Hi all! First, big thanks to everybody playing the game and especially to all of you who reported issues. It's really appreciated, as we're trying to fix as many of them as soon as possible. Here are release notes for our first patch:
Patch 1 - Project Hospital 1.0.14263
- Attempted fix for controller input breaking camera controls
- Fixed a rare error occurring when exiting to menu
- Fixed automatic UI scale for 1440x900
- Fixed doctors stuck when switching doctor of a patient by hand
- Fixed characters forced to walk on grass in big sandbox
- Fixed controls stuck when closing hospital management card while naming the hospital
- Set music to always loop
- Small fixes in medical database and texts
Project Hospital - Department of Infectious Diseases
Project Hospital - Traumatology Department
Become an ace doctor, an aspiring architect and a successful manager at the same time. Design your very own hospital, tweak every detail or use one of the predefined models and just jump to the doctor’s duty.
Contract different insurance companies to gain access to patients with interesting medical conditions, perform examinations, laboratory tests and use various equipment to solve the diagnostic puzzles. Hospitalize your patients, perform surgery and more!