New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )





 Slikey Games 



 Slikey Games 










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 CR2Linux [363.19 M] 


ClickRaid2 Ver.213

Massive project cleanup + namespacing + Asmdef
-Fixed some Channel runes that were trying to use cast amount and Damage bonus rune types at the same time
-Re-Worked Monk runes a bit
-Removed the need for TD hero to save in the main DB causing him to show up as a selectable character
-Fixed Crafting craft time bug
-Fixed Runes that gave passive stats not actually giving passive stats
-Possible fix for some stats that were obtaining an extra +1 because they thought they were a mult
-Decreased the cool down on Attack Animations
-Fix for the cause of the legendary bug that resulted in waypoint's going missing
-Fix for TD Lives starting at 1 on server up
-Fix for TD Hero not completely applying the spec you send it
-Fixed Guild check that would hide the button to modify the TD Hero talent and rune specs
-Server performance improvement by reducing physics calculations in Guild TD's
-Fixed Bug in UI TD showing the Spots up to 100 when only 50 exist
-Fixed a case where channel would cancel before it should have
-Fixed lowest gem level not updating in Ascend UI

Velitha Fixs
-Removed bounce damage division texts
-Changed Dev color text to not stand out
-Changed colored prefix tags to have the colon be colored
-Changed rune unlock typos, and fix an unlikely situation where it was possible for text not to be displayed

ClickRaid2 Ver.211
-Added stun back to Ranger - precise shot
-Decreased stun time on Enchanter - Nova
-Bounce Projectiles will no longer divide the damage by hits
-Possible fix for unable to Target the tanks mobs due to attack range bug
-Fixed a bug letting Inactive guild members stay registered in Guild TD instance
-Removed Guilds that don't have a TD instance from the Master Guild List
-Fixed a null that could occur when trying to click spots on UI TD before its loaded
-Guild UI will remain on the last Tab you were on after closing and opening it again
-Cleric Rune Changes again...
-Occultist Flood of Darkness Rune buffed for more consistent DPS
-Can now set your TD Hero Talents without modifying your own by using the Load TD Hero Talents button then clicking it again to save the setup you want. This is persistent going forward and will be saved to DB.
-Can now send your current Rune setup to TD hero(button in Rune UI)
-Fixed a loot issue in Caverns that could use the wrong floor to determine the loot from the last boss
-Fixed a Channel skill bug that could skip the skills cool down
-Dungeon Floor Mod should now save per instance and not reset to 0 when changing dungeons
-Fixed a string format issue in Seals UI
-Fixed a Damage Popup bug that could reset the damage amount before it was ever sent to client

[ 2019-12-08 22:09:05 CET ] [ Original post ]