Hi, you've probably noticed that we rolled the game back to the previous version soon after the release patch 36. After quite a busy week of investigating the issues and extra testing after fixing the root cause, our fingers are crossed for today's re-release. We'd also like to thank everybody who sent us their saves, it really helped us figure out what exactly went wrong and verify that everything works reliably in a much wider selection of hospitals than our usual test levels. We hope you'll enjoy the improvements that come in this version!
Original release notes:
Project Hospital - Department of Infectious Diseases
Project Hospital - Traumatology Department
Become an ace doctor, an aspiring architect and a successful manager at the same time. Design your very own hospital, tweak every detail or use one of the predefined models and just jump to the doctor’s duty.
Contract different insurance companies to gain access to patients with interesting medical conditions, perform examinations, laboratory tests and use various equipment to solve the diagnostic puzzles. Hospitalize your patients, perform surgery and more!