Hi there! The Enhanced Edition is finally here, and we hope that youve already dug your teeth into it and that you like what youre seeing. Nonetheless, there remains one important aspect of the game that we havent covered in these diaries yet. Today we would like to focus on kingdom management. Our vanilla kingdom management system has found some supporters among the players, but not all of you liked it. As time went on, weve received many suggestions and criticisms from you. We kept fine-tuning the way kingdom management works with every big patch, and as such, it shouldnt come as a surprise that weve prepared a new pack of improvements for the Enhanced Edition as well.
No Intermediaries
Let us start with a small, but important improvement now you will be able to buy BP right from the kingdom interface! Hassuf might be a bit disappointed that you wont be visiting him just as much, but this will make playing significantly more comfortable. From now on, all you need to do to restock your treasury is to open the kingdom stats window.
The Retinue Plays the King
The advisors We still receive quite a lot of comments from you saying there arent enough advisors in the game. Our goal has always been to give our players a chance to make meaningful choices, choices that actually matter. Choosing an advisor was supposed to be one of those difficult, but ultimately entertaining parts of the game. You do your best to pick the ideal candidate for the role: someone who can get the job done, but also fits your style of leadership. However, this can be quite tricky, and at times even outright impossible which is why sometimes you compromise and give the position to someone whos not a good match for you as a person, but will greatly benefit the kingdom. This is a significant, meaningful choice, but sometimes it can be unpleasant and, as it turns out, even unacceptable to some players. Also, it is far too hard to play without any advisors on some of the key roles, especially when playing for the first time - this can easily cripple a kingdom. Therefore, by popular demand, weve decided to allow appointing mercenaries for government roles. They are not quite the same as your usual advisors, however. A mercenary is not as effective as other advisors: they have a lower base chance of successfully resolving an event. At the same time, a mercenary can use magical items to increase their stats (only your companions were able to do that before). They are not very talkative and they tend to select the most neutral option in each rank-up event if there is one.
Knowing the Consequences
Speaking of advisors and rank-ups, from now on, youll be able to see what effect your choices during any given rank-up event will have. While making the game, we wanted our players to make kingdom choices without knowing all of the consequences, letting their heart and morals guide them instead. In practice, it resulted in discomfort and prompted players to load to a previous save after an unfortunate choice. We decided to change that. Now you will be able to see the effects of your decisions in advance, so that you can make a responsible choice.
All is Quiet in the Kingdom
Unrest has proven to be one of the most problematic kingdom mechanics. To address that, weve attempted to make the reasons behind rising unrest clearer you can now read about any changes in the unrest log. Also, story events that often lead to rising unrest will now tell you how to deal with them. Last but not least, weve added more ways to influence the current unrest level: firstly, throwing a feast became cheaper at 200 BP (however, each time you use it the price will rise to 200, 400, 600 and so on). Secondly, each Stability rank-up event will lower kingdom unrest by one step.
Finally, lets talk some more about kingdom events. Weve made multiple UI improvements in that area for example, now you can see which events have already been assigned an advisor. Some of the advisors can resolve certain events better than others, and before, the only way to find out was to browse through all of the available options. Now this information is at hand: you can see it on the advisors card at any time. Sometimes, your kingdom can be struck by an especially devastating event, and earlier you had no way to respond to that as a ruler. From now on, there is an instrument you can use in a pinch weve named them Crisis Points. You earn them as your kingdom grows, that is, with every new rank-up. You can also buy a limited amount of such points from Hassuf. These points can be used to get a single-shot bonus to successfully resolve an event and, possibly, to deal with a catastrophe that would have otherwise been beyond your advisors abilities. Yours faithfully, Owlcats.
[ 2019-06-11 19:19:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker Dev Linux [11.99 G]
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker Content Linux [39.24 G]
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker — The Wildcards
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Varnhold's Lot
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Beneath The Stolen Lands
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Bloody Mess
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Arcane Unleashed
With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Pathfinder: Kingmaker puts you in the role of a brave adventurer fighting to survive in a world beset by magic and evil! Take on the role of a canny fighter hacking through enemies with an enchanted sword, a powerful sorceress blessed with magic by the hint of demon blood in her veins, a wise cleric of gods benevolent or malignant, a witty rogue ready to defuse even the deadliest of traps, or any of countless other heroes. The only limit is your imagination!
The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker® is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.
Pathfinder has considerable depth, not only in its lore, but also in its game mechanics and the freedom it offers to develop your own unique character. You can customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.
The Story
To the north lie the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries. Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.
Pathfinder: Kingmaker is based on Paizo’s award-winning Pathfinder Adventure Path of the same name. You certainly don’t need to be familiar with the story, but if you are, you will encounter characters you know and love as well as a host of brand-new events, companions, allies, and threats that expand and enhance the original Adventure Path. With help from Paizo and their authors, the story and quests have been expanded by RPG writer Chris Avellone and the Owlcat team, allowing for even more adventure in the already rich narrative of the Stolen Lands.
While Pathfinder: Kingmaker is a single-player game, you won’t be adventuring alone. Kingmaker features a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.
Your Kingdom
We chose to adapt the Kingmaker adventure path because it features a host of open-world mechanics, allowing players to experience the story at their own pace as they explore the Stolen Lands, which will challenge you as both an adventurer and a ruler. Most importantly, the game allows you to claim these lands as your own, letting you carve your own kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and the ability to lead troops in the field are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.
As you’ll discover, building a kingdom goes beyond simply building a stronghold: Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.
Explore - Conquer - Rule
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit or newer
- Processor: Intel Celeron 1037U @ 1.80GHzMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000
- Storage: 30 GB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit or newer
- Processor: Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHzMemory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 5770 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M
- Storage: 30 GB available space
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