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 The Dwarves of Glistenveld 



 Nysko Games Ltd. 



 Nysko Games Ltd. 








 Early Access 





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Notifications Revamped (Patch Notes 15)

Fellow Dwarves! A small bit of news today, our notification messengers have upped their game, and our engineers are finally figuring out how to assemble multiple tracks in a row!

[h3]Patch Notes[/h3]
Features & Design Changes:

  • Notifications - Certain notifications will now persist instead of being removed when clicked on. The battle notification will remain as long as the battle goes on. The level-up notification persists until you've chosen an ability for the dwarf. Once any notification ceases to be relevant, a count-down arc appears indicating that that notification will disappear on its own soon, but you can also click to remove it at this point.
  • Assembling - When many of the same building instructions are to be assembled in the same region, engineers will now assemble them in sequence, until they run out of parts. This is most notable for tracks and pressure plates.
  • Instruction Assignment UI - Selecting an instruction zone brings up the assignment UI where you can select which dwarves work what jobs. A new button has been added 'Apply to all' which will set the current configuration to all instructions of that type.
  • Caverns Mode - Introduced some new quests, and balanced some of the cave generation (only found when playing a fresh game).
  • Guide - Added many more guide entries, and fixed some bugs including a couple of broken entries.
  • Campaign - A few small refinements have been made to reduce confusion in the earlier levels.

    Fixes & Improvements:

  • Trade Stalls - Fixed various bugs and the general glitchiness surrounding these should be resolved. Trade stalls can now also be packed up.
  • Mushrooms - Fixed bugs both with the farming plot, and that mushrooms could not be removed on soil patches.
  • Battle - Battles taking place around mobbits or vehicles, characters were prone to dancing back and forth instead of fighting. Also the hit counters weren't always showing the correct numbers.
  • AI Improvements - Ally teams should no longer steal food, or stand around doors begging to be let in for the same reason. AI miners should stop mining down your walls (fingers-crossed we nipped this in the bud this time). Made various other improvements to AI teams, and resolved some scenarios where units were getting stuck in a rut. Bats should no longer get confused about how to avoid lamps and light sources.
  • Placing Buildings - Fixed a bug where in large maps, occasionally what you were trying to build instead turned into beds.
  • Pathfinder Optimisation - Longer paths should now be a little more efficient, but less accurate.

    We're also saying goodbye to easter mode tomorrow, although you will still be able to enable it manually for a while longer by going to Options > Gameplay > Seasonal.

    That's all for now, have a good weekend!

  • [ 2021-04-30 23:17:53 CET ] [ Original post ]