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 Project Heartbeat 














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Project Heartbeat 0.4.0 now available

This update is smaller than the recent ones, a lot of under the hood work has been done in preparation for the future, to make it easier for me to continue working on the game, however some nice goodies made it in too. We will hopefully have two more songs to add to the game soon.

Most of the internal changes have been massive cleanups and modularization of the code, so this update is a bit short on the features side.

[h2]Scroll list direction holding for scroll list and options[/h2]

You can now scroll through most menus and change values in options more quickly by holding directions.

[h2]Hold and slide nerfs[/h2]

Holds and slide chains have been nerfed percentage wise, they now can only amount for 1.5% of the maximum score each. They used to be 7.5% which was too big, this doesn't affect scores and is a purely cosmetic change.

[h2]Tabbed controls section[/h2]

The controls section is now divided in tabs, depending on what they are used for

[h2]Major input handling changes (including hold cheese prevention)[/h2]

New input handling changes include fixes for diagonally hitting slide notes.

Previously you used to be able to cheese holds by holding all actions with one button and keeping that button held, this has been changed and now it cannot be done anymore, instead you must press the action at least once after you hit the hold note to be able to release the other button.

As another note, the editor's running instance of the game doesn't register game inputs anymore.

[h2]Editor test play restart button[/h2]

You can now restart a test play session from a button located next to the quit button.

[h2]Background dimming option[/h2]

There's now an option to darken the background of songs, this includes video too.

[h2]Sound effect changes[/h2]

Sound effects for double notes have been added, alongside with some changes to the slide note SFX to make them sound better and not have abrupt cutoffs.

[h2]Expression editor[/h2]

The editor now has an option to execute expressions, they can be incorporated in advanced editor workflows.

[h2]Performance improvements[/h2]

GLES2 now attempts to batch drawcalls for improved speed, I also moved note icons to atlases so they should use less memory and help batching (hopefully).

Multi lasers have also been changed and have a different look that allows for better performance.

[h2]Yet another trail code rewrite[/h2]

Okay I promise, this will be the last time I rewrite trails.

The new trail code should be twice as fast while looking much better and not having any separation issues anymore.

Bug fixes

  • Fix editor offset tool not taking sustain end time into account
  • Fix some issues related to song restarts
  • Fix PPD charts not loading slide chains
  • Fix some issues with the clear bar
  • Fix issues with hitting some notes using analog inputs (particularly hearts)
  • Fix an issue that would cause the editor to slowdown when selecting many notes
  • Fix an amusing issue with steam workshop uploads
  • Fix modifier menu focus issues

This update is dedicated to my friend Emmilly, who I adore very much.

[ 2020-07-06 21:19:39 CET ] [ Original post ]