As we work toward our final release of the Quality of Death update, we're fixing some persistent performance issues and bugs that we don't want to ship with. In the meantime, we continue to add polish, quality-of-life improvements, and content. It's time to give you a new and improved build with a lot of our work from the last couple months! A big THANK YOU to everybody who has participated in these Quality of Death Beta tests. We appreciate your ongoing support and feedback. It's really helped make the game better. For those who play on big monitors, I want to draw your attention to the new HUD Scaling slider. We've received feedback that some of our veterans prefer the old UI because it feels less cluttered. At 1920x1080, I personally recommend playing with the new UI at 75% HUD scale, giving all those UI elements a lot more breathing room. At 4k, 50% HUD scale might be the right choice if you have a huge screen and can read the tiny text! When I play the QoD Beta on my Steam Deck, I'm grateful the 100% size is as large as it is; it's great to have options! We know we can't please everyone, but we're doing our best. Thanks to everyone for hanging with us throughout this process of transformation.
Reworked Hell to be a more threatening and distinct tileset, in gameplay and aesthetic.

- Added several new natural and architectural meshes to make Hell look more rad
- Added new, and reworked existing hell textures to provide a more varied and consistent palette
- Improved the lava bubble particle's look
- Added a 3-tile skirt to the exterior of Hell levels to help facilitate its look as an outdoor location
- Set Hell to operate with the room-adjacency generation method
- Reworked all existing rooms to fit in the multiples-of-seven size required by the generation method
- Added a full complement of ~180 total room variants to Hell
- Demon model is now slightly smaller to fit in 1 tile ceilings
- Demons no longer break ceilings [to keep Hell looking pretty]
- Arrow traps no longer spawn procedurally in Hell
- Added high-threat traps to Hell rooms
- Booze lasts 2.5-3.5 minutes rather than 30-60s for Goatmen
- Drunk status is no longer cured by Cure Ailment (Goatman only)
- Succubi and Incubi are now also recruitable by throwing booze while drunk, in addition to humans + goblins
- Fountain potion drop chances improved, chance of 2 potions 20 -> 30%, chance of 0 potions 30 -> 20%
- 20%+ to all resistances
- Free Action status (immunity to mobility impairing effects)
- +25% STR/CON/CHR (or +4, whichever greater)
- -25% DEX (or -2, whichever most negative)
- -25% INT (or -8, whichever most negative)
Polish Work
- Many splitscreen layout adjustments
- Resize GUI slider added to settings, shrink the drawn size of UI (recommended values 75% or 50% for pixel art accuracy)

[quote]Screenshot of the game set to 1920x1080 with the HUD scaled to 75%[/quote]
- New FPS mode - AUTO when slider maxed to attempt to match monitor settings
- Added status effect icons + tooltips for all item intrinsic effects (e.g Warning, Conflict, Waterwalking)
- Added new level up fanfare with numerical stat increases shown
- Added new skill up notifications
- Added new spell learned notifications
- Added "Notifications" audio slider to adjust level up/skill increase/new spell volume
- Inventory tooltips scroll with right stick/mouse wheel when expanded (video). Now shouldn't overflow the screen and are kept within maximum height ranges (roughly inventory + backpack size)
- Reworked on-screen messages, many basic messages are now filtered out ("you hit the skeleton!") to focus on important events
- (All filtered messages will show in the log window (hotkey L) or Open Log on the character sheet)
- Messages now display in the center by default [quote]Log HUD placement can be changed using console commands (for now): /alignmessages left, /alignmessages center, /alignmessages top[/quote]
- XP bars now include current character level and class
- XP bars, chat messages, nametags are now colored per-player to match the minimap colors
- Player nametags now draw through walls like enemy HP bars
- Added unique MP bars for Automaton and Insectoids
- MP bars now flash when attempting to cast a spell without the appropriate MP
- Added "Next Interaction" prompt to inform when you can use "Cycle Interation" (default R) to swap the targeted item
- Added new directional damage indicator art to match pixel art style and increase visibility
- Blocked damage now also has a directional indicator
- Directional damage indicators now correctly scale to the screen
- Last characters are reloaded when entering new games - separate characters saved for LAN/Online/Splitscreen
- Newly added spells blink the Spells menu button until scrolled over
- Hotbar tooltips are now small compact labels when scrolling through
- Removed "Minimap scaling" hotkey, now minimap is drawn bigger by default. Use "Expand Minimap" hotkey to see larger view in middle of screen.
- Added negative sound feedback when failing to do inventory actions (item is cursed and unequippable, no room in chest, can't learn spell etc)
- Gamepad item tooltips now have a smaller grab/drop icon rather than text
- Many optimisations drawing player UI and drawing the world
- Multiplayer EXP sharing is now global range
- Added Death Boxes - Dying in multiplayer now drops all your items in a new "Death Box" item, containing all of your equipment (only when Keep Inventory gameflag is turned off)
- Death Boxes are player color-coded, and can be inspected to determine how many items it contains
- Opening the box delivers all the items into your inventory, and destroys the container
- Death Boxes have a weight of 100, and reduce your speed by 20% per box carried
- Bones icon shows on map if a death box is on the floor
- Bones show on map for 10 seconds when someone dies with keep inventory on
- You can now see your inventory when dead in multiplayer, and will spawn without items on the next floor
- Multiplayer high scores that are recorded while dead now show the character with equipped gear
- All minions with the Interact or Attack command should now be able to touch underworld shrines
- Interacting with an exit will send a message and ping other players the location
- Appraising is only possible if your skill/PER is high enough for the item, auto-appraise will check before trying
- Appraising an item no longer has a chance to fail
- Gems and worthless glass now have matching weight/gold value when unidentified
- Axe weapons now deal bonus damage to furniture/doors/chests like Unarmed skill (+1 per 20 skill points)
- Unarmed no longer deals bonus damage to chests, limited to furniture/doors
- "Critical hits" on furniture now properly doubles your damage instead of adding a +1 to the final amount
- Items now bob/float in water, and sink/burn in lava
- Charisma stat no longer affects item buying prices from shops as items could reach buy/sell 1:1 ratios early with minimal Trading skill (only Trading skill affects this, selling items uses Trading + CHR stat still)
- Potion of Strength now increases STR by +25% (or +5, whichever greater), PER -50% (or -5, whichever most negative)
- Vampiric Aura (when learned from spellbook) now increases STR by +25% (or +5, whichever greater) and gives DEX +5 + 25%
- Entering Hamlet clears all Wanted! status effects from all player forms
- Tinkering kit default right-click action is Tinker
- Drunk hiccup effect longer intervals, 3 -> 6 seconds
- Music volume reduced to better suit other sound effects when set to the same percentage
- Spells of Dominate and Charm Monster clear Confuse status when successfully making new friends
- Every player now receives their own story sequences based on their race rather than using the host's race
- Healing spells/potions now show +HP sprites in-world when used on allies
Auto Hotbar Adjustments
Default settings for auto-add-to-Hotbar behavior have been reset to Thrown, Spells and Tools. These may still be manually adjusted in the Inventory Sorting > Customize menu.
- Unidentified items are no longer added to hotbar automatically
- Broken items will remove themselves from the hotbar, provided they were on the hotbar before breaking
- Thrown category now includes returning consumables such as tinkering tools/beartraps/quivers
- Items in the "Thrown" category now remember what slot they were assigned to when thrown / deployed, so that when you pick it back up, it returns to the correct spot on your Hotbar if that slot has not been overridden in the meantime
- Tool category now includes only a few items: Empty bottles, Orbs, Lockpicks, Lanterns, Torches, Crystal Shards
- Lore books removed from the Books inventory category for Auto-Add-to-Hotbar
Multiplayer Lobbies
- Lobbies are now private by default, requiring a room code or Steam Invite
- Continuing a saved multiplayer game is public by default
- Improved connecting to lobbies with clearer error messages
- You can connect to a hosted multiplayer game from either the Continue or New game prompt, selecting a lobby to join will automatically find your compatible save file, if it exists
- ^ Also applies to Steam Invites and when using room codes
- Accepting Steam Invites while already in a game properly connects you to the lobby instead of only taking you to the main menu
- Spidercrab bug fixed, lobby and chat will announce if the game has turned on the setting (if any client has arachnophobia on = on for everyone)
- Added now "Collider" decor sprite type, to place custom art objects in maps with configurable collision
- Added "Gen Border" property, allowing maps to have a custom specifiable, impenetrable border as defined by the level designer, where generated rooms do not override the border area
- Added vismap to all cameras rather than map so culling particles works in splitscreen
- Fixed Succubus/Insectoid followers getting stuck constantly casting their signature spells
- Fixed camera shake not having a sensible limit
- Fixed loud volume when dropping a stack of items, only produces 1 sound per game tick
- Fixed Interact Aim Assist resetting to the first interactable in the list when picking up items, now properly remembers the item you looked at previous
- Fixed Interact Aim Assist not allowing cycling between items when scrapping items by blocking with a Tinkering kit
- Fixed clients not gaining Tinkering skill when salvaging using the tinkering kit in-world (bug ever since we first put in splitscreen - oops)
- Fixed tinkering UI not displaying correct repair cost for very blessed items (the cap is 99 but UI would incorrectly exceed that)
- Fixed Confuse spell working on bosses
- Fixed side-by-side doors not opening correctly
- Fixed "use" binding triggering while text chatting if it was bound to a keyboard button
- Fixed right clicks not resetting during level change, potentially interacting with objects across the map
- Fixed minimap pings requiring 2 clicks when first opening the map
- Fixed desync in multiplayer when unequipping an item while having a full inventory
- Fixed item in-world tooltips not showing Broken status correctly
- Fixed Parashu crit applying when Shapeshifted
- Fixed being able to Polymorph allies into Shadows
- Fixed Blood Vessels achievement not working
- Fixed Secret Weapon achievement not working for all classes
- Fixed Gyrobot being able to deploy broken Tinker bots
- Fixed telepathy working on the main menu when viewing hiscores
- Fixed duping mail/readable books when taking items out of chest in multiplayer
- Fixed repairing Tinker bots while equipped causing them to disappear
- Fixed duplicate Minotaur roars in splitscreen
- Fixed splitscreen individual log windows displaying messages for every player
- Fixed gaining Stealth skill increases when attacking other player from behind
- Fixed Aesthetic monster skins not playing the Human story sequences
- Fixed Acid spell not awarding XP when the lingering poison status effect deals the final blow
- Fixed joining multiplayer games as client overriding your default game flag options in solo play
- Fixed game flags desyncing in multiplayer when restarting the game
- Fixed client cycle next not working when bound to follower command
- Fixed blindfolds being stackable
[ 2023-03-11 02:48:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Barony Depot (English) (Linux) [144.38 M]
- Barony Extended Soundtrack by Chris Kukla
- Barony: Myths & Outcasts DLC Pack 1
- Barony: Legends & Pariahs DLC Pack 2
- Gameplay inspired by RPG classics like Ultima Underworld, System Shock, & Daggerfall
- Roguelike mechanics such as perma-death, random dungeons, cryptic messages, and more
- Meticulously narrated action that mimics the insane events one could expect to find in games like Nethack
- A complex yet intuitive drag & drop interface to manage items and character stats
- Cooperative multiplayer for up to 4 players over internet or LAN (includes Steam and direct-IP connections)
- Hundreds of unique collectible items and loot, including several rare and mystical artifacts
- Chock-full of secret areas, special levels, developer easter eggs, and more
- Bundled level editor, exposed assets, and simple file formats for easy hacking, modding & tinkering
The Story So Far
Barony tells the story of an undead lich named Baron Herx, who terrorized the town of Hamlet in a previous life and is now holding out in a vast subterranean complex known as the Devil's Bastion. As a single hero or a group of adventurers, it is your mission to descend the depths of his abode, confront him in his hellish lair, and destroy him forever. Whether you will simply meet your doom in the dungeons as many have before you or rise to victory against the Baron and his hellspawn is ultimately up to you.
- OS: Steam OS 3.4.8
- Processor: Intel i5 2.5 ghzMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 630 (OpenGL 3.2+)
- Storage: 1 GB available space
- OS: Steam OS 3.4.8
- Processor: Intel i5 3.5 ghzMemory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: Geforce GTX 1050Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 4 GB available space
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