Hi everyone! I did manage to learn some new things regarding programming, but after 3 days I started to feel back and I decided to come back to work on the game and then go back to studying afterwards.
Bugs fixed
Finally the getting up bug has been fixed! I really hope it is this time!
Added option to remove the visibility of the walls, but please be careful not to punch your walls if you turn it off.
The spectator camera sometimes was pointing to the ground instead of the player, that has been fixed.
Now the stance of the player from orthodox to southpaw will change according to the fighting instance of the player instead of having to double tap a button.
Added new video of how to takedown opponents in the tutorial room.
Next update
Now Im gonna spend a few more days studying programming, then for the next Update, I will add an option to set the buttons of your controllers(to take opponents down or quit fights, etc) according to your preference, and also check the Club map, someone said that map made them crash, is anyone else having this issue?
Heavens Tournament is a hardcore realistic fighting Virtual Reality game that will test your power, reflexes, dexterity and skills. So, although it has anime characters, the fighting won't be anything like the animes that we're used to watch. You will actually have to keep your guard up, dodge, hit hard and make smart decisions, just like in a real fight. And do expect to feel your arms heavy and lungs burning a little while playing this game ;)
It has a unique feature that the opponent will block the incoming attack according to the direction that the player is striking or even try to knee the player if they see a level change of the player going for a takedown.
The combat has a simple realistic fighting system, such as, the wider and faster your attack it, the more damage it will deal, just like in real life. It sounds silly, but this is one of the only or the only game like that out there for now. Most VR games out there, you can knock the opponent down by just waving the controller on the their faces really fast, and that's very unrealistic.
Expect real challenges, each opponent having a different fighting style and ability.
Although the combat is realistic, Heavens Tournament has a few flashy abilities inspired by Animes (and my personal favorite, Hunter x Hunter), making the combat even more fun.
This game can be a stress reliever or just some casual fun if you wanna play on Easy mode. Or a challenge, workout or practice if you wanna try the Hard mode.
Room setup and 2 towers is required for this game with the minimum space of at least 2m by 1.5m or 6.5 feet by 5 feet.
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