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 Monster Crown 



 Studio Aurum 



 Studio Aurum 












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 Monster Crown Linux [2.46 G] 


Patch 1.33 is here for Beta Players - important save file information inside!

The save file format has been completely revamped! It'd be easier to say you must start a new savefile, but you can indeed load your old one.

But first BACKUP YOUR SAVE FILES! grab em here:
C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Studio Aurum\Monster Crown\Resources\Saves
Toss a copy in another directory.

Instead of pressing Z/Accept when your file is selected, if it's an old one press F1, the next time you save it'll be up-converted to the new format and you don't need F1 anymore.

Also, balance changes apply to newly generated monsters, anything you tamed from previous builds remains the same.

v1.33 Fixes
+Monsters can find an item for you while you're away (saved and shut off)
+Shaved 1.5 seconds off of file loading
+Prize monster duplication is fixed
+Can safely set new prize monsters and cancel after a battle
+Can re-enter online menu after a disconnect
+battle now progresses after save
+game now saves after winning or losing
+Save file internal data management complete rewrite, now supports encoding
+Reduced chance of save file corruption
+Changed how messges are split up to improve readability of textboxes (WIP)
+Teedon has been kicked out of the player's room and is now back where he belongs!
+Follow monster behavior improved (WIP)
+Fade to black texture no longer fails to cover the entire screen on higher resolutions
+Small visual fixes to new battle screen
+Can no longer walk on Dad
+Added item-get sound effect
+Default audio level reduced heavily
+Battle sound effects now reflect audio level
+If the opponent doesn't send a battle sync at least every 120 seconds the game will disconnect and end the battle
+Chance of encountering Harveskin when picking up a pumpkin after leaving home
+Prize monster returned safely after leaving online menu
+Buttons no longer linger after leaving online menu
+ID Challenge now functions properly
+Tamer list building bug fixed and now back into working order
+Tamer list sorting inverted as it seemed to list most toughness difference first
+Scanline flickering when moving between areas fixed
+Starter monster moves nerfed
+Walerus's HP boosted, attack nerfed. Battle should be long but not as punishing
+Various online fixes and improvements to move syncing
+Text of Battle UI revamped (buttons need visual resizing)
+Connection status is no longer visible until you connect and even then it's only a box that will show red if you lose connectivity
+Trade now does nothing at all rather than soft-locking
+Health bar now displays earlier
+Online losses no longer warp you home or take your items (still heals you)
+ID Challenge now availble but needs some visual tweaks
+Opponents now sorted by least power difference from you to most
+Leaving the entire online battle menu restores your prize monster to your team/box
+Item use in battle not available but defend now is, fast-switch remapped to cancel/X rather than TOGGLE
+Prize transfer is now happening as it should and monsters should not be lost or produce soft/hard locks
+Tamer submenu positioning fixed (Challenge/Prize)
+New Rodask, Domigon overworld sprites
+New minified sprites for oversized monsters for the exp/farm screen and inside houses, needs smoothing
+Balancing rework of starters
+Balancing rework of the beta overall
+Myrk no longer re-appears
+Gualchop power boosted to 120HP recovered.
+Major additions to the Beth meet cutscene, introducing a new story element (dream egg)
+Can no longer walk on Kiry tamer
+No longer check Kiry when speaking to healer
+Forced to enter store now to receive bag
+Called over from the street to learn about Kiry
+Some font fine-tuning
+Improved main menu button visuals
+File select screen visual tweaks to improve clarity/usability
+All monsters now have level 0 attacks to prevent moveless monster bug
+New font makeover for the entire game
+New battle interface and method of choosing actions that reduces clicks
+Full move details and information now available in battle

[ 2020-04-22 21:04:02 CET ] [ Original post ]