It's been a while since the last update, but the money has been collecting and now it's time to make another donation. The last time we donated in April of 2022, meaning the last payment that Valve sent me was for March of 2022. This current donation will comprise the payments I received from April 2022 to May of 2023. The payments for June, July, August, September, and October of 2023 haven't arrived yet, but I expect to receive them next month and will donate them next time.
Here is the breakdown:
From April 2022 to May of 2023, after refunds, VAT, and Valve's cut the game made a total of $535.83. Here is the breakdown. It's more granular than last year, because I felt I should be more transparent with this data.
[td]2022 [/td]
[td]net copies sold (after returns)[/td]
[td]net steam sales (after vat and refunds)[/td]
[td]revenue (after valve's cut)[/td]
[td]2023 [/td]
[td]net copies sold (after returns)[/td]
[td]net steam sales (after vat and refunds)[/td]
[td]revenue (after valve's cut)[/td]
I matched this donation with $535.83 of my own for a total of $1,071.66 and my company added double that ($2,143.32) for a grand total of $3,214.98, which was sent to this charity.
Overall, we've donated $6,214.98 to Ukraine so far and it couldn't have been done without your support!
Thank you all so much for the second year in a row!!!
Alaric von Teplitz.
This is a game I wrote so that I could have a bit of a distraction at work. The idea is simple, you click to mine a resource, hire workers to do the mining for you, upgrade them, unlock new levels and worker types, gain prestige levels and start over. I used to switch to it about every hour or so, distribute the gold and return back to work.
At some point a few of my coworkers noticed and asked to play too. They seemed to really enjoy it, requested new features and reported bugs. Before I knew it, a dozen people in the office were playing. (You might be tempted to tell my boss, but he was playing too and even wrote a cheat.) This was a bit unexpected, but made me realize that people outside of work might enjoy this game as well.
After a bit of searching I collaborated with an artist and a composer to help me make the game more presentable. Working on this project was fun and all of us learned a lot. What you see is the result of our efforts and we hope you enjoy it despite its flaws. Thank you!
OS: Ubuntu 12.04+. Fedora 21+. Debian 8+
Processor: An Intel Pentium 4 processor or later that's SSE2 capableMemory: 500 MB RAM