Changelog 1.4.03 -internally revised the namebox window at request, new features and changes: >made the namebox text bigger >added an option to toggle whether the name window box is shown or transparent >added an option to change the alignment of the name box when busts are visible, because i couldn't decide which side i liked better. accounted for it in choice windows, will now move the name over if it's on the right >when busts aren't visible (no bust text, off or faces) nameboxes are left aligned >the new settings are added to message window/window style settings **while tested, this wasn't a thoroughly tested change, please report any namebox related bugs Changelog 1.4.024 -Removed a wait command that was causing the minimaps and exit markers to blink after a period of time -Fixed the Exit Markers in Teralolz that wanted to show up when they were off -fixed a typo "procaution" to "precaution" because that was not a word lol -fixed a typo that was a / that was supposed to be a ? -fixed a typo because 'thrown rooms' are a room where you throw people not where kings live -can you believe many several years later I'm still fixing typos in this game it's recommend not reccomend lol -descendent not decendent lol, it's almost like i'm going through the game again for a new project -subject not subect lol how did i miss that ones its in the main story xD xD xD -occurred not occured man i wish i knew about that program that hilights spelling errors for this game lol -'not' not 'now' it's still amazing me that i'm finding typos in this game -'on' not 'in' lol ok i think that's all this round xD Changelog 1.4.023 -fixed some bugs eating the option menu that didn't want to set some of them correctly upon load Changelog 1.4.022 -fixed a bug where there was an akira where she wasnt supposed to be -fixed a bug where the jade mountain teleporter wanted to go turtles all the way down -fixed a bug in one spot where jumping in the flame cave when zoomed in jumped to the wrong point -fixed an boat that wasnt sposta be there -added a block I never thought of for bringing Doken to the Doken fanclub by request -fixed a bug where the link for opening the guidebook was incorrect -added a shortcut in options to a list of gamekeys (added to demo too!) And now we're all caught up lol
[ 2024-11-21 02:42:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog 1.4.021 -fixed a save-transfer bug for importing save files from GMEM1 into GMEM2 where nameless's name didn't want to register anymore (and a few transferable items too), made a subsequent bugfix prompt in EM2 to detect the bug and allow you to reimport your EM1 save file on load (Will require you to re-save your GMEM1 save file first!) I tell you whuut my code for registering it just poofed out of existence in this copy and all of my recent backups not sure when that happened, but I apologies for the inconvenience! That's a Big Oof if I ever saw one! Happy New Year!
[ 2023-01-03 02:14:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog 1.4.02 -fixed a bug where re-saving the game for EM2 compatibility on the 'the end screen' wouldnt trigger the flag -fixed the beast book not displaying images -fixed some pixels where the world wanted to show up beneath in arber -fixed a tile that let you walk thru walls in arber mountain forest -fixed the debug link -fixed holding shift to skip text too fast
[ 2022-12-28 15:30:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog 1.4.01 -fixed the minimap flickering displayed in full mode -fixed some options menu descriptions -fixed a bug where choko adamantly did not want to battle you and decided you should fight the previous boss instead
[ 2022-12-05 11:58:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
SAY HELLO TO THE ... QUALITY... CHALLENGE... BUST... UPDATE! That name is terrible, but we've added a new CHALLENGE MODE setting that is intended to address "this game is too easy!" We've also added in character message bust graphics. Many fixes and Quality of Life updates are also in this release! See changelog below: Changelog 1.4.0 - MAJOR UPDATE -added battle retry for bosses -fixed various typos and for whatever reason usagi song which was set as light elemental while clearly stating earth and throwing rocks at you -changed the camera to one that enjoys properly zooming in parallaxes without pausing them like a derp and fixed all the bugs associated to switching it then promptly swiched back to the original because the new one had too many problems but fixed the original bug that compelled me to switch in the first place -added a proper options menu -added an option for faces to appear as bust images instead -fixed corresponding bugs related to bust images -added an option to turn off faces & animchars altogether -added an option to toggle step sounds -added CHALLENGE MODE for difficulty, included "super boss" monsters -nerfed gems in challenge mode -added a variety of varied loading images, variously -added AUTO SAVE, SAVE STATE (ctrl) and auto-load on game start up (hold insert) -added options for 'window borders' -wrote better code for window fade -added EXIT MARKERS (can be toggled off) -added QUICK BUTTON (quick encounter rate, quick potion, ect) -Added MonsterDex (Examine Item) -Rearranged the main menu and included a Music Box scene -added notifications for saves loads and cache clearing (can be turned off) -fixed a bug where winning with items wanted to repeat twice which I thought was fixed already! -fixed miki and niki thinking they were each other in the volcano -fixed some graphical errors -adjusted damage formulas for whyp's skills -added missing late-game fast travels on the airship (when selecting Flight Ocarina while flying) -added in the giver & receiver rings from em2, can be found on new airship with zoom -updated the demo to match the updates -added TWO ACHIEVEMENTS for challenge mode, and counters (when on) in the menu to keep track
[ 2022-11-21 02:36:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog 1.3.5 -fixed a bug where saving after entering Arber will prevent you from going back to level up -fixed a wall in magic academy that was wonkier than my brain -fixed a bug where a boss was so bored when he ran out of MP he put you to sleep repeatedly -made the ghost ship EVEN MORE DARK! (so that the lantern would appear effective xD!)
[ 2022-07-07 14:57:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog 1.3.4 -Fixed issue where videos played when game is minimized caused issues -Added a "skip video" button for the start screen, various videos and credits (if playing NG+ or already viewed it)
[ 2022-03-11 01:21:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog 1.3.3 -Made Majikk Key super easy, barely an inconvenience! -Fixed a softlock that could happen in eeon cave before getting the airship
[ 2022-02-17 12:20:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog 1.3.2 -fixed bugs with late game achievements
[ 2021-11-05 18:28:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog 1.3.0 -added achievements to steam -upgraded nwjs to 54.0 -swapped loading methods to boost performance -added compatibility to port save data to EM2 *will require re-loading and re-saving existing save data, but otherwise old files still compatible -included battle speedup -fixed a bug where using gems on the final hit did weird things -fixed some typos in menutext -fixed more typos -switched out the actor commands in battle and replaced it -Steam Overlay does not work in MacOS or Linux -As we are unable to test the MacOS version locally, the old nwjs version (with updated content) can be found under the beta branch 'oldmac'
[ 2021-10-01 20:43:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog 1.2.6 -fixed a TWO typo in Ryuia -fixed a bug where getting the missable songs in eeon still triggered without akira in the party -fixed agares pummeling you to death -fixed a bug that traps you if you return to jade at one point -fixed the magic academy teleporter if returned to
[ 2020-03-05 10:12:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog 1.2.4 -fixed some graphicies in majikk -fixed some stray pixels on leiths battler -fixed some textlines that get cutoff when mspgothic isn't installed -finished mac testplay (thanks to Ihavenoskin!) -made some changes to FAQ&KnownIssues.pdf -fixed minimaps from showing during early cutscenes in newgame+ -added in a save prompt before entering evermore, in case of crashing on low-memory machines -fixed a typo in flame -fixed ground238 case sensitivity for linux -fully playtested on linux -added Mac terminology -updated specialthanks to include Mac tester ihavenoskin:) -fixed random debug encounter left in at arber forest -fixed passing choko in arber -fixed a stray quest icon in kachie's clubhouse -fixed some fog loops -fixed a glitch in firelolz with the bridge -substantially reduced filesize for movies, should fix playback stutter -fixed some pixels on a monster char sprite
[ 2018-10-23 22:15:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog 1.2.3 -fixed griffon overworld sprite -fixed a typo in majikk -fixed big monkey battlers -fixed a typo in mirrikh factory -fixed several typos in eeon area -fixed some menu text typos -fixed a glitch in volcano where miki and niki thought they were each other -fixed my inability to type acquired correctly in a context other than item-getting -fixed some tiles in Ryuia -SBOUT lol, that's almost as bad as the original airshpi -removed some rain animation effects in teralolz to reduce lag:) -fixed niki image location in green cave -fixed a jump point in flame cave -fixed a fix i already fixed in sand castle castle teleporter -fixed some stray pixels -changed bigrobot sprites size for integrated graphics cards -lets go this thing -fixed some flame-y typos -dissappeaaeerrrddddd -fixed some battle sprites -added 'hard mode' agares/gategirl for end 2&3 refights -FIXED the majikkjungle&evermore mapsize problem for limited graphics cards
[ 2018-04-01 16:27:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog 1.2.3 -fixed griffon overworld sprite -fixed a typo in majikk -fixed big monkey battlers -fixed a typo in mirrikh factory -fixed several typos in eeon area -fixed some menu text typos -fixed a glitch in volcano where miki and niki thought they were each other -fixed my inability to type acquired correctly in a context other than item-getting -fixed some tiles in Ryuia -SBOUT lol, that's almost as bad as the original airshpi -removed some rain animation effects in teralolz to reduce lag:) -fixed niki image location in green cave -fixed a jump point in flame cave -fixed a fix i already fixed in sand castle castle teleporter -fixed some stray pixels -changed bigrobot sprites size for integrated graphics cards -lets go this thing -fixed some flame-y typos -dissappeaaeerrrddddd -fixed some battle sprites -added 'hard mode' agares/gategirl for end 2&3 refights -FIXED the majikkjungle&evermore mapsize problem for limited graphics cards
[ 2018-04-01 16:27:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog 1.2.1 -fixed assorted gamey graphical goofs -fixed a bug in foresta where you could access the cave early -fixed a glitch where echo's alt costume doesnt blow -added FAQ&KnownIssues.pdf to the game root folder -added dlc compatibility for the future -fixed a derp where nikis alt costume was wrong
[ 2017-12-09 23:38:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog 1.2.1 -fixed assorted gamey graphical goofs -fixed a bug in foresta where you could access the cave early -fixed a glitch where echo's alt costume doesnt blow -added FAQ&KnownIssues.pdf to the game root folder -added dlc compatibility for the future -fixed a derp where nikis alt costume was wrong
[ 2017-12-09 23:38:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
PERFORMANCE UPDATE Changelog 1.2.0 -Updated to YEP-Corescripts1.5.1 -Substantially reduced load times on older machines -More stable framerates overall -Should help with memory usage on older machines -ClearCache modes are now on by default, renamed Performance Settings in Gameplay Options -fixed a derp in menutext -fixed an issue on tadase's sprite -fixed a typo in menutext -fixed a majiikal glitch with teleport stones -made an exit in majikk cave easier to see -fixed an echo battler sprite SAVE FILES from the previous version WILL BE FINE! They won't be backwards compatible after saving on the new version, so it is encouraged to make a backup incase of unforeseen issues, and let us know if you encounter any problems. Bugs can be reported here: https://bitbucket.org/Echo607/gaias-melody/issues?status=new&status=open
[ 2017-11-15 17:04:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
PERFORMANCE UPDATE Changelog 1.2.0 -Updated to YEP-Corescripts1.5.1 -Substantially reduced load times on older machines -More stable framerates overall -Should help with memory usage on older machines -ClearCache modes are now on by default, renamed Performance Settings in Gameplay Options -fixed a derp in menutext -fixed an issue on tadase's sprite -fixed a typo in menutext -fixed a majiikal glitch with teleport stones -made an exit in majikk cave easier to see -fixed an echo battler sprite SAVE FILES from the previous version WILL BE FINE! They won't be backwards compatible after saving on the new version, so it is encouraged to make a backup incase of unforeseen issues, and let us know if you encounter any problems. Bugs can be reported here: https://bitbucket.org/Echo607/gaias-melody/issues?status=new&status=open
[ 2017-11-15 17:04:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog 1.1.3 -fixed a walkthru tile in mirrikh factory -the npc that tells you part of the code now repeats it in the factory -fixed going to teralolz early -fixed ea's house showteam switch -fixed ring of lifes description -fixed whyp really really wanting to be involved when he's not in the party in eeon -Clear Cache Mode (gameplay options) now shows if it's on or off -starting a new game will autostart with previously selected windowskin -fixed tiles in chopoky..poka...Chopokolon Canyon -fixed a glitch where repeatedly closing the party swap menu gives an error Thanks for all the bug reports everyone! We're working on updating the base engine to the latest RPG Maker MV update, but we still need to play through it to make sure nothing breaks. It should provide some performance increases.
[ 2017-11-01 22:08:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog 1.1.3 -fixed a walkthru tile in mirrikh factory -the npc that tells you part of the code now repeats it in the factory -fixed going to teralolz early -fixed ea's house showteam switch -fixed ring of lifes description -fixed whyp really really wanting to be involved when he's not in the party in eeon -Clear Cache Mode (gameplay options) now shows if it's on or off -starting a new game will autostart with previously selected windowskin -fixed tiles in chopoky..poka...Chopokolon Canyon -fixed a glitch where repeatedly closing the party swap menu gives an error Thanks for all the bug reports everyone! We're working on updating the base engine to the latest RPG Maker MV update, but we still need to play through it to make sure nothing breaks. It should provide some performance increases.
[ 2017-11-01 22:08:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog 1.1.2 -made the hidden key in the empty Majikk house more obvious -fixed a walkthroughable npc in Arber -fixed pic_33 in the picture diary -added some blockoff rocks in majikk jungle -fixed kachie issues in majikk -fixed some tiles in arber mountain -fixed leith sprite errors -included a work-around for the null bug. *please report if graphics seem to be missing anywhere to help us solve this issue:) Thanks for your input everyone!
[ 2017-10-22 16:38:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog 1.1.2 -made the hidden key in the empty Majikk house more obvious -fixed a walkthroughable npc in Arber -fixed pic_33 in the picture diary -added some blockoff rocks in majikk jungle -fixed kachie issues in majikk -fixed some tiles in arber mountain -fixed leith sprite errors -included a work-around for the null bug. *please report if graphics seem to be missing anywhere to help us solve this issue:) Thanks for your input everyone!
[ 2017-10-22 16:38:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- Gaia's Melody: Echoed Melodies Linux [4.23 G]
- Gaia's Melody: Echoed Melodies Linux x64 [4.23 G]
"Echo, big sister...
You were taken from me.
You knew... you knew about it. All along.
...But you never told me.
Why did you lie to me!?
What are you trying so desperately
to keep from me!?
Even when I hated you...
Even when we fought...
Despite everything;
I still trust you."
Gaia's Melody is a story about friendship. About bonds, family - lies, deception, and the truth.
Overcoming yourself, and accepting.
Do you have the courage to accept the truth?
This is an RPG-styled journey that will take you through a complex story with childlike wonder. You'll laugh, cry, and constantly be going 'wut?'
-The game follows a dark story hidden within happy comedic characters
-Explore this group of characters, and learn how their lives have been affected by the past, their friends, and their own actions
-Contains colourful and lively custom graphics, detailed sprites, creepy-cute monsters, and anime-styled cutscene art
-A 20-30 hour epic, written as a heavily character-driven narrative
-Fun turned-based combat made amusing
-Dynamically engaging(and ADORABLE) sprite-based scenes
-TONS of in-game collectables, including 20+ WindowSkins, 33 character bio entries, alternate costumes, optional cutscenes, and secrets!
-Customisation options, including window style, encounter rate, load screen image, and minimaps/guides
-Zoom in to see hidden treasure and flavor text, and swap characters around to read their thoughts!
- OS: Linux
- Processor: 2+ GHzMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: OpenGL 4.1 capable GPU; 1024 MB VRAM
- Storage: 5 GB available space
- OS: Linux
- Processor: 3+ GHzMemory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: OpenGL 4.1 capable GPU; 2048 MB VRAM
- Storage: 5 GB available space
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