Patch 1.1 November, 16th 2018 Dear pathfinders, We are happy to inform you that Version 1.1 is here and ready to be shared with everyone! We are eternally grateful for your patience. The bugs and other technical issues you've encountered can not be tolerated, since they ruin immersion and spoil the fun of playing the game. We apologize for any frustration they could have caused you, and we'd like to once more reassure you of our commitment to fix all the remaining problems. We hope you feel the same way we do - we were inspired by true pillars of the CRPG genre, and we believe that with hard work and dedication, this game can become worthy of their lineage. We would also like to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who took part in the Beta test for this version. Your feedback is truly invaluable to us! More then 60 unique issues were fixed thanks to your reports since the beginning of the Beta. And we've also out around 200 other unique suggestions and issues on our task list for the next patch (unfortunately, we can't fix everything in a glimpse, so we prioritize and address major issues first). We'd like to highlight that we carefully read through bug reports threads on Steam and GoG forums, as well as the official forum at owlcatgames.com and the fan-run Discord group, in order to record all the issues described there. We can't answer all the messages personally - sorry for that! - but, just to be clear, we ensure you we care about everything you post, and eventually we will address all reports. To make bug reporting easier, we've decided to keep the internal bug report form in the release version. There won't be a "Bug Report" button as in Beta, so as not to clutter the interface, but on pressing F11 you will be able to send us your thoughts together with all the required information (screenshot, save file and logs collected automatically). As soon as Version 1.1 goes live, we'll continue working on Release 1.2, which we expect to deliver around Christmas. Meanwhile, we will keep addressing newly-found critical issues in hotfixes and other updates. Stay tuned - there will be more news about upcoming updates pretty soon! Sincerely, Owlcats. Please, be aware of the plot spoilers in the description below (in the Quest, Areas and Kingdom sections)! Quests
- Players couldn't speak to Mim Wobblegander during the "Heal Mim" quest objective. Resolution: fixed.
- The "Honor and Duty" quest couldn't be completed. Resolution: fixed.
- The first objective of "The Door to Nowhere" quest couldn't be completed correctly in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
- Players could skip the first meeting with Technic League but found the "Technic League Encampment" area in rare cases. Resolution: fixed.
- It was unclear that players had to show the book to Jubilost to complete the quest objective. Resolution: objective description was improved.
- Players could talk to Ditael several times to get several cursed swords. Resolution: fixed.
- The "Green Stone" quest could be completed without an emerald. Resolution: fixed.
- "Find a way to deal with the bandits", "Discover why monsters are attacking the kingdom" and "Find the propagandists" objectives couldn't be completed in the "War of the River Kings" quest. Resolution: fixed.
- Willas Gunderson stayed in the Tavern after quest completion. Resolution: fixed.
- "An Amusement for the Nobles" quest's failed resolution was unclear and players thought that the quest was completed successfully. Also, some quest NPCs stayed active after its completion. Resolution: fixed.
- Jubilost's story wasn't updated after the "Door to Nowhere" quest. Resolution: fixed.
- In certain conditions, players could get the Incomplete Lawbringer Armor twice in the "Lawbringer" quest. Resolution: fixed.
- Diplomacy check DC was wrong in the dialog with wererats (the "Ancient Formula" quest). Resolution: fixed.
- An NPC didn't appear for the "Earthbreaker" quest at the "Secluded Lodge" area if the "Witch Hunt" quest wasn't completed. Resolution: fixed. Though, the NPC won't be there during the "Witch Hunt" quest.
- The dialog about rules in the "Price of curiosity" quest could be used to get infinite experience. Resolution: fixed.
- In rare cases, Jubilost didn't speak about Inconsequent Debates. Resolution: fixed.
- "Death to Queen Bdaah!" and "Death to Chief Sootscale!" objectives could remain unfinished after completion of the "Old Sycamore Caves" area. Resolution: if players chose the peaceful way to resolve the conflict, these quests will disappear from the Quest log (they will be failed).
- Siding with Annamede in Pitax could cause all guards to attack the party. Resolution: fixed.
- Additional reward for "The Lost Brother" quest is added.
- The description for the objective was clarified in the first of Valerie's companion quests.
- The alignment shift was changed in one of the dialogues in the "Deal with the Devil" quest.
- Some alignment shifts were changed in the resolution of Valerie's final companion quest.
- Tiressia could reward the player twice for killing the Scythe Tree. Resolution: fixed.
- The correct speaker was assigned for a certain line in a dialogue in Jaethal's quest.
- The quest description was improved for the case when Octavia and Regongar didn't join the party.
- The quest text was clarified for one of the objectives in the "Missing Child" quest.
- The location of the Poachers' Hideout was clarified in Sharel's quest.
- A Lawful Good justification was added to attack Darven in the "Deal with the Devil" quest.
- The quest text was clarified for one of the objectives in the Ekun's companion quest.
- If players decided to perform a ritual after completing Ekandeyo's "Bury the Past" quest they didn't receive set of "Wayfarer's Comfort armor. Resolution: fixed. For players who have already completed this quest and performed the ritual the armor should be in the inventory.
- Jubilost didn't distinguish the player's gender correctly in his Trial of Strength dialogue. Resolution: fixed.
- The quest about Octavia and Regongar meeting with the Technic League spy in a tavern did not work. Resolution: fixed. You need to re-enter the tavern.
- After saving Octavia and Regongar at the "House At The Edge Of Time" area and adding them to the party roster, Octavia became invisible and didnt move making it impossible to switch areas and breaking the quest. Resolution: fixed.
- "Arrest Morhalan" objective has more time to complete it now.
- The "Mirror Memories" quest could't be completed under certain circumstances. Resolution: fixed.
- The "Saving Grace" Tristian's quest properly display as failed in the Journal now if the quests result leaves Tristian devastated and he doesn't accept Sarenrae's forgiveness.
- In some situations, player didnt receive third Nok-Nok companion quest. Resolution: Fixed
- Annamede now spawns properly in the Academy area of Pitax during the War of the River Kings quest. She appears in the area after players talk to Atalia who (most likely) refuses to help against King Irovetti. Annamede starts a dialogue proposing an alliance. We've also added several fixes to Annamede's dialogue.
- In rare cases, a premature ending of the game occurs after the "Test of Loyalty" event with Tristian and Jaethal. Resolution: fixed.
- the "A Bloody Craft" quest could not be completed in rare cases. Resolution: fixed
- In rare cases, the guard near Shariel could stay in the village after the first stage of the artisan's quest. Resolution: fixed.
- In the Along the Cold Trail and The Lost Relic quests, a part of the addendums didnt add up. Resolution: fixed.
- Nok-Nok's companion quest could not start in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
- The Guiding Beacon quest could not be completed if the player found whip without Octavia or Regongar in the group, and Bartholomew was already dead. Resolution: fixed.
- The Path of the Dreams quest couldn't be completed if Tristian died in the Abandoned Keep. Resolution: fixed.
- Areas
- Tartuk could appear at the "Skunk river ford" area after the completion of the "Troll Trouble" quest if players hadn't met gnome expedition before. Resolution: fixed.
- The bonuses party got from the allies were added at the "Ravaged Capital Central Passage" area.
- The magical fog didn't disappear at the "Technic League Encampment" area. Resolution: fixed.
- Gwart's name didn't appear in the dialogue at the "Armag's Tomb" area. Resolution: fixed.
- Creatures were roaming incorrectly at the "Barbarian Cairn" area. Resolution: fixed.
- The party could walk through the dwarven statue at the "Abandoned Keep" area. Resolution: fixed.
- Villagers were reacting to animal companions and summoned units at the Capital. Resolution: fixed.
- Radius of roll action icons was increased at the "Old Sycamore Outdoor" area.
- Players weren't able to set up camp at the "Kellid Barbarian Camp" area. Resolution: the party can stay overnight with the help of a specific Merchant's dialogue option.
- Never-ending answer in one of the book events was fixed.
- Mim Wobblegander was still standing in the village at "Silverstep" area during her quest. Resolution: fixed.
- Several inconsistencies were fixed in the dialogue with Jamandi Aldori at "Flintrock Grasslands" area.
- Several inconsistencies were fixed in the dialogue with Gwart at "Flintrock Grasslands" area.
- Rest didn't heal the Death's Door condition at the "Camp at the Capital Gates" area. Resolution: fixed.
- One of the lootboxes was not reachable at the "The Menagerie" area. Resolution: fixed.
- Portal from the "Camp at the Capital Gates" area to "Ravaged Capital" area was available before the dialogue with Storyteller. Resolution: fixed.
- The main character could get stuck in a sitting pose while at "Capital Inn" area in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
- Players didn't understand how Divine services work. Resolution: NPCs who offer cleric services have a dialogue option now clarifying how it works.
- Experience for defeating Ilthuliak was too low. Resolution: experience is 4 times higher now.
- Party could get stuck in permanent combat mode if they entered the "Abandoned Keep" area form the "Verdant Chamber" after completing "Varnhold Vanished" quest but before starting "Betrayer's Flight" quest. Resolution: fixed.
- The party couldn't rest for free in Varnhold or Pitax after conquering them. Resolution: fixed.
- Encounter has the proper amount of Technic League Maguses at the "Technic League Encampment" area now.
- Companions kept in the cages didn't have correct barks at the "Old Sycamore Caves" area. Resolution: fixed.
- At the "Inconsequent Debates" event, the Host stated that the main character loves no one even if the character had an active romance. Resolution: fixed.
- Players need to make successful perception check to find the "Middle of Nowhere" area now.
- Some players had issues with the final story dialogue at "Old Sycamore Caves" area. Nothing happened if "Attack former allies" option was chosen when kobold chief was already dead. Resolution: fixed. Those who chose this option can return to the area and defeat mites.
- The battle with Kalannah couldn't be finished in rare cases. Resolution: some fixes were implemented to prevent the issue.
- The party could pass through some of the closed doors at the "House At The Edge Of Time" area. Resolution: fixed.
- Greater Werewolf was incorrectly named as Greater Weretiger at the "Old Mesa" area. Resolution: fixed.
- Some players had an issue with barbarian sentinels at the "Overgrown Cavern" area. They didn't start the dialogue and peaceful resolution was unavailable. Resolution: fixed.
- Rest Camp didn't take any time at the Capital Gates. Resolution: fixed.
- Tsanna got stuck in the fireplace after meeting with the baron. Resolution: fixed.
- The Vendor didn't have replenished rest supplies at the Capital Square. Resolution: fixed.
- Reaford Tabulus in Pitax Royal Palace has a greater bonus on concentration checks now.
- Dead Kassil could return to the Throne Room in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
- Pitax location could have an empty name. Resolution: fixed.
- Edrist Hanvaki got stuck in the fireplace after meeting with the baron. Resolution: fixed.
- Stefano Mosconi could appear in Pitax after being killed. Resolution: fixed.
- Corax rewarded incorrectly for some player's decisions in dialogue with Melianse. Resolution: fixed.
- New reward was added for the puzzle at the Pitax Royal Palace.
- Unable to exit forest at "Witch's Hut" area. Resolution: fixed.
- Player was able to offer help to Nober's wounded barbarian before learning about the wound. Resolution: fixed.
- Jamandi's reply to the player's LG answer was changed during the coronation event.
- Unexpected alignment shifts at the "Abandoned Keep" area. Resolution: fixed.
- "Goblin Party" book event will continue even if the players fail the Constitution check while tasting the goblin "ale".
- Inconsistencies in dialogues with the Raven and Tristian in the 3d chapter. Resolution: fixed.
- Linxia could propose an alliance even if the player decided to fight against her. Resolution: fixed.
- Players could get extra experience interacting with the bridge and the cart at the "Old Sycamore Caves" area. Resolution: fixed.
- Missing cooking recipes were added to chapter 4 areas ("Armag's Tomb", "Two-Faced Hill", "Abandoned Keep", "Fossil Fields" and "Other World").
- Vordakai has better loot now.
- Characters could incorrectly get damage or disease in "Kobold Trail" book event. Resolution: fixed.
- Players couldn't talk to Knurly Witch NPC at the "House at the End of Times" area in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
- There could be issues with correctly processing the decisions players made in dialogues after defeating Hargulka and Tartuk. Resolution: fixed.
- Jhod didn't disappear at the "Thorn Ford" area when he left. Resolution: fixed.
- No objective in the Quest Log for Nixie's request to bring feathers. Resolution: fixed.
- Special Encounter didn't happen in the 3d chapter. Resolution: fixed.
- The "Test of Loyalty" event could not finish correctly for Tristian and Jaethal. Also, there could be wrong dialogues for Tristian and Jaethal in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
- Kassil Aldori could appear at the end of the "Flintlock Drasslands" area even if he was dead by that time. Resolution: fixed.
- Several wrong perception check at the "Vordkai's Tomb" area. Resolution: fixed.
- Completing the interaction with Melianse peacefully at the Overgrown Pool caused the game to soft lock in one of the cases. Resolution: fixed.
- Traders in Pitax Town didn't trade. Resolution: fixed.
- A copy of Amiri's sword could be sold at "Oleg's Trading Post" area. Resolution: fixed.
- Dialogue branch with Nyrissa, that allowed to gain additional affection with her in the "Abandoned Keep" area during the "Betrayer's Flight" quest, was missing. Resolution: the dialogue branch is now available for the players who have enough affection with Nyrissa.
- Tessie the Quill could disappear after the Capital Square upgrade. Resolution: fixed. Players need to re-enter the main square for the character to appear.
- Group portraits covered exit marker at the "Overgrown Cavern" area. Resolution: the camera's movement boundary has been extended.
- In some cases, Ilora Nuski could appear in Pitax after her death. Resolution: fixed.
- Some of the scripted resurrections (e.g. at the "House At The Edge Of Time" area) did not work properly in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
- Bokken is alive (we hope).
- Curse in chapter 7 aggroed all enemy creatures upon entering the area. Resolution: fixed.
- Vendor Issili had too few goods in chapter 7. Resolution: fixed.
- Book "The Complete Collection of Useless Writings" did not appear in Issili's vendor list even if all requirements were met. Resolution: fixed.
- Atalia Gitaren could raise from the dead and came to the Throne Room in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
- In some cases, dead Stefano Mosconi could come to the Throne Room after conquest of Pitax. Resolution: fixed.
- Some of the options to end the dialogue with Valerie at the Capital Inn did not fully complete the event and led to its recurrence. Resolution: fixed.
- After the Ekundayos "A Feast of Feasts" quest the player was moved to the Capital but the player's figure remained at the location "Hunting Grounds" on the Global Map. Therefore it was impossible to skip days in the Throne Room and start projects. Resolution: fixed. the players figure moves to the Capital correctly now.
- Kingdom
- A new "Effortless" kingdom difficulty was added. It fits between "Auto" and "Easy" and is meant for those players who wish to participate in kingdom management, but don't want to pay much attention to kingdom development.
- Kingdom project navigation has been improved - all projects have been divided into subcategories.
- Kingdom events that happen after 20th day of the month could be resolved until the end of the next month. Known issue - This is not shown in the event card properly, and will be addressed in the upcoming hotfix.
- Going into negative BP will not increase unrest until the next day now, giving time to repay the debt before that happens.
- The "Windmill" building didn't have a unique model. Resolution: fixed.
- "Sunny Glade" kingdom recourse was unreachable on the Global Map. Resolution: fixed.
- "The Bog Mischief" kingdom event has a proper "success" description now.
- 2 slots for buildings were unlocked, that should be available at the Town level in the Capital instead of City one.
- Bartholomew stopped working as a vendor after moving to the capital. Resolution: fixed.
- The "Rebuild the Temple of the Elk" and "Pillage the Temple of the Elk" projects are correctly removed now as soon as one of them is completed.
- Solved kingdom event cards displayed total accumulated stat changes by this event, which was sometimes confusing. Resolution: they display only the results of the resolution itself.
- Smithy and TownHall buildings didn't have correct models. Resolution: fixed.
- Projects for the Dwarven Keep Restoration in Dire Narlmarches and South Narlmarches are given as soon as respected region is claimed now. This projects allow region upgrades based on restored keeps.
- Building upgrades deducted the cost of the base building from the treasury incorrectly. Resolution: fixed, upgrades' cost matches their description now.
- Training projects for Companions now appear only for companions below 12 and 14 level after chapters 5 and 6 respectively. Those projects now level up companions to 12th and 14th level respectively. If such projects were being developed during the update, they are cancelled and their costs are fully reimbursed.
- Kingdom was still destroyed if the boss of the chapter was killed on the same day it would destroy the kingdom. Resolution - fixed. The event that led to the destruction of the kingdom is removed.
- "Safe Refuge" event was incorrectly marked as Problem. Resolution: fixed.
- Kassil Aldori could disappear from the Throe Room if Kesten Garess died causing issues with some kingdom events. Resolution: fixed.
- Printing House couldnt be constructed after players completed the first Linzi companiom quest. Resolution: fixed.
- Automated Kingdom could stop working because it considered a non-existing meeting to be part of the Sharels Project. Resolution: fixed, also automated kingdom will now complete this project faster.
- "Silent Death" event had DC of 0. Resolution: fixed.
- "Munguk's Drunken Rage" event was too bothersome. Resolution: fixed. The event now completes even on failure and does not repeat itself.
- Finishing the Cult Sacrifice or the Portal Beasts events by ignoring them led to missing the rank up project. Resolution: fixed.
- If player selected certain answer during the dialogue for 9th rank of culture, he could miss rank up project. Resolution: fixed.
- Classes & Mechanics
- Guidance Spell granted Base Attack Bonus. Resolution: Guidance Spell grants Additional Attack Bonus instead of Base Attack Bonus now.
- Freedom of Movement spell worked incorrectly. Resolution: fixed.
- War Domain "Battle Rage" ability wasn't shown in buffs on the character, despite working properly. Resolution: fixed.
- Some abilities granted by Domains didn't work correctly for Druids. Resolution: fixed.
- Barbarians were losing their speed bonus for non-heavy armor even if the full plate they were wearing were mithral. Resolution: fixed.
- Some descriptions were fixed for Arcane Trickster.
- War Domain 8th level Bonus Combat Feat ability lacked description and name. Resolution: fixed.
- Some spells, like Molten Orb, had descriptions that they should target a point, despite the fact that they must specifically target a creature (as they deal additional damage to a target creature). Resolution: fixed.
- The description for Power Word Blind spell was improved.
- Effects that turn a character into a dragonlike creature give them blindsense 60 now instead of blindsight 30.
- The whole party slowed down out of combat if one of the characters' speed was less than 30ft. Resolution: only slowed down characters will move slower than 30ft.
- Auto cast didn't work with Charge ability. Resolution: fixed.
- Some feats granted without fulfilling all requirements (such as, Ranger's "Combat Style Feat") were inactive. Resolution: fixed.
- Divine Power didn't give bonuses to attack rolls. Resolution: fixed.
- Attacks with Masterwork weapons were bypassing DR/Magic as if they were magical. Resolution: fixed.
- Non-magical weapons temporarily enhanced by Magus or by a Paladin were not bypassing DR/Magic. Resolution: fixed.
- Javelin and Dart weapons had no proficiency specified in their tooltip. Resolution: tooltip shows correctly that they are simple weapon now.
- Trident was marked as a simple weapon in tooltip, while being a Martial weapon. Resolution: tooltip shows correctly that it is a martial weapon now.
- No description for the save from the Wild Gaze ability. Resolution: fixed.
- Creeping Doom spell worked incorrectly. Resolution: fixed.
- Clay golems are Mud golems now.
- Alchemist can not use her bomb and mutagen abilities while under the effects of a polymorph effect any more.
- The Resonating Word spell works correctly now.
- Animal creatures summoned via Summon Monster spell have the fiendish or celestial template depending on caster alignment now.
- The Lesser Restoration spell does not remove Fatigued condition any longer if target is Exhausted.
- New Grease spell is added. Wizards, Maguses and Bards can learn it.
- Serpentine Bloodline Sorcerer's Serpent's Fang ability gives additional bite attack instead of replacing empty hand weapon now.
- The Blind Fightning feat also gives immunity to gaze attacks now.
- The incorrect description for Dragon disciple's bite attack was fixed.
- Monk could use Flurry of Blows with any weapon as long as the character was without armor or shield. Resolution: fixed.
- Shortsword dealt slashing damage. Resolution: fixed, shortsword deals piercing damage.
- Duelist's Crippling Critical ability reduced duelist's AC instead of target's AC. Resolution: fixed.
- Alchemist's Fast Healing grand discovery didn't work. Resolution: fixed.
- Wrong information in Combat Maneuvers Bonus description that Tiny or smaller creatures use their Dexterity modifier in place of their Strength modifier to determine their CMB (in fact they do not). Resolution: fixed.
- Descriptions for Bard and Rogue (also, Cleric and Inquisitor) shared abilities were improved.
- Magus's Ghost Touch weapon enchantment had a wrong description. Resolution: fixed.
- Spell Specialization did not affect spells with variant casting (Dragon Breath 4th level spell, for example). Resolution: fixed.
- Sorcerer bloodlines previously did not show that many of them give wings at level 15. Resolution: wings are now properly shown on class progression screen.
- Calming Touch ability of Community domain were not used to heal the party on rest. Resolution: fixed.
- Ward Against Death ability of Repose Domain did not protect against negative levels. Resolution: fixed.
- Sorcerers and Eldritch Scions could take Dragon Disciple prestige class with any bloodline, instead of being limited to draconic bloodlines. This created strange interactions with its "Blood of Dragons" ability of that prestige class. Resolution: Only Sorcerers and Eldritch Scions with draconic bloodline now can take levels in Dragon Disciple. Characters that had already taken a level in Dragon Disciple can continue taking levels in it.
- Alchemist's Breath Weapon Bomb did damage to friendly targets even if the alchemist had Precise Bomb discovery. Resolution: fixed.
- Dwarven racial trait Hardy was giving a +3 bonus to saving throws instead of +2. Resolution: fixed, the bonus is +2 now.
- Greater Restoration did not remove Death Door condition. Resolution: fixed.
- Clerics had a Greater Domain Power in their progression screen at level 8. This feature did nothing and was there to signify when cleric gets his second powers of domains. It was only confusing people, since some domains receive features on other levels and all domains show their feature in the progression at the correct level now. Resolution: feature was removed from progression screen.
- Eldritch Scoundrel did not have Knowledge (Arcana) as a class skill. Resolution: fixed.
- Alchemist's Choking Bomb was applying Nauseated condition even if the saving throw against initial effect was successful. Resolution: fixed.
- Guarded Hearth ability of Community domain did not grant any bonuses. Resolution: fixed.
- Duelist Parry didn't work. Resolution: fixed.
- Animal Domain didn't give Lore (Nature) as a class skill for clerics. Resolution: fixed.
- The Inquisitor gains Exploit Weakness ability at 14th level now.
- New 7thlevel cleric spell Resurrection was added.
- Rogue's Master Strike ability save DC is now Dexterity based. For characters who already have this ability you have to turn it off and on again to apply this change.
- Attacks of Nereids and Spit Venom spells projectiles used to be acid green. Resolution: their color was changed to poison purple.
- Litany of Eloquence now requires a saving throw.
- Water Elemental Bloodline Sorcerer Arcana is now working correctly.
- Water Elemental Bloodline Sorcerer now gains Scorching Ray (Cold) spell on 5th level instead of Scorching Ray (Electricity) spell.
- Water Elemental Bloodline Sorcerer Elemental Movement ability now gives immunity to combat maneuvers instead of +30 feet bonus to your base speed.
- Earth Elemental Bloodline Sorcerer Elemental Blast ability now can be used three times per day.
- Alertness, Deceitful, Deft Hands, Persuasive and Stealthy feats applied wrong values to skill bonus points. Resolution: all feats apply correct values now.
- Incorporeal creatures got full damage from magical weapon. Resolution: they get half damage.
- Experience distribution for the skillcheks was fixed.
- Inspiring Recovery mechanics were triggered two times instead of one. Resolution: fixed.
- Enhanced Attacks ability of an animal companion gave only +1 bonus to attack, regardless of its ranks. Resolution: fixed.
- Animal companion's feats could be switched off in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
- Archon's Aura did not work. Resolution: fixed.
- Transformation spell works correctly with weapon proficiencies now.
- Some wizard schools, particularly Divination and Evocation, lacked spells at some levels, which is troublesome for wizards specialized in said schools. Resolution: Evocation now has two new spells Icy Prison and Mass Icy Prison. Divination now has Foresight. These spells were added not only for wizards, but also to other classes that should have access to them according to Pathfinder rules. We are aware that divination still lacks spells at certain levels and we plan to implement those spells in later patches.
- Duration of paralysis casted by Farnirras was reduced to 1 hour.
- Communal Mind Blank lasted 4 rounds instead of 4 hours. Resolution: fixed.
- Estoc, Tongi and Rapier were counted as light weapons. This reduced the damage these weapons did with Power Attack and made characters unable to hold them with two hands. Resolution: they are no longer counted as light weapons, but Estoc and Rapier are still affected by Weapon Finesse and similar abilities in exactly the same way. Only characters who have a rapier, tongi or an estoc as an offhand weapon will suffer any penalties.
- Rangers did not get Endurance feat at 3rd level. Resolution: fixed. Affected Rangers of 3rd level and higher will receive this feat automatically.
- Alchemists, that were using Gear's Rule item, received one more standard bomb ability icon in their Abilities panel after every load. Resolution: fixed. Only one standard bomb icon should remain for the affected saves.
- Several teamwork feats (Allied Spellcaster, Back to Back, Coordinated Maneuvers, Shielded Caster and Tandem Trip) werent shared by feat-sharing abilities of Monster Tactician, Sacred Huntmaster, and Tactical Leader. Resolution: fixed.
- The "Accomplished Sneak Attacker" feat could be taken several times resulting in the wrong bonus to sneak attack damage dice. Resolution: fixed.
- Ecclesitheurge was unable to memorize non-first level spells from his primary domain in their non-domain slots. Resolution: fixed.
- Difficulty settings and fixes
- We have a mechanic that limits the penalties to attack rolls on Story Mode. Due to a bug, that mechanic also reduced the penalty applied to iterative attacks that characters get from high Base Attack Bonus, making iterative attacks more effective than they should have been. Resolution: Fixed.
- Random encounters from the Chapter 4 could be triggered at the left edge of Chapter 1 region. Resolution: fixed.
- Random encounters near north of Shrike River, in the Outskirts and in Northern Narlmarches were sometimes too strong for 1st chapter. Resolution: random encounters in those regions were adjusted.
- Wild Hunt Scouts had Outflank, Seize the Moment and Precise Strike, making them more deadly than we intended when they focus one target. Resolution: those feats were replaced with others.
- Blindness from Wild Hunt Scouts was extremely annoying, requiring a lot of scrolls or spells after each combat. Resolution: blindness from a Wild Hunt Scout attacks with a crystal now lasts until the end of combat.
- Wild Hunt Monarch casted Greater Dispel Magic as an area effect. Resolution: it is now single-target effect, but can remove all buffs from the target instead of one.
[ 2018-11-16 09:13:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker Dev Linux [11.99 G]
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker Content Linux [39.24 G]
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker — The Wildcards
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Varnhold's Lot
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Beneath The Stolen Lands
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Bloody Mess
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Arcane Unleashed
With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Pathfinder: Kingmaker puts you in the role of a brave adventurer fighting to survive in a world beset by magic and evil! Take on the role of a canny fighter hacking through enemies with an enchanted sword, a powerful sorceress blessed with magic by the hint of demon blood in her veins, a wise cleric of gods benevolent or malignant, a witty rogue ready to defuse even the deadliest of traps, or any of countless other heroes. The only limit is your imagination!
The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker® is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.
Pathfinder has considerable depth, not only in its lore, but also in its game mechanics and the freedom it offers to develop your own unique character. You can customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.
The Story
To the north lie the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries. Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.
Pathfinder: Kingmaker is based on Paizo’s award-winning Pathfinder Adventure Path of the same name. You certainly don’t need to be familiar with the story, but if you are, you will encounter characters you know and love as well as a host of brand-new events, companions, allies, and threats that expand and enhance the original Adventure Path. With help from Paizo and their authors, the story and quests have been expanded by RPG writer Chris Avellone and the Owlcat team, allowing for even more adventure in the already rich narrative of the Stolen Lands.
While Pathfinder: Kingmaker is a single-player game, you won’t be adventuring alone. Kingmaker features a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.
Your Kingdom
We chose to adapt the Kingmaker adventure path because it features a host of open-world mechanics, allowing players to experience the story at their own pace as they explore the Stolen Lands, which will challenge you as both an adventurer and a ruler. Most importantly, the game allows you to claim these lands as your own, letting you carve your own kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and the ability to lead troops in the field are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.
As you’ll discover, building a kingdom goes beyond simply building a stronghold: Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.
Explore - Conquer - Rule
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit or newer
- Processor: Intel Celeron 1037U @ 1.80GHzMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000
- Storage: 30 GB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit or newer
- Processor: Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHzMemory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 5770 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M
- Storage: 30 GB available space
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