This content update brings new game mode - CASUAL and unlocking weapons and attachments. CASUAL mode should be completable without problems, but if you find it still hard, give us know in the forum.
Also there are new changes to gameplay so read notes below.
We wanna test new stuff now and in next patches we gonna implement ingame and steam achievements.
Looking forward for feedback!
- added CASUAL mode
- all weapon and attachments are unlockable from now (character specific weapons and attachments are always available and are free)
- completing CASUAL mode player can unlock new attachment, completing NORMAL mode player can unlock new weapon
- difficulty modes are scaling: enemies damage, enemies HP, spawning of dark spots, overall credit gain, reinforcements call duration, credit saving on death (we can add more based on feedback)
- player can spam grenades and can shoot bullets and grenades at same time
- all explosions are scaling a bit with current floor
- added 2 new traits: armor and critical chance, removed movement speed trait, nicer traits descriptions
- all SMGs have significantly more base crit chance
- office and hospital maps have a bit revamped generetion process
- Some talents have better explenations and rescaled talents UI
- Grip attachment (+ critical chance) are stronger
- nicer player stats in TAB ui (no more +-0.54643)
- shows info when all bosses are dead
- removed bold text since it looks ugly with our main theme font
- added new hints
- optimizations
- fixed bug when enemies detection distance didnt applied on machete guys
- fixed bug when applied starting grenades and exceeds capacity
- small fixes and improvements
Terrorists invaded Europe and seized various places in central part of continent. We gathered the best of the best merceneries and special units across Europe. Purge is in your hands, god bless you.
Procedurally generated enviroment.
7 unique merceneries across Europe to choose from. Each has own special abilities.