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Update 1.0.39

Happy Weekend Tamers!

This week's update brings some really cool stuff to the game, Randomizers, Mods, and a brand new monster!

[h2]Brand new monster - King's Primigon[/h2]

Have you noticed the King and Merryl have these cool horned Primigon? They're a different color too! The King needed a hardier breed to escort his carriage through the dangerous Scarred and Desperado province and so had this new type of Primigon created that is stronger, faster and tougher. Tamers on Discord have even dubbed it "Primigon 2", and to be honest, stat wise it is better in every way!

Get your hands on a King's Primigon using the code KINGPRIM in the barn. This was a much requested monster for fans, much to my surprise, and while I was tempted to modify Primigon's sprite to add horns I didn't think that was gonna cut it for a sharp-eyed tamer such as yourself, so not only does King's Primigon have a totally new sprite and coloring for your breeding projects, but each of its crossbreeds puts a brand new spin on Primigon's equivalents, totally new polished sprites that build on those designs you already know in a big way!

Oh, I also gave it a brand new move, Cruel Push after many people asked for more moves to punish status conditions, Cruel Push does 3x damage to dizzy foes!

[h2]Randomizer Options[/h2]

You'll now find another menu category - Fun - that contains options for modding and randomization:

Random Starter: This option causes the starter you select to be randomized immediately after you select it from all base monsters, giving you a true surprise to start the game with.

Randomize Types: All monsters will receive a new random typing

Randomize Colors: All monsters will receive a new random palette

Randomizer: All wild monsters, bosses, and tamer monsters will be shuffled randomly, providing new monster options everywhere you look!

Check out my starter and what I found just outside the farm!

All of these random options rely on an RNG "Seed", some of you may be familiar with that from other games, but basically if the randomizer creates orange Rodask in Dew Cave, next time you load your file it'll keep making orange Rodasks in Dew Cave, however, you can "re-roll" the seed by turning Randomizer Off then back On. These values are saved to your file so finding a value you like for each of your different files is fine.

It's in the spirit of randomizers to not mess with this value and just play with your initial seed, but I ain't your mom :D, go nuts! all the tools are here for you to use however is fun for you.


This update also brings our first modding tool, inject a monster sprite! Start off by opening the Fun menu and turning on Mods. Next up grab the template here:


Open that image in your image editor of choice (I enjoy Paint .net for color replacement/transparency after I design them in MSPaint) and replace it with your new custom monster. Monsters in Monster Crown only have two colors, so where you want the lighter color to go replace with Red, and where you want the darker use this blue. It's important that you sample the colors in this image and don't use some other red or blue.

Once you're happy with the sprite, you can visit the script I created here:


And upload the image. It'll convert it into a code. you'll notice this code is mostly 0s but there are numbers 1-4 in there as well. If you get a code with only 0s just upload it again with the browse button and it'll make the code properly. Copy this code!

Back on your party screen, hover over the monster with the sprite you'd like to replace and hit F11! It'll inject the monster sprite into the game, that's it! All done! And best of all? If your friend also has mods turned on you can even trade and battle, the game will communicate the sprite data without the need for a mutual mod file or anything, between you and other modders these can be used like any other monster.

Here's a Chuk with a custom sprite I created, I called it Yuto! I guess it's our first quasi-canon monster.

Want to get yourself one? Well there's a playground rumor that if you trade and enter a tamer id of 999999 (six nines) you'll trade with a phantom tamer and receive your very own Yuto-chuk.

One thing to keep in mind is that if you breed these monsters, they produce Tardigen. If this feature is well loved maybe we'll add the ability to insert a whole crossbreed family in the future.

Due to the new monster mods, our pedigree gallery (which has had so many awesome entries and is definitely worth checking out) will be changed from free-for-all to needing approval when entries are submitted. There's no high bar for this, I just want to be sure no copyrighted material is submitted for other players to download. I'll be approving all new entries every day or two.


[h2]Patch Notes[/h2]

+Additional Menu Tweaks
+Saliskipper new designs + palette
+Number of encounters allowed to be generated at a time increased by 3
+Some additional attack animations have been added
+Randomizer Options now available
+Monster modding now available
+King's Primigon now available
+New attack added to the game, Cruel Push
+Brand new Saliskipper sprites

Have a great rest of your weekend Tamers!

[ 2021-11-28 19:21:58 CET ] [ Original post ]