Patch 1.1 November, 16th 2018! Part 2
[ 2018-11-16 09:16:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 1.1 November, 16th 2018 And the second part of the long list of fixes - enjoy! Items
- Not enough Javelins, Darts and Slings. Resolution: Oleg now sells Masterwork Darts, Masterwork Flails, Masterwork Heavy Flails, Masterwork Javelins, Masterwork Slings, Masterwork Starknives, Masterwork Tridents, and Masterwork Bardiches.
- Half-Plate of Hatred had the price of zero. Resolution: fixed.
- Robe of Arcane Annihilation provided wrong bonuses to attack. Resolution: fixed.
- A typo is amended in the English version of Headband of Vast Intelligence +6 description: it stated a +4 bonus, while in fact it gives a +6 bonus.
- Ring of Evasion's description was fixed.
- Wild Hunt scimitar didn't have a name. Resolution: fixed.
- Blackemoor's Grimoire item summoned incorrect monsters. Resolution: fixed.
- Mourning item had the wrong price (75 g). Resolution: price was increased.
- Ring of Circumstances was giving +1 luck bonus to saving throws instead of its actual mechanics. Resolution: fixed.
- Blessed Signet had Caster Level 1 for Blessing Spell. Resolution: it has Caster Level 3 as per description now.
- Gnome Hooked Hammer weighed 10lbd. Resolution: it weighs 6 lbs instead of 10 lbs now.
- Dwarven Urgrosh had wrong damage assigned to its axe-head and spear-point ends. Resolution: damage and attack types were changed to align with the visuals of the attack.
- The Mallot of Woe was incorrectly wielded. Resolution: it is properly wielded now.
- Lesser Ring of Ultimate Protection and Greater Ring of Ultimate Protection had wrong descriptors. Resolution: Items have Resistance descriptor for SavingThrows bonuses now.
- Trailbleazer's helm didn't grant correct racial AC and bonuses to Saving throws. Resolution: Trailbleazer's helm grants +3 insight bonus to saving throws only against Gians and Goblinoids and grants +3 AC against Goblinoids as per description.
- Ring of Enhanced Summons had alignment restriction. Resolution: the item no longer has Neutral alignment restriction.
- Vicious weapon harms user when using Lay on Hands. Resolution: Vicious enchantment no longer damages the players if they use anything else but vicious weapon.
- No Potions of Inflict Wound were available from Vendors. Resolution: Potion Of Inflict Light Wounds, Potion Of Inflict Moderate Wounds and Potion Of Inflict Serious Wounds were added to Vendors that have Potions of Cure Light/Moderate/Serious Wounds.
- Tiger's Stripes didn't have Enhancement. Resolution: it has +5 Enhancement now.
- Arrowguard Buckler granted +4 AC. Resolution: it grants +5AC instead of +4AC as per description.
- Enchantments from Elemental Punisher, Arcane Enforcer, Authority, Overthrow, Blinding Light, Venom, Tyrant, Ruin, Spinebreaker, Chaos Shard, Grim Finale should work only with the weapon wielded now.
- Highwayman's Argument should correctly deal damage against frightened and shaken targets now.
- Blade of the Merciful correctly deals damage to non good targets now.
- RoyalGift was too cheap. Resolution: its price is changed from 10000 to 64000.
- Vicious weapons dealt multiplied damage on critical hits. Resolution: fixed.
- Satisfaction Rapier didn't deal silver damage. Resolution: it deals silver damage as per description (mithral) now.
- Black Star Starknife casted three spells on crit. Resolution: it casts one of three spells on a critical hit now.
- The Narrow Path applied Negative levels on target. Resolution: it applies Negative level on a player as per description now.
- Chaos Hammer enchantment could work with other weapons and its buff duration was wrong. Resolution: it only works with this weapon and the Touch of Chaos buff that is applied on target is active only for one round as per description.
- Oils of Enhancement II worked on a "per round" basis. Resolution: it works on a "per minute" basis as per description now.
- Ring of Reckless Bravery had incorrect descriptors. Resolution: it has correct descriptors now.
- Forest Knight's Bracers, Cloak of Sold Souls Trailblazer's Helm and Ring of Reckless Courage stayed at Notable type after assembly. Fixed: the items were moved to appropriate inventory category type.
- Crusader's Mithral Full Plate had icon with Gloves. Resolution: fixed.
- Irlene had a rod without any description. Resolution: we reworked artisan's rods - they work as metamagic rods with some additional benefits now .
- Leviathan's gift robe granted infinite Maximize Spell Metamagic. Resolution: it grants only 6 uses per day as per description.
- The wrong price for +2 Unholy Estoc. Resolution: fixed.
- Scroll Of Create Undead Living Armor casted the wrong spell. Resolution: fixed
- Mallet of Woe had the wrong model and icon. Resolution: fixed.
- Gyronna's Amulet had Mirror Image issue. Fixed: Mirror Image buff is applied on combat start and ends on combat finish now.
- Missing archeology parts were added: Cypress Queen's Flower (the "Swamp Witch's Hut" area), Shard of Knight's Bracers (the "Troll Wilderness" area), Fallen Warrior's Flint (the " Vordakai's Tomb (1 level)" area), Fallen Warrior's Flask (the " Vordakai's Tomb (2 level)" area).
- There wasnt enough Freedom Of Movement scrolls. Resolution: 99 scrolls were added to Issili in chapters 6 and 7.
- From now on, players can Inspect creatures and characters to find out more about their strengths and weaknesses in combat. This is done by clicking on a new button in the HUD Menu. Once activated, a skill check is made if players have never met this type of unit before. The result of the skill check and the info revealed about the unit can be found in the Combat Log. A special tooltip with available information shows up in the upper right corner of screen when hovering with the mouse cursor on the unit or the Combat Log record.
- An option to control the size of the fonts in the dialogues and descriptions was added.
- Camping could result in a frozen black screen if the "Begin Resting" button was pushed really fast. Resolution: fixed.
- The character's stats numbers were not updated if scrolls were used from the inventory. Resolution: fixed.
- Some names were hardly visible in the dialogues. Resolution: fixed.
- Players can skip time without resting now.
- Players can control the time for rest after the hunting now.
- Notification about minimum rest time to restore abilities was added.
- Timeline icon visualization was improved in the Rest interface.
- Rest until full recover was improved.
- Indoor (dungeon) maps could be too dark and uncomfortable to recognize details. Resolution: fixed.
- Missing descriptions for high-level cooking recipes and their buffs were added.
- "Use rations" option was set to ON automatically during rest in dungeons. Resolution: no options are changed automatically. Players may change "Use rations" option at the main screen of the Rest interface.
- "Point of interest" mark was too big on the Map. Resolution: the mark is changed.
- The usability of picking up a character voice during the character creation was improved.
- NPC Armag's name and portrait was not represented in his final dialogue. Resolution: fixed.
- Some usable items didn't have corresponding icons while players chose target. Resolution: fixed.
- A lot of new icons are added.
- The description of the chosen cooking recipe was not updated when players changed it. Resolution: fixed.
- Ekun's animal companion had an incorrect portrait. Resolution: fixed.
- A part of Credits was missing. Resolution: fixed.
- Some buffs had no descriptions. Resolution: fixed.
- Ability Score Modifier (Skill page during level-up) was counted according to the temporary modifiers. Resolution: the value is counted according to the permanent bonus of the Ability Score.
- "Load premade build" button was added in the level-up interface for pregenerated characters and companions.
- Map for the "Lost Dwarven Fortress" area was improved.
- No feedback on "Copy to spellbook" and "Copy recipe" actions in Inventory. Resolution: improved.
- Several UI elements had empty tooltips. Resolution: tolltips are added.
- Custom character model couldn't be rotated in UI. Resolution: fixed.
- It took a lot of time for inventory to close while party was at large areas. This also caused some issues with the animation of the interface. Resolution: fixed.
- Player could accidentally change a character portrait on Abilities page during Character Generation. Resolution: fixed.
- The meeting scene with Nok-Nok didn't have voice-overs. Resolution: fixed.
- Lantern King's voice lacked suitable audio effects when he transformed into his original form. Resolution: fixed.
- Critters sounds were too annoying. Resolution: now critters play sounds with 50% chance.
- Music didn't play in the Barony introduction scene. Resolution: fixed.
- Small mastodon's footsteps were too loud. Resolution: fixed.
- The interrogation scene at Secluded Lodge had wrong music. Resolution: fixed.
- Viscount Smoulderburn didn't have the right sound effects. Resolution: fixed.
- The Faery dragon companion sounds were too annoying when he played a looped cutscene at Oleg's Trading Post. Resolution: fixed.
- Proper sound effects were added for the Cacophonous Call and Ear-Piercing Screams magic spells.
- ASUS Aura support was added. Some critical battle events have visualization on the ASUS keyboard now. Important notes: Correct version of Aura software (3.02) has to be installed on the computer.
- Familiars didn't disappear during battle. Resolution: familiar's fade animation was fixed.
- Localization \ text fixes.
- A lot of text fixes in the dialogues.
- Protector of Unjust had error in Russian translation. Resolution: fixed.
- French mistranslation: Feat Extend spell. Resolution: fixed.
- Missing or wrong German, French and Chinese localization.
- Any references to Intimidate, Bluff, Diplomacy was improved (everything references to the core skill - Persuasion).
- Descriptions of Restoration spells (lesser, regular, greater) were clarified.
- The description for Bloodbird condition was improved.
- Greater Invisibility description was improved (Russian localization).
- The description of the "Decapitator" weapon was fixed.
- The description for Flare Burst spell was clarified.
- An incorrect loading screen tip was fixed.
- The description for golden golem's poison was added.
- Silverstep Grotto: names for the transition points were added.
- New pack of localization fixes for FR, DE, ZH.
- General visual improvements at the following areas:
- Capital square (there was no snow or rain. Resolution: fixed)
- House At The Edge Of Time
- Dreamscape
- Farnirras' Prison
- Irovetti palace
- Castle of Knives
- Other World (the lighting was fixed)
- Jamandi Masnion
- Kamelands Safari and Hunting Lodge (chandeliers were missing)
- Armag Tomb
- Capital Square (the lighting of animated objects was fixed)
- Vordakai Tomb light setup was broken. Resolution: fixed.
- Dunsward Tomb
- Varnhold
- Abandoned Keep (some parts of the area were too dark. Resolution: more light sources are added)
- Athach Lair (the lighting was fixed)
- Olegs Trading Post (the big campfire had incorrect lighting. Resolution: fixed)
- Adamantine Shield Fortress (issues with shadows were fixed)
- Troll Lair
- Troll Wilderness (background was missing. Resolution: fixed)
- Silverstep Grotto Cave (foliage interaction was fixed)
- Lizardfolks Lair ("black" grass was fixed)
- Dweomercat Lair
- Flintrock Grasslands (decals were fixed)
- Camp at the Capital Gates
- Other visual fixes and improvements
- Arrows get stuck in the terrain on a miss and stuck in a creature on a hit now.
- Some enemies didn't hold the weapon correctly. Resolution: fixed.
- Dynamic fluid fog was added to a lot of the areas.
- Several issues with Nyrissa's visual (wings, hair, clothing). Resolution: fixed. Animations were also improved.
- "Dancing" bushes at the "Castle Of Knives" area. Resolution: fixed.
- There were issues with helmets visualizations. Resolution: fixed.
- Foliage interaction were fine-tuned at outdoor areas.
- Equipped weapon were not visualized in the fourth weapon slot on the back. Resolution: fixed.
- Mandragora Swarm had incorrect outline if hidden behind other objects. Resolution: fixed.
- Creature Nymph (medium size) had a visual bug. Resolution: fixed.
- There were issues with footprints in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
- Birds could get stuck over the area during bad weather.
- Armors and robes are visualized correctly now - above the base wizard outfit.
- Random sparks on the ground from invisible torches in safe areas. Resolution: fixed.
- VFX fit better to the companion's size now.
- Troll great club has a proper position on the characters back now.
- Some fixes with weather system.
- Scythe Tree attack animation was fixed.
- Inappropriate water reflections on low graphics settings. Resolution: fixed.
- 1-pixel line on the edge of some areas. Resolution: fixed.
- Snow visual effect could disappear after the Rest. Resolution: fixed.
- Some spells visual effects were updated.
- Wings for corresponded Aasimar's feat is correctly visualized now.
- No stealth animation for the animal companion. Resolution: fixed.
- Creatures without a blood (e.g. golems, elementals, ghosts) turned black if they were killed during cut-scenes. Resolution: fixed.
- There was broken animation during cut-scene at the beginning of the The Unmaking Harrims quest. Resolution: fixed.
- Some arrows could stuck in characters for a long time. Resolution: fixed.
- Area effects from swarms stayed visible after the swarm's death sometimes or even reappeared in other areas. Resolution: fixed.
- DLC support for GOG version on Linux was added.
- Loading time up to the Main Menu is optimized.
- Autosaves on level up were very annoying. Resolution: autosaves on level up were turned off.
- Certain scrolls caused game to freeze when they were used directly from the inventory. Resolution: fixed.
- Weather system optimization.
- Dynamic fog is no longer affected by dead creatures.
- The game crashed on Mac after character creation in some cases. Resolution: some fixes were applied to prevent this issue.
- The game crashed on Mac on claiming a new region. Resolution: some fixes were applied to prevent this issue.
- If the party entered an indoor area when there was a storm at the outdoor area, strong winds could still be active. Resolution: fixed.
- Main Menu is optimized for the low hardware specifications.
- Different characters sharing the same name no longer share saves. Also, every character gets their own autosave and quicksave slots now.
[ 2018-11-16 09:16:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Owlcat Games
Deep Silver
Singleplayer Tags
Game News Posts:
🎹🖱️Keyboard + Mouse
Mostly Positive
(26282 reviews)
The Game includes VR Support
Public Linux Depots:
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker Dev Linux [11.99 G]
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker Content Linux [39.24 G]
Available DLCs:
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker — The Wildcards
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Varnhold's Lot
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Beneath The Stolen Lands
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Bloody Mess
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Arcane Unleashed
With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Pathfinder: Kingmaker puts you in the role of a brave adventurer fighting to survive in a world beset by magic and evil! Take on the role of a canny fighter hacking through enemies with an enchanted sword, a powerful sorceress blessed with magic by the hint of demon blood in her veins, a wise cleric of gods benevolent or malignant, a witty rogue ready to defuse even the deadliest of traps, or any of countless other heroes. The only limit is your imagination!
The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker® is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.
Pathfinder has considerable depth, not only in its lore, but also in its game mechanics and the freedom it offers to develop your own unique character. You can customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.
The Story
To the north lie the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries. Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.
Pathfinder: Kingmaker is based on Paizo’s award-winning Pathfinder Adventure Path of the same name. You certainly don’t need to be familiar with the story, but if you are, you will encounter characters you know and love as well as a host of brand-new events, companions, allies, and threats that expand and enhance the original Adventure Path. With help from Paizo and their authors, the story and quests have been expanded by RPG writer Chris Avellone and the Owlcat team, allowing for even more adventure in the already rich narrative of the Stolen Lands.
While Pathfinder: Kingmaker is a single-player game, you won’t be adventuring alone. Kingmaker features a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.
Your Kingdom
We chose to adapt the Kingmaker adventure path because it features a host of open-world mechanics, allowing players to experience the story at their own pace as they explore the Stolen Lands, which will challenge you as both an adventurer and a ruler. Most importantly, the game allows you to claim these lands as your own, letting you carve your own kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and the ability to lead troops in the field are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.
As you’ll discover, building a kingdom goes beyond simply building a stronghold: Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.
Explore - Conquer - Rule
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit or newer
- Processor: Intel Celeron 1037U @ 1.80GHzMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000
- Storage: 30 GB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit or newer
- Processor: Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHzMemory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 5770 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M
- Storage: 30 GB available space
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