New BIG Update! Visuals Gave a huge boost on the graphics of the game! I wanted to do that for a long time, but to do that for VR games is quite complicated, but Im glad it worked! Bug fixes Callum made a weird hand position whenever he won the fight.
[ 2020-10-01 23:07:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Visual The last update actually caused the arms to keep rotating sometimes, so I had to go back one build, but that was fixed (more like I spent days trying to fix the script and eventually I just deleted everything and started a completely different script). Also the position of the arms and how much they stretch is looks better, before the arms would never stretch fully, now they do, but still isnt perfect. And its also better for people that fight with their arms hanging low and throwing uppercuts feels better as well.
[ 2020-07-22 04:05:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Visuals Arms clip less inside the body when the arms are low.
[ 2020-07-08 03:06:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bugs fixed Tweaked a bit with the movements of Callum. Sometimes he was getting slightly out of the fighting area. Turned back on the City Menu area.
[ 2020-06-30 17:04:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Big update New opponent has been added! Callum is a counter striker, he likes to wait for his opponents to leave an opening so he can counter your strike. He doesnt have much HP, but he can recover himself really fast. So making the fight against him a long one is not a good idea. Gameplay Takedowns are easier to land now. Opponents knee strikes are slower. Bugs fixed Opponents hit reaction would sometimes be so strong, that they would bend so much their heads would hit the floor, so I decreased the hit reaction strength. ____________________________________________ Has anyone else been having the issue that their custom hand positions setup arent being saved?
[ 2020-06-27 17:01:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Quality of life Added that now players can customize their controllers positions in relation to the character hands. It was a lot of headache, but it was soooo worth it, now I enjoy playing the game much more, I hope you guys do too =) Gameplay Decreased the speed necessary to land a takedown much more. Decreased speed of knee strikes counters against players takedowns attempts.
[ 2020-05-28 04:38:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Gameplay Made it easier to take down opponents(you still have to be fast though). Bugs fixed Vicente(Tiger) wasnt blocking attacks sometimes. Leoric(Vampire) was life stealing too much health, decreased it to a more normal level. Visuals Instead of fixing Vicente bruises, I ended up making the bruises appear very white, made it back to red but slightly softer.
[ 2020-05-26 23:06:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Update for 18th of May, 2020 Gameplay Reduced rotate speed of opponents by around 25%. Visual Managed to make the arms flail much more, let me know if its too exaggerated. Tiger bruises looked too unnatural, fixed that a little.
[ 2020-05-18 23:33:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Gameplay changes Added option to map keys. Visual Trying to make the arms of the opponents flail a little more when hitting them, Im still not getting the effect Im wanting, sometimes the arms arent even moving. Working on that more.
[ 2020-05-18 00:41:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just a small update for some issues that I noticed. However, I have been learning some things that I thought would be super difficult. Soon I will come up with some news ;) Bugs fixed Sometimes when opponent was dizzy and was knocked out, they remained too weak to get up. That was fixed. For first time players, they would get in the game and a Menu Window would appear in the arena where they would fight. Gameplay changes Opponents get up faster after being knocked down. Going back to study now guys, talk to you all soon!
[ 2020-05-16 17:19:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! I did manage to learn some new things regarding programming, but after 3 days I started to feel back and I decided to come back to work on the game and then go back to studying afterwards. Bugs fixed Finally the getting up bug has been fixed! I really hope it is this time! Visuals Added option to remove the visibility of the walls, but please be careful not to punch your walls if you turn it off. The spectator camera sometimes was pointing to the ground instead of the player, that has been fixed. Now the stance of the player from orthodox to southpaw will change according to the fighting instance of the player instead of having to double tap a button. Added new video of how to takedown opponents in the tutorial room. Next update Now Im gonna spend a few more days studying programming, then for the next Update, I will add an option to set the buttons of your controllers(to take opponents down or quit fights, etc) according to your preference, and also check the Club map, someone said that map made them crash, is anyone else having this issue? ______________________________________________ 3
[ 2020-05-12 20:47:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added a new map called Warp. Its a bit creepy and magical at the same time, I like it!
Added a better opponent dizzy effect, now opponents buckle a little instead of just becoming extremely slow.
Gameplay changes
Decreased Matsumoto Player damage by 10%, and thinking about decreasing even more.
Bugs fixed
Fixed Leaderboard finally! I will reset the leaderboard scores after I update the combat a bit more.
Im gonna spend the next few days studying programming architecture and maybe multiplayer development, will see what happens.
[ 2020-05-06 21:39:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Apologies for the absence, I had some issues with Unity(the software I use to develop) and have been working on new maps and a few other updates.
This update is slightly bigger than usual, so let me know if there are some bugs.
Added 3 new maps. One looking like the arena from DBZ(only look likes it, please dont sue me), then on a rooftop and a more zen one in the snow.
Added option to remove bruising.
Gameplay changes
Decreased knee strike speed for opponent when player is going for a takedown.
Bugs fixed
Found a good balance for when the opponents try to get up from the ground, sometimes they would suddenly inflate to a stand up position or sometimes they would get stuck on the ground looking like turned over turtles. Sometimes they still levitate up, but its much less now.
Sometimes opponents would fall to the ground with their arms or legs in unnatural positions, now they fall much more realistically, and it feels much more satisfying to knock them out.
Next update I plan to maybe add a cinema or scary map, will see, then fix the Leaderboard and make the opponent dizzy effect more realistic.
3 DBZ1
[ 2020-05-04 21:44:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Having some issues with the opponents getting up from the ground, sometimes they get up looking like some kind of vampire or they just stay down like theyre turtles. And had no progress with the Leaderboard, but still trying.
Bruising is finally here! Should I add the option to remove it?
[ 2020-04-30 01:23:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Thinking about adding some new maps, any suggestions? A prison? Peaceful forest? A school? A dungeon? Scary place? Give me some suggestions and Ill see what I can do =) Still having issues with the bruising system and also the Leaderboard, getting into some progress everyday. Visuals Made the UI for the Training/Tutorial Room slightly better. Bug fixes. Sometimes opponents were pressing themselves on the walls of the Play Area, making their animations weird, now if they get too much to the edges of the Play Area, they will immediately try to move back in. When I fixed the opponents from getting up looking like vampires(somewhat levitating), I ended up making them have issues getting up from the ground, I tried to fix it however it still might happen. _____________________________ = /
[ 2020-04-29 00:48:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Currently having issues with the bruising system, however Im working on it. Gameplay Changes Now Luke(the Demon Boy) doesnt retreat anymore after SuperMan Punch and one of the lunging body shot attacks followed by a combo. That is to make him get more into the players face. Made Luke and Vicente kick when they are closer to the player, sometimes they were kicking were player was too far away. Visuals Added a background to all UIs so its easier to read, let me know how it feels. Bug fixes Lukes kick wasnt dealing damage. _________________________________________ 1
[ 2020-04-27 23:09:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Please let me know if there are opponents that are too weak, such as too easy to defeat, to block or dodge and if they deal very little damage, all of that together. Now I'll start adding the bruising option. Gameplay Changes Added 6 new attack animations for Leoric(the Vampire). Made her faster. Made Luke faster and with more power. Bug fixes. Opponents used to sometimes get up after being knocked down like they were vampires and doing a strange levitation, now thats gladly fixed. Leoric was retreating too much to the edge of the map, although it seems she still sometimes does that, please let me know. _______________________________________________________ 6
[ 2020-04-25 23:41:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just a small update right now and the next update Im going to implement new attack animations that Im currently working on and tweak Leoric(the Vampire) so she can be a difficult opponent to deal with. And after that, Im gonna implement bruises and maybe blood to the characters after they are punched too hard (with the option to disable the effects for those that dont like blood). Gameplay Changes Now if a beginner opens the game, it will show and ask them if the blurry/dizzy effect makes them very uncomfortable, and it will give them the option to disable it right at the beginning of the game. Bug fixes. Sometimes Luke(the Demon Boy) was backing out too much and getting too close to the edge of the Play Area. _____________________________________________________ /
[ 2020-04-24 21:58:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
I decreased the health recovery by 50% for players a few updates ago, for Medium and Hard Mode, how is that going? Is it impossible to defeat opponents on Hard Mode now, or is it a fun challenge? Also, is Matsumoto's player character too overpowered? Let me know =) Gameplay Changes Now you dont have to be super fast to land a takedown when you crouch, but you still have to be fast and brute, remember that. Lowered the requirement to make the opponent hurt/stunned after taking a really strong hit or received many consecutives punches by 35% Before for Fynis(the MMA Fighter) player character, can grab opponent limbs efficiently while they are attacking, now however, I added that if shes crouching really fast to go for a takedown, she may get a good hold of the limbs, so its easier to land a takedown. Or when the opponent is hurt/stunned. Added Flying Knee attack for Fynis opponent. Removed double spinning kick for Vicente(the Tiger), because if a fighter did something like that in a MMA match, they would likely get taken down and pummeled. Added 2 new kicks for Vicente. Increased rate of attack for Vicente. Made Luke(the Demon Boy) faster and stronger. Bug fixes. Fixed a bug that caused Vicente to kick while he was too close or on the wrong stance to throw the kick correctly, making him get too much to the edges of the Play Area. Sometimes it feels like he still is doing that, if he does, let me know and try to remember what kind of kick he was throwing please. Lukes superman punch was triggering while he was too far away. Sometimes Luke moved too much to the sides, getting too close to the edge of the Play Area. ______________________________________________________________ 50 = /35 MMA FynisFlying Knee VicenteTigerMMA Vicente2 Vicente
[ 2020-04-24 03:51:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! Please let me know if there are weird animations or wrong distance calculation for the attacks of the opponents and let me know. Please try to remind me what attack they were doing, such as right cross, lunging jab and so on. Gameplay Changes Added 19 new attack animations for Luke(the demon boy) Made Luke lunge in and out like the other opponents, however, this time with combos, and he will still stay quite closer pressuring the player compared to the other opponents. Now opponents cant damage players anymore by hitting them on the upper chest Bug fixes. Lukes kick wasnt dealing damage to the player. Luke when knocked out seemed really light, so made him heavier. Matsumoto (shinobi) intro subtitle was hard to read due to the special effects. _________________________________________________ 19
[ 2020-04-23 02:59:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just some quick info, the Leaderboard is currently buggy, but since Im still adding new attack animations, changing fighting styles, and still trying to find a good balance between HP, recovery and damage for both the player and the opponent, Im not gonna fix it for now and instead focus on the things above, and then afterwards, Im gonna reset the Leaderboard so we can all have a fresh start ;) Tomorrow or after tomorrow I will release the update for new attack animations for Luke(the Demon Boy), then after that I will make that if you go for a really quick takedown while not being hurt, you will be able to take the opponent down. Currently on HardMode you can only take the opponent down if they are attacking. Gameplay Changes Added 9 new attack animations for Matsumoto(Shinobi) and removed one jenky one. The same as for the other previous opponents, now his fighting style is to lunge in and out more. Bug fixes. Matsumoto had his feet a little bit inside the floor, raised him up a little. Increased the speed of Fyniss(the Fighter) spinning back fists, and made her use less of her spinning heel kick to the body.
[ 2020-04-22 00:39:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Gameplay Changes Added 4 new attack animations for Nellaen(Fairy). Changed Nellaen fighting style to lunge in and out more. Reduced health recovery of players by 50% for Medium and Hard Mode. Bug fixes. Nellaen had many bugs! I didnt notice before due to how fast fighting her was, since the fights with her only last seconds. But let me list the fixes: Nellaen sometimes was back lunging non stop. Nellaen wasnt defending if you were throwing jabs or crosses to her face. Nellaen instead of side stepping to the left, she was side stepping to the right and vice versa. Nellaen feets were a bit inside the floor. And finally, Fynis lunging jab and right cross to the body was going a bit to the left, and the right cross to the body distancing was a bit too close, causing her to get inside the space of the player. (And it seems SteamLeader Board sometimes is bugging and not letting the player's score be saved, please let me know if it happens, but make sure that you are online on your friends list and on Hard Mode)
[ 2020-04-21 01:11:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
FYI: The higher your score on the leaderboard, the better you should be. The leaderboards before had the wrong ascending order, so I switched them. Wanna appear at the top? Then you should defeat the opponents as fast as you can and lose the least amount of health, and it will only record on Hard Mode. Gameplay Changes Now the closer the player is to the opponents, the more they will attack. Before when opponents attacks were parried, their hands would stay in the location of the impact for almost 1 whole second, now the hands only stays for split seconds and it looks more natural and fluid.
[ 2020-04-20 18:40:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Oopsie On the previous update I wanted to leave Fynis(The Fighter) opponent unlocked for everybody, so beginners could feel what it would like to fight someone without a weapon, but instead I ended up locking her for everyone, now thats fixed, my bad ;D Gameplay Changes Now when youre grabbing a limb, the controller will keep vibrating until you let go. Decreased the speed of some of the attacks from Arthas(Paladin). Bugs fixed Now when fight is over, the wall colliders disappear, due to that some opponents started the celebrating animation too close to the walls after the fight ended, and it was causing some weird animations.
[ 2020-04-20 00:01:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Gameplay Changes Added 12 new attack animations for Fynis(The Fighter). It might happen that Fynis throws herself on the walls, so let me know if that happens, please. (That spinning body kick is killing me! I dont know if shes going for a spinning backfist or the kick, Im getting my ass kicked now! Lol) Now Fynis stays a slightly longer distance than before, and tries to lunge in and out. Bugs fixed Sometimes opponents would lunge in after walking forward and getting too much inside the space of the players, I fixed this issue for Arthas(Paladin) and Fynis(The Fighter), and will do for the other opponents in the upcoming days.
[ 2020-04-19 21:08:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Main upcoming change On the upcoming days, I will add many new attack animations for all opponents, and change their fighting style of more lunging in and out instead of just standing in front of your face and attacking sometimes, because lunging in and out is much more realistic. I wanted to do that a long time ago, but attack animations were very expensive to purchase, but now its possible for me to do that. Gameplay Changes Added 6 new attack animations, and removed 1 jenky animation for Arthas(Paladin). It might happen that the Paladin throws himself on the walls, so let me know if that happens, please. Now Arthas maintains a longer distance and follows more of a pattern of moving in and out quickly and he attacks more from a certain distance since he has a Long Sword. Now opponents get up much quicker after getting knocked out. Visual and Sound effects Added new sound hits according to how much damage you inflict to the Dummy inside the Tutorial Room. Now Fynis maintains her fists closed all the time. Before she would close her fists only when punching, but some people couldnt see that, and they thought she punched with her hands open. Quality of life changes Added a button to go back to the previous instruction inside the Tutorial Room.
[ 2020-04-18 22:30:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Gameplay Changes Decreased Matsumoto player damage by 20%, his reach was too overpowered. Decreased the Health of opponents on Easy Mode by 50%, so beginners wont struggle so much or just for people that wanna have some casual fun can enjoy themselves more. Visuals Added option to remove the hit blur effect entirely in the Options > Video. Some people were still getting sick from the effect, so when players are on Easy or Medium difficulty, the effect will be removed if they so desire, however, if they are playing on Hard Mode, then the screen will appear black for 0.4 seconds when they are hit, that is to make it fair for people that are playing with the effects on, since there is a LeaderBoard. Bugs fixed Fynis opponent was using her spinning back fist too far away.
[ 2020-04-17 20:58:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Gameplay Changes Decreased the blur effect when the player is hit, because one person actually wanted to throw up afterwards. Added only 2 decimals to numbers, such as timers and percentages, now numbers wont look like this 2.15123151, and will now simply look like this 2.15, per example. Removed player and opponent total damage, since they would be very different according to the difficulty selected. Visuals It seems the face skin brightness in the Arena map and the City map is different for some reason, made them balanced until I find out why.
[ 2020-04-17 03:05:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Gameplay Changes Made that if the players are opening the game for the first time, they will teleport to the Tutorial Room first after setting their height. Now players will spawn with the instructions in front of them when they first enter the Tutorial Room. Visuals Some of the face skins brightness of some characters were different from the skin from the body(such as hands), made them match now.
[ 2020-04-16 23:08:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
After 1 year Heavens Tournament Early Access is finally here! Thanks for everyone that has been on this journey with me!
[ 2020-04-16 22:10:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
General changes Made texts more readable, although it's not exactly perfect yet. Droids in the Traning/Tutorial room were too far away from the center of the room setup, made them closer.
[ 2020-04-16 17:13:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Main change Ending the Beta today, many thanks for the ones that helped me test my game! Gameplay Changes Made that if someone without Room Setup buys my game by accident, the arena will have a 1x1 size when they play, instead of the walls of the fight area come crushing the player and opponent together, but reminding that the game is not supposed to be played without room setup just like it it advertised in the Steam Store. Bugs fixed Now opponents when are hurt will simply retreat instead of keep trying to block the attacks from the player. That caused the opponent to stand right in front of the player when hurt. Vicente(Tiger) wasnt physically reacting to attacks when being hit. Now the opponents calculate better the distance of where the player is, so now they dont lunge in practically inside your body when attacking you anymore. The fight timer from the fight resume at the end of the fights was showing the value as 0 when Hard mode wasnt selected. When Fynis was fighting versus Matsumoto, the opponent's ability wasnt activating.
[ 2020-04-15 22:47:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Gameplay Changes Removed chest hitbox, because its really difficult to damage someone just by hitting them in the chest. Made the script update per second even stronger to get more accurate damage calculations.. Found a decent balance between player and opponent HP, damage and recovery. Bugs fixed Fight resume text fields at the end of fights didnt properly fit the words depending on the languages selected. Training Room pages werent setup correctly.
[ 2020-04-06 21:42:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
New update Gameplay changes Making fixes regarding the health of both the opponents and player to find a good balance To force opponents to retreat, players have to hit them a bit harder or throw a few combos for that. Raised the amount of times the scripts process per second to check if the damage calculation and physics work better, it might make the game run a bit heavier for a few people, will see. Visuals Made the "Hold Trigger to Exit" text for the Arena or Training easier to see. Bugs fixed Opponents were still getting too close to the walls and making weird pose positions. Luke super man punch made him retreat a bit to the right, and that made him get too close to the wall. Exiting Training Room made player return to the Menu scene without the Menu window appearing. When player chose Matsumoto and fought against Leoric(Vampire), the game would bug a little, that was fixed.
[ 2020-04-03 20:00:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
It has a unique feature that the opponent will block the incoming attack according to the direction that the player is striking or even try to knee the player if they see a level change of the player going for a takedown.
The combat has a simple realistic fighting system, such as, the wider and faster your attack it, the more damage it will deal, just like in real life. It sounds silly, but this is one of the only or the only game like that out there for now. Most VR games out there, you can knock the opponent down by just waving the controller on the their faces really fast, and that's very unrealistic.
Expect real challenges, each opponent having a different fighting style and ability.
Although the combat is realistic, Heavens Tournament has a few flashy abilities inspired by Animes (and my personal favorite, Hunter x Hunter), making the combat even more fun.
This game can be a stress reliever or just some casual fun if you wanna play on Easy mode. Or a challenge, workout or practice if you wanna try the Hard mode.
Room setup and 2 towers is required for this game with the minimum space of at least 2m by 1.5m or 6.5 feet by 5 feet.
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- OS: Linux
- Processor: AMD 8 cores
- Graphics: GTX 1050 2GB
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