Patch 20125 (large patch) and some news on the game!
Most important: the new patch is live! It is a huge patch, due to a lot of map fixes / changes. We still try and keep a reduced size to the patch. All changes are made because of the time spend by our PTR team, consisting of +20 testers of the game. Thanks guys!
Most important topic, please find the changelog below for more details - Tweaks on movement (basic ground movement, air control, responsiveness of keys) - Tweaks on weapons behaviour and handling (recoil - New Server Browser (still WIP), new Settings menu is being worked on - New map from new level designer Dissident: MAP-Drought (still WIP) - Added functionalities like open and close doors and gates in maps - The changelog is over 200 lines long, so we decided to put it in a seperate file
Our member L4ur3ns redid the entire Discord. Remember, we keep this platform as our main communication channel - Set new roles, cleared the old roles from wrong rights and legacy stuff - Added a 'lobby' alike system where players need to fill in a command, in order to prevent bots from flooding our servers - Added a Live channel where Developpers and PTR testers show almost every evening (EU time) their constant work on the game - Added roles for the community to set themselves: do you want to get pinged with news, or for a mixwar? It's up to you! - Together with MacFrog a new channel is made where you can see the actual activity on the server (who killed who, who did what objective, etc.) - Added a Poll channel. Here we will hold polls in order to find out what the players think of certain decisions The input of this Discord change is that we want active players to be able to find each other
Since we are such a small team, we have a roadmap, but don't use it as 'normal' teams do. We base our to-do list on our estimate time and resources to be spend. We love to do everything we have planned, but we simply need to make choices. You can find our Trello here!Feel free to have a chat about it on Discord!
It's obvious, but lets give it some attention ones more. We are always on the lookout for skilled (and experienced) developpers who love to help out. Feel free to contact us on Discord if you want to help out. Mind you; we are also looking for non-technical people, helping out on Marketing, communication, community... we can use all help!
This patch is made with the contribution of our players! We thank them for that. All mentioned changes or fixes are reportated by that specific player. In honor for their work, we mention them! **** CODE CHANGES **** Added: - Add camshake on shoot to sniper rifles - Drop active nade if dying while throwing - New serverbrowser (still wip, feel free to give feedback) Changed: - Rework movement: Faster acceleration, less running speed (about -8%), decrease air strafing strength - Rebalance weapons: Decrease recoil in general (mostly X recoil), new spray pattern (more balanced to make the recoil feel less random) - Faster spray pattern reset - Stop spawn protection when player fires - Reduce smoke load (1/2 particles) and increase particle size - Brighter headshot sound - Grenade throw Z offset 30 -> 24cm - Scaled down initial nade collision (Start with 6.4cm capsule and morph it to a capsule after first collision) Fixed: - First Person meshes correctly receive light / shadows - Allow spectator pawn to move when paused - Aggregate same frame / network tick damage (hit fx does not feel strong enough on high damage in some cases) - Decrease trace offsets of HE (avoid damage behind thin walls) - UI glitches when pause enabled & demo player closed - Snow footsteps playing concrete footstep sounds **** MAP CHANGES **** MAP-Drought (NEW MAP!) Fixed based on internal feedback: - Rearranged the SF base height so you don't get sniped while crouching - Fixe Player blocking on top of both bases and on the terrorist water tank (objective) - Fixed the blocking bugs on the terrorist base - Set the right physical material on all materials used - Fixed the footstep sounds on all surfaces - Rocks collision re-arranged on the cave path MAP-Blister - Fix LOD windows throughout the map (annoying flickering of the windows) - Removed all metal boxes to prevent the shooting underneath - Redid and simplified the collision on the wooden box - Fixed all crouch blocker problenms in the map (see the doc cckane #int-test channel) - Close the gap in the wall on sniper lane Terrorist side - Added movement collision around all benches and tables (smoother movement) - Set all hanging lamps to Collision on, except for pawn (smoother movement) - Removed some foliage (clovers), added more of the grass as foliage - Redid some LOD's on the palm trees (caused flickering effects) - Lighting chain on A bombspot floating (remus) - Fixed the crouch bug middle, crates next to hallway from Bombspot A (remus) - Fixed the box on sniper lane terrorist side, you could get stuck when crouching near it (cckane) - Repositioned the tree, directly right from terrorist base to middle. You could get stuck there / non-smooth movement (remus) - Doorway high sniper lane; reduced the height of the doorway. This prevents shots from sniper house (SF side) towards the door (cckane) - Removed skyblocking volume (you can ghostcam much higher) - Fixed the possible jump on cables in middle area (kummelmuck) - Fixed the strange red glow on foliage grass - Added some graffiti Bombspot A: - Removed the barrels that gave strange movement behaviour, also opening the area up a little more - Removed the metal doors on the bombspot, this gives extra movement and cover on the full lenght of the bombspot - Opened the doorway from backway to bombspot with +1 meter width and +0,5m height. Also gave the whole hallway besides bombspot A +1 meter more space. - Removed the wooden railing on the far side of bombspot A (near Sniper bunker) - Repositioned the balcony on SF side; you cant look very far into Terrorist sniper lane - Repositioned the doorway from sniper lane to A (less height, width the same) - Rescaled crates on A, you can now crouch behind them - Added oildrums as cover for ccKane to lame in the corner - Smoothen out the landscape and platform for better movement and nade control - Added new passage from SF high towards middle - Fixed broken lantarn chain in the coves next to the bombspot (remus) - Close gap SF sniper house Bombspot B: - Added extra jumpspot so you can enter the lower terace in front bombspot B from 2 sides - Redid the wooden railing around the lower terrace in front of bombspot B, no strange openings now anymore - Removed the table on connector Terrorist Base to Lower B Bombspot - Gave the entire lower bombspot area +1,5m widthness - Made the connector from middle to lower bombspot wider (0,5m) - Redid most cover spots on lower area (better hiding, you can crouch behind them) - Redid landscape for better movement - Made some extra hiding spots on lower bombspot - Added extra buildings around lower bombspot to prevent constant flashes, smoke and nades on the upper part of the bombspot (better defence) - Move crates little more away from the door Lower bombspot, right side - Opened the door more on Lowerbomb spot MAP-Crossfire - Blockout some jumpable edges - Remove some airconditioners and other blocking objects - Add another container near BombB Spot - Reworked BombA-Spot Highground to block some view to Bombspot - Removed collision of metal bars in way from BombA to middle Area - Moved the StreetLamp that blocked view From SF to Terrorist Long area - Replace Woodramp that caused shadow issues for Kane MAP-Fueled - Remove truck in middle with a container (you can climb it and shoot through little holes) (m4ttiz) - Enlarged the red gas tanks on Bombspot B and Bombspot A - Block the container position with sight from SF base to high bridge window (through the grates) (m4ttiz) - Remove that jump on high bridge (gastank?) overlooking terrace bombspot B - Added extra ridge on Bombspot B, but with Barbed Wire (only reachable with trick jump) - Add cover from middle window to B (crate on truck) - Added a new sniper point in canals for Terrorist (approachale from all sides) - Raised the height of the walls on upper bridge overlooking Bombspot B - Redo all the grass in the map, lower the max height - Fixed the position on container SF base to Bombspot B, you can also have a look on window upper bridge (m4ttiz) - Changed all the grass - Added extra boxes from canals to jump on the side of B bombspot - Simplified collision on all ground panels, concrete walls and fences and blocks for smoother movement - Redid ground work on bombspot B for smoother movement (no more strange blocks) (cckane) - Checked all collisions on building (mostly Bombspot B connector). Added pawn blocking volumes where needed (cckane) - Fixed the middle area, near the white truck. You could use the wooden pillars to get on the wall splitting middel and SF base (koystikojo) - Make the opening from balcony stairs to terrorist sniper spot more clear and easy. Also replaced the tree so it doesnt block and cause randomness (koystikojo) - Redid the Sniper lane on SF side. Removed the truck and added more simple shapes. This might also help a little on the shadow issue on sniper side terrorist. - Fixed all known Crouch blocking issues from the document (oa. White truck and little fences) (cckane) MAP-Prelude - Fixed idiotic Collision on the trees (used complex collision, where every leaf blocked a bullet and nade :D) - Rock collision, rock next to White escape building, left (Pirate) - Fixed trickjump: get on the walls outside upper middle area (towards lower middle) (koystikojo) - Fixed trickjump: SF base; use the container at the back to get on the fences and then on the roof of SF building (koystikojo) - Fixed broken material in lower middle building - Repositioned the road material / mesh on the landscape near lower middle area (it was floating, oops) - Fully closed the middle lane from Cave towards Upper Middle building - Removed ugly car thingie near white house / escape house - Added 4 new types of foliage to the map - Perhaps more to do: reduced hiding spots in the map (oa. closed off 40% in Terrorist base, removed small hiding corners, etc) MAP-RapidWaters - Fix overpowered spot: ladder SF water towards terrorist water entrance (wingah) - Added moveable doors to waterbuilding - Fixed the broken impact effect under water, besides lower bridge and water entrance SF side (Pirate) - Fix overpowered spot: ladder SF water towards terrorist water entrance (wingah) - Added moveable doors to waterbuilding - Fixed the broken impact effect under water, besides lower bridge and water entrance SF side (Pirate) - Fixed the unaligned boxes near the exit of Terrorist base, with an OP spot aiming towards SF base (wingah) - Added a wooden board to close the gap between lower bridge (SF spawn) and the Terrorist sniping spot from Water entrace - Blocked the pillars from high bridge (standing in the water), aiming towards Terrorist Water Entrance (very OP spot) (wingah) - All the railings on all stairs are now movable for a player (cckane) - Fix the collision on the rocks near waterentrace / ladder SF. You could crawl away in it (m4ttiz) - Fixed the watervolume / post process that stopped near the bottom of the river, near the fence on low water (Razemike) - Close opening between crates in SF base (underneath stairs to high bridge) (wingah) - Spawn points from SF are a little closer to the exits of their base. Meaning they can get on key points slightly more early - Added ladder to the terrorist side of low water, towards main area Terrorist base (m4ttiz) - Smoothen the upper and lower bridge parts for better movement, but mainly for smoother nade throwing - Redid the Water entrance on Terrorist Base. More space in the hole, easier to manouver there, throw nades, etc. (kummelmuck) - Smoothen all the stairs with blocking volumes (now its a ramp where you move on) (ccKane) MAP-Scope - Fixed the landscape near road Terrorist base (near the gate), there was a hole - Fixed the missing Foliage in the map - Smoothen movement near the rocks behind building B (kummelmuck) - Replaced the small walls near Red House (they were also not nade proof) - Fixed the broken impact effect on the new walls SF base - Smoothen the walls in front of A and SF base - Fixed the wrong shiny concrete material in the map - Sticking out rock on bridge - Fixed wrong material in the doors of lower facility - Smoothen the landscape in front of Building A - Replaced the pipes on Silos / Facility (material was broken, meshes looked bad) - Smoothen out the silo site. Removed 60% of the metal pillars here, added wooden board below the silos (no more shooting through) (ccKane) - Added red striped material to Red House (duh) - Gave the main road mesh a simpeler collision (better performance, more smooth movement) - Fixed the possible trickjump from middle upper roof on the building B (wingah) - Removed collision from the trees leafs (no more blocking nades and bullets) - Replaced all ground foliage with better looking stuff (blame me, Ssswing`) - Replaced the concrete walls with better looking walls (they were so plastic and shiny and fake and annoying...) - Added extra cover to the right SF hill, overlooking silos and facility. Also removed cover on that hill overlooking SF spawn to prevent rushing Terrorists (ccKane) - Enlarged and repositioned the cover on bridge (Railing + wooden boards) looking over to A (ccKane) - Smoothen all movement around the bridge (ccKane) - Smoothen movement on various crates and decorations (facility, top facility, bunkers, outside SF base, inside middle house) (ccKane) - Smoothen movement on all walls near Building A - Smoothen movement on all the trucks in the map (ccKane) - Smoothen movement on all bunkers (ccKane) - Removed PawnBlocking volume on the sky - Smoothen the movement around the walls near A mountain area - Fixed foliage shadow issue MAP-TrainYard - Fix collision containers (invisible blocking player areas due to scaling) - Blocked concrete fence where you could jump on from the Green train (left side SF side) (L4ur3ns) - Removed the logos on all containers, they appear out of nowhere (RedfireSpiffy) - Moved the container with boxes near the basement area to Warehouse 1 - Blocked the balcony in warehouse 1 with on specific spots with wood - Removed the railings on balcony in warehouse 1 for more openess - Added a new route to the ladder in warehouse 1 for easier access for terrorists - Added little cover near the terrorist ladder in warehouse 1 - Made the outside door from terrorist base to warehouse 1 much larger. Gives better cover and you cant jump on it anymore - Added a jump possibility near the trains to get on the fuel truck (objective) for better defensive positions on Warehouse 2 - Added doors to the interior of the train near Warehouse 2 (the interior was too small and too annoying) - Block containers in warehouse 2 (you could jump on them from the fuel truck) (m4ttiz) - Blocked gate near Warehouse 2 (you could get out of the map) (Riax) - Fixed the missing impact effects / physical materials on map - Removed the little stones in the map on the ground (most of them were floating due to tessalation on the floor) - Fixed the collision issue on the Gas tank (remus) - Added extra boxes to jump on the crate in the middle connector building. Also raised this box for more cover (remus) - Repositioned the ladder in new passage Terrorist base to Warehouse 1 (you got stuck while running there) (remus) - Repositioned the ladder on balcony Warehouse 2 (you would float in the air) (remus) - Removed the metal beams off the roof when you sit on the pallet with boxes (warehouse 1, next to basement, overlooking new ladder room) (remus) - Removed a decal that wrongfully placed (and gave errors) next to bombspot Warehouse 2 - Add minimap - Fixed the drop position above the ladderroom Warehouse 1 (you could float in the air here) (remus) - Fixed the floating trucks near the base of Terrorist base (kummelmuck) - Fixed the collision issue on trees, you could walk through them (kummelmuck) - Smoothen the movement around the trains - Add movabale door Trainyard (WIP, not sure sounds are replicated), middle area - Fixed footstep sound on all trucks in the map (was glass, now metal) - Fixed the footstep sound on the trains (this was glass, now its metal) (remus) - Fixed the logo on the oil silos in the back (they popped up through other meshes... crazy LSD trip alike) (remus)
[ 2020-05-05 20:42:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
New patch version
Most important: the new patch is live! It is a huge patch, due to a lot of map fixes / changes. We still try and keep a reduced size to the patch. All changes are made because of the time spend by our PTR team, consisting of +20 testers of the game. Thanks guys!
Changelog patch
Most important topic, please find the changelog below for more details - Tweaks on movement (basic ground movement, air control, responsiveness of keys) - Tweaks on weapons behaviour and handling (recoil - New Server Browser (still WIP), new Settings menu is being worked on - New map from new level designer Dissident: MAP-Drought (still WIP) - Added functionalities like open and close doors and gates in maps - The changelog is over 200 lines long, so we decided to put it in a seperate file
Overhaul on the TO4 Discord
Our member L4ur3ns redid the entire Discord. Remember, we keep this platform as our main communication channel - Set new roles, cleared the old roles from wrong rights and legacy stuff - Added a 'lobby' alike system where players need to fill in a command, in order to prevent bots from flooding our servers - Added a Live channel where Developpers and PTR testers show almost every evening (EU time) their constant work on the game - Added roles for the community to set themselves: do you want to get pinged with news, or for a mixwar? It's up to you! - Together with MacFrog a new channel is made where you can see the actual activity on the server (who killed who, who did what objective, etc.) - Added a Poll channel. Here we will hold polls in order to find out what the players think of certain decisions The input of this Discord change is that we want active players to be able to find each other
Route forwards and Trello
Since we are such a small team, we have a roadmap, but don't use it as 'normal' teams do. We base our to-do list on our estimate time and resources to be spend. We love to do everything we have planned, but we simply need to make choices. You can find our Trello here!Feel free to have a chat about it on Discord!
The TO4 team
It's obvious, but lets give it some attention ones more. We are always on the lookout for skilled (and experienced) developpers who love to help out. Feel free to contact us on Discord if you want to help out. Mind you; we are also looking for non-technical people, helping out on Marketing, communication, community... we can use all help!
TO4 Patch notes 20125
This patch is made with the contribution of our players! We thank them for that. All mentioned changes or fixes are reportated by that specific player. In honor for their work, we mention them! **** CODE CHANGES **** Added: - Add camshake on shoot to sniper rifles - Drop active nade if dying while throwing - New serverbrowser (still wip, feel free to give feedback) Changed: - Rework movement: Faster acceleration, less running speed (about -8%), decrease air strafing strength - Rebalance weapons: Decrease recoil in general (mostly X recoil), new spray pattern (more balanced to make the recoil feel less random) - Faster spray pattern reset - Stop spawn protection when player fires - Reduce smoke load (1/2 particles) and increase particle size - Brighter headshot sound - Grenade throw Z offset 30 -> 24cm - Scaled down initial nade collision (Start with 6.4cm capsule and morph it to a capsule after first collision) Fixed: - First Person meshes correctly receive light / shadows - Allow spectator pawn to move when paused - Aggregate same frame / network tick damage (hit fx does not feel strong enough on high damage in some cases) - Decrease trace offsets of HE (avoid damage behind thin walls) - UI glitches when pause enabled & demo player closed - Snow footsteps playing concrete footstep sounds **** MAP CHANGES **** MAP-Drought (NEW MAP!) Fixed based on internal feedback: - Rearranged the SF base height so you don't get sniped while crouching - Fixe Player blocking on top of both bases and on the terrorist water tank (objective) - Fixed the blocking bugs on the terrorist base - Set the right physical material on all materials used - Fixed the footstep sounds on all surfaces - Rocks collision re-arranged on the cave path MAP-Blister - Fix LOD windows throughout the map (annoying flickering of the windows) - Removed all metal boxes to prevent the shooting underneath - Redid and simplified the collision on the wooden box - Fixed all crouch blocker problenms in the map (see the doc cckane #int-test channel) - Close the gap in the wall on sniper lane Terrorist side - Added movement collision around all benches and tables (smoother movement) - Set all hanging lamps to Collision on, except for pawn (smoother movement) - Removed some foliage (clovers), added more of the grass as foliage - Redid some LOD's on the palm trees (caused flickering effects) - Lighting chain on A bombspot floating (remus) - Fixed the crouch bug middle, crates next to hallway from Bombspot A (remus) - Fixed the box on sniper lane terrorist side, you could get stuck when crouching near it (cckane) - Repositioned the tree, directly right from terrorist base to middle. You could get stuck there / non-smooth movement (remus) - Doorway high sniper lane; reduced the height of the doorway. This prevents shots from sniper house (SF side) towards the door (cckane) - Removed skyblocking volume (you can ghostcam much higher) - Fixed the possible jump on cables in middle area (kummelmuck) - Fixed the strange red glow on foliage grass - Added some graffiti Bombspot A: - Removed the barrels that gave strange movement behaviour, also opening the area up a little more - Removed the metal doors on the bombspot, this gives extra movement and cover on the full lenght of the bombspot - Opened the doorway from backway to bombspot with +1 meter width and +0,5m height. Also gave the whole hallway besides bombspot A +1 meter more space. - Removed the wooden railing on the far side of bombspot A (near Sniper bunker) - Repositioned the balcony on SF side; you cant look very far into Terrorist sniper lane - Repositioned the doorway from sniper lane to A (less height, width the same) - Rescaled crates on A, you can now crouch behind them - Added oildrums as cover for ccKane to lame in the corner - Smoothen out the landscape and platform for better movement and nade control - Added new passage from SF high towards middle - Fixed broken lantarn chain in the coves next to the bombspot (remus) - Close gap SF sniper house Bombspot B: - Added extra jumpspot so you can enter the lower terace in front bombspot B from 2 sides - Redid the wooden railing around the lower terrace in front of bombspot B, no strange openings now anymore - Removed the table on connector Terrorist Base to Lower B Bombspot - Gave the entire lower bombspot area +1,5m widthness - Made the connector from middle to lower bombspot wider (0,5m) - Redid most cover spots on lower area (better hiding, you can crouch behind them) - Redid landscape for better movement - Made some extra hiding spots on lower bombspot - Added extra buildings around lower bombspot to prevent constant flashes, smoke and nades on the upper part of the bombspot (better defence) - Move crates little more away from the door Lower bombspot, right side - Opened the door more on Lowerbomb spot MAP-Crossfire - Blockout some jumpable edges - Remove some airconditioners and other blocking objects - Add another container near BombB Spot - Reworked BombA-Spot Highground to block some view to Bombspot - Removed collision of metal bars in way from BombA to middle Area - Moved the StreetLamp that blocked view From SF to Terrorist Long area - Replace Woodramp that caused shadow issues for Kane MAP-Fueled - Remove truck in middle with a container (you can climb it and shoot through little holes) (m4ttiz) - Enlarged the red gas tanks on Bombspot B and Bombspot A - Block the container position with sight from SF base to high bridge window (through the grates) (m4ttiz) - Remove that jump on high bridge (gastank?) overlooking terrace bombspot B - Added extra ridge on Bombspot B, but with Barbed Wire (only reachable with trick jump) - Add cover from middle window to B (crate on truck) - Added a new sniper point in canals for Terrorist (approachale from all sides) - Raised the height of the walls on upper bridge overlooking Bombspot B - Redo all the grass in the map, lower the max height - Fixed the position on container SF base to Bombspot B, you can also have a look on window upper bridge (m4ttiz) - Changed all the grass - Added extra boxes from canals to jump on the side of B bombspot - Simplified collision on all ground panels, concrete walls and fences and blocks for smoother movement - Redid ground work on bombspot B for smoother movement (no more strange blocks) (cckane) - Checked all collisions on building (mostly Bombspot B connector). Added pawn blocking volumes where needed (cckane) - Fixed the middle area, near the white truck. You could use the wooden pillars to get on the wall splitting middel and SF base (koystikojo) - Make the opening from balcony stairs to terrorist sniper spot more clear and easy. Also replaced the tree so it doesnt block and cause randomness (koystikojo) - Redid the Sniper lane on SF side. Removed the truck and added more simple shapes. This might also help a little on the shadow issue on sniper side terrorist. - Fixed all known Crouch blocking issues from the document (oa. White truck and little fences) (cckane) MAP-Prelude - Fixed idiotic Collision on the trees (used complex collision, where every leaf blocked a bullet and nade :D) - Rock collision, rock next to White escape building, left (Pirate) - Fixed trickjump: get on the walls outside upper middle area (towards lower middle) (koystikojo) - Fixed trickjump: SF base; use the container at the back to get on the fences and then on the roof of SF building (koystikojo) - Fixed broken material in lower middle building - Repositioned the road material / mesh on the landscape near lower middle area (it was floating, oops) - Fully closed the middle lane from Cave towards Upper Middle building - Removed ugly car thingie near white house / escape house - Added 4 new types of foliage to the map - Perhaps more to do: reduced hiding spots in the map (oa. closed off 40% in Terrorist base, removed small hiding corners, etc) MAP-RapidWaters - Fix overpowered spot: ladder SF water towards terrorist water entrance (wingah) - Added moveable doors to waterbuilding - Fixed the broken impact effect under water, besides lower bridge and water entrance SF side (Pirate) - Fix overpowered spot: ladder SF water towards terrorist water entrance (wingah) - Added moveable doors to waterbuilding - Fixed the broken impact effect under water, besides lower bridge and water entrance SF side (Pirate) - Fixed the unaligned boxes near the exit of Terrorist base, with an OP spot aiming towards SF base (wingah) - Added a wooden board to close the gap between lower bridge (SF spawn) and the Terrorist sniping spot from Water entrace - Blocked the pillars from high bridge (standing in the water), aiming towards Terrorist Water Entrance (very OP spot) (wingah) - All the railings on all stairs are now movable for a player (cckane) - Fix the collision on the rocks near waterentrace / ladder SF. You could crawl away in it (m4ttiz) - Fixed the watervolume / post process that stopped near the bottom of the river, near the fence on low water (Razemike) - Close opening between crates in SF base (underneath stairs to high bridge) (wingah) - Spawn points from SF are a little closer to the exits of their base. Meaning they can get on key points slightly more early - Added ladder to the terrorist side of low water, towards main area Terrorist base (m4ttiz) - Smoothen the upper and lower bridge parts for better movement, but mainly for smoother nade throwing - Redid the Water entrance on Terrorist Base. More space in the hole, easier to manouver there, throw nades, etc. (kummelmuck) - Smoothen all the stairs with blocking volumes (now its a ramp where you move on) (ccKane) MAP-Scope - Fixed the landscape near road Terrorist base (near the gate), there was a hole - Fixed the missing Foliage in the map - Smoothen movement near the rocks behind building B (kummelmuck) - Replaced the small walls near Red House (they were also not nade proof) - Fixed the broken impact effect on the new walls SF base - Smoothen the walls in front of A and SF base - Fixed the wrong shiny concrete material in the map - Sticking out rock on bridge - Fixed wrong material in the doors of lower facility - Smoothen the landscape in front of Building A - Replaced the pipes on Silos / Facility (material was broken, meshes looked bad) - Smoothen out the silo site. Removed 60% of the metal pillars here, added wooden board below the silos (no more shooting through) (ccKane) - Added red striped material to Red House (duh) - Gave the main road mesh a simpeler collision (better performance, more smooth movement) - Fixed the possible trickjump from middle upper roof on the building B (wingah) - Removed collision from the trees leafs (no more blocking nades and bullets) - Replaced all ground foliage with better looking stuff (blame me, Ssswing`) - Replaced the concrete walls with better looking walls (they were so plastic and shiny and fake and annoying...) - Added extra cover to the right SF hill, overlooking silos and facility. Also removed cover on that hill overlooking SF spawn to prevent rushing Terrorists (ccKane) - Enlarged and repositioned the cover on bridge (Railing + wooden boards) looking over to A (ccKane) - Smoothen all movement around the bridge (ccKane) - Smoothen movement on various crates and decorations (facility, top facility, bunkers, outside SF base, inside middle house) (ccKane) - Smoothen movement on all walls near Building A - Smoothen movement on all the trucks in the map (ccKane) - Smoothen movement on all bunkers (ccKane) - Removed PawnBlocking volume on the sky - Smoothen the movement around the walls near A mountain area - Fixed foliage shadow issue MAP-TrainYard - Fix collision containers (invisible blocking player areas due to scaling) - Blocked concrete fence where you could jump on from the Green train (left side SF side) (L4ur3ns) - Removed the logos on all containers, they appear out of nowhere (RedfireSpiffy) - Moved the container with boxes near the basement area to Warehouse 1 - Blocked the balcony in warehouse 1 with on specific spots with wood - Removed the railings on balcony in warehouse 1 for more openess - Added a new route to the ladder in warehouse 1 for easier access for terrorists - Added little cover near the terrorist ladder in warehouse 1 - Made the outside door from terrorist base to warehouse 1 much larger. Gives better cover and you cant jump on it anymore - Added a jump possibility near the trains to get on the fuel truck (objective) for better defensive positions on Warehouse 2 - Added doors to the interior of the train near Warehouse 2 (the interior was too small and too annoying) - Block containers in warehouse 2 (you could jump on them from the fuel truck) (m4ttiz) - Blocked gate near Warehouse 2 (you could get out of the map) (Riax) - Fixed the missing impact effects / physical materials on map - Removed the little stones in the map on the ground (most of them were floating due to tessalation on the floor) - Fixed the collision issue on the Gas tank (remus) - Added extra boxes to jump on the crate in the middle connector building. Also raised this box for more cover (remus) - Repositioned the ladder in new passage Terrorist base to Warehouse 1 (you got stuck while running there) (remus) - Repositioned the ladder on balcony Warehouse 2 (you would float in the air) (remus) - Removed the metal beams off the roof when you sit on the pallet with boxes (warehouse 1, next to basement, overlooking new ladder room) (remus) - Removed a decal that wrongfully placed (and gave errors) next to bombspot Warehouse 2 - Add minimap - Fixed the drop position above the ladderroom Warehouse 1 (you could float in the air here) (remus) - Fixed the floating trucks near the base of Terrorist base (kummelmuck) - Fixed the collision issue on trees, you could walk through them (kummelmuck) - Smoothen the movement around the trains - Add movabale door Trainyard (WIP, not sure sounds are replicated), middle area - Fixed footstep sound on all trucks in the map (was glass, now metal) - Fixed the footstep sound on the trains (this was glass, now its metal) (remus) - Fixed the logo on the oil silos in the back (they popped up through other meshes... crazy LSD trip alike) (remus)
[ 2020-05-05 20:42:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
TO4: Tactical Operations
Game News Posts:
🎹🖱️Keyboard + Mouse
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(269 reviews)
Public Linux Depots:
- TO4 Client Linux [28.29 G]
TO4: Tactical Operations brings back those nostalgic feelings you know from the early days of online shooters. We love that sheer easy-to-learn-hard-to-master attitude. The fun of playing with friends in a game where you need tactics, ammo clips, bravery and perhaps a bit of luck.
Game Modes
TO4: Tactical Operations brings the game modes that we all know. Teamplay on every map with bombing (and/or defusing) scenarios, hostages rescue, the hacking of important assets and escaping with the whole team before the other team finds you. And most important, if you don’t succeed in one of those objectives, you always have the classic Team Deathmatch.
Playing the game
The game is a classic round based game. At the beginning of the round you can buy weapons, armour, and grenades with the money you have earned the round before. When you and your comrades are all geared up, you will find yourself in unique worlds where you will have an objective. Complete the objective, wipe out the entire other squad or let the round time run out. The choice is up to you. But it will reward you with stronger weapons, good map rankings and good long fights.
Key elements
The movement of TO4: Tactical Operations is something unique. The game is fast, an almost arcade-like feeling in a realistic world. Carrying a knife, pistol or rifle, your movement speed will not differ. Jumping, crouching, swimming, climbing ladders, you are in control of the direction you take. Gunfights you ask? Well, we do have a lot of guns in the game, and each has a unique feeling to it. You will find yourself switching between your 3 weapon inventory slots to win that 1 v 1 battle with an opposing player. Firefights take longer, you will not die instantly from only one shot. But the better your aim, the faster your opponent will go down.
TO4: Tactical Operations development is focused on multiplayer gameplay. We love to play versus real people and not unimaginative bots or learnable AI, we have made this easy with an In-game server browser to help you find a good place to have fun with friends and other players or to find the most challenging game for your level of gameplay
Game Modes
TO4: Tactical Operations brings the game modes that we all know. Teamplay on every map with bombing (and/or defusing) scenarios, hostages rescue, the hacking of important assets and escaping with the whole team before the other team finds you. And most important, if you don’t succeed in one of those objectives, you always have the classic Team Deathmatch.
Playing the game
The game is a classic round based game. At the beginning of the round you can buy weapons, armour, and grenades with the money you have earned the round before. When you and your comrades are all geared up, you will find yourself in unique worlds where you will have an objective. Complete the objective, wipe out the entire other squad or let the round time run out. The choice is up to you. But it will reward you with stronger weapons, good map rankings and good long fights.
Key elements
The movement of TO4: Tactical Operations is something unique. The game is fast, an almost arcade-like feeling in a realistic world. Carrying a knife, pistol or rifle, your movement speed will not differ. Jumping, crouching, swimming, climbing ladders, you are in control of the direction you take. Gunfights you ask? Well, we do have a lot of guns in the game, and each has a unique feeling to it. You will find yourself switching between your 3 weapon inventory slots to win that 1 v 1 battle with an opposing player. Firefights take longer, you will not die instantly from only one shot. But the better your aim, the faster your opponent will go down.
TO4: Tactical Operations development is focused on multiplayer gameplay. We love to play versus real people and not unimaginative bots or learnable AI, we have made this easy with an In-game server browser to help you find a good place to have fun with friends and other players or to find the most challenging game for your level of gameplay
- OS: Xubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Processor: Intel Core i5 3570k / Ryzen 5 2400GMemory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: Geforce GTX 1050ti / AMD RX 570Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 30 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: We try and make the game run on Linux. but it's not supported
- OS: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Processor: Intel Core i5-7600K / Ryzen 5 2600xMemory: 16 GB RAM
- Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Graphics: Geforce GTX 1070 / AMD Vega 56Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 30 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: We try and make the game run on Linux. but it's not supported
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