronicon, is capable of opening a portal into the memories – the very souls – of the Heroes of Old. Each year, a handful men and women are given the great honor to re-live the old tales.
And this year, you have been chosen…
Note: Trailer footage and screenshots are of high level characters with decent equipment. Expect a slower pace at first.
Game Features
- The first 4 full acts to play through, with the final act in the works
- 4 unique classes: The Templar, Berserker, Warden, and Warlock
- Procedurally generated dungeons and areas – each playthrough is different
- Local co-op up to 4 players (same machine, requires 1 Xbox 360/one controller per additional player)
- Over 600 items with randomized enchants & qualities, and powerful set items!
- Over 900 skills and abilities to learn and improve
- Infinite character progression
- Basic crafting - Enchant and gem your equipment to its maximum potential!
- Full Xbox 360/one controller support (optional)
Planned Features (in no particular order)
- 1 Additional act
- Additional OS support
- Hardcore mode
- More items, quests, areas, and general content
- Much more endgame content and mechanics
- More fleshed out progression systems
- OS: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 64bit. Or newer. Non Ubuntu distros not officially supported.
- Processor: Quad Core 3 GHzMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: DirectX 11 and Shader Model 3.0 Compatible Dedicated Video Card. 1 GB VRAM
- Storage: 1000 MB available spaceAdditional Notes: Intel (integrated) graphics poorly supported. Dedicated GPU required!
[ 6040 ]
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[ 1732 ]