New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


 Sky Haven 



 Real Welders 



 Real Welders 










 € £ $ / % 










Players online



Steam Rating

 Mostly Positive 

Steam store


Public Linux depots

 Sky Haven Depot Linux [1.2 G] 


Emergency Plan: First Update and Roadmap

Dear Sky Haven Community,

We've been closely monitoring your feedback and are aware of the disappointment expressed due to the bugs you've encountered in our game. We wholeheartedly apologize for the frustration this has caused, and we want you to know that we're not just standing by.

We're excited to unveil a robust plan of action with a series of updates aimed at enhancing your gaming experience. This plan includes both extensive bug fixes and several improvements, and we're confident it will address your concerns.

Today we deliver the first update with fixes for the most annoying bugs. See details below.

The next update scheduled on June 7th, focused on resolving more complex and "hard-to-reproduce" bugs.

By June 30th, we aim to release our third update, which will be teeming with enhancements based on your valuable feedback. These updates reflect our commitment to making the gameplay experience clearer and more comprehensible. The enhancements include (but are not limited):

  • Arrival stack panel: the queue of landing airplanes with their details and blocker
  • Starter airports for each era
  • Tutorial fixes
  • Some other features we will reveal later

We won't sugarcoat it: the negative reviews have been tough to read. But we see them not as a setback but as a call to action. It's time for us to double our efforts, and that's exactly what we're doing.

However, we need your assistance. If you discover a bug and can reproduce it, please forward your feedback and save files to support@realwelders.com. Your input is crucial to our mission.

We believe in the potential of Real Welders and in the strength of this community. Together, we'll create the gaming experience we all aspire to. Thank you for your unwavering support and understanding.

Best Regards,
Real Welders

P.S. Update Patch List
- adjusted text icons in airliners help window so it does not overlap with text
- fixed a bug with intersections between the custom terminal rect tool and decorations
- fixed an error during logging in passenger strategy
- fixed a wrong parking condition which lead to invisible external vehicles
- fixed a minor bug with a runway stencil (some game object did not remove after placing or canceling)
- fixed a bug when no badge on a gate when it's disabled
- fixed a bug on loading when no badge on a runway when it's disabling
- fixed passengers on a ramp after a plane leaves
- unsupported facility on-ramp bugfix
- removed mention about floors in the custom terminal
- fixed invisible shadow settings
- fixed custom settings in the settings window
- fixed antialiasing settings in the settings window
- fixed unschedule limit isn't updated
- fixed closing schedule window preview
- fixed saving fps
- fixed discounts remain after loading
- fixed discount for roads
- fixed updating pricing info
- fixed supply graph wrong red zone position
- fixed airfield buildings rewards when upgrading
- fixed vehicle list layout to prevent showing the upgrade button in the relocation panel
- fixed researched buildings highlighting
- fixed terminal navmesh(better pathfinding)
- fixed logo disappears after changes declined
- confirmation window can't be closed by the close button
- canceled flight button doesn't change its state
- fixed various cases for airplane stuck on the runway:
- IntelligentDriver math mistake
- Airliner trip lanes usage and load
- fixed upgrades for Water Station, Cleaning Service Facility, and Waste Treatment Facility
- fixed quests description (added a separate task for a luggage truck purchase)
- fixed building names in tutorial descriptions
- fixed icon for drinks booth
- fixed wrong parking info in the resource management window
- fixed linking lines remaining when you hover over ramps
- fixed research cost with 5 digits
- fixed permanently "not working" badge over booths after disabling it
- adjusted resource storage layout
- fixed settings window visual bug
- fixed linking when hovering over a gate

[ 2023-05-17 14:44:32 CET ] [ Original post ]