Pre-Order Rewards and Backer Keys
First off, a big apology to all of our Backers and pre-orderers!
We accidentally ordered the incorrect type of DLC codes to send you. The code(s) you received would only work if the DLC items were being sold on the Steam Store, which obviously isn't the case.
So we need to request a whoooooole new batch of codes and then send them out to all of you exceptionally patient people. We will update you all as soon as possible.
Regarding Keyboard controls
Were currently discussing the best way to make keyboard controls more intuitive. We will get back to you as soon as we are ready to make changes, but were working to get this asap.
For those playing right now, here are the current keyboard defaults:
Menu Navigation
ESC = open Menu
ARROW KEYS = Navigation / Toggle Selection
Z to Select
EXC or Z to go back a menu level
World Controls
Jump = Z
Attack = A
Special = S
Focus = X
Shoot = C
Guard = D
OK / Cancel = Z / A
Battle Controls:
Top Position: W
Left Position = A
Right Position = S
Bottom Position = Z
All Block = D
Meter Burn / Special Attack = C
We appreciate your patience as we work to update these issues!