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Patch 1.462 + New Feature Explanations

Hey Folks,

I couldn't believe my eyes last night when I checked the server logs and found there had already been OVER 4000 monster genes uploaded to our server from everyone using the new NET Egg functionality! It's over 6000 now (can't wait for the 9k joke).

If you haven't yet made use of the NET Egg and would like to learn more about what it's all about, here's how it works:

Set your breeding monsters, and then, hit Backspace, it'll reach out to our server and pull a random monster gene from all over the world. When you do, a random one of your monster's genes will be uploaded as well. You don't lose any monsters, consider it like a DNA donation from one of your creations! With everyone that has already made use of the feature you're surely in for a surprise no matter what monsters you use. To grab a new Net Egg just hit backspace again on that menu, you can also use that key to return to normal breeding.

That brings me to my next point, The Alternate Gene. The Alternate Gene is just a sneak peak at gene editing and the power that's on the way to you a little later during EA when you get the Gene Lab functionality. The Alternate gene has this configuration:

Switches which parent the following stats come from:

Basically, the ones above that used to come from the primary now come from the secondary and vice versa. With some experimentation you can accomplish new things with breeding that you couldn't before, I believe the master tamers on our discord are already beginning to master things. Feel free to hop in here:


If you're interested in the new trading functionality or would like to dabble in online battles, it's also a great place to find a partner.

The final new feature added, the Move Learner/Relearner is from Frobec city but has temporarily made a visit to Humanism Kingdom. He can allow your monster to remember or forget moves, a much requested feature that lets you get the most out of your crossbreeding experimentation. Unfortunately this new functionality exposed an issue, previously, monsters movesets were not being inherited properly. While this is corrected in this patch, prior created monsters can have this issue - as a workaround, the move relearner instantly adds all known moves to your monster's genetic learnset now, so you don't have to worry about any loss of moves.

Check out the rest of the patch notes below:

EA v1.462
+Odd collision issue around the breeding barn fixed
+Fixed location in Desperado caves where you could walk up onto the wall
+Improved NPC trading menu flow

#Please note that we want to keep the primary EA build stable so new builds will be uploaded to the EA-BETA branch for 24 hours before being moved to the main stream. Anyone can access this branch, just right-click Monster Crown in Steam, go to properties and select the EA-BETA branch to have the up to the minute, bleeding edge updates.

[ 2020-08-29 22:02:54 CET ] [ Original post ]