- UI: Add Turkish Language
- UI: Add missing localization strings to mission retry / failed screens and countdown timer.
[ 2024-10-24 01:00:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
To celebrate the release of Megacopter in new languages, we're having a sale! We've added support for Spanish, French, German, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Polish!
Operator's store localized in Japanese:
Loadout localized in Brazilian Portuguese:
We've also added lots of improvements and fixes since our last major update. There is a new easier campaign difficulty, Chillin', which smooths several difficulty spikes in the game and allows easier progression. The use of colors in the game UI have improved to be easier on the eyes. Fixes have also been made for displaying the in-game cinematics on different resolutions.
We look forward to providing even more updates in the near future!
[ 2024-09-19 15:15:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
- UI: Update default button and text colors. Should be easier on the eyes and a overall visual improvement to menus.
- UI: Update shop/altar purchase trees to better show which areas are still locked and colors differentiate the purchased/unpurchased options.
- UI: Misc improvements to padding/spacing.
- Gameplay: All crates take significantly less shots to destroy when looking for items inside. Most are just 1 shot.
[ 2024-08-18 00:42:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
- UI: Update full screen cinematics to preserve the pixel art style full screen and be consistent.
- Gameplay: Reload times for weapons are now based on how many shots were depleted. Example, 50% shots used takes 50% less time. This effects gatling gun, plasma gun, and rockets.
- Gameplay: In addition to the existing automatic reload from weapon switching, the selected weapon will automatically reload after a delay. Any automatic reload can be interrupted by firing which will still restore shots based on the reload time remaining. This effects gatling gun, plasma gun, and rockets.
- Gameplay: New reload/rearm sound for energy beam.
- Gameplay: New reload/rearm sound for plasma gun.
[ 2024-08-05 03:26:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
- UI: Conversation dialog made smaller when it's not a paused conversation.
- UI: Adjust default HUD edge offsets to be less (effects new players only).
- Bug Fix: Crash that could happen while paused with a smaller in-game dialog open.
- Bug Fix: Off-center portrait radio static effect on scaled resolutions.
[ 2024-07-31 16:07:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
- UI: Add progress bar in HUD to show cooldown for abilities.
- UI: Rework cinematic of reptoid fatality in first mission.
- UI: Update difficulty selection icons.
- Gameplay: Add savepoints in Brain Boss mission when capturing radar domes. There is still a checkpoint before the boss.
[ 2024-07-29 04:21:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Gameplay: Reduce cost of 3rd weapon slot upgrade from 350->250.
- Bug Fix: Crash introduced on reptoid heavy w/ laser on today's patch.
[ 2024-07-27 05:16:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Gameplay: New sound effects for laser weapon.
- Bug Fix: Scaling for HUD map icons and weapon icons.
- Bug Fix: Scaling for HUD hint overlay.
- Bug Fix: SAM site projectiles would sometimes not be able to be shot down if the site was destroyed in the middle of launching.
- Bug Fix: Blood orb map icon should disappear quickly after attracting it when the auto-pickup-orb upgrade is purchased.
[ 2024-07-27 02:23:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Gameplay: New gameplay difficulty available when creating a new campaign, 'Chillin'. This difficulty lowers enemy health by 25% (including bosses), reduces the difficulty of some boss abilities, reduces the amount of enemies in 'attack waves' (like the Pizza Bear levels), and still allows Goddess Blessings to be used on mission failure that stack with these difficulty reductions.
- Gameplay: New achievement - 'Medium Well': 'Complete Base Campaign on Normal Difficulty With 4 or Less Goddess Blessings'. Player's with an existing completed campaign should be able to load the campaign and get this achievement if they used <=4 'goddess blessings' to beat Normal difficulty.
- Gameplay: New achievement - 'Megacopter and Chill': 'Complete Base Campaign on Chillin Difficulty Without Goddess Blessings'. Player's with an existing completed campaign on Normal should be able to load the campaign and get this achievement if they used 0 'goddess blessings' to beat Normal difficulty.
- Gameplay: Lower enemy count in final wave of the Pizza Bear defense mission on Normal difficulty a bit.
[ 2024-07-24 04:23:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! We have been absolutely blown away with the reaction to Megacopter, and honestly were a bit lost for words for how awesome each and everyone of you have been. Weve been hard at work on a whole host of changes, which you can tell from all the patch notes over the last few weeks, but we wanted to stop by today and just let you know whats going down on our end of things.
Steam Deck Verified
Quite a lot of you have already been enjoying Megacopter: Blades of the Goddess on Steam Deck, but getting the official verification means that we are now able to show the world that the game works on Steam Deck. Thank you to those who have left comments, issues and feedback on the Steam Deck compatibility, as it has helped us to improve the game to make this all official. So if youre reading this, have a Steam Deck, and are looking for a new game to play, Megacopter is available!
BitSummit Drift!
Were sending Gabe, the artist for Megacopter, over to Japan to showcase the game at BitSummit Drift! If youre in Japan for the event, make sure to swing by the booth to get stickers, show your mad piloting skills, and chat to the guy who gave the game its visual style! Who knows what is next after this, but were hoping to wow the BitSummit participants!
Updates, Updates, Updates!
If you bought the game on day one, played a bit and put it down, or tried the Demo during Steam Next Fest, youd be happy to know that weve been applying a lot of changes based on the feedback that all of you have been leaving us. Well leave a bit of a summary here, because the Patch Notes are available on the Steam Platform, but check out some of the key features that have been added to the game. Difficulty Tweaks We heard that some players were finding certain missions SUPER difficult. Allowing all player skill levels to complete the game is something we highly prioritize. Since launch, weve been tweaking the balance of missions, weapons and other aspects of the game to help bring the difficulty curve more in line with expectations. Weve added the Blessings of the Goddess feature that allows difficulty reductions on mission failure. We have also started work on a new difficulty mode feature that will tweak the campaigns difficulty to an easier level. The initial version of the feature should be ready in the next week or two. Economy Changes We all love new and shiny stuff, and the original intention was to make these upgrades and new unlocks be earned through the blood of your enemies and exploration. However it could take time to get the upgrades you needed, so we upped the amount of tokens acquired by about 15%, as well as adding in some extra Pizza Tokens in the latter stages of the game, to continue to allow you to max out the Megacopter, and feel like the bloodthirsty Goddess that she is. Experimental: Nose Based Movement and Aiming Some players expressed wanting controls for movement and aim to be based on the current directional facing of the megacopter. For example, pressing up or down would move the Megacopter forwards or backwards based on which direction the helicopter is turned. We support this with a new experimental Nose-relative movement option. Additionally, we created a separate Nose-relative aim option that changes aiming the gamepad stick to do rotation left or right and aim up/down sights. I think the option is a good start but it needs some more work and a different kind of auto-aim to feel as good as it needs to. UI Improvements While we were satisfied with the UI, we knew that elements needed tweaking. You can see this from the second Coming Soon trailer and the Launch trailer, where significant changes were made to the game in order to make the in-mission UI really pop. Now were happy to let you guys know that weve made more changes to the UI, to bring things more in line with our vision (and the expectations of a 2024 audience). There is more to come, so stay tuned for some more improvements to the UI (and UX) of Megacopter.
The Future
We mentioned during our launch that the game is a passion project, and that even though the game launched, it would be impossible for us to truly leave the Megacopter alone. Thats proved the case so far, and work continues to be done. In the near future, were excited to deliver more content and replayability to the game! We appreciate that you picked up Megacopter: Blades of the Goddess, and were going to make sure that the experience you get out of it is the best that we can possibly deliver to you. Anyway, its time for us to spin up the blades of the Megacopter again, so stay tuned for more news and updates coming from us in the near future!
[ 2024-07-19 13:41:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
- UI: New revision to loadout screen. More improvements to come.
[ 2024-07-14 19:38:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
- UI: Some more work on supporting retina display resolutions for MacOS windowed mode.
- Bug Fix: Fix conflicts with multiple conversations being requested by the game on the screen where it could sometimes get stuck within a mission.
[ 2024-07-13 20:43:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
- UI: Message for ultra wide resolution support 'coming soon' should now display in video options.
- Gameplay: Added video option to do 'OpenGL full screen' instead of 'full screen windowed' mode. This was primarily added to better support MacOS full screen. Support for high pixel density retina displays still needs improvement.
[ 2024-07-09 03:14:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
- UI: Add detailed ammo counts to mission map screen (full map view). This was a requested feature to be able to see the full ammo count and capacity.
- UI: Cleanup mission map screen and add thin borders to map/minimap.
- UI: Adjust some more HUD transparency values for consistency.
- Gameplay: Reduce cost of cluster missiles weapon and charged orb weapon by 50 tokens each.
- Gameplay: Reduce cost of cluster missile targeting computer upgrade by 200->150, and level 2 300->250.
- Gameplay: Increase targeting arc that is added by cluster targeting targeting computer upgrades by +5 degrees per upgrade.
- Gameplay: Increase cooldown reduction by -.25 sec and -.5 sec for cluster missile recharge upgrades (-.75 sec for both combined).
- Gameplay: Update opening cinematic artwork on Jack.
- Gameplay: Add experimental option that does nose-based aiming for gamepads only. This transforms horizontal axis to rotation instead of cursor pushing and vertical axis to aim near/far instead of cursor pushing.
- Gameplay: In the loadout screen, slot 3 is now always visible before becoming unlocked. It will show a hint on how to unlock it via a purchase. This is designed to help new players understand how to get a third weapon.
- Gameplay: Minor adjustments to loadout descriptions.
[ 2024-07-07 21:35:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Gameplay: Add experimental option to do nose-relative movement in control options. Transforms: 'Up' -> Nose Forward, 'Down' -> Tail Backward, 'Left' -> Strafe Left, 'Right' -> Strafe Right. This was a requested feature by several players. It may be better accompanied by a similar future aim option that does rotation and angle of attack for the aim. Please let me know what you think in the community forums or discord!
[ 2024-07-06 15:45:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
- UI: Adjust some background transparency levels in the UI.
- Gameplay: Water Tower Mission - Remove mini helicopters from attack waves. Now there are only ground-based attackers.
- Bug Fix: UI issue where objective icons would disappear.
[ 2024-07-06 04:36:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Gameplay: Increase pizza bear tokens rewarded base value by +15% and add additional pickups in later missions.
- Gameplay: Improve helicopter chuff sound looping in hopes of enhancing your helicopter ASMR experience.
- Gameplay: Add gameplay option to disable heart rip cinematic.
- Gameplay: Added some extra invulnerable frames for AZ-TECH dodge and AZ-TECH flares - realm phase upgrade.
- Gameplay: Remove hearts collected stat from pizza war end of mission summary. It showed 0/0 previously.
[ 2024-07-04 16:51:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Gameplay: Added checkpoints to Pizza Bear mission (after first wave and before final wave).
- Gameplay: Added checkpoints to water tower mission each time a part is delivered.
- Gameplay: Added mission objective progress bar for water tower construction mission.
- Gameplay: Reduced amount of reptoid centipede enemies on 'Strike in the Desert' mission.
- Bug Fix: In campaign select screen, the details should now show the correct 'next mission' where in some cases it would not.
- Bug Fix: All rescuable prisoners would look like the same variant after restoring from a checkpoint.
- Bug Fix: All oildusa eggs would look like the same variant after restoring from a checkpoint.
- Bug Fix: An extra fish would be caught when the submarine boss pops up after restoring from a checkpoint.
[ 2024-07-04 00:46:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Gameplay: Custom camera controls prototype in new 'Game' options tab. Tweak camera zoom, camera velocity push, camera aim push.
- Gameplay: Remove auto aim assist when targeting the large destroyer ship.
- Bug Fix: Possible fix for AZ-TECH sacrifice sometimes not working and requiring a game restart.
- Bug Fix: Rare crash involving object pooling and reptoid suicide drone particle effect.
- Bug Fix: Minor bug fix on some various map props draw order.
- Bug Fix: Pizza bear pizzas and clipping on bottom of map camera bounds.
[ 2024-06-30 01:54:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
- UI: New configuration option in the 'UI' tab to override the key/button help hints to a specific type like PS5 Dual Sense/XBOX Gamepad/Mouse and Keyboard/etc.
- Gameplay: Added 3 new mission-specific Goddess Blessing difficulty reducers on mission failure. (Extra Pizza Bear Armor, Extra Construction Site Armor, -25% Boss Max Health).
- Gameplay: Goddess Blessings are now tracked per mission. If a mission was beaten with these modifiers, it will show up when re-clicking the completed mission. A completed mission will always show the minimum modifiers used to successfully complete it (your hardest successful difficulty).
- Gameplay: New Achievement for completing the game without any Goddess Blessing modifiers. Loading an existing finished campaign should register the achievement.
- Gameplay: Increased maximum armor of Pizza Bear (2200 -> 2600).
- Gameplay: Increased maximum armor of Construction Site (1500 -> 2600).
- Gameplay: Increased default configuration for targeting reticle scale (1 -> 1.25), effects new players only
[ 2024-06-27 14:06:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Bug Fix: Fix crash that could happen on failing to register steam stats.
- Bug Fix: Cultist flames should be quenched when restoring from savepoint. (thanks matthew)
- Bug Fix: A couple props in the levels were not shootable when blocked by another objects hit area.
- Bug Fix: Obsidian Strike text offscreen in loadout. (thanks BlackjackGT)
[ 2024-06-25 23:43:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Gameplay: Reduce hit area of Megacopter by 33%. Should reduce difficulty dodging projectiles and feel more fun to get into the fray.
- Performance: Optimize some skeletal 2D assets in the 4th biome environments to improve game performance.
[ 2024-06-25 16:07:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
- UI: New configuration option for scaling the in-game HUD.
[ 2024-06-23 03:26:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
- UI/Bug Fix: Minimap and Mission Map now scale with resolution.
[ 2024-06-22 21:16:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Gameplay: AZ-TECH Fire Turret Attack Radius increased by 20%.
- Gameplay: Pizza War Mission - Reduce max intensity of enemies and vary up delivery locations.
[ 2024-06-22 18:28:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
We've pushed a small update to the game, which will add a new feature that will help you out on those especially challenging missions.
After you die and fail a mission, you will be presented with a "Modifier" screen that will pop up before you restart. This will allow you to apply a massive Armor boost, full ammo for your loadout, or both. This is absolutely optional, and is not required to be activated to clear the game, it is just a way that we can offer an easier adventure for those who struggle.
We will continue to itterate on the difficulty of the game, and we really do take your feedback to heart.
Other fixes and changes applied in this update:
- Gameplay: Laser shows channeling time remaining in weapon bar.
- Gameplay: Plasma Orb shows charge up level in weapon bar.
- Bug Fix: Armor warnings now work off % of armor remaining.
[ 2024-06-22 09:43:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Gameplay: Add option for goddess blessings on mission failure. (+Armor, +Ammo Refill). This allows a player to relax difficulty some. We will continue to iterate on difficulty and respond to feedback.
- Gameplay: Laser shows channeling time remaining in weapon bar.
- Gameplay: Plasma Orb shows charge up level in weapon bar.
- Bug Fix: Armor warnings now work off % of armor remaining.
[ 2024-06-22 06:08:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're just 24 hours away from the launch of Megacopter: Blades of the Goddess, and with one on the future, we decided to turn the other to the journey that we've been on to create Megacopter: Blades of the Goddess.
Screenshot: Early prototype screenshot for Megacopter: Blades of the Goddess
Megacopter is a passion project. While real-life often called, whether it be marriages, kids, or moving half-way around the world, the team regularly circled back to work on Megacopter: Blades of the Goddess.
We finally feel comfortable enough to unleash the Blades of the Goddess upon the world. Whatever happens next is obviously up to the Goddess to decide, but were proud to have, and to continue to work on Megacopter: Blades of the Goddess. Because even though the game has released, we definitely dont know how to not keep coming back to work on the project, after all, we have been working on this together for quite some time.
Concept Art for the Megacopter Hangar
[hr][/hr]"What a wild ride it has been! Years ago during a particularly boring work day, Nick and I began spinning ideas about an az-tech attack helicopter drinking the blood of its human sacrifices. Looking back, its really insane that we just kept working on it. Everyone with experience told us to just drop it and focus on real careers. But a little gameplay demo couldn't be left alone and had to be turned into a campaign, and that had to be completed into a full game experience. No matter how crazy it is, we did it." - Gabe + Nick of Pizza Bear Games
Without further adieu: Welcome to Megacopter!
[ 2024-06-20 13:54:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Jack, the time has come. You have been specifically chosen due to your habit of causing carnage. The world needs you, and more importantly, the Megacopter wants you to quench their thirst for Blood. With that said, its time for some big announcements! As you may have already seen, Megacopter: Blades of the Goddess has a demo that is available to play right now, but it will also be a part of Steam Next Fest! We look forward to giving you all a taste of Megacopter insanity over the next week! If you enjoy the Demo, and want more glorious Megacopter action, you will not need to wait long, as well be releasing Megacopter: Blades of the Goddess June 21! To celebrate finally bringing the game to launch, were throwing in a special launch sale, thanking all of you for supporting us in our first weeks of launch! The game will be available for $17.99 USD*, with a massive 15% discount for the first 2 weeks of launch! So make sure to grab it while its fresh out the oven. The Megacopter is patiently awaiting your violent touch! Pizza Bear Games *Regional prices may vary depending on Steams built in currency exchange rates.
[ 2024-06-08 03:17:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ladies and Gentlement, Boys and Girls, Reptoids of all ages! Megacopter are pleased to announce that we'll be hosting a special Steam Next Fest Stream here on this very store page. Join us at the times below to witness the might and glory of Az-tech engineering, Megacopter! Stream 1: June 14, 2024 09:00 AM (PDT) June 14, 2024 18:00 (CEST) June 15, 2024 01:00 (UTC+9) Stream 2: June 15, 2024 07:00 PM (PDT) June 16, 2024 04:00 (CEST) June 16, 2024 11:00 (UTC+9) Join us, or don't, and let the reptoids take over.
[ 2024-06-05 13:51:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ladies and Gentlement, Boys and Girls, Reptoids of all ages! Megacopter are pleased to announce that we'll be hosting a special Steam Next Fest Stream here on this very store page. Join us at the times below to witness the might and glory of Az-tech engineering, Megacopter! Stream 1: June 14, 2024 09:00 AM (PDT) June 14, 2024 18:00 (CEST) June 15, 2024 01:00 (UTC+9) Stream 2: June 15, 2024 07:00 PM (PDT) June 16, 2024 04:00 (CEST) June 16, 2024 11:00 (UTC+9) Join us, or don't, and let the reptoids take over.
[ 2024-06-05 13:45:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, reptoids of all ages, the time has finally come.
We are proud (and relieved) to announce that Megacopter: Blades of the Goddess will finally be launching on June 21st, 2024!
The game has come a long way since our first outings. We have updated the UI, added new enemies, created new mission types, and implemented new weapons and AZ-TECH upgrades for the Megacopter. The game is a completely different beast than what we imagined when we first announced and showed the game so many years ago.
While weve picked a date, were still working on things behind the scenes to make sure that when Megacopter gets into your hands, it will be an experience like none other.
No pilot should fly alone, and were looking to strap you in for the ride with us! The team would really appreciate you guys sharing our news with your friends, your colleagues, and even your pet rocks! Head over to our official Twitter page and share the announcement post with everyone you can think of, and help us to get the news out to the world that the Megacopter will spin its blades soon!
But if youre not in the sharing mood (after all, the best things in life should be kept for yourself), we would still like to thank you for the time youve taken to wishlist and follow us over all this time.
Thank you,
The Pizza Bear Team
[ 2024-03-01 15:41:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ladies, Gentlemen, and Reptoids of all ages! We're super stoked to announce that we have a new trailer, an updated Steam Store page AND our closed testing has been going super well! We'd like to thank all of you who have kept us wishlisted over the last few years for your patience, and we assure you, we're almost at the finish line! We'll be letting you know more about Megacopter, and what to expect in the coming weeks! Make sure to check out the new trailer on Youtube and give us a wishlist if you haven't already done so! [previewyoutube=LJOc71H4ZPk;leftthumb][/previewyoutube]
[ 2023-12-18 15:25:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [0 B]
New Twists on the Helicopters You Loved
Megacopter blends 80s/90s retro games (Choplifter, Desert/Jungle/Urban Strike) and TV (Airwolf, Knight Rider) with updated gameplay and sci-fi adventure.Features:
- Missions: Play a variety of mission types. Seek and destroy missions feature an escalating threat level as you penetrate enemy lines. Rescue missions allow you to save your comrades (choplifter style). Defense missions feature waves of enemies. Boss hunt missions feature a powerful enemy.
- 2D Action: Battle enemies on the ground and in the air. Equip the Megacopter with a loadout of weapon systems that can rearm independently. Consume the blood of your enemies to unleash powerful AZ-TECH: ancient weaponry and armor that only the Megacopter can wield.
- Progression: Purchase improvements to the Megacopter and its weapons that suite your play style and preferred loadout. Sacrifice the blood of your enemies to the gods to unlock AZ-TECH abilities.
- Adventure: Meet the sentient Megacopter, Jack the Pilot, Hobo Jones and his crew, and many more.
- Soundtrack: Original soundtrack by OGRE sound. These amazing retro tracks will get you in the mood to seek and destroy.
- Memory: 2 GB RAMStorage: 500 MB available space
- Storage: 500 MB available space
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