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 Space Haven 



 Bugbyte Ltd. 



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Nominate Space Haven for a Steam Award!


[h3]Spacefarers. I come to you with a dream. A dream of balloons, some beer and a Steam Award! Together we can do it! Hear my speech, Spacefarers.[/h3]

Aye, fight for it and we may be disappointed. Dying in our beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the beers from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our beers and balloons, but they will never take our passion!

I can hear you shout in unison! "You have my beer! You have my balloon! We will vote Space Haven for the Best Soundtrack category and make this dream come true!"

[h3]Spacefarers, vote now at the top of this post. Let's do this Together =)[/h3]

If you feel like Space Haven could possibly be nominated in other categories too, that's great! However, if we focus our efforts we are more likely to achieve an award and the soundtrack has been highly praised!

[h3]The story of how Space Haven and Paul Zimmermann found each other[/h3]

Many space moons ago I sought out to search for a composer for our upcoming game. I posted a thread on Reddit, stating that we were looking for a composer for our spaceship colony sim called Space Haven.

We had some ideas regarding the music, and we needed someone to execute on them and bring it all to life. I did not know exactly how the music should sound, but I was confident that I would feel it and know once I hear it.

Paul emailed me with drafts. Many times. At first it wasn't something that fit the game play, but there was a part of his first draft I liked. I let him know to try to expand from there. He kept emailing me, asking if the track was evolving for the better. We kept going back and forth for a good while.

And then... He sent me a final track, I started the game and played the music alongside and I could feel myself be in the world of Space Haven. I was immersed, and I was enjoying the music. Paul had created something great.

During this time there was another composer, who stated they would withdraw to a cabin and spend a good amount of time on producing a demo track for us. When I heard back from him a week later he had produced something I instantly felt was great as well.

And so, in the end there were two. A track from Paul and a track from the composer who withdrew to a cabin, both with great tracks produced I felt. And I didn't quite know which way it would go. I liked them both. I pondered for a while, knowing that these guys probably both want to work on the game and would have a passion for it.

It struck me. Since we've always developed our game as a team, I knew a good way to settle this would be to present the two tracks to my two other team members, and have their first impressions decide which way it goes. I played both of the tracks to them, and asked which one they thought was more fitting for the game.

They both stated they felt Pauls track was a better fit.

I felt both some relief and some sadness. I knew I would bring great news to one composer, but saddening news to the other.

In the end, I was not only looking for a great composer. I was looking for someone who we could work with, co-operate with. Someone who could listen to our wishes, use their awesome talents to bring it all to life. In the end the process between us and Paul evolved to be exactly the same as how we develop our game, an iterative process where Paul would bring music to life with our feedback guiding the way.

After a few tracks were produced I knew we had made the right choice, I knew we had found someone who we could rely on to produce the kind of music Space Haven deserved, and would make the Space Haven experience more immersive and enjoyable.

One of the things I love about game development is the fact that I get to work alongside people with such talent and passion for what they do. Space Haven would never be the game it is without all of us putting our own visions together, and leaving our own mark on it.

You, our players, are part of it too. And I hope whatever we've managed to accomplish so far is an indication of that. We can't always fulfill every wish, but we are trying our best to make Space Haven the best it can be!

- Aksel from Bugbyte


Above is the first music track Paul created for Space Haven. Thank you for reading, and remember to cast your vote at the top of this post!

Join Space Haven Discord: http://discord.gg/spacehaven
Space Haven subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/SpaceHaven/

Report bugs here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/979110/discussions/4/
Discuss Space Haven here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/979110/discussions/0/
Technical Support: https://steamcommunity.com/app/979110/discussions/1/

Still reading? Cast your vote now at the top of this post! Until next time! =)

[ 2020-11-25 19:01:01 CET ] [ Original post ]