1.0.5b beta build hotfix. We've added some fixes for the beta build and will do a few days of testing to make sure they're good before setting it live.
Please let us know!
Offline personal best time functionality
Optimize Vegetation System to do less combining, faster rendering and deallocation of vegetation. This could range from no noticeable difference to quite a significant boost in FPS and lower jitter.
Lowered the collider of the T22 so the wheels don't clip on harsh jump landings
Code optimizations
Fix bug where 'Barely Keeping it Together' achievement was being awarded even on terminal damage stage completes
Parking Lot achievement no longer awarded before all cars are unlocked
Fix bug where the car would keep some momentum after resetting.
Fix typos in credits
Fixed: when a Xbox One controller disconnects abruptly there was a massive lagspike in the game, we have improved upon that so it happens less likely, but our hands are tied to an issue in XINPUT.
Potential fix for a bug that prevents players from finishing a stage by resetting them to the last waypoint when they cross the finish line
Fix bug where screenshake would happen after a stage restart or offroad reset
Fix bug where the car would keep some momentum after resetting.
Fix incorrect reporting of stages won in Custom mode
Fix incorrect reporting of stages won in Career mode
"Groundhog Day" bug
To access the beta version:
Go to the "beta-beta" branch in the game settings for art of rally
*header pic by Danonak*
art of rally is a stylized rally experience from the creator of Absolute Drift
The top-down view lets you completely focus on the stages by seeing upcoming road features without needing pace-notes.
Progress through the golden years of rally in Career Mode
30+ iconic rally cars from the 60s, 70s, 80s, Group B and Group S
Completely overhauled handling from the car physics system of Absolute Drift
50 rally stages in Finland, Sardinia, Norway, Japan and Germany
Repair performance damage between stages
Daily and weekly challenges with leaderboards
Original soundtrack by Tatreal
Note from the Developer:
The handling model has been overhauled from that in Absolute Drift and is much more predictable and less punishing. Settings for driving assists mean it is more friendly to beginners while still challenging expert drivers.