These update includes the following changes:
-Camera collision improved
-Issues related to the "no returning to hub" unlockable are fixed
-You can't swim anymore in space by jumping from a specific location in L3
-"Under 40 secs cube" Ach-II-vement time is now stored before the cinematic
-Some hardcoded text has also been fixed
-You can't reactivate the first fight with Fat the Cat if you don't collect the cube and reenter the battle arena again
-If you carry a marble and then get hit the marble will not disappear anymore
-And issue where you could get stuck in a catapult on rage mode has been fixed
-Some issues when navigating the main menu have been fixed
-You can't activate the race by talking to the statue again if the Cube isn't collected
-When catapulting on the top of the level in L1 you can't glitch throw the cage and fall down the pit
-There isn't a cloned platform in challenge 4 anymore
-Collision with some scenery elements has been improved
-Rotation of the platforms to go up the white structure on L1 has been smoothed out
These update includes the following changes:
-Camera collision improved
-Issues related to the "no returning to hub" unlockable are fixed
-You can't swim anymore in space by jumping from a specific location in L3
-"Under 40 secs cube" Ach-II-vement time is now stored before the cinematic
-Some hardcoded text has also been fixed
-You can't reactivate the first fight with Fat the Cat if you don't collect the cube and reenter the battle arena again
-If you carry a marble and then get hit the marble will not disappear anymore
-And issue where you could get stuck in a catapult on rage mode has been fixed
-Some issues when navigating the main menu have been fixed
-You can't activate the race by talking to the statue again if the Cube isn't collected
-When catapulting on the top of the level in L1 you can't glitch throw the cage and fall down the pit
-There isn't a cloned platform in challenge 4 anymore
-Collision with some scenery elements has been improved
-Rotation of the platforms to go up the white structure on L1 has been smoothed out
FreezeME is a A 3D platformer in the style of the 90s-era but wait there is a twist! The main character “R” has one special tool – a camera around her neck. This camera allows her to literally freeze the objects she photographs.
This brown-eyed moppet with a camera around her neck is hot on the trail of her best friend, “M,” who has been abducted by the dastardly Fat the Cat that longs to create what he describes as a “Dog-Free-World”. How kidnapping M will help him with this goal remains something of a mystery, but R is determined to thwart him by rescuing M from his clutches.