= = = DESCRIPTION = = =
Patch brings option to destroy enemies supplies in abandoned hospital with new objective to destroy certain amount of supplies (Based on feedback).
Also weapons and attachments and their costs were rebalanced. Patch contains also internal improvements.
= = = PATCH NOTES = = =
- added cross above player that indicates immunity to damage
- added new objective - destroy upply crates in abandoned hospital
- added bomb planting (awards XP and talent point), requires 1 grenade to plant bomb
- objectives rewards randomly 1-2 talent points
- now always player receive objective on floor enter
- rebalanced all weapons (damage, bullet speed, scritical and accurcy were changed on all weapons)
- rebalanced grenade attachments (reduced FROM +100% / +200% TO +50% / 100%)
- rebalanced attachment costs of all attachments
- boss floors are a bit harder
- ingame laser is green now
- default amount of kills needed to charge grenade launcher is 7 (from 5)
- optimized demolition sounds (glass, wood, etc) when many sounds are triggered at same time
- nicer explosions
- nicer antialiasing
- ncier enemy running anim
- some updates to characters materials
- fix for pinned body on wall bug
- fix duplications of trait types when choosing from 5 traits
- fix for non consitent attachment descriptions
- fix for some bugs in tutorial
- fix for bug in logger when switching between keyboard and controller
Terrorists invaded Europe and seized various places in central part of continent. We gathered the best of the best merceneries and special units across Europe. Purge is in your hands, god bless you.
Procedurally generated enviroment.
7 unique merceneries across Europe to choose from. Each has own special abilities.