Hi all, while we continue working on new features, here's a quick minor patch that fixes some of the recently reported problems with gameplay or camera rotation.
Project Hospital 1.1.17007
- added a specific rule for setting automatic UI scale in 1440 x 900 resolution
- optimized GC memory access in a few game systems (should improve occassional micro-stuttering)
- fixed positions of elevators not saved correctly for different camera directions so elevators on new floors could appear in wrong positions
- fixed newly created prefabs starting with different orientation than expected when playing with a rotated camera
- fixed collapsed patients on the floor not positioned correctly when playing with a rotated camera
- fixed doctor's reservation incorrectly reset when a doctor from a clinic resuscitates a collapsed hospitalized patient
- fixed 'writing reports' stuck active while the doctor is already going home
- fixed a popup about janitor workspaces incorrectly popping up at radiology
- fixed blood sometimes still rendered even if a stretcher was placed on top of it (which should clean the tile)
- fixed mod data not correctly loaded when overriding certain original values in the database (like the list of rooms in examinations)
- fixed broken ambulance parking in one community scenario by disabling required access to parking marker objects
- [Steam] implemented re-reporting of achievements that failed to be sent to Steam the first time they got unlocked
Project Hospital - Department of Infectious Diseases
Project Hospital - Traumatology Department
Become an ace doctor, an aspiring architect and a successful manager at the same time. Design your very own hospital, tweak every detail or use one of the predefined models and just jump to the doctor’s duty.
Contract different insurance companies to gain access to patients with interesting medical conditions, perform examinations, laboratory tests and use various equipment to solve the diagnostic puzzles. Hospitalize your patients, perform surgery and more!